kpeter (Peter Kovacs)
Support real types + numerical stability fix in NS (#254) - Real types are supported by appropriate inicialization. - A feature of the XTI spanning tree structure is removed to ensure numerical stability (could cause problems using integer types). The node potentials are updated always on the lower subtree, in order to prevent overflow problems. The former method isn't notably faster during to our tests.
0 1 0
1 file changed with 24 insertions and 21 deletions:
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Show white space 384 line context
1 1
/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
2 2
3 3
 * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
4 4
5 5
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
6 6
 * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
7 7
 * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
8 8
9 9
 * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
10 10
 * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
11 11
 * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
12 12
13 13
 * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
14 14
 * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
15 15
 * purpose.
16 16
17 17
18 18

19 19
20 20
21 21

22 22
/// \ingroup min_cost_flow
23 23
24 24
/// \file
25 25
/// \brief Network Simplex algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow.
26 26

27 27
#include <vector>
28 28
#include <limits>
29 29
#include <algorithm>
30 30

31 31
#include <lemon/core.h>
32 32
#include <lemon/math.h>
33 33

34 34
namespace lemon {
35 35

36 36
  /// \addtogroup min_cost_flow
37 37
  /// @{
38 38

39 39
  /// \brief Implementation of the primal Network Simplex algorithm
40 40
  /// for finding a \ref min_cost_flow "minimum cost flow".
41 41
42 42
  /// \ref NetworkSimplex implements the primal Network Simplex algorithm
43 43
  /// for finding a \ref min_cost_flow "minimum cost flow".
44 44
  /// This algorithm is a specialized version of the linear programming
45 45
  /// simplex method directly for the minimum cost flow problem.
46 46
  /// It is one of the most efficient solution methods.
47 47
48 48
  /// In general this class is the fastest implementation available
49 49
  /// in LEMON for the minimum cost flow problem.
50 50
51 51
  /// \tparam GR The digraph type the algorithm runs on.
52 52
  /// \tparam F The value type used for flow amounts, capacity bounds
53 53
  /// and supply values in the algorithm. By default it is \c int.
54 54
  /// \tparam C The value type used for costs and potentials in the
55 55
  /// algorithm. By default it is the same as \c F.
56 56
  /// \warning Both value types must be signed integer types.
  /// \warning Both value types must be signed and all input data must
  /// be integer.
58 59
59 60
  /// \note %NetworkSimplex provides five different pivot rule
60 61
  /// implementations. For more information see \ref PivotRule.
61 62
  template <typename GR, typename F = int, typename C = F>
62 63
  class NetworkSimplex
63 64
64 65
65 66

66 67
    /// The flow type of the algorithm
67 68
    typedef F Flow;
68 69
    /// The cost type of the algorithm
69 70
    typedef C Cost;
70 71
    /// The type of the flow map
71 72
    typedef typename GR::template ArcMap<Flow> FlowMap;
72 73
    /// The type of the potential map
73 74
    typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<Cost> PotentialMap;
74 75

75 76
76 77

77 78
    /// \brief Enum type for selecting the pivot rule.
78 79
79 80
    /// Enum type for selecting the pivot rule for the \ref run()
80 81
    /// function.
81 82
82 83
    /// \ref NetworkSimplex provides five different pivot rule
83 84
    /// implementations that significantly affect the running time
84 85
    /// of the algorithm.
85 86
    /// By default \ref BLOCK_SEARCH "Block Search" is used, which
86 87
    /// proved to be the most efficient and the most robust on various
87 88
    /// test inputs according to our benchmark tests.
88 89
    /// However another pivot rule can be selected using the \ref run()
89 90
    /// function with the proper parameter.
90 91
    enum PivotRule {
91 92

92 93
      /// The First Eligible pivot rule.
93 94
      /// The next eligible arc is selected in a wraparound fashion
94 95
      /// in every iteration.
95 96
96 97

97 98
      /// The Best Eligible pivot rule.
98 99
      /// The best eligible arc is selected in every iteration.
99 100
100 101

101 102
      /// The Block Search pivot rule.
102 103
      /// A specified number of arcs are examined in every iteration
103 104
      /// in a wraparound fashion and the best eligible arc is selected
104 105
      /// from this block.
105 106
106 107

107 108
      /// The Candidate List pivot rule.
108 109
      /// In a major iteration a candidate list is built from eligible arcs
109 110
      /// in a wraparound fashion and in the following minor iterations
110 111
      /// the best eligible arc is selected from this list.
111 112
112 113

113 114
      /// The Altering Candidate List pivot rule.
114 115
      /// It is a modified version of the Candidate List method.
115 116
      /// It keeps only the several best eligible arcs from the former
116 117
      /// candidate list and extends this list in every iteration.
117 118
118 119
119 120

120 121
121 122

122 123
123 124

124 125
    typedef typename GR::template ArcMap<Flow> FlowArcMap;
125 126
    typedef typename GR::template ArcMap<Cost> CostArcMap;
126 127
    typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<Flow> FlowNodeMap;
127 128

128 129
    typedef std::vector<Arc> ArcVector;
129 130
    typedef std::vector<Node> NodeVector;
130 131
    typedef std::vector<int> IntVector;
131 132
    typedef std::vector<bool> BoolVector;
132 133
    typedef std::vector<Flow> FlowVector;
133 134
    typedef std::vector<Cost> CostVector;
134 135

135 136
    // State constants for arcs
136 137
    enum ArcStateEnum {
137 138
      STATE_UPPER = -1,
138 139
      STATE_TREE  =  0,
139 140
      STATE_LOWER =  1
140 141
141 142

142 143
143 144

144 145
    // Data related to the underlying digraph
145 146
    const GR &_graph;
146 147
    int _node_num;
147 148
    int _arc_num;
148 149

149 150
    // Parameters of the problem
150 151
    FlowArcMap *_plower;
151 152
    FlowArcMap *_pupper;
152 153
    CostArcMap *_pcost;
153 154
    FlowNodeMap *_psupply;
154 155
    bool _pstsup;
155 156
    Node _psource, _ptarget;
156 157
    Flow _pstflow;
157 158

158 159
    // Result maps
159 160
    FlowMap *_flow_map;
160 161
    PotentialMap *_potential_map;
161 162
    bool _local_flow;
162 163
    bool _local_potential;
163 164

164 165
    // Data structures for storing the digraph
165 166
    IntNodeMap _node_id;
166 167
    ArcVector _arc_ref;
167 168
    IntVector _source;
168 169
    IntVector _target;
169 170

170 171
    // Node and arc data
171 172
    FlowVector _cap;
172 173
    CostVector _cost;
173 174
    FlowVector _supply;
174 175
    FlowVector _flow;
175 176
    CostVector _pi;
176 177

177 178
    // Data for storing the spanning tree structure
178 179
    IntVector _parent;
179 180
    IntVector _pred;
180 181
    IntVector _thread;
181 182
    IntVector _rev_thread;
182 183
    IntVector _succ_num;
183 184
    IntVector _last_succ;
184 185
    IntVector _dirty_revs;
185 186
    BoolVector _forward;
186 187
    IntVector _state;
187 188
    int _root;
188 189

189 190
    // Temporary data used in the current pivot iteration
190 191
    int in_arc, join, u_in, v_in, u_out, v_out;
191 192
    int first, second, right, last;
192 193
    int stem, par_stem, new_stem;
193 194
    Flow delta;
194 195

195 196
196 197

197 198
    // Implementation of the First Eligible pivot rule
198 199
    class FirstEligiblePivotRule
199 200
200 201
201 202

202 203
      // References to the NetworkSimplex class
203 204
      const IntVector  &_source;
204 205
      const IntVector  &_target;
205 206
      const CostVector &_cost;
206 207
      const IntVector  &_state;
207 208
      const CostVector &_pi;
208 209
      int &_in_arc;
209 210
      int _arc_num;
210 211

211 212
      // Pivot rule data
212 213
      int _next_arc;
213 214

214 215
215 216

216 217
      // Constructor
217 218
      FirstEligiblePivotRule(NetworkSimplex &ns) :
218 219
        _source(ns._source), _target(ns._target),
219 220
        _cost(ns._cost), _state(ns._state), _pi(ns._pi),
220 221
        _in_arc(ns.in_arc), _arc_num(ns._arc_num), _next_arc(0)
221 222
222 223

223 224
      // Find next entering arc
224 225
      bool findEnteringArc() {
225 226
        Cost c;
226 227
        for (int e = _next_arc; e < _arc_num; ++e) {
227 228
          c = _state[e] * (_cost[e] + _pi[_source[e]] - _pi[_target[e]]);
228 229
          if (c < 0) {
229 230
            _in_arc = e;
230 231
            _next_arc = e + 1;
231 232
            return true;
232 233
233 234
234 235
        for (int e = 0; e < _next_arc; ++e) {
235 236
          c = _state[e] * (_cost[e] + _pi[_source[e]] - _pi[_target[e]]);
236 237
          if (c < 0) {
237 238
            _in_arc = e;
238 239
            _next_arc = e + 1;
239 240
            return true;
240 241
241 242
242 243
        return false;
243 244
244 245

245 246
    }; //class FirstEligiblePivotRule
246 247

247 248

248 249
    // Implementation of the Best Eligible pivot rule
249 250
    class BestEligiblePivotRule
... ...
@@ -855,558 +856,560 @@
855 856
    ///   ns.reset();
856 857
    ///   ns.capacityMap(cap).costMap(cost)
857 858
    ///     .supplyMap(sup).run();
858 859
    /// \endcode
859 860
860 861
    /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
861 862
    NetworkSimplex& reset() {
862 863
      delete _plower;
863 864
      delete _pupper;
864 865
      delete _pcost;
865 866
      delete _psupply;
866 867
      _plower = NULL;
867 868
      _pupper = NULL;
868 869
      _pcost = NULL;
869 870
      _psupply = NULL;
870 871
      _pstsup = false;
871 872
      return *this;
872 873
873 874

874 875
    /// @}
875 876

876 877
    /// \name Query Functions
877 878
    /// The results of the algorithm can be obtained using these
878 879
    /// functions.\n
879 880
    /// The \ref run() function must be called before using them.
880 881

881 882
    /// @{
882 883

883 884
    /// \brief Return the total cost of the found flow.
884 885
885 886
    /// This function returns the total cost of the found flow.
886 887
    /// The complexity of the function is O(e).
887 888
888 889
    /// \note The return type of the function can be specified as a
889 890
    /// template parameter. For example,
890 891
    /// \code
891 892
    ///   ns.totalCost<double>();
892 893
    /// \endcode
893 894
    /// It is useful if the total cost cannot be stored in the \c Cost
894 895
    /// type of the algorithm, which is the default return type of the
895 896
    /// function.
896 897
897 898
    /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
898 899
    template <typename Num>
899 900
    Num totalCost() const {
900 901
      Num c = 0;
901 902
      if (_pcost) {
902 903
        for (ArcIt e(_graph); e != INVALID; ++e)
903 904
          c += (*_flow_map)[e] * (*_pcost)[e];
904 905
      } else {
905 906
        for (ArcIt e(_graph); e != INVALID; ++e)
906 907
          c += (*_flow_map)[e];
907 908
908 909
      return c;
909 910
910 911

911 912
#ifndef DOXYGEN
912 913
    Cost totalCost() const {
913 914
      return totalCost<Cost>();
914 915
915 916
916 917

917 918
    /// \brief Return the flow on the given arc.
918 919
919 920
    /// This function returns the flow on the given arc.
920 921
921 922
    /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
922 923
    Flow flow(const Arc& a) const {
923 924
      return (*_flow_map)[a];
924 925
925 926

926 927
    /// \brief Return a const reference to the flow map.
927 928
928 929
    /// This function returns a const reference to an arc map storing
929 930
    /// the found flow.
930 931
931 932
    /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
932 933
    const FlowMap& flowMap() const {
933 934
      return *_flow_map;
934 935
935 936

936 937
    /// \brief Return the potential (dual value) of the given node.
937 938
938 939
    /// This function returns the potential (dual value) of the
939 940
    /// given node.
940 941
941 942
    /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
942 943
    Cost potential(const Node& n) const {
943 944
      return (*_potential_map)[n];
944 945
945 946

946 947
    /// \brief Return a const reference to the potential map
947 948
    /// (the dual solution).
948 949
949 950
    /// This function returns a const reference to a node map storing
950 951
    /// the found potentials, which form the dual solution of the
951 952
    /// \ref min_cost_flow "minimum cost flow" problem.
952 953
953 954
    /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
954 955
    const PotentialMap& potentialMap() const {
955 956
      return *_potential_map;
956 957
957 958

958 959
    /// @}
959 960

960 961
961 962

962 963
    // Initialize internal data structures
963 964
    bool init() {
964 965
      // Initialize result maps
965 966
      if (!_flow_map) {
966 967
        _flow_map = new FlowMap(_graph);
967 968
        _local_flow = true;
968 969
969 970
      if (!_potential_map) {
970 971
        _potential_map = new PotentialMap(_graph);
971 972
        _local_potential = true;
972 973
973 974

974 975
      // Initialize vectors
975 976
      _node_num = countNodes(_graph);
976 977
      _arc_num = countArcs(_graph);
977 978
      int all_node_num = _node_num + 1;
978 979
      int all_arc_num = _arc_num + _node_num;
979 980
      if (_node_num == 0) return false;
980 981

981 982
982 983
983 984
984 985

985 986
986 987
987 988
988 989
989 990
990 991

991 992
992 993
993 994
994 995
995 996
996 997
997 998
998 999
999 1000

1000 1001
      // Initialize node related data
1001 1002
      bool valid_supply = true;
1002 1003
      if (!_pstsup && !_psupply) {
1003 1004
        _pstsup = true;
1004 1005
        _psource = _ptarget = NodeIt(_graph);
1005 1006
        _pstflow = 0;
1006 1007
1007 1008
      if (_psupply) {
1008 1009
        Flow sum = 0;
1009 1010
        int i = 0;
1010 1011
        for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n, ++i) {
1011 1012
          _node_id[n] = i;
1012 1013
          _supply[i] = (*_psupply)[n];
1013 1014
          sum += _supply[i];
1014 1015
1015 1016
        valid_supply = (sum == 0);
1016 1017
      } else {
1017 1018
        int i = 0;
1018 1019
        for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n, ++i) {
1019 1020
          _node_id[n] = i;
1020 1021
          _supply[i] = 0;
1021 1022
1022 1023
        _supply[_node_id[_psource]] =  _pstflow;
1023 1024
        _supply[_node_id[_ptarget]]   = -_pstflow;
1024 1025
1025 1026
      if (!valid_supply) return false;
1026 1027

1027 1028
      // Set data for the artificial root node
1028 1029
      _root = _node_num;
1029 1030
      _parent[_root] = -1;
1030 1031
      _pred[_root] = -1;
1031 1032
      _thread[_root] = 0;
1032 1033
      _rev_thread[0] = _root;
1033 1034
      _succ_num[_root] = all_node_num;
1034 1035
      _last_succ[_root] = _root - 1;
1035 1036
      _supply[_root] = 0;
1036 1037
      _pi[_root] = 0;
1037 1038

1038 1039
      // Store the arcs in a mixed order
1039 1040
      int k = std::max(int(sqrt(_arc_num)), 10);
1040 1041
      int i = 0;
1041 1042
      for (ArcIt e(_graph); e != INVALID; ++e) {
1042 1043
        _arc_ref[i] = e;
1043 1044
        if ((i += k) >= _arc_num) i = (i % k) + 1;
1044 1045
1045 1046

1046 1047
      // Initialize arc maps
      Flow max_cap = std::numeric_limits<Flow>::max();
      Cost max_cost = std::numeric_limits<Cost>::max() / 4;
      Flow inf_cap =
        std::numeric_limits<Flow>::has_infinity ?
        std::numeric_limits<Flow>::infinity() :
1049 1052
      if (_pupper && _pcost) {
1050 1053
        for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i) {
1051 1054
          Arc e = _arc_ref[i];
1052 1055
          _source[i] = _node_id[_graph.source(e)];
1053 1056
          _target[i] = _node_id[];
1054 1057
          _cap[i] = (*_pupper)[e];
1055 1058
          _cost[i] = (*_pcost)[e];
1056 1059
          _flow[i] = 0;
1057 1060
          _state[i] = STATE_LOWER;
1058 1061
1059 1062
      } else {
1060 1063
        for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i) {
1061 1064
          Arc e = _arc_ref[i];
1062 1065
          _source[i] = _node_id[_graph.source(e)];
1063 1066
          _target[i] = _node_id[];
1064 1067
          _flow[i] = 0;
1065 1068
          _state[i] = STATE_LOWER;
1066 1069
1067 1070
        if (_pupper) {
1068 1071
          for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i)
1069 1072
            _cap[i] = (*_pupper)[_arc_ref[i]];
1070 1073
        } else {
1071 1074
          for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i)
            _cap[i] = max_cap;
            _cap[i] = inf_cap;
1073 1076
1074 1077
        if (_pcost) {
1075 1078
          for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i)
1076 1079
            _cost[i] = (*_pcost)[_arc_ref[i]];
1077 1080
        } else {
1078 1081
          for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i)
1079 1082
            _cost[i] = 1;
1080 1083
1081 1084
1082 1085

      // Initialize artifical cost
      Cost art_cost;
      if (std::numeric_limits<Cost>::is_exact) {
        art_cost = std::numeric_limits<Cost>::max() / 4 + 1;
      } else {
        art_cost = std::numeric_limits<Cost>::min();
        for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i) {
          if (_cost[i] > art_cost) art_cost = _cost[i];
        art_cost = (art_cost + 1) * _node_num;

1083 1098
      // Remove non-zero lower bounds
1084 1099
      if (_plower) {
1085 1100
        for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i) {
1086 1101
          Flow c = (*_plower)[_arc_ref[i]];
1087 1102
          if (c != 0) {
1088 1103
            _cap[i] -= c;
1089 1104
            _supply[_source[i]] -= c;
1090 1105
            _supply[_target[i]] += c;
1091 1106
1092 1107
1093 1108
1094 1109

1095 1110
      // Add artificial arcs and initialize the spanning tree data structure
1096 1111
      for (int u = 0, e = _arc_num; u != _node_num; ++u, ++e) {
1097 1112
        _thread[u] = u + 1;
1098 1113
        _rev_thread[u + 1] = u;
1099 1114
        _succ_num[u] = 1;
1100 1115
        _last_succ[u] = u;
1101 1116
        _parent[u] = _root;
1102 1117
        _pred[u] = e;
        _cost[e] = max_cost;
        _cap[e] = max_cap;
        _cost[e] = art_cost;
        _cap[e] = inf_cap;
1105 1120
        _state[e] = STATE_TREE;
1106 1121
        if (_supply[u] >= 0) {
1107 1122
          _flow[e] = _supply[u];
1108 1123
          _forward[u] = true;
          _pi[u] = -max_cost;
          _pi[u] = -art_cost;
1110 1125
        } else {
1111 1126
          _flow[e] = -_supply[u];
1112 1127
          _forward[u] = false;
          _pi[u] = max_cost;
          _pi[u] = art_cost;
1114 1129
1115 1130
1116 1131

1117 1132
      return true;
1118 1133
1119 1134

1120 1135
    // Find the join node
1121 1136
    void findJoinNode() {
1122 1137
      int u = _source[in_arc];
1123 1138
      int v = _target[in_arc];
1124 1139
      while (u != v) {
1125 1140
        if (_succ_num[u] < _succ_num[v]) {
1126 1141
          u = _parent[u];
1127 1142
        } else {
1128 1143
          v = _parent[v];
1129 1144
1130 1145
1131 1146
      join = u;
1132 1147
1133 1148

1134 1149
    // Find the leaving arc of the cycle and returns true if the
1135 1150
    // leaving arc is not the same as the entering arc
1136 1151
    bool findLeavingArc() {
1137 1152
      // Initialize first and second nodes according to the direction
1138 1153
      // of the cycle
1139 1154
      if (_state[in_arc] == STATE_LOWER) {
1140 1155
        first  = _source[in_arc];
1141 1156
        second = _target[in_arc];
1142 1157
      } else {
1143 1158
        first  = _target[in_arc];
1144 1159
        second = _source[in_arc];
1145 1160
1146 1161
      delta = _cap[in_arc];
1147 1162
      int result = 0;
1148 1163
      Flow d;
1149 1164
      int e;
1150 1165

1151 1166
      // Search the cycle along the path form the first node to the root
1152 1167
      for (int u = first; u != join; u = _parent[u]) {
1153 1168
        e = _pred[u];
1154 1169
        d = _forward[u] ? _flow[e] : _cap[e] - _flow[e];
1155 1170
        if (d < delta) {
1156 1171
          delta = d;
1157 1172
          u_out = u;
1158 1173
          result = 1;
1159 1174
1160 1175
1161 1176
      // Search the cycle along the path form the second node to the root
1162 1177
      for (int u = second; u != join; u = _parent[u]) {
1163 1178
        e = _pred[u];
1164 1179
        d = _forward[u] ? _cap[e] - _flow[e] : _flow[e];
1165 1180
        if (d <= delta) {
1166 1181
          delta = d;
1167 1182
          u_out = u;
1168 1183
          result = 2;
1169 1184
1170 1185
1171 1186

1172 1187
      if (result == 1) {
1173 1188
        u_in = first;
1174 1189
        v_in = second;
1175 1190
      } else {
1176 1191
        u_in = second;
1177 1192
        v_in = first;
1178 1193
1179 1194
      return result != 0;
1180 1195
1181 1196

1182 1197
    // Change _flow and _state vectors
1183 1198
    void changeFlow(bool change) {
1184 1199
      // Augment along the cycle
1185 1200
      if (delta > 0) {
1186 1201
        Flow val = _state[in_arc] * delta;
1187 1202
        _flow[in_arc] += val;
1188 1203
        for (int u = _source[in_arc]; u != join; u = _parent[u]) {
1189 1204
          _flow[_pred[u]] += _forward[u] ? -val : val;
1190 1205
1191 1206
        for (int u = _target[in_arc]; u != join; u = _parent[u]) {
1192 1207
          _flow[_pred[u]] += _forward[u] ? val : -val;
1193 1208
1194 1209
1195 1210
      // Update the state of the entering and leaving arcs
1196 1211
      if (change) {
1197 1212
        _state[in_arc] = STATE_TREE;
1198 1213
        _state[_pred[u_out]] =
1199 1214
          (_flow[_pred[u_out]] == 0) ? STATE_LOWER : STATE_UPPER;
1200 1215
      } else {
1201 1216
        _state[in_arc] = -_state[in_arc];
1202 1217
1203 1218
1204 1219

1205 1220
    // Update the tree structure
1206 1221
    void updateTreeStructure() {
1207 1222
      int u, w;
1208 1223
      int old_rev_thread = _rev_thread[u_out];
1209 1224
      int old_succ_num = _succ_num[u_out];
1210 1225
      int old_last_succ = _last_succ[u_out];
1211 1226
      v_out = _parent[u_out];
1212 1227

1213 1228
      u = _last_succ[u_in];  // the last successor of u_in
1214 1229
      right = _thread[u];    // the node after it
1215 1230

1216 1231
      // Handle the case when old_rev_thread equals to v_in
1217 1232
      // (it also means that join and v_out coincide)
1218 1233
      if (old_rev_thread == v_in) {
1219 1234
        last = _thread[_last_succ[u_out]];
1220 1235
      } else {
1221 1236
        last = _thread[v_in];
1222 1237
1223 1238

1224 1239
      // Update _thread and _parent along the stem nodes (i.e. the nodes
1225 1240
      // between u_in and u_out, whose parent have to be changed)
1226 1241
      _thread[v_in] = stem = u_in;
1227 1242
1228 1243
1229 1244
      par_stem = v_in;
1230 1245
      while (stem != u_out) {
1231 1246
        // Insert the next stem node into the thread list
1232 1247
        new_stem = _parent[stem];
1233 1248
        _thread[u] = new_stem;
1234 1249
1235 1250

1236 1251
        // Remove the subtree of stem from the thread list
1237 1252
        w = _rev_thread[stem];
1238 1253
        _thread[w] = right;
1239 1254
        _rev_thread[right] = w;
1240 1255

1241 1256
        // Change the parent node and shift stem nodes
1242 1257
        _parent[stem] = par_stem;
1243 1258
        par_stem = stem;
1244 1259
        stem = new_stem;
1245 1260

1246 1261
        // Update u and right
1247 1262
        u = _last_succ[stem] == _last_succ[par_stem] ?
1248 1263
          _rev_thread[par_stem] : _last_succ[stem];
1249 1264
        right = _thread[u];
1250 1265
1251 1266
      _parent[u_out] = par_stem;
1252 1267
      _thread[u] = last;
1253 1268
      _rev_thread[last] = u;
1254 1269
      _last_succ[u_out] = u;
1255 1270

1256 1271
      // Remove the subtree of u_out from the thread list except for
1257 1272
      // the case when old_rev_thread equals to v_in
1258 1273
      // (it also means that join and v_out coincide)
1259 1274
      if (old_rev_thread != v_in) {
1260 1275
        _thread[old_rev_thread] = right;
1261 1276
        _rev_thread[right] = old_rev_thread;
1262 1277
1263 1278

1264 1279
      // Update _rev_thread using the new _thread values
1265 1280
      for (int i = 0; i < int(_dirty_revs.size()); ++i) {
1266 1281
        u = _dirty_revs[i];
1267 1282
        _rev_thread[_thread[u]] = u;
1268 1283
1269 1284

1270 1285
      // Update _pred, _forward, _last_succ and _succ_num for the
1271 1286
      // stem nodes from u_out to u_in
1272 1287
      int tmp_sc = 0, tmp_ls = _last_succ[u_out];
1273 1288
      u = u_out;
1274 1289
      while (u != u_in) {
1275 1290
        w = _parent[u];
1276 1291
        _pred[u] = _pred[w];
1277 1292
        _forward[u] = !_forward[w];
1278 1293
        tmp_sc += _succ_num[u] - _succ_num[w];
1279 1294
        _succ_num[u] = tmp_sc;
1280 1295
        _last_succ[w] = tmp_ls;
1281 1296
        u = w;
1282 1297
1283 1298
      _pred[u_in] = in_arc;
1284 1299
      _forward[u_in] = (u_in == _source[in_arc]);
1285 1300
      _succ_num[u_in] = old_succ_num;
1286 1301

1287 1302
      // Set limits for updating _last_succ form v_in and v_out
1288 1303
      // towards the root
1289 1304
      int up_limit_in = -1;
1290 1305
      int up_limit_out = -1;
1291 1306
      if (_last_succ[join] == v_in) {
1292 1307
        up_limit_out = join;
1293 1308
      } else {
1294 1309
        up_limit_in = join;
1295 1310
1296 1311

1297 1312
      // Update _last_succ from v_in towards the root
1298 1313
      for (u = v_in; u != up_limit_in && _last_succ[u] == v_in;
1299 1314
           u = _parent[u]) {
1300 1315
        _last_succ[u] = _last_succ[u_out];
1301 1316
1302 1317
      // Update _last_succ from v_out towards the root
1303 1318
      if (join != old_rev_thread && v_in != old_rev_thread) {
1304 1319
        for (u = v_out; u != up_limit_out && _last_succ[u] == old_last_succ;
1305 1320
             u = _parent[u]) {
1306 1321
          _last_succ[u] = old_rev_thread;
1307 1322
1308 1323
      } else {
1309 1324
        for (u = v_out; u != up_limit_out && _last_succ[u] == old_last_succ;
1310 1325
             u = _parent[u]) {
1311 1326
          _last_succ[u] = _last_succ[u_out];
1312 1327
1313 1328
1314 1329

1315 1330
      // Update _succ_num from v_in to join
1316 1331
      for (u = v_in; u != join; u = _parent[u]) {
1317 1332
        _succ_num[u] += old_succ_num;
1318 1333
1319 1334
      // Update _succ_num from v_out to join
1320 1335
      for (u = v_out; u != join; u = _parent[u]) {
1321 1336
        _succ_num[u] -= old_succ_num;
1322 1337
1323 1338
1324 1339

1325 1340
    // Update potentials
1326 1341
    void updatePotential() {
1327 1342
      Cost sigma = _forward[u_in] ?
1328 1343
        _pi[v_in] - _pi[u_in] - _cost[_pred[u_in]] :
1329 1344
        _pi[v_in] - _pi[u_in] + _cost[_pred[u_in]];
      if (_succ_num[u_in] > _node_num / 2) {
        // Update in the upper subtree (which contains the root)
        int before = _rev_thread[u_in];
        int after = _thread[_last_succ[u_in]];
        _thread[before] = after;
        _pi[_root] -= sigma;
        for (int u = _thread[_root]; u != _root; u = _thread[u]) {
          _pi[u] -= sigma;
        _thread[before] = u_in;
      } else {
        // Update in the lower subtree (which has been moved)
      // Update potentials in the subtree, which has been moved
1342 1346
        int end = _thread[_last_succ[u_in]];
1343 1347
        for (int u = u_in; u != end; u = _thread[u]) {
1344 1348
          _pi[u] += sigma;
1345 1349
1346 1350
1348 1351

1349 1352
    // Execute the algorithm
1350 1353
    bool start(PivotRule pivot_rule) {
1351 1354
      // Select the pivot rule implementation
1352 1355
      switch (pivot_rule) {
1353 1356
        case FIRST_ELIGIBLE:
1354 1357
          return start<FirstEligiblePivotRule>();
1355 1358
        case BEST_ELIGIBLE:
1356 1359
          return start<BestEligiblePivotRule>();
1357 1360
        case BLOCK_SEARCH:
1358 1361
          return start<BlockSearchPivotRule>();
1359 1362
        case CANDIDATE_LIST:
1360 1363
          return start<CandidateListPivotRule>();
1361 1364
        case ALTERING_LIST:
1362 1365
          return start<AlteringListPivotRule>();
1363 1366
1364 1367
      return false;
1365 1368
1366 1369

1367 1370
    template <typename PivotRuleImpl>
1368 1371
    bool start() {
1369 1372
      PivotRuleImpl pivot(*this);
1370 1373

1371 1374
      // Execute the Network Simplex algorithm
1372 1375
      while (pivot.findEnteringArc()) {
1373 1376
1374 1377
        bool change = findLeavingArc();
1375 1378
1376 1379
        if (change) {
1377 1380
1378 1381
1379 1382
1380 1383
1381 1384

1382 1385
      // Check if the flow amount equals zero on all the artificial arcs
1383 1386
      for (int e = _arc_num; e != _arc_num + _node_num; ++e) {
1384 1387
        if (_flow[e] > 0) return false;
1385 1388
1386 1389

1387 1390
      // Copy flow values to _flow_map
1388 1391
      if (_plower) {
1389 1392
        for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i) {
1390 1393
          Arc e = _arc_ref[i];
1391 1394
          _flow_map->set(e, (*_plower)[e] + _flow[i]);
1392 1395
1393 1396
      } else {
1394 1397
        for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i) {
1395 1398
          _flow_map->set(_arc_ref[i], _flow[i]);
1396 1399
1397 1400
1398 1401
      // Copy potential values to _potential_map
1399 1402
      for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
1400 1403
        _potential_map->set(n, _pi[_node_id[n]]);
1401 1404
1402 1405

1403 1406
      return true;
1404 1407
1405 1408

1406 1409
  }; //class NetworkSimplex
1407 1410

1408 1411
1409 1412

1410 1413
} //namespace lemon
1411 1414

1412 1415
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