Fix lp indexing bug (#205)
0 1 0
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
↑ Collapse diff ↑
Ignore white space 192 line context
... ...
@@ -974,194 +974,194 @@
974 974
    virtual void _clear() = 0;
975 975

976 976
    virtual const char* _solverName() const = 0;
977 977

978 978
    //Own protected stuff
979 979

980 980
    //Constant component of the objective function
981 981
    Value obj_const_comp;
982 982

983 983
    LpBase() : rows(), cols(), obj_const_comp(0) {}
984 984

985 985
986 986

987 987
    /// Virtual destructor
988 988
    virtual ~LpBase() {}
989 989

990 990
    ///Creates a new LP problem
991 991
    LpBase* newSolver() {return _newSolver();}
992 992
    ///Makes a copy of the LP problem
993 993
    LpBase* cloneSolver() {return _cloneSolver();}
994 994

995 995
    ///Gives back the name of the solver.
996 996
    const char* solverName() const {return _solverName();}
997 997

998 998
    ///\name Build up and modify the LP
999 999

1000 1000
1001 1001

1002 1002
    ///Add a new empty column (i.e a new variable) to the LP
1003 1003
    Col addCol() { Col c; c._id = _addColId(_addCol()); return c;}
1004 1004

1005 1005
    ///\brief Adds several new columns (i.e variables) at once
1006 1006
1007 1007
    ///This magic function takes a container as its argument and fills
1008 1008
    ///its elements with new columns (i.e. variables)
1009 1009
    ///\param t can be
1010 1010
    ///- a standard STL compatible iterable container with
1011 1011
    ///\ref Col as its \c values_type like
1012 1012
1013 1013
1014 1014
1015 1015
1016 1016
    ///- a standard STL compatible iterable container with
1017 1017
    ///\ref Col as its \c mapped_type like
1018 1018
1019 1019
1020 1020
1021 1021
    ///- an iterable lemon \ref concepts::WriteMap "write map" like
1022 1022
1023 1023
1024 1024
1025 1025
1026 1026
    ///\return The number of the created column.
1027 1027
#ifdef DOXYGEN
1028 1028
    template<class T>
1029 1029
    int addColSet(T &t) { return 0;}
1030 1030
1031 1031
    template<class T>
1032 1032
    typename enable_if<typename T::value_type::LpCol,int>::type
1033 1033
    addColSet(T &t,dummy<0> = 0) {
1034 1034
      int s=0;
1035 1035
      for(typename T::iterator i=t.begin();i!=t.end();++i) {*i=addCol();s++;}
1036 1036
      return s;
1037 1037
1038 1038
    template<class T>
1039 1039
    typename enable_if<typename T::value_type::second_type::LpCol,
1040 1040
1041 1041
    addColSet(T &t,dummy<1> = 1) {
1042 1042
      int s=0;
1043 1043
      for(typename T::iterator i=t.begin();i!=t.end();++i) {
1044 1044
1045 1045
1046 1046
1047 1047
      return s;
1048 1048
1049 1049
    template<class T>
1050 1050
    typename enable_if<typename T::MapIt::Value::LpCol,
1051 1051
1052 1052
    addColSet(T &t,dummy<2> = 2) {
1053 1053
      int s=0;
1054 1054
      for(typename T::MapIt i(t); i!=INVALID; ++i)
1055 1055
1056 1056
1057 1057
1058 1058
1059 1059
      return s;
1060 1060
1061 1061
1062 1062

1063 1063
    ///Set a column (i.e a dual constraint) of the LP
1064 1064

1065 1065
    ///\param c is the column to be modified
1066 1066
    ///\param e is a dual linear expression (see \ref DualExpr)
1067 1067
    ///a better one.
1068 1068
    void col(Col c, const DualExpr &e) {
1069 1069
      _setColCoeffs(cols(id(c)), ExprIterator(e.comps.begin(), cols),
                    ExprIterator(e.comps.end(), cols));
      _setColCoeffs(cols(id(c)), ExprIterator(e.comps.begin(), rows),
                    ExprIterator(e.comps.end(), rows));
1072 1072
1073 1073

1074 1074
    ///Get a column (i.e a dual constraint) of the LP
1075 1075

1076 1076
    ///\param c is the column to get
1077 1077
    ///\return the dual expression associated to the column
1078 1078
    DualExpr col(Col c) const {
1079 1079
      DualExpr e;
1080 1080
      _getColCoeffs(cols(id(c)), InsertIterator(e.comps, rows));
1081 1081
      return e;
1082 1082
1083 1083

1084 1084
    ///Add a new column to the LP
1085 1085

1086 1086
    ///\param e is a dual linear expression (see \ref DualExpr)
1087 1087
    ///\param o is the corresponding component of the objective
1088 1088
    ///function. It is 0 by default.
1089 1089
    ///\return The created column.
1090 1090
    Col addCol(const DualExpr &e, Value o = 0) {
1091 1091
      Col c=addCol();
1092 1092
1093 1093
1094 1094
      return c;
1095 1095
1096 1096

1097 1097
    ///Add a new empty row (i.e a new constraint) to the LP
1098 1098

1099 1099
    ///This function adds a new empty row (i.e a new constraint) to the LP.
1100 1100
    ///\return The created row
1101 1101
    Row addRow() { Row r; r._id = _addRowId(_addRow()); return r;}
1102 1102

1103 1103
    ///\brief Add several new rows (i.e constraints) at once
1104 1104
1105 1105
    ///This magic function takes a container as its argument and fills
1106 1106
    ///its elements with new row (i.e. variables)
1107 1107
    ///\param t can be
1108 1108
    ///- a standard STL compatible iterable container with
1109 1109
    ///\ref Row as its \c values_type like
1110 1110
1111 1111
1112 1112
1113 1113
1114 1114
    ///- a standard STL compatible iterable container with
1115 1115
    ///\ref Row as its \c mapped_type like
1116 1116
1117 1117
1118 1118
1119 1119
    ///- an iterable lemon \ref concepts::WriteMap "write map" like
1120 1120
1121 1121
1122 1122
1123 1123
1124 1124
    ///\return The number of rows created.
1125 1125
#ifdef DOXYGEN
1126 1126
    template<class T>
1127 1127
    int addRowSet(T &t) { return 0;}
1128 1128
1129 1129
    template<class T>
1130 1130
    typename enable_if<typename T::value_type::LpRow,int>::type
1131 1131
    addRowSet(T &t, dummy<0> = 0) {
1132 1132
      int s=0;
1133 1133
      for(typename T::iterator i=t.begin();i!=t.end();++i) {*i=addRow();s++;}
1134 1134
      return s;
1135 1135
1136 1136
    template<class T>
1137 1137
    typename enable_if<typename T::value_type::second_type::LpRow, int>::type
1138 1138
    addRowSet(T &t, dummy<1> = 1) {
1139 1139
      int s=0;
1140 1140
      for(typename T::iterator i=t.begin();i!=t.end();++i) {
1141 1141
1142 1142
1143 1143
1144 1144
      return s;
1145 1145
1146 1146
    template<class T>
1147 1147
    typename enable_if<typename T::MapIt::Value::LpRow, int>::type
1148 1148
    addRowSet(T &t, dummy<2> = 2) {
1149 1149
      int s=0;
1150 1150
      for(typename T::MapIt i(t); i!=INVALID; ++i)
1151 1151
1152 1152
1153 1153
1154 1154
1155 1155
      return s;
1156 1156
1157 1157
1158 1158

1159 1159
    ///Set a row (i.e a constraint) of the LP
1160 1160

1161 1161
    ///\param r is the row to be modified
1162 1162
    ///\param l is lower bound (-\ref INF means no bound)
1163 1163
    ///\param e is a linear expression (see \ref Expr)
1164 1164
    ///\param u is the upper bound (\ref INF means no bound)
1165 1165
    void row(Row r, Value l, const Expr &e, Value u) {
1166 1166
1167 1167
      _setRowCoeffs(rows(id(r)), ExprIterator(e.comps.begin(), cols),
0 comments (0 inline)