alpar (Alpar Juttner)
Merge bugfix #420
0 2 0
merge default
0 files changed with 4 insertions and 1 deletions:
↑ Collapse diff ↑
Ignore white space 128 line context
... ...
@@ -3191,129 +3191,129 @@
3191 3191
    void set(const Key& key, const Value& value) {
3192 3192
3193 3193
      Parent::operator[](key).value = value;
3194 3194
3195 3195
3196 3196

3197 3197
    /// \brief Const subscript operator of the map.
3198 3198
3199 3199
    /// Const subscript operator of the map.
3200 3200
    const Value& operator[](const Key& key) const {
3201 3201
      return Parent::operator[](key).value;
3202 3202
3203 3203

3204 3204
    /// \brief Iterator for the keys with the same value.
3205 3205
3206 3206
    /// Iterator for the keys with the same value. It works
3207 3207
    /// like a graph item iterator, it can be converted to
3208 3208
    /// the item type of the map, incremented with \c ++ operator, and
3209 3209
    /// if the iterator leaves the last valid item, it will be equal to
3210 3210
    /// \c INVALID.
3211 3211
    class ItemIt : public Key {
3212 3212
3213 3213
      typedef Key Parent;
3214 3214

3215 3215
      /// \brief Invalid constructor \& conversion.
3216 3216
3217 3217
      /// This constructor initializes the iterator to be invalid.
3218 3218
      /// \sa Invalid for more details.
3219 3219
      ItemIt(Invalid) : Parent(INVALID), _map(0) {}
3220 3220

3221 3221
      /// \brief Creates an iterator with a value.
3222 3222
3223 3223
      /// Creates an iterator with a value. It iterates on the
3224 3224
      /// keys which have the given value.
3225 3225
      /// \param map The IterableValueMap
3226 3226
      /// \param value The value
3227 3227
      ItemIt(const IterableValueMap& map, const Value& value) : _map(&map) {
3228 3228
        typename std::map<Value, Key>::const_iterator it =
3229 3229
3230 3230
        if (it == map._first.end()) {
3231 3231
3232 3232
        } else {
3233 3233
3234 3234
3235 3235
3236 3236

3237 3237
      /// \brief Increment operator.
3238 3238
3239 3239
      /// Increment Operator.
3240 3240
      ItemIt& operator++() {
3241 3241
3242 3242
3243 3243
        return *this;
3244 3244
3245 3245

3246 3246

3247 3247
3248 3248
      const IterableValueMap* _map;
3249 3249
3250 3250

3251 3251
3252 3252

3253 3253
    virtual void add(const Key& key) {
3254 3254
3256 3256
3257 3257

3258 3258
    virtual void add(const std::vector<Key>& keys) {
3259 3259
3260 3260
      for (int i = 0; i < int(keys.size()); ++i) {
3261 3261
3262 3262
3263 3263
3264 3264

3265 3265
    virtual void erase(const Key& key) {
3266 3266
3267 3267
3268 3268
3269 3269

3270 3270
    virtual void erase(const std::vector<Key>& keys) {
3271 3271
      for (int i = 0; i < int(keys.size()); ++i) {
3272 3272
3273 3273
3274 3274
3275 3275
3276 3276

3277 3277
    virtual void build() {
3278 3278
3279 3279
      for (typename Parent::ItemIt it(*this); it != INVALID; ++it) {
3280 3280
3281 3281
3282 3282
3283 3283

3284 3284
    virtual void clear() {
3285 3285
3286 3286
3287 3287
3288 3288

3289 3289
3290 3290
    std::map<Value, Key> _first;
3291 3291
3292 3292

3293 3293
  /// \brief Map of the source nodes of arcs in a digraph.
3294 3294
3295 3295
  /// SourceMap provides access for the source node of each arc in a digraph,
3296 3296
  /// which is returned by the \c source() function of the digraph.
3297 3297
  /// \tparam GR The digraph type.
3298 3298
  /// \see TargetMap
3299 3299
  template <typename GR>
3300 3300
  class SourceMap {
3301 3301
3302 3302

3303 3303
    /// The key type (the \c Arc type of the digraph).
3304 3304
    typedef typename GR::Arc Key;
3305 3305
    /// The value type (the \c Node type of the digraph).
3306 3306
    typedef typename GR::Node Value;
3307 3307

3308 3308
    /// \brief Constructor
3309 3309
3310 3310
    /// Constructor.
3311 3311
    /// \param digraph The digraph that the map belongs to.
3312 3312
    explicit SourceMap(const GR& digraph) : _graph(digraph) {}
3313 3313

3314 3314
    /// \brief Returns the source node of the given arc.
3315 3315
3316 3316
    /// Returns the source node of the given arc.
3317 3317
    Value operator[](const Key& arc) const {
3318 3318
      return _graph.source(arc);
3319 3319
Ignore white space 128 line context
... ...
@@ -580,259 +580,262 @@
580 580

581 581
    it = map.beginValue();
582 582
    check(*it++ == 'A' && *it++ == 'A' && *it++ == 'B' &&
583 583
          it == map.endValue(), "Wrong value iterator");
584 584

585 585
    map.set(n0, 'C');
586 586

587 587
    check(map[n0] == 'C' && map[n1] == 'B' && map[n2] == 'A',
588 588
          "Wrong CrossRefMap");
589 589
    check(map('A') == n2 && map.inverse()['A'] == n2, "Wrong CrossRefMap");
590 590
    check(map('B') == n1 && map.inverse()['B'] == n1, "Wrong CrossRefMap");
591 591
    check(map('C') == n0 && map.inverse()['C'] == n0, "Wrong CrossRefMap");
592 592
    check(map.count('A') == 1 && map.count('B') == 1 && map.count('C') == 1,
593 593
          "Wrong CrossRefMap::count()");
594 594

595 595
    it = map.beginValue();
596 596
    check(*it++ == 'A' && *it++ == 'B' && *it++ == 'C' &&
597 597
          it == map.endValue(), "Wrong value iterator");
598 598
599 599

600 600
  // CrossRefMap
601 601
602 602
    typedef SmartDigraph Graph;
603 603
604 604

605 605
    checkConcept<ReadWriteMap<Node, int>,
606 606
                 CrossRefMap<Graph, Node, int> >();
607 607

608 608
    Graph gr;
609 609
    typedef CrossRefMap<Graph, Node, char> CRMap;
610 610
    typedef CRMap::ValueIterator ValueIt;
611 611
    CRMap map(gr);
612 612

613 613
    Node n0 = gr.addNode();
614 614
    Node n1 = gr.addNode();
615 615
    Node n2 = gr.addNode();
616 616

617 617
    map.set(n0, 'A');
618 618
    map.set(n1, 'B');
619 619
    map.set(n2, 'C');
620 620
    map.set(n2, 'A');
621 621
    map.set(n0, 'C');
622 622

623 623
    check(map[n0] == 'C' && map[n1] == 'B' && map[n2] == 'A',
624 624
          "Wrong CrossRefMap");
625 625
    check(map('A') == n2 && map.inverse()['A'] == n2, "Wrong CrossRefMap");
626 626
    check(map('B') == n1 && map.inverse()['B'] == n1, "Wrong CrossRefMap");
627 627
    check(map('C') == n0 && map.inverse()['C'] == n0, "Wrong CrossRefMap");
628 628

629 629
    ValueIt it = map.beginValue();
630 630
    check(*it++ == 'A' && *it++ == 'B' && *it++ == 'C' &&
631 631
          it == map.endValue(), "Wrong value iterator");
632 632
633 633

634 634
  // Iterable bool map
635 635
636 636
    typedef SmartGraph Graph;
637 637
    typedef SmartGraph::Node Item;
638 638

639 639
    typedef IterableBoolMap<SmartGraph, SmartGraph::Node> Ibm;
640 640
    checkConcept<ReferenceMap<Item, bool, bool&, const bool&>, Ibm>();
641 641

642 642
    const int num = 10;
643 643
    Graph g;
    Ibm map0(g, true);
644 645
    std::vector<Item> items;
645 646
    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
646 647
647 648
648 649

649 650
    Ibm map1(g, true);
650 651
    int n = 0;
651 652
    for (Ibm::TrueIt it(map1); it != INVALID; ++it) {
652 653
      check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)], "Wrong TrueIt");
653 654
654 655
655 656
    check(n == num, "Wrong number");
656 657

657 658
    n = 0;
658 659
    for (Ibm::ItemIt it(map1, true); it != INVALID; ++it) {
659 660
        check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)], "Wrong ItemIt for true");
660 661
661 662
662 663
    check(n == num, "Wrong number");
663 664
    check(Ibm::FalseIt(map1) == INVALID, "Wrong FalseIt");
664 665
    check(Ibm::ItemIt(map1, false) == INVALID, "Wrong ItemIt for false");
665 666

666 667
    map1[items[5]] = true;
667 668

668 669
    n = 0;
669 670
    for (Ibm::ItemIt it(map1, true); it != INVALID; ++it) {
670 671
        check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)], "Wrong ItemIt for true");
671 672
672 673
673 674
    check(n == num, "Wrong number");
674 675

675 676
    map1[items[num / 2]] = false;
676 677
    check(map1[items[num / 2]] == false, "Wrong map value");
677 678

678 679
    n = 0;
679 680
    for (Ibm::TrueIt it(map1); it != INVALID; ++it) {
680 681
        check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)], "Wrong TrueIt for true");
681 682
682 683
683 684
    check(n == num - 1, "Wrong number");
684 685

685 686
    n = 0;
686 687
    for (Ibm::FalseIt it(map1); it != INVALID; ++it) {
687 688
        check(!map1[static_cast<Item>(it)], "Wrong FalseIt for true");
688 689
689 690
690 691
    check(n == 1, "Wrong number");
691 692

692 693
    map1[items[0]] = false;
693 694
    check(map1[items[0]] == false, "Wrong map value");
694 695

695 696
    map1[items[num - 1]] = false;
696 697
    check(map1[items[num - 1]] == false, "Wrong map value");
697 698

698 699
    n = 0;
699 700
    for (Ibm::TrueIt it(map1); it != INVALID; ++it) {
700 701
        check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)], "Wrong TrueIt for true");
701 702
702 703
703 704
    check(n == num - 3, "Wrong number");
704 705
    check(map1.trueNum() == num - 3, "Wrong number");
705 706

706 707
    n = 0;
707 708
    for (Ibm::FalseIt it(map1); it != INVALID; ++it) {
708 709
        check(!map1[static_cast<Item>(it)], "Wrong FalseIt for true");
709 710
710 711
711 712
    check(n == 3, "Wrong number");
712 713
    check(map1.falseNum() == 3, "Wrong number");
713 714
714 715

715 716
  // Iterable int map
716 717
717 718
    typedef SmartGraph Graph;
718 719
    typedef SmartGraph::Node Item;
719 720
    typedef IterableIntMap<SmartGraph, SmartGraph::Node> Iim;
720 721

721 722
    checkConcept<ReferenceMap<Item, int, int&, const int&>, Iim>();
722 723

723 724
    const int num = 10;
724 725
    Graph g;
    Iim map0(g, 0);
725 727
    std::vector<Item> items;
726 728
    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
727 729
728 730
729 731

730 732
    Iim map1(g);
731 733
    check(map1.size() == 0, "Wrong size");
732 734

733 735
    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
734 736
      map1[items[i]] = i;
735 737
736 738
    check(map1.size() == num, "Wrong size");
737 739

738 740
    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
739 741
      Iim::ItemIt it(map1, i);
740 742
      check(static_cast<Item>(it) == items[i], "Wrong value");
741 743
742 744
      check(static_cast<Item>(it) == INVALID, "Wrong value");
743 745
744 746

745 747
    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
746 748
      map1[items[i]] = i % 2;
747 749
748 750
    check(map1.size() == 2, "Wrong size");
749 751

750 752
    int n = 0;
751 753
    for (Iim::ItemIt it(map1, 0); it != INVALID; ++it) {
752 754
      check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)] == 0, "Wrong value");
753 755
754 756
755 757
    check(n == (num + 1) / 2, "Wrong number");
756 758

757 759
    for (Iim::ItemIt it(map1, 1); it != INVALID; ++it) {
758 760
      check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)] == 1, "Wrong value");
759 761
760 762
761 763
    check(n == num, "Wrong number");
762 764

763 765
764 766

765 767
  // Iterable value map
766 768
767 769
    typedef SmartGraph Graph;
768 770
    typedef SmartGraph::Node Item;
769 771
    typedef IterableValueMap<SmartGraph, SmartGraph::Node, double> Ivm;
770 772

771 773
    checkConcept<ReadWriteMap<Item, double>, Ivm>();
772 774

773 775
    const int num = 10;
774 776
    Graph g;
    Ivm map0(g, 0.0);
775 778
    std::vector<Item> items;
776 779
    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
777 780
778 781
779 782

780 783
    Ivm map1(g, 0.0);
781 784
    check(distance(map1.beginValue(), map1.endValue()) == 1, "Wrong size");
782 785
    check(*map1.beginValue() == 0.0, "Wrong value");
783 786

784 787
    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
785 788
      map1.set(items[i], static_cast<double>(i));
786 789
787 790
    check(distance(map1.beginValue(), map1.endValue()) == num, "Wrong size");
788 791

789 792
    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
790 793
      Ivm::ItemIt it(map1, static_cast<double>(i));
791 794
      check(static_cast<Item>(it) == items[i], "Wrong value");
792 795
793 796
      check(static_cast<Item>(it) == INVALID, "Wrong value");
794 797
795 798

796 799
    for (Ivm::ValueIt vit = map1.beginValue();
797 800
         vit != map1.endValue(); ++vit) {
798 801
      check(map1[static_cast<Item>(Ivm::ItemIt(map1, *vit))] == *vit,
799 802
            "Wrong ValueIt");
800 803
801 804

802 805
    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
803 806
      map1.set(items[i], static_cast<double>(i % 2));
804 807
805 808
    check(distance(map1.beginValue(), map1.endValue()) == 2, "Wrong size");
806 809

807 810
    int n = 0;
808 811
    for (Ivm::ItemIt it(map1, 0.0); it != INVALID; ++it) {
809 812
      check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)] == 0.0, "Wrong value");
810 813
811 814
812 815
    check(n == (num + 1) / 2, "Wrong number");
813 816

814 817
    for (Ivm::ItemIt it(map1, 1.0); it != INVALID; ++it) {
815 818
      check(map1[static_cast<Item>(it)] == 1.0, "Wrong value");
816 819
817 820
818 821
    check(n == num, "Wrong number");
819 822

820 823
821 824

822 825
  // Graph map utilities:
823 826
  // mapMin(), mapMax(), mapMinValue(), mapMaxValue()
824 827
  // mapFind(), mapFindIf(), mapCount(), mapCountIf()
825 828
  // mapCopy(), mapCompare(), mapFill()
826 829
827 830
828 831

829 832
    SmartDigraph g;
830 833
    Node n1 = g.addNode();
831 834
    Node n2 = g.addNode();
832 835
    Node n3 = g.addNode();
833 836

834 837
    SmartDigraph::NodeMap<int> map1(g);
835 838
    SmartDigraph::ArcMap<char> map2(g);
836 839
    ConstMap<Node, A> cmap1 = A();
837 840
    ConstMap<Arc, C> cmap2 = C(0);
838 841

0 comments (0 inline)