# HG changeset patch
# User Alpar Juttner <alpar@cs.elte.hu>
# Date 1352308406 -3600
# Node ID 774349a16ba0b46a2ce8cc3c2ef41ec89a7898f3
# Parent  08712a8c3afecd618014042cfb0c4c2677f24e7c# Parent  c5990f454032cfd31db5d95262a48bb626e137bb
Merge bugfix #440 to branch 1.2

diff -r 08712a8c3afe -r 774349a16ba0 tools/dimacs-solver.cc
--- a/tools/dimacs-solver.cc	Thu Sep 13 12:05:34 2012 +0200
+++ b/tools/dimacs-solver.cc	Wed Nov 07 18:13:26 2012 +0100
@@ -117,16 +117,17 @@
   if (report) std::cerr << "Read the file: " << ti << '\n';
+  typedef NetworkSimplex<Digraph, Value> MCF;
-  NetworkSimplex<Digraph, Value> ns(g);
+  MCF ns(g);
   if (sum_sup > 0) ns.supplyType(ns.LEQ);
   if (report) std::cerr << "Setup NetworkSimplex class: " << ti << '\n';
-  bool res = ns.run();
+  typename MCF::ProblemType res = ns.run();
   if (report) {
     std::cerr << "Run NetworkSimplex: " << ti << "\n\n";
-    std::cerr << "Feasible flow: " << (res ? "found" : "not found") << '\n';
+    std::cerr << "Feasible flow: " << (res == MCF::OPTIMAL ? "found" : "not found") << '\n';
     if (res) std::cerr << "Min flow cost: "
                        << ns.template totalCost<LargeValue>() << '\n';
@@ -187,9 +188,6 @@
 int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
-  typedef SmartDigraph Digraph;
-  typedef Digraph::Arc Arc;
   std::string inputName;
   std::string outputName;