kpeter (Peter Kovacs)
Handle url fields in (#184) and modify the bibtex file using url fields.
0 2 0
2 files changed with 17 insertions and 23 deletions:
↑ Collapse diff ↑
Ignore white space 6 line context
1 1
%%%%% Defining LEMON %%%%%
2 2

3 3
4 4
  key =          {LEMON},
5 5
  title =        {{LEMON} -- {L}ibrary for {E}fficient {M}odeling and
6 6
                  {O}ptimization in {N}etworks},
7 7
  howpublished = {\url{}},
8 8
  year =         2009
9 9
10 10

11 11
12 12
  key =          {EGRES},
13 13
  title =        {{EGRES} -- {E}gerv{\'a}ry {R}esearch {G}roup on
14 14
                  {C}ombinatorial {O}ptimization},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         2009
  url =          {}
17 16
18 17

19 18
20 19
  key =          {COIN-OR},
21 20
  title =        {{COIN-OR} -- {C}omputational {I}nfrastructure for
22 21
                  {O}perations {R}esearch},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         2009
  url =          {}
25 23
26 24

27 25

28 26
%%%%% Other libraries %%%%%%
29 27

30 28
31 29
  key =          {Boost},
32 30
  title =        {{B}oost {C++} {L}ibraries},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         2009
  url =          {}
35 32
36 33

37 34
38 35
  author =       {Jeremy G. Siek and Lee-Quan Lee and Andrew
39 36
40 37
  title =        {The Boost Graph Library: User Guide and Reference
41 38
42 39
  publisher =    {Addison-Wesley},
43 40
  year =         2002
44 41
45 42

46 43
47 44
  key =          {LEDA},
48 45
  title =        {{LEDA} -- {L}ibrary of {E}fficient {D}ata {T}ypes and
49 46
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         2009
  url =          {}
52 48
53 49

54 50
55 51
  author =       {Kurt Mehlhorn and Stefan N{\"a}her},
56 52
  title =        {{LEDA}: {A} platform for combinatorial and geometric
57 53
58 54
  isbn =         {0-521-56329-1},
59 55
  publisher =    {Cambridge University Press},
60 56
  address =      {New York, NY, USA},
61 57
  year =         1999
62 58
63 59

64 60

65 61
%%%%% Tools that LEMON depends on %%%%%
66 62

67 63
68 64
  key =          {CMake},
69 65
  title =        {{CMake} -- {C}ross {P}latform {M}ake},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         2009
  url =          {}
72 67
73 68

74 69
75 70
  key =          {Doxygen},
76 71
  title =        {{Doxygen} -- {S}ource code documentation generator
77 72
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         2009
  url =          {}
80 74
81 75

82 76

83 77
%%%%% LP/MIP libraries %%%%%
84 78

85 79
86 80
  key =          {GLPK},
87 81
  title =        {{GLPK} -- {GNU} {L}inear {P}rogramming {K}it},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         2009
  url =          {}
90 83
91 84

92 85
93 86
  key =          {Clp},
94 87
  title =        {{Clp} -- {Coin-Or} {L}inear {P}rogramming},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         2009
  url =          {}
97 89
98 90

99 91
100 92
  key =          {Cbc},
101 93
  title =        {{Cbc} -- {Coin-Or} {B}ranch and {C}ut},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         2009
  url =          {}
104 95
105 96

106 97
107 98
  key =          {CPLEX},
108 99
  title =        {{ILOG} {CPLEX}},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         2009
  url =          {}
111 101
112 102

113 103
114 104
  key =          {SoPlex},
115 105
  title =        {{SoPlex} -- {T}he {S}equential {O}bject-{O}riented
116 106
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         2009
  url =          {}
119 108
120 109

121 110

122 111
%%%%% General books %%%%%
123 112

124 113
125 114
  author =       {Ravindra K. Ahuja and Thomas L. Magnanti and James
126 115
                  B. Orlin},
127 116
  title =        {Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications},
128 117
  publisher =    {Prentice-Hall, Inc.},
129 118
  year =         1993,
130 119
  month =        feb,
131 120
  isbn =         {978-0136175490}
132 121
133 122

134 123
135 124
  author =       {Alexander Schrijver},
136 125
  title =        {Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and Efficiency},
137 126
  publisher =    {Springer-Verlag},
138 127
  year =         2003,
139 128
  isbn =         {978-3540443896}
140 129
141 130

142 131
143 132
  author =       {Thomas H. Cormen and Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald
144 133
                  L. Rivest and Clifford Stein},
145 134
  title =        {Introduction to Algorithms},
146 135
  publisher =    {The MIT Press},
147 136
  year =         2001,
148 137
  edition =      {2nd}
149 138
150 139

151 140
152 141
  author =       {Bjarne Stroustrup},
153 142
  title =        {The C++ Programming Language},
154 143
  edition =      {3rd},
155 144
  publisher =    {Addison-Wesley Professional},
156 145
  isbn =         0201700735,
157 146
  month =        {February},
158 147
  year =         2000
159 148
160 149

161 150

162 151
%%%%% Maximum flow algorithms %%%%%
163 152

164 153
165 154
  author =       {Andrew V. Goldberg and Robert E. Tarjan},
166 155
  title =        {A new approach to the maximum flow problem},
Ignore white space 96 line context
... ...
@@ -25,97 +25,97 @@
25 25
  (c) 2003-01-15
26 26

27 27
  1.  Changed bibtex: tags to bibxml: tags.
28 28
  2.  Use xmlns:bibxml=""
29 29
  3.  Allow spaces between @type and first {
30 30
  4.  "author" fields with multiple authors split by " and "
31 31
      are put in separate xml "bibxml:author" tags.
32 32
  5.  Option for Titles: words are capitalized
33 33
      only if first letter in title or capitalized inside braces
34 34
  6.  Removes braces from within field values
35 35
  7.  Ignores comments in bibtex file (including @comment{ or % )
36 36
  8.  Replaces some special latex tags, e.g., replaces ~ with ' '
37 37
  9.  Handles bibtex @string abbreviations
38 38
        --> includes bibtex's default abbreviations for months
39 39
        --> does concatenation of abbr # " more " and " more " # abbr
40 40
  10. Handles @type( ... ) or @type{ ... }
41 41
  11. The keywords field is split on , or ; and put into separate xml
42 42
      "bibxml:keywords" tags
43 43
  12. Ignores @preamble
44 44

45 45
  Known Limitations
46 46
  1.  Does not transform Latex encoding like math mode and special
47 47
      latex symbols.
48 48
  2.  Does not parse author fields into first and last names.
49 49
      E.g., It does not do anything special to an author whose name is
50 50
      in the form LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME
51 51
      In "author" tag, will show up as
52 52
      <bibxml:author>LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME</bibxml:author>
53 53
  3.  Does not handle "crossref" fields other than to print
54 54
55 55
  4.  Does not inform user of the input's format errors.  You just won't
56 56
      be able to transform the file later with XSL
57 57

58 58
  You will have to manually edit the XML output if you need to handle
59 59
  these (and unknown) limitations.
60 60

61 61
62 62

63 63
import string, re
64 64

65 65
# set of valid name characters
66 66
valid_name_chars = '[\w\-:]'
67 67

68 68
69 69
# define global regular expression variables
70 70
71 71
author_rex = re.compile('\s+and\s+')
72 72
rembraces_rex = re.compile('[{}]')
capitalize_rex = re.compile('({\w*})')
capitalize_rex = re.compile('({[^}]*})')
74 74

75 75
# used by bibtexkeywords(data)
76 76
keywords_rex = re.compile('[,;]')
77 77

78 78
# used by concat_line(line)
79 79
concatsplit_rex = re.compile('\s*#\s*')
80 80

81 81
# split on {, }, or " in verify_out_of_braces
82 82
delimiter_rex = re.compile('([{}"])',re.I)
83 83

84 84
field_rex = re.compile('\s*(\w*)\s*=\s*(.*)')
85 85
data_rex = re.compile('\s*(\w*)\s*=\s*([^,]*),?')
86 86

87 87
url_rex = re.compile('\\\url\{([^}]*)\}')
88 88

89 89
90 90
# styles for html formatting
91 91
92 92
divstyle = 'margin-top: -4ex; margin-left: 8em;'
93 93

94 94
95 95
# return the string parameter without braces
96 96
97 97
def transformurls(str):
98 98
    return url_rex.sub(r'<a href="\1">\1</a>', str)
99 99

100 100
101 101
# return the string parameter without braces
102 102
103 103
def removebraces(str):
104 104
    return rembraces_rex.sub('', str)
105 105

106 106
107 107
# latex-specific replacements
108 108
# (do this after braces were removed)
109 109
110 110
def latexreplacements(line):
111 111
    line = string.replace(line, '~', '&nbsp;')
112 112
    line = string.replace(line, '\\\'a', '&aacute;')
113 113
    line = string.replace(line, '\\"a', '&auml;')
114 114
    line = string.replace(line, '\\\'e', '&eacute;')
115 115
    line = string.replace(line, '\\"e', '&euml;')
116 116
    line = string.replace(line, '\\\'i', '&iacute;')
117 117
    line = string.replace(line, '\\"i', '&iuml;')
118 118
    line = string.replace(line, '\\\'o', '&oacute;')
119 119
    line = string.replace(line, '\\"o', '&ouml;')
120 120
    line = string.replace(line, '\\\'u', '&uacute;')
121 121
    line = string.replace(line, '\\"u', '&uuml;')
... ...
@@ -318,143 +318,148 @@
318 318

319 319
            if entrycont.has_key('pages') and (entrycont['pages'] != ''):
320 320
                entrycont['pages'] = string.replace(entrycont['pages'], '--', '-')
321 321

322 322
            if entrycont.has_key('author') and (entrycont['author'] != ''):
323 323
                entry.append(entrycont['author']['text'] + '.')
324 324
            if entrycont.has_key('title') and (entrycont['title'] != ''):
325 325
                entry.append(entrycont['title'] + '.')
326 326
            if entrycont.has_key('journal') and (entrycont['journal'] != ''):
327 327
                entry.append(entrycont['journal'] + ',')
328 328
            if entrycont.has_key('booktitle') and (entrycont['booktitle'] != ''):
329 329
                entry.append('In ' + entrycont['booktitle'] + ',')
330 330
            if entrycont.has_key('type') and (entrycont['type'] != ''):
331 331
                eline = entrycont['type']
332 332
                if entrycont.has_key('number') and (entrycont['number'] != ''):
333 333
                    eline += ' ' + entrycont['number']
334 334
                eline += ','
335 335
336 336
            if entrycont.has_key('institution') and (entrycont['institution'] != ''):
337 337
                entry.append(entrycont['institution'] + ',')
338 338
            if entrycont.has_key('publisher') and (entrycont['publisher'] != ''):
339 339
                entry.append(entrycont['publisher'] + ',')
340 340
            if entrycont.has_key('school') and (entrycont['school'] != ''):
341 341
                entry.append(entrycont['school'] + ',')
342 342
            if entrycont.has_key('address') and (entrycont['address'] != ''):
343 343
                entry.append(entrycont['address'] + ',')
344 344
            if entrycont.has_key('edition') and (entrycont['edition'] != ''):
345 345
                entry.append(entrycont['edition'] + ' edition,')
346 346
            if entrycont.has_key('howpublished') and (entrycont['howpublished'] != ''):
347 347
                entry.append(entrycont['howpublished'] + ',')
348 348
            if entrycont.has_key('volume') and (entrycont['volume'] != ''):
349 349
                eline = entrycont['volume'];
350 350
                if entrycont.has_key('number') and (entrycont['number'] != ''):
351 351
                    eline += '(' + entrycont['number'] + ')'
352 352
                if entrycont.has_key('pages') and (entrycont['pages'] != ''):
353 353
                    eline += ':' + entrycont['pages']
354 354
                eline += ','
355 355
356 356
357 357
                if entrycont.has_key('pages') and (entrycont['pages'] != ''):
358 358
                    entry.append('pages ' + entrycont['pages'] + ',')
359 359
            if entrycont.has_key('year') and (entrycont['year'] != ''):
360 360
                if entrycont.has_key('month') and (entrycont['month'] != ''):
361 361
                    entry.append(entrycont['month'] + ' ' + entrycont['year'] + '.')
362 362
363 363
                    entry.append(entrycont['year'] + '.')
364 364
            if entrycont.has_key('note') and (entrycont['note'] != ''):
365 365
                entry.append(entrycont['note'] + '.')
            if entrycont.has_key('url') and (entrycont['url'] != ''):
                entry.append(entrycont['url'] + '.')
366 368

367 369
            # generate keys for sorting and for the output
368 370
            sortkey = ''
369 371
            bibkey = ''
370 372
            if entrycont.has_key('author'):
371 373
                for author in entrycont['author']['list']:
372 374
                    sortkey += copychars(author, author.rfind(' ')+1, len(author))
373 375
                bibkey = entrycont['author']['abbrev']
374 376
375 377
                bibkey = 'x'
376 378
            if entrycont.has_key('year'):
377 379
                sortkey += entrycont['year']
378 380
                bibkey += entrycont['year'][-2:]
379 381
            if entrycont.has_key('title'):
380 382
                sortkey += entrycont['title']
381 383
            if entrycont.has_key('key'):
382 384
                sortkey = entrycont['key'] + sortkey
383 385
                bibkey = entrycont['key']
384 386
            entry.insert(0, sortkey)
385 387
            entry.insert(1, bibkey)
386 388
            entry.insert(2, entryid)
387 389
388 390
            # add the entry to the file contents
389 391
390 392

391 393
392 394
            # field, publication info
393 395
            field = ''
394 396
            data = ''
395 397
396 398
            # field = {data} entries
397 399
            if bracedata_rex.match(line):
398 400
                field = bracefield_rex.sub('\g<1>', line)
399 401
                field = string.lower(field)
400 402
                data =  bracedata_rex.sub('\g<2>', line)
401 403

402 404
            # field = "data" entries
403 405
            elif quotedata_rex.match(line):
404 406
                field = quotefield_rex.sub('\g<1>', line)
405 407
                field = string.lower(field)
406 408
                data =  quotedata_rex.sub('\g<2>', line)
407 409

408 410
            # field = data entries
409 411
            elif data_rex.match(line):
410 412
                field = field_rex.sub('\g<1>', line)
411 413
                field = string.lower(field)
412 414
                data =  data_rex.sub('\g<2>', line)

            if field == 'url':
                data = '\\url{' + data.strip() + '}'
413 418
414 419
            if field in ('author', 'editor'):
415 420
                entrycont[field] = bibtexauthor(data)
416 421
                line = ''
417 422
            elif field == 'title':
418 423
                line = bibtextitle(data, entrytype)
419 424
            elif field != '':
420 425
                line = removebraces(transformurls(data.strip()))
421 426

422 427
            if line != '':
423 428
                line = latexreplacements(line)
424 429
                entrycont[field] = line
425 430

426 431

427 432
    # sort entries
428 433
429 434
430 435
    # count the bibtex keys
431 436
    keytable = {}
432 437
    counttable = {}
433 438
    for entry in filecont:
434 439
        bibkey = entry[1]
435 440
        if not keytable.has_key(bibkey):
436 441
            keytable[bibkey] = 1
437 442
438 443
            keytable[bibkey] += 1
439 444

440 445
    for bibkey in keytable.keys():
441 446
        counttable[bibkey] = 0
442 447
443 448
    # generate output
444 449
    for entry in filecont:
445 450
        # generate output key form the bibtex key
446 451
        bibkey = entry[1]
447 452
        entryid = entry[2]
448 453
        if keytable[bibkey] == 1:
449 454
            outkey = bibkey
450 455
451 456
            outkey = bibkey + chr(97 + counttable[bibkey])
452 457
        counttable[bibkey] += 1
453 458
454 459
        # append the entry code to the output
455 460
        file.append('\\section ' + entryid + ' [' + outkey + ']')
456 461
        file.append('<div style="' + divstyle + '">')
457 462
        for line in entry[3:]:
458 463
459 464
460 465
0 comments (0 inline)