# HG changeset patch
# User Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu>
# Date 1216045212 -7200
# Node ID 6d7bfcf5b48effbe6e426d15745a4188d8a2c11d
# Parent  81cfc04531e8fcf0a6e72f22ff2871fcb827c416
Doc improvement for kruskal() (ticket #114)

diff -r 81cfc04531e8 -r 6d7bfcf5b48e lemon/kruskal.h
--- a/lemon/kruskal.h	Sun Jul 13 20:09:47 2008 +0100
+++ b/lemon/kruskal.h	Mon Jul 14 16:20:12 2008 +0200
@@ -300,9 +300,8 @@
   /// \return The total cost of the found spanning tree.
-  /// \warning If Kruskal runs on an be consistent of using the same
-  /// Arc type for input and output.
-  ///
+  /// \note If the input graph is not (weakly) connected, a spanning 
+  /// forest is calculated instead of a spanning tree.
 #ifdef DOXYGEN
   template <class Graph, class In, class Out>