kpeter (Peter Kovacs)
Fixes and improvements related to GridGraph
0 2 0
2 files changed with 9 insertions and 8 deletions:
↑ Collapse diff ↑
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... ...
@@ -139,96 +139,97 @@
139 139
140 140
      } else {
141 141
        if (u._id - v._id == _width)
142 142
          return Edge(v._id);
143 143
        if (u._id - v._id == 1 && v._id % _width < _width - 1) {
144 144
          return Edge(v._id / _width * (_width - 1) +
145 145
                      v._id % _width + _edge_limit);
146 146
147 147
148 148
      return INVALID;
149 149
150 150

151 151
    Arc findArc(Node u, Node v, Arc prev = INVALID) const {
152 152
      if (prev != INVALID) return INVALID;
153 153
      if (v._id > u._id) {
154 154
        if (v._id - u._id == _width)
155 155
          return Arc((u._id << 1) | 1);
156 156
        if (v._id - u._id == 1 && u._id % _width < _width - 1) {
157 157
          return Arc(((u._id / _width * (_width - 1) +
158 158
                       u._id % _width + _edge_limit) << 1) | 1);
159 159
160 160
      } else {
161 161
        if (u._id - v._id == _width)
162 162
          return Arc(v._id << 1);
163 163
        if (u._id - v._id == 1 && v._id % _width < _width - 1) {
164 164
          return Arc((v._id / _width * (_width - 1) +
165 165
                       v._id % _width + _edge_limit) << 1);
166 166
167 167
168 168
      return INVALID;
169 169
170 170

171 171
    class Node {
172 172
      friend class GridGraphBase;
173 173

174 174
175 175
      int _id;
176 176
      Node(int id) : _id(id) {}
177 177
178 178
      Node() {}
179 179
      Node (Invalid) : _id(-1) {}
180 180
      bool operator==(const Node node) const {return _id == node._id;}
181 181
      bool operator!=(const Node node) const {return _id != node._id;}
182 182
      bool operator<(const Node node) const {return _id < node._id;}
183 183
184 184

185 185
    class Edge {
186 186
      friend class GridGraphBase;
      friend class Arc;
187 188

188 189
189 190
      int _id;
190 191

191 192
      Edge(int id) : _id(id) {}
192 193

193 194
194 195
      Edge() {}
195 196
      Edge (Invalid) : _id(-1) {}
196 197
      bool operator==(const Edge edge) const {return _id == edge._id;}
197 198
      bool operator!=(const Edge edge) const {return _id != edge._id;}
198 199
      bool operator<(const Edge edge) const {return _id < edge._id;}
199 200
200 201

201 202
    class Arc {
202 203
      friend class GridGraphBase;
203 204

204 205
205 206
      int _id;
206 207

207 208
      Arc(int id) : _id(id) {}
208 209

209 210
210 211
      Arc() {}
211 212
      Arc (Invalid) : _id(-1) {}
212 213
      operator Edge() const { return _id != -1 ? Edge(_id >> 1) : INVALID; }
213 214
      bool operator==(const Arc arc) const {return _id == arc._id;}
214 215
      bool operator!=(const Arc arc) const {return _id != arc._id;}
215 216
      bool operator<(const Arc arc) const {return _id < arc._id;}
216 217
217 218

218 219
    static bool direction(Arc arc) {
219 220
      return (arc._id & 1) == 1;
220 221
221 222

222 223
    static Arc direct(Edge edge, bool dir) {
223 224
      return Arc((edge._id << 1) | (dir ? 1 : 0));
224 225
225 226

226 227
    void first(Node& node) const {
227 228
      node._id = _node_num - 1;
228 229
229 230

230 231
    static void next(Node& node) {
231 232
232 233
233 234

234 235
    void first(Edge& edge) const {
... ...
@@ -427,121 +428,121 @@
427 428
      } else {
428 429
        return INVALID;
429 430
430 431
431 432

432 433
    Arc left(Node n) const {
433 434
      if (n._id % _width > 0) {
434 435
        return Arc((_edge_limit + n._id % _width +
435 436
                     (n._id / _width) * (_width - 1) - 1) << 1);
436 437
      } else {
437 438
        return INVALID;
438 439
439 440
440 441

441 442
    Arc up(Node n) const {
442 443
      if (n._id < _edge_limit) {
443 444
        return Arc((n._id << 1) | 1);
444 445
      } else {
445 446
        return INVALID;
446 447
447 448
448 449

449 450
    Arc down(Node n) const {
450 451
      if (n._id >= _width) {
451 452
        return Arc((n._id - _width) << 1);
452 453
      } else {
453 454
        return INVALID;
454 455
455 456
456 457

457 458
458 459
    int _width, _height;
459 460
    int _node_num, _edge_num;
460 461
    int _edge_limit;
461 462
462 463

463 464

464 465
  typedef GraphExtender<GridGraphBase> ExtendedGridGraphBase;
465 466

466 467
  /// \ingroup graphs
467 468
468 469
  /// \brief Grid graph class
469 470
470 471
  /// This class implements a special graph type. The nodes of the
471 472
  /// graph can be indexed by two integer \c (i,j) value where \c i is
472 473
  /// in the \c [0..width()-1] range and j is in the \c
473 474
  /// [0..height()-1] range.  Two nodes are connected in the graph if
474 475
  /// the indexes differ exactly on one position and exactly one is
  /// the difference. The nodes of the graph be indexed by position
  /// with \c operator()() function. The positions of the nodes can be
  /// the difference. The nodes of the graph can be indexed by position
  /// with the \c operator()() function. The positions of the nodes can be
477 478
  /// get with \c pos(), \c col() and \c row() members. The outgoing
478 479
  /// arcs can be retrieved with the \c right(), \c up(), \c left()
479 480
  /// and \c down() functions, where the bottom-left corner is the
480 481
  /// origin.
481 482
482 483
  /// \image html grid_graph.png
  /// \image latex grid_graph.eps "Grid digraph" row_num=\textrow_num
  /// \image latex grid_graph.eps "Grid graph" row_num=\textrow_num
484 485
485 486
  /// A short example about the basic usage:
486 487
487 488
  /// GridGraph graph(rows, cols);
488 489
  /// GridGraph::NodeMap<int> val(graph);
489 490
  /// for (int i = 0; i < graph.width(); ++i) {
490 491
  ///   for (int j = 0; j < graph.height(); ++j) {
491 492
  ///     val[graph(i, j)] = i + j;
492 493
  ///   }
493 494
  /// }
494 495
495 496
  /// The graph type is fully conform to the \ref concepts::Graph
  /// This graph type is fully conform to the \ref concepts::Graph
497 498
  /// "Graph" concept, and it also has an important extra feature
  /// that its maps are real \ref concepts::ReferenceMap "reference
  /// map"s.
  /// that its maps are real \ref concepts::ReferenceMap
  /// "reference map"s.
500 501
  class GridGraph : public ExtendedGridGraphBase {
501 502
502 503

503 504
    typedef ExtendedGridGraphBase Parent;
504 505

505 506
    /// \brief Map to get the indices of the nodes as dim2::Point<int>.
506 507
507 508
    /// Map to get the indices of the nodes as dim2::Point<int>.
508 509
    class IndexMap {
509 510
510 511
      /// \brief The key type of the map
511 512
      typedef GridGraph::Node Key;
512 513
      /// \brief The value type of the map
513 514
      typedef dim2::Point<int> Value;
514 515

515 516
      /// \brief Constructor
516 517
517 518
      /// Constructor
518 519
      IndexMap(const GridGraph& graph) : _graph(graph) {}
519 520

520 521
      /// \brief The subscript operator
521 522
522 523
      /// The subscript operator.
523 524
      Value operator[](Key key) const {
524 525
        return _graph.pos(key);
525 526
526 527

527 528
528 529
      const GridGraph& _graph;
529 530
530 531

531 532
    /// \brief Map to get the column of the nodes.
532 533
533 534
    /// Map to get the column of the nodes.
534 535
    class ColMap {
535 536
536 537
      /// \brief The key type of the map
537 538
      typedef GridGraph::Node Key;
538 539
      /// \brief The value type of the map
539 540
      typedef int Value;
540 541

541 542
      /// \brief Constructor
542 543
543 544
      /// Constructor
544 545
      ColMap(const GridGraph& graph) : _graph(graph) {}
545 546

546 547
      /// \brief The subscript operator
547 548
Ignore white space 96 line context
... ...
@@ -147,98 +147,98 @@
147 147
    e1 = g.addEdge(n1, n2),
148 148
    e2 = g.addEdge(n2, n3);
149 149

150 150
  check(g.valid(n1), "Wrong validity check");
151 151
  check(g.valid(e1), "Wrong validity check");
152 152
  check(g.valid(, true)), "Wrong validity check");
153 153

154 154
  check(!g.valid(g.nodeFromId(-1)), "Wrong validity check");
155 155
  check(!g.valid(g.edgeFromId(-1)), "Wrong validity check");
156 156
  check(!g.valid(g.arcFromId(-1)), "Wrong validity check");
157 157
158 158

159 159
template <typename Graph>
160 160
void checkGraphValidityErase() {
161 161
162 162
  Graph g;
163 163

164 164
165 165
    n1 = g.addNode(),
166 166
    n2 = g.addNode(),
167 167
    n3 = g.addNode();
168 168

169 169
170 170
    e1 = g.addEdge(n1, n2),
171 171
    e2 = g.addEdge(n2, n3);
172 172

173 173
  check(g.valid(n1), "Wrong validity check");
174 174
  check(g.valid(e1), "Wrong validity check");
175 175
  check(g.valid(, true)), "Wrong validity check");
176 176

177 177
178 178

179 179
  check(!g.valid(n1), "Wrong validity check");
180 180
  check(g.valid(n2), "Wrong validity check");
181 181
  check(g.valid(n3), "Wrong validity check");
182 182
  check(!g.valid(e1), "Wrong validity check");
183 183
  check(g.valid(e2), "Wrong validity check");
184 184

185 185
  check(!g.valid(g.nodeFromId(-1)), "Wrong validity check");
186 186
  check(!g.valid(g.edgeFromId(-1)), "Wrong validity check");
187 187
  check(!g.valid(g.arcFromId(-1)), "Wrong validity check");
188 188
189 189

190 190
void checkGridGraph(int width, int height) {
191 191
  typedef GridGraph Graph;
192 192
193 193
  Graph G(width, height);
194 194

  check(G.width() == width, "Wrong row number");
  check(G.height() == height, "Wrong column number");
  check(G.width() == width, "Wrong column number");
  check(G.height() == height, "Wrong row number");
197 197

198 198
  for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
199 199
    for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
200 200
      check(G.col(G(i, j)) == i, "Wrong column");
201 201
      check(G.row(G(i, j)) == j, "Wrong row");
202 202
      check(G.pos(G(i, j)).x == i, "Wrong column");
203 203
      check(G.pos(G(i, j)).y == j, "Wrong row");
204 204
205 205
206 206

207 207
  for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
208 208
    for (int i = 0; i < width - 1; ++i) {
209 209
      check(G.source(G.right(G(i, j))) == G(i, j), "Wrong right");
210 210
      check(, j))) == G(i + 1, j), "Wrong right");
211 211
212 212
    check(G.right(G(width - 1, j)) == INVALID, "Wrong right");
213 213
214 214

215 215
  for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
216 216
    for (int i = 1; i < width; ++i) {
217 217
      check(G.source(G.left(G(i, j))) == G(i, j), "Wrong left");
218 218
      check(, j))) == G(i - 1, j), "Wrong left");
219 219
220 220
    check(G.left(G(0, j)) == INVALID, "Wrong left");
221 221
222 222

223 223
  for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
224 224
    for (int j = 0; j < height - 1; ++j) {
225 225
      check(G.source(G.up(G(i, j))) == G(i, j), "Wrong up");
226 226
      check(, j))) == G(i, j + 1), "Wrong up");
227 227
228 228
    check(G.up(G(i, height - 1)) == INVALID, "Wrong up");
229 229
230 230

231 231
  for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
232 232
    for (int j = 1; j < height; ++j) {
233 233
      check(G.source(G.down(G(i, j))) == G(i, j), "Wrong down");
234 234
      check(, j))) == G(i, j - 1), "Wrong down");
235 235
236 236
    check(G.down(G(i, 0)) == INVALID, "Wrong down");
237 237
238 238

239 239
  checkGraphNodeList(G, width * height);
240 240
  checkGraphEdgeList(G, width * (height - 1) + (width - 1) * height);
241 241
  checkGraphArcList(G, 2 * (width * (height - 1) + (width - 1) * height));
242 242

243 243
  for (NodeIt n(G); n != INVALID; ++n) {
244 244
    int nb = 4;
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