Location: LEMON/LEMON-official/test/gomory_hu_test.cc - annotation
Load file history
Fix critical bug in preflow (#372)
The wrong transition between the bound decrease and highest active
heuristics caused the bug. The last node chosen in bound decrease mode
is used in the first iteration in highest active mode.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 | r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r590:924887566bf2 r592:e72bacfea6b7 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r592:e72bacfea6b7 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r643:293551ad254f r643:293551ad254f r591:ccd2d3a3001e r591:ccd2d3a3001e r592:e72bacfea6b7 r591:ccd2d3a3001e r591:ccd2d3a3001e r591:ccd2d3a3001e r591:ccd2d3a3001e r592:e72bacfea6b7 r591:ccd2d3a3001e r592:e72bacfea6b7 r591:ccd2d3a3001e r591:ccd2d3a3001e r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 r590:924887566bf2 | #include <iostream>
#include "test_tools.h"
#include <lemon/smart_graph.h>
#include <lemon/concepts/graph.h>
#include <lemon/concepts/maps.h>
#include <lemon/lgf_reader.h>
#include <lemon/gomory_hu.h>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
using namespace lemon;
typedef SmartGraph Graph;
char test_lgf[] =
" label capacity\n"
"0 1 0 1\n"
"1 2 1 1\n"
"2 3 2 1\n"
"0 3 4 5\n"
"0 3 5 10\n"
"0 3 6 7\n"
"4 2 7 1\n"
"source 0\n"
"target 3\n";
void checkGomoryHuCompile()
typedef int Value;
typedef concepts::Graph Graph;
typedef Graph::Node Node;
typedef Graph::Edge Edge;
typedef concepts::ReadMap<Edge, Value> CapMap;
typedef concepts::ReadWriteMap<Node, bool> CutMap;
Graph g;
Node n;
CapMap cap;
CutMap cut;
Value v;
int d;
GomoryHu<Graph, CapMap> gh_test(g, cap);
const GomoryHu<Graph, CapMap>&
const_gh_test = gh_test;
n = const_gh_test.predNode(n);
v = const_gh_test.predValue(n);
d = const_gh_test.rootDist(n);
v = const_gh_test.minCutValue(n, n);
v = const_gh_test.minCutMap(n, n, cut);
typedef Graph::EdgeMap<int> IntEdgeMap;
typedef Graph::NodeMap<bool> BoolNodeMap;
int cutValue(const Graph& graph, const BoolNodeMap& cut,
const IntEdgeMap& capacity) {
int sum = 0;
for (EdgeIt e(graph); e != INVALID; ++e) {
Node s = graph.u(e);
Node t = graph.v(e);
if (cut[s] != cut[t]) {
sum += capacity[e];
return sum;
int main() {
Graph graph;
IntEdgeMap capacity(graph);
std::istringstream input(test_lgf);
GraphReader<Graph>(graph, input).
edgeMap("capacity", capacity).run();
GomoryHu<Graph> ght(graph, capacity);
for (NodeIt u(graph); u != INVALID; ++u) {
for (NodeIt v(graph); v != u; ++v) {
Preflow<Graph, IntEdgeMap> pf(graph, capacity, u, v);
BoolNodeMap cm(graph);
ght.minCutMap(u, v, cm);
check(pf.flowValue() == ght.minCutValue(u, v), "Wrong cut 1");
check(cm[u] != cm[v], "Wrong cut 2");
check(pf.flowValue() == cutValue(graph, cm, capacity), "Wrong cut 3");
int sum=0;
for(GomoryHu<Graph>::MinCutEdgeIt a(ght, u, v);a!=INVALID;++a)
check(sum == ght.minCutValue(u, v), "Problem with MinCutEdgeIt");
for(GomoryHu<Graph>::MinCutNodeIt n(ght, u, v,true);n!=INVALID;++n)
for(GomoryHu<Graph>::MinCutNodeIt n(ght, u, v,false);n!=INVALID;++n)
check(sum == countNodes(graph), "Problem with MinCutNodeIt");
return 0;