Set inline functions in header files (ticket #115)
0 2 0
2 files changed with 14 insertions and 14 deletions:
↑ Collapse diff ↑
Ignore white space 192 line context
... ...
@@ -102,282 +102,282 @@
102 102

103 103
    template <typename _Graph, bool _dir, typename _Map, 
104 104
	      typename _Converter = DefaultConverter<typename _Map::Value> >
105 105
    class GraphArcMapStorage : public MapStorageBase<typename _Graph::Edge> {
106 106
107 107
      typedef _Map Map;
108 108
      typedef _Converter Converter;
109 109
      typedef _Graph Graph;
110 110
      typedef typename Graph::Edge Item;
111 111
      static const bool dir = _dir;
112 112
113 113
114 114
      const Graph& _graph;
115 115
      Map& _map;
116 116
      Converter _converter;
117 117

118 118
119 119
      GraphArcMapStorage(const Graph& graph, Map& map, 
120 120
			 const Converter& converter = Converter()) 
121 121
	: _graph(graph), _map(map), _converter(converter) {}
122 122
      virtual ~GraphArcMapStorage() {}
123 123

124 124
      virtual void set(const Item& item ,const std::string& value) {
125 125
	_map.set(, dir), _converter(value));
126 126
127 127
128 128

129 129
    class ValueStorageBase {
130 130
131 131
      ValueStorageBase() {}
132 132
      virtual ~ValueStorageBase() {}
133 133

134 134
      virtual void set(const std::string&) = 0;
135 135
136 136

137 137
    template <typename _Value, typename _Converter = DefaultConverter<_Value> >
138 138
    class ValueStorage : public ValueStorageBase {
139 139
140 140
      typedef _Value Value;
141 141
      typedef _Converter Converter;
142 142

143 143
144 144
      Value& _value;
145 145
      Converter _converter;
146 146

147 147
148 148
      ValueStorage(Value& value, const Converter& converter = Converter())
149 149
 	: _value(value), _converter(converter) {}
150 150

151 151
      virtual void set(const std::string& value) {
152 152
	_value = _converter(value);
153 153
154 154
155 155

156 156
    template <typename Value>
157 157
    struct MapLookUpConverter {
158 158
      const std::map<std::string, Value>& _map;
159 159

160 160
      MapLookUpConverter(const std::map<std::string, Value>& map)
161 161
        : _map(map) {}
162 162

163 163
      Value operator()(const std::string& str) {
164 164
        typename std::map<std::string, Value>::const_iterator it =
165 165
166 166
        if (it == _map.end()) {
167 167
          std::ostringstream msg;
168 168
          msg << "Item not found: " << str;
169 169
          throw DataFormatError(msg.str().c_str());
170 170
171 171
        return it->second;
172 172
173 173
174 174

175 175
    template <typename Graph>
176 176
    struct GraphArcLookUpConverter {
177 177
      const Graph& _graph;
178 178
      const std::map<std::string, typename Graph::Edge>& _map;
179 179
180 180
      GraphArcLookUpConverter(const Graph& graph, 
181 181
			      const std::map<std::string,
182 182
			                     typename Graph::Edge>& map) 
183 183
	: _graph(graph), _map(map) {}
184 184
185 185
      typename Graph::Arc operator()(const std::string& str) {
186 186
	if (str.empty() || (str[0] != '+' && str[0] != '-')) {
187 187
	  throw DataFormatError("Item must start with '+' or '-'");
188 188
189 189
	typename std::map<std::string, typename Graph::Edge>
190 190
	  ::const_iterator it = _map.find(str.substr(1));
191 191
	if (it == _map.end()) {
192 192
	  throw DataFormatError("Item not found");
193 193
194 194
	return>second, str[0] == '+');
195 195
196 196
197 197

    bool isWhiteSpace(char c) {
    inline bool isWhiteSpace(char c) {
199 199
      return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\v' || 
200 200
        c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f'; 
201 201
202 202
    bool isOct(char c) {
    inline bool isOct(char c) {
204 204
      return '0' <= c && c <='7'; 
205 205
206 206
    int valueOct(char c) {
    inline int valueOct(char c) {
208 208
      LEMON_ASSERT(isOct(c), "The character is not octal.");
209 209
      return c - '0';
210 210
211 211

    bool isHex(char c) {
    inline bool isHex(char c) {
213 213
      return ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || 
214 214
	('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || 
215 215
	('A' <= c && c <= 'Z'); 
216 216
217 217
    int valueHex(char c) {
    inline int valueHex(char c) {
219 219
      LEMON_ASSERT(isHex(c), "The character is not hexadecimal.");
220 220
      if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') return c - '0';
221 221
      if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') return c - 'a' + 10;
222 222
      return c - 'A' + 10;
223 223
224 224

    bool isIdentifierFirstChar(char c) {
    inline bool isIdentifierFirstChar(char c) {
226 226
      return ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ||
227 227
	('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || c == '_';
228 228
229 229

    bool isIdentifierChar(char c) {
    inline bool isIdentifierChar(char c) {
231 231
      return isIdentifierFirstChar(c) ||
232 232
	('0' <= c && c <= '9');
233 233
234 234

    char readEscape(std::istream& is) {
    inline char readEscape(std::istream& is) {
236 236
      char c;
237 237
      if (!is.get(c))
238 238
	throw DataFormatError("Escape format error");
239 239

240 240
      switch (c) {
241 241
      case '\\':
242 242
	return '\\';
243 243
      case '\"':
244 244
	return '\"';
245 245
      case '\'':
246 246
	return '\'';
247 247
      case '\?':
248 248
	return '\?';
249 249
      case 'a':
250 250
	return '\a';
251 251
      case 'b':
252 252
	return '\b';
253 253
      case 'f':
254 254
	return '\f';
255 255
      case 'n':
256 256
	return '\n';
257 257
      case 'r':
258 258
	return '\r';
259 259
      case 't':
260 260
	return '\t';
261 261
      case 'v':
262 262
	return '\v';
263 263
      case 'x':
264 264
265 265
	  int code;
266 266
	  if (!is.get(c) || !isHex(c)) 
267 267
	    throw DataFormatError("Escape format error");
268 268
	  else if (code = valueHex(c), !is.get(c) || !isHex(c)) is.putback(c);
269 269
	  else code = code * 16 + valueHex(c);
270 270
	  return code;
271 271
272 272
273 273
274 274
	  int code;
275 275
	  if (!isOct(c)) 
276 276
	    throw DataFormatError("Escape format error");
277 277
	  else if (code = valueOct(c), !is.get(c) || !isOct(c)) 
278 278
279 279
	  else if (code = code * 8 + valueOct(c), !is.get(c) || !isOct(c)) 
280 280
281 281
	  else code = code * 8 + valueOct(c);
282 282
	  return code;
283 283
284 284
285 285
286 286
    std::istream& readToken(std::istream& is, std::string& str) {
    inline std::istream& readToken(std::istream& is, std::string& str) {
288 288
      std::ostringstream os;
289 289

290 290
      char c;
291 291
      is >> std::ws;
292 292
293 293
      if (!is.get(c)) 
294 294
	return is;
295 295

296 296
      if (c == '\"') {
297 297
	while (is.get(c) && c != '\"') {
298 298
	  if (c == '\\') 
299 299
	    c = readEscape(is);
300 300
	  os << c;
301 301
302 302
	if (!is) 
303 303
	  throw DataFormatError("Quoted format error");
304 304
      } else {
305 305
306 306
	while (is.get(c) && !isWhiteSpace(c)) {
307 307
	  if (c == '\\') 
308 308
	    c = readEscape(is);
309 309
	  os << c;
310 310
311 311
	if (!is) {
312 312
313 313
	} else {
314 314
315 315
316 316
317 317
      str = os.str();
318 318
      return is;
319 319
320 320

321 321
    class Section {
322 322
323 323
      virtual ~Section() {}
324 324
      virtual void process(std::istream& is, int& line_num) = 0;
325 325
326 326

327 327
    template <typename Functor>
328 328
    class LineSection : public Section {
329 329
330 330

331 331
      Functor _functor;
332 332

333 333
334 334
335 335
      LineSection(const Functor& functor) : _functor(functor) {}
336 336
      virtual ~LineSection() {}
337 337

338 338
      virtual void process(std::istream& is, int& line_num) {
339 339
	char c;
340 340
	std::string line;
341 341
	while (is.get(c) && c != '@') {
342 342
	  if (c == '\n') {
343 343
344 344
	  } else if (c == '#') {
345 345
	    getline(is, line);
346 346
347 347
	  } else if (!isWhiteSpace(c)) {
348 348
349 349
	    getline(is, line);
350 350
351 351
352 352
353 353
354 354
	if (is) is.putback(c);
355 355
	else if (is.eof()) is.clear();
356 356
357 357
358 358

359 359
    template <typename Functor>
360 360
    class StreamSection : public Section {
361 361
362 362

363 363
      Functor _functor;
364 364

365 365
366 366
367 367
      StreamSection(const Functor& functor) : _functor(functor) {}
368 368
      virtual ~StreamSection() {} 
369 369

370 370
      virtual void process(std::istream& is, int& line_num) {
371 371
	_functor(is, line_num);
372 372
	char c;
373 373
	std::string line;
374 374
	while (is.get(c) && c != '@') {
375 375
	  if (c == '\n') {
376 376
377 377
	  } else if (!isWhiteSpace(c)) {
378 378
	    getline(is, line);
379 379
380 380
381 381
382 382
	if (is) is.putback(c);
383 383
	else if (is.eof()) is.clear();	
Ignore white space 6 line context
... ...
@@ -132,256 +132,256 @@
132 132
133 133

134 134
    template <typename _Graph, bool _dir, typename _Map, 
135 135
	      typename _Converter = DefaultConverter<typename _Map::Value> >
136 136
    class GraphArcMapStorage : public MapStorageBase<typename _Graph::Edge> {
137 137
138 138
      typedef _Map Map;
139 139
      typedef _Converter Converter;
140 140
      typedef _Graph Graph;
141 141
      typedef typename Graph::Edge Item;
142 142
      static const bool dir = _dir;
143 143
144 144
145 145
      const Graph& _graph;
146 146
      const Map& _map;
147 147
      Converter _converter;
148 148

149 149
150 150
      GraphArcMapStorage(const Graph& graph, const Map& map,  
151 151
			 const Converter& converter = Converter()) 
152 152
	: _graph(graph), _map(map), _converter(converter) {}
153 153
      virtual ~GraphArcMapStorage() {}
154 154

155 155
      virtual std::string get(const Item& item) {
156 156
	return _converter(_map[, dir)]);
157 157
158 158
      virtual void sort(std::vector<Item>& items) {
159 159
	GraphArcMapLess<Graph, dir, Map> less(_graph, _map);
160 160
	std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), less);
161 161
162 162
163 163

164 164
    class ValueStorageBase {
165 165
166 166
      ValueStorageBase() {}
167 167
      virtual ~ValueStorageBase() {}
168 168

169 169
      virtual std::string get() = 0;      
170 170
171 171

172 172
    template <typename _Value, typename _Converter = DefaultConverter<_Value> >
173 173
    class ValueStorage : public ValueStorageBase {
174 174
175 175
      typedef _Value Value;
176 176
      typedef _Converter Converter;
177 177

178 178
179 179
      const Value& _value;
180 180
      Converter _converter;
181 181

182 182
183 183
      ValueStorage(const Value& value, const Converter& converter = Converter())
184 184
 	: _value(value), _converter(converter) {}
185 185

186 186
      virtual std::string get() {
187 187
	return _converter(_value);
188 188
189 189
190 190

191 191
    template <typename Value>
192 192
    struct MapLookUpConverter {
193 193
      const std::map<Value, std::string>& _map;
194 194
195 195
      MapLookUpConverter(const std::map<Value, std::string>& map) 
196 196
	: _map(map) {}
197 197
198 198
      std::string operator()(const Value& str) {
199 199
	typename std::map<Value, std::string>::const_iterator it = 
200 200
201 201
	if (it == _map.end()) {
202 202
	  throw DataFormatError("Item not found");
203 203
204 204
	return it->second;
205 205
206 206
207 207

208 208
    template <typename Graph>
209 209
    struct GraphArcLookUpConverter {
210 210
      const Graph& _graph;
211 211
      const std::map<typename Graph::Edge, std::string>& _map;
212 212
213 213
      GraphArcLookUpConverter(const Graph& graph, 
214 214
			      const std::map<typename Graph::Edge, 
215 215
			                     std::string>& map) 
216 216
	: _graph(graph), _map(map) {}
217 217
218 218
      std::string operator()(const typename Graph::Arc& val) {
219 219
	typename std::map<typename Graph::Edge, std::string>
220 220
	  ::const_iterator it = _map.find(val);
221 221
	if (it == _map.end()) {
222 222
	  throw DataFormatError("Item not found");
223 223
224 224
	return (_graph.direction(val) ? '+' : '-') + it->second;
225 225
226 226
227 227

    bool isWhiteSpace(char c) {
    inline bool isWhiteSpace(char c) {
229 229
      return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\v' || 
230 230
        c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f'; 
231 231
232 232

    bool isEscaped(char c) {
    inline bool isEscaped(char c) {
234 234
      return c == '\\' || c == '\"' || c == '\'' || 
235 235
	c == '\a' || c == '\b';
236 236
237 237

    static void writeEscape(std::ostream& os, char c) {
    inline static void writeEscape(std::ostream& os, char c) {
239 239
      switch (c) {
240 240
      case '\\':
241 241
	os << "\\\\";
242 242
243 243
      case '\"':
244 244
	os << "\\\"";
245 245
246 246
      case '\a':
247 247
	os << "\\a";
248 248
249 249
      case '\b':
250 250
	os << "\\b";
251 251
252 252
      case '\f':
253 253
	os << "\\f";
254 254
255 255
      case '\r':
256 256
	os << "\\r";
257 257
258 258
      case '\n':
259 259
	os << "\\n";
260 260
261 261
      case '\t':
262 262
	os << "\\t";
263 263
264 264
      case '\v':
265 265
	os << "\\v";
266 266
267 267
268 268
	if (c < 0x20) {
269 269
	  std::ios::fmtflags flags = os.flags();
270 270
	  os << '\\' << std::oct << static_cast<int>(c);
271 271
272 272
	} else {
273 273
	  os << c;
274 274
275 275
276 276
277 277
278 278

    bool requireEscape(const std::string& str) {
    inline bool requireEscape(const std::string& str) {
280 280
      if (str.empty() || str[0] == '@') return true;
281 281
      std::istringstream is(str);
282 282
      char c;
283 283
      while (is.get(c)) {
284 284
	if (isWhiteSpace(c) || isEscaped(c)) {
285 285
	  return true;
286 286
287 287
288 288
      return false;
289 289
290 290
    std::ostream& writeToken(std::ostream& os, const std::string& str) {
    inline std::ostream& writeToken(std::ostream& os, const std::string& str) {
292 292

293 293
      if (requireEscape(str)) {
294 294
	os << '\"';
295 295
	for (std::string::const_iterator it = str.begin(); 
296 296
	     it != str.end(); ++it) {
297 297
	  writeEscape(os, *it);
298 298
299 299
	os << '\"';
300 300
      } else {
301 301
	os << str;
302 302
303 303
      return os;
304 304
305 305

306 306
307 307

308 308
  template <typename Digraph>
309 309
  class DigraphWriter;
310 310

311 311
  template <typename Digraph>
312 312
  DigraphWriter<Digraph> digraphWriter(std::ostream& os, 
313 313
				       const Digraph& digraph);
314 314

315 315
  template <typename Digraph>
316 316
  DigraphWriter<Digraph> digraphWriter(const std::string& fn, 
317 317
				       const Digraph& digraph);
318 318

319 319
  template <typename Digraph>
320 320
  DigraphWriter<Digraph> digraphWriter(const char *fn, 
321 321
				       const Digraph& digraph);
322 322
323 323
  /// \ingroup lemon_io
324 324
325 325
  /// \brief \ref lgf-format "LGF" writer for directed graphs
326 326
327 327
  /// This utility writes an \ref lgf-format "LGF" file.
328 328
329 329
  /// The writing method does a batch processing. The user creates a
330 330
  /// writer object, then various writing rules can be added to the
331 331
  /// writer, and eventually the writing is executed with the \c run()
332 332
  /// member function. A map writing rule can be added to the writer
333 333
  /// with the \c nodeMap() or \c arcMap() members. An optional
334 334
  /// converter parameter can also be added as a standard functor
335 335
  /// converting from the value type of the map to \c std::string. If it
336 336
  /// is set, it will determine how the value type of the map is written to
337 337
  /// the output stream. If the functor is not set, then a default
338 338
  /// conversion will be used. The \c attribute(), \c node() and \c
339 339
  /// arc() functions are used to add attribute writing rules.
340 340
341 341
342 342
  /// DigraphWriter<Digraph>(std::cout, digraph).
343 343
  ///   nodeMap("coordinates", coord_map).
344 344
  ///   nodeMap("size", size).
345 345
  ///   nodeMap("title", title).
346 346
  ///   arcMap("capacity", cap_map).
347 347
  ///   node("source", src).
348 348
  ///   node("target", trg).
349 349
  ///   attribute("caption", caption).
350 350
  ///   run();
351 351
352 352
353 353
354 354
  /// By default, the writer does not write additional captions to the
355 355
  /// sections, but they can be give as an optional parameter of
356 356
  /// the \c nodes(), \c arcs() or \c
357 357
  /// attributes() functions.
358 358
359 359
  /// The \c skipNodes() and \c skipArcs() functions forbid the
360 360
  /// writing of the sections. If two arc sections should be written
361 361
  /// to the output, it can be done in two passes, the first pass
362 362
  /// writes the node section and the first arc section, then the
363 363
  /// second pass skips the node section and writes just the arc
364 364
  /// section to the stream. The output stream can be retrieved with
365 365
  /// the \c ostream() function, hence the second pass can append its
366 366
  /// output to the output of the first pass.
367 367
  template <typename _Digraph>
368 368
  class DigraphWriter {
369 369
370 370

371 371
    typedef _Digraph Digraph;
372 372
373 373
374 374
375 375

376 376

377 377
    std::ostream* _os;
378 378
    bool local_os;
379 379

380 380
    const Digraph& _digraph;
381 381

382 382
    std::string _nodes_caption;
383 383
    std::string _arcs_caption;
384 384
    std::string _attributes_caption;
385 385
386 386
    typedef std::map<Node, std::string> NodeIndex;
387 387
    NodeIndex _node_index;
0 comments (0 inline)