alpar (Alpar Juttner)
Merge bugfix #336 to branch 1.0
0 1 0
merge 1.0
0 files changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
↑ Collapse diff ↑
Show white space 192 line context
... ...
@@ -594,195 +594,195 @@
594 594
  {_nodeTextColorType=DIST_COL;return *this;}
595 595
  ///Sets the color of the node texts to be black or white and always visible.
596 596

597 597
  ///Sets the color of the node texts to be black or white according to
598 598
  ///which is more different from the node color.
599 599
  GraphToEps<T> &distantBWNodeTexts()
600 600
  {_nodeTextColorType=DIST_BW;return *this;}
601 601

602 602
  ///Gives a preamble block for node Postscript block.
603 603

604 604
  ///Gives a preamble block for node Postscript block.
605 605
606 606
  ///\sa nodePsTexts()
607 607
  GraphToEps<T> & nodePsTextsPreamble(const char *str) {
608 608
    _nodePsTextsPreamble=str ;return *this;
609 609
610 610
  ///Sets whether the graph is undirected
611 611

612 612
  ///Sets whether the graph is undirected.
613 613
614 614
  ///This setting is the default for undirected graphs.
615 615
616 616
  ///\sa directed()
617 617
   GraphToEps<T> &undirected(bool b=true) {_undirected=b;return *this;}
618 618

619 619
  ///Sets whether the graph is directed
620 620

621 621
  ///Sets whether the graph is directed.
622 622
  ///Use it to show the edges as a pair of directed ones.
623 623
624 624
  ///This setting is the default for digraphs.
625 625
626 626
  ///\sa undirected()
627 627
  GraphToEps<T> &directed(bool b=true) {_undirected=!b;return *this;}
628 628

629 629
  ///Sets the title.
630 630

631 631
  ///Sets the title of the generated image,
632 632
  ///namely it inserts a <tt>%%Title:</tt> DSC field to the header of
633 633
  ///the EPS file.
634 634
  GraphToEps<T> &title(const std::string &t) {_title=t;return *this;}
635 635
  ///Sets the copyright statement.
636 636

637 637
  ///Sets the copyright statement of the generated image,
638 638
  ///namely it inserts a <tt>%%Copyright:</tt> DSC field to the header of
639 639
  ///the EPS file.
640 640
  GraphToEps<T> &copyright(const std::string &t) {_copyright=t;return *this;}
641 641

642 642
643 643
  bool isInsideNode(dim2::Point<double> p, double r,int t)
644 644
645 645
    switch(t) {
646 646
    case CIRCLE:
647 647
    case MALE:
648 648
    case FEMALE:
649 649
      return p.normSquare()<=r*r;
650 650
    case SQUARE:
651 651
      return p.x<=r&&p.x>=-r&&p.y<=r&&p.y>=-r;
652 652
    case DIAMOND:
653 653
      return p.x+p.y<=r && p.x-p.y<=r && -p.x+p.y<=r && -p.x-p.y<=r;
654 654
655 655
    return false;
656 656
657 657

658 658
659 659
  ~GraphToEps() { }
660 660

661 661
  ///Draws the graph.
662 662

663 663
  ///Like other functions using
664 664
  ///\ref named-templ-func-param "named template parameters",
665 665
  ///this function calls the algorithm itself, i.e. in this case
666 666
  ///it draws the graph.
667 667
  void run() {
668 668
    const double EPSILON=1e-9;
669 669
    if(dontPrint) return;
670 670

671 671
    _graph_to_eps_bits::_NegY<typename T::CoordsMapType>
672 672
673 673

674 674
    os << "%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n";
675 675
    if(_title.size()>0) os << "%%Title: " << _title << '\n';
676 676
     if(_copyright.size()>0) os << "%%Copyright: " << _copyright << '\n';
677 677
    os << "%%Creator: LEMON, graphToEps()\n";
678 678

679 679
680 680
      os << "%%CreationDate: ";
681 681
#ifndef WIN32
682 682
      timeval tv;
683 683
      gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
684 684

685 685
      char cbuf[26];
686 686
687 687
      os << cbuf;
688 688
689 689
      os << bits::getWinFormattedDate();
      os << std::endl;
690 691
691 692
    os << std::endl;
693 693

694 694
    if (_autoArcWidthScale) {
695 695
      double max_w=0;
696 696
      for(ArcIt e(g);e!=INVALID;++e)
697 697
698 698
      if(max_w>EPSILON) {
699 699
700 700
701 701
702 702

703 703
    if (_autoNodeScale) {
704 704
      double max_s=0;
705 705
      for(NodeIt n(g);n!=INVALID;++n)
706 706
707 707
      if(max_s>EPSILON) {
708 708
709 709
710 710
711 711

712 712
    double diag_len = 1;
713 713
    if(!(_absoluteNodeSizes&&_absoluteArcWidths)) {
714 714
      dim2::Box<double> bb;
715 715
      for(NodeIt n(g);n!=INVALID;++n) bb.add(mycoords[n]);
716 716
      if (bb.empty()) {
717 717
        bb = dim2::Box<double>(dim2::Point<double>(0,0));
718 718
719 719
      diag_len = std::sqrt((bb.bottomLeft()-bb.topRight()).normSquare());
720 720
      if(diag_len<EPSILON) diag_len = 1;
721 721
      if(!_absoluteNodeSizes) _nodeScale*=diag_len;
722 722
      if(!_absoluteArcWidths) _arcWidthScale*=diag_len;
723 723
724 724

725 725
    dim2::Box<double> bb;
726 726
    for(NodeIt n(g);n!=INVALID;++n) {
727 727
      double ns=_nodeSizes[n]*_nodeScale;
728 728
      dim2::Point<double> p(ns,ns);
729 729
      switch(_nodeShapes[n]) {
730 730
      case CIRCLE:
731 731
      case SQUARE:
732 732
      case DIAMOND:
733 733
734 734
735 735
736 736
      case MALE:
737 737
738 738
739 739
740 740
      case FEMALE:
741 741
742 742
743 743
744 744
745 745
746 746
    if (bb.empty()) {
747 747
      bb = dim2::Box<double>(dim2::Point<double>(0,0));
748 748
749 749

750 750
751 751
      os <<"%%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 842\n%%DocumentPaperSizes: a4\n";
752 752
    else {
753 753
      if(_preScale) {
754 754
        //Rescale so that BoundingBox won't be neither to big nor too small.
755 755
        while(bb.height()*_scale>1000||bb.width()*_scale>1000) _scale/=10;
756 756
        while(bb.height()*_scale<100||bb.width()*_scale<100) _scale*=10;
757 757
758 758

759 759
      os << "%%BoundingBox: "
760 760
         << int(floor(bb.left()   * _scale - _xBorder)) << ' '
761 761
         << int(floor(bb.bottom() * _scale - _yBorder)) << ' '
762 762
         << int(ceil(bb.right()  * _scale + _xBorder)) << ' '
763 763
         << int(ceil(    * _scale + _yBorder)) << '\n';
764 764
765 765

766 766
    os << "%%EndComments\n";
767 767

768 768
    //x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 cr cg cb w
769 769
    os << "/lb { setlinewidth setrgbcolor newpath moveto\n"
770 770
       << "      4 2 roll 1 index 1 index curveto stroke } bind def\n";
771 771
    os << "/l { setlinewidth setrgbcolor newpath moveto lineto stroke }"
772 772
       << " bind def\n";
773 773
    //x y r
774 774
    os << "/c { newpath dup 3 index add 2 index moveto 0 360 arc closepath }"
775 775
       << " bind def\n";
776 776
    //x y r
777 777
    os << "/sq { newpath 2 index 1 index add 2 index 2 index add moveto\n"
778 778
       << "      2 index 1 index sub 2 index 2 index add lineto\n"
779 779
       << "      2 index 1 index sub 2 index 2 index sub lineto\n"
780 780
       << "      2 index 1 index add 2 index 2 index sub lineto\n"
781 781
       << "      closepath pop pop pop} bind def\n";
782 782
    //x y r
783 783
    os << "/di { newpath 2 index 1 index add 2 index moveto\n"
784 784
       << "      2 index             2 index 2 index add lineto\n"
785 785
       << "      2 index 1 index sub 2 index             lineto\n"
786 786
       << "      2 index             2 index 2 index sub lineto\n"
787 787
       << "      closepath pop pop pop} bind def\n";
788 788
    // x y r cr cg cb
0 comments (0 inline)