alpar (Alpar Juttner)
Merge bugfix #336 to branch 1.0
0 1 0
merge 1.0
0 files changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
↑ Collapse diff ↑
Ignore white space 32 line context
... ...
@@ -674,35 +674,35 @@
674 674
    os << "%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n";
675 675
    if(_title.size()>0) os << "%%Title: " << _title << '\n';
676 676
     if(_copyright.size()>0) os << "%%Copyright: " << _copyright << '\n';
677 677
    os << "%%Creator: LEMON, graphToEps()\n";
678 678

679 679
680 680
      os << "%%CreationDate: ";
681 681
#ifndef WIN32
682 682
      timeval tv;
683 683
      gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
684 684

685 685
      char cbuf[26];
686 686
687 687
      os << cbuf;
688 688
689 689
      os << bits::getWinFormattedDate();
      os << std::endl;
690 691
691 692
    os << std::endl;
693 693

694 694
    if (_autoArcWidthScale) {
695 695
      double max_w=0;
696 696
      for(ArcIt e(g);e!=INVALID;++e)
697 697
698 698
      if(max_w>EPSILON) {
699 699
700 700
701 701
702 702

703 703
    if (_autoNodeScale) {
704 704
      double max_s=0;
705 705
      for(NodeIt n(g);n!=INVALID;++n)
706 706
707 707
      if(max_s>EPSILON) {
708 708
0 comments (0 inline)