... |
... |
@@ -1809,376 +1809,395 @@
1809 |
1809 |
inline LoggerBoolMap<Iterator> loggerBoolMap(Iterator it) {
1810 |
1810 |
return LoggerBoolMap<Iterator>(it);
1811 |
1811 |
1812 |
1812 |
1813 |
1813 |
/// @}
1814 |
1814 |
1815 |
1815 |
/// \addtogroup graph_maps
1816 |
1816 |
/// @{
1817 |
1817 |
1818 |
1818 |
/// \brief Provides an immutable and unique id for each item in a graph.
1819 |
1819 |
1820 |
1820 |
/// IdMap provides a unique and immutable id for each item of the
1821 |
1821 |
/// same type (\c Node, \c Arc or \c Edge) in a graph. This id is
1822 |
1822 |
/// - \b unique: different items get different ids,
1823 |
1823 |
/// - \b immutable: the id of an item does not change (even if you
1824 |
1824 |
/// delete other nodes).
1825 |
1825 |
1826 |
1826 |
/// Using this map you get access (i.e. can read) the inner id values of
1827 |
1827 |
/// the items stored in the graph, which is returned by the \c id()
1828 |
1828 |
/// function of the graph. This map can be inverted with its member
1829 |
1829 |
/// class \c InverseMap or with the \c operator() member.
1830 |
1830 |
1831 |
1831 |
/// \tparam GR The graph type.
1832 |
1832 |
/// \tparam K The key type of the map (\c GR::Node, \c GR::Arc or
1833 |
1833 |
/// \c GR::Edge).
1834 |
1834 |
1835 |
1835 |
/// \see RangeIdMap
1836 |
1836 |
template <typename GR, typename K>
1837 |
1837 |
class IdMap : public MapBase<K, int> {
1838 |
1838 |
1839 |
1839 |
/// The graph type of IdMap.
1840 |
1840 |
typedef GR Graph;
1841 |
1841 |
typedef GR Digraph;
1842 |
1842 |
/// The key type of IdMap (\c Node, \c Arc or \c Edge).
1843 |
1843 |
typedef K Item;
1844 |
1844 |
/// The key type of IdMap (\c Node, \c Arc or \c Edge).
1845 |
1845 |
typedef K Key;
1846 |
1846 |
/// The value type of IdMap.
1847 |
1847 |
typedef int Value;
1848 |
1848 |
1849 |
1849 |
/// \brief Constructor.
1850 |
1850 |
1851 |
1851 |
/// Constructor of the map.
1852 |
1852 |
explicit IdMap(const Graph& graph) : _graph(&graph) {}
1853 |
1853 |
1854 |
1854 |
/// \brief Gives back the \e id of the item.
1855 |
1855 |
1856 |
1856 |
/// Gives back the immutable and unique \e id of the item.
1857 |
1857 |
int operator[](const Item& item) const { return _graph->id(item);}
1858 |
1858 |
1859 |
1859 |
/// \brief Gives back the \e item by its id.
1860 |
1860 |
1861 |
1861 |
/// Gives back the \e item by its id.
1862 |
1862 |
Item operator()(int id) { return _graph->fromId(id, Item()); }
1863 |
1863 |
1864 |
1864 |
1865 |
1865 |
const Graph* _graph;
1866 |
1866 |
1867 |
1867 |
1868 |
1868 |
1869 |
1869 |
/// \brief This class represents the inverse of its owner (IdMap).
1870 |
1870 |
1871 |
1871 |
/// This class represents the inverse of its owner (IdMap).
1872 |
1872 |
/// \see inverse()
1873 |
1873 |
class InverseMap {
1874 |
1874 |
1875 |
1875 |
1876 |
1876 |
/// \brief Constructor.
1877 |
1877 |
1878 |
1878 |
/// Constructor for creating an id-to-item map.
1879 |
1879 |
explicit InverseMap(const Graph& graph) : _graph(&graph) {}
1880 |
1880 |
1881 |
1881 |
/// \brief Constructor.
1882 |
1882 |
1883 |
1883 |
/// Constructor for creating an id-to-item map.
1884 |
1884 |
explicit InverseMap(const IdMap& map) : _graph(map._graph) {}
1885 |
1885 |
1886 |
1886 |
/// \brief Gives back the given item from its id.
1887 |
1887 |
1888 |
1888 |
/// Gives back the given item from its id.
1889 |
1889 |
Item operator[](int id) const { return _graph->fromId(id, Item());}
1890 |
1890 |
1891 |
1891 |
1892 |
1892 |
const Graph* _graph;
1893 |
1893 |
1894 |
1894 |
1895 |
1895 |
/// \brief Gives back the inverse of the map.
1896 |
1896 |
1897 |
1897 |
/// Gives back the inverse of the IdMap.
1898 |
1898 |
InverseMap inverse() const { return InverseMap(*_graph);}
1899 |
1899 |
1900 |
1900 |
1901 |
1901 |
1902 |
1902 |
/// \brief General cross reference graph map type.
1903 |
1903 |
1904 |
1904 |
/// This class provides simple invertable graph maps.
1905 |
/// It wraps an arbitrary \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap "ReadWriteMap"
1906 |
/// and if a key is set to a new value then store it
1907 |
/// in the inverse map.
1908 |
1905 |
/// It wraps a standard graph map (\c NodeMap, \c ArcMap or \c EdgeMap)
1906 |
/// and if a key is set to a new value, then stores it in the inverse map.
1909 |
1907 |
/// The values of the map can be accessed
1910 |
1908 |
/// with stl compatible forward iterator.
1911 |
1909 |
1910 |
/// This type is not reference map, so it cannot be modified with
1911 |
/// the subscript operator.
1912 |
1912 |
1913 |
/// \tparam GR The graph type.
1913 |
1914 |
/// \tparam K The key type of the map (\c GR::Node, \c GR::Arc or
1914 |
1915 |
/// \c GR::Edge).
1915 |
1916 |
/// \tparam V The value type of the map.
1916 |
1917 |
1917 |
1918 |
/// \see IterableValueMap
1918 |
1919 |
template <typename GR, typename K, typename V>
1919 |
1920 |
class CrossRefMap
1920 |
1921 |
: protected ItemSetTraits<GR, K>::template Map<V>::Type {
1921 |
1922 |
1922 |
1923 |
1923 |
1924 |
typedef typename ItemSetTraits<GR, K>::
1924 |
1925 |
template Map<V>::Type Map;
1925 |
1926 |
1926 |
typedef std::map<V, K> Container;
1927 |
typedef std::multimap<V, K> Container;
1927 |
1928 |
Container _inv_map;
1928 |
1929 |
1929 |
1930 |
1930 |
1931 |
1931 |
1932 |
/// The graph type of CrossRefMap.
1932 |
1933 |
typedef GR Graph;
1933 |
1934 |
typedef GR Digraph;
1934 |
1935 |
/// The key type of CrossRefMap (\c Node, \c Arc or \c Edge).
1935 |
1936 |
typedef K Item;
1936 |
1937 |
/// The key type of CrossRefMap (\c Node, \c Arc or \c Edge).
1937 |
1938 |
typedef K Key;
1938 |
1939 |
/// The value type of CrossRefMap.
1939 |
1940 |
typedef V Value;
1940 |
1941 |
1941 |
1942 |
/// \brief Constructor.
1942 |
1943 |
1943 |
1944 |
/// Construct a new CrossRefMap for the given graph.
1944 |
1945 |
explicit CrossRefMap(const Graph& graph) : Map(graph) {}
1945 |
1946 |
1946 |
1947 |
/// \brief Forward iterator for values.
1947 |
1948 |
1948 |
1949 |
/// This iterator is an stl compatible forward
1949 |
1950 |
/// iterator on the values of the map. The values can
1950 |
1951 |
/// be accessed in the <tt>[beginValue, endValue)</tt> range.
1952 |
/// They are considered with multiplicity, so each value is
1953 |
/// traversed for each item it is assigned to.
1951 |
1954 |
class ValueIterator
1952 |
1955 |
: public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, Value> {
1953 |
1956 |
friend class CrossRefMap;
1954 |
1957 |
1955 |
1958 |
ValueIterator(typename Container::const_iterator _it)
1956 |
1959 |
: it(_it) {}
1957 |
1960 |
1958 |
1961 |
1959 |
1962 |
ValueIterator() {}
1960 |
1963 |
1961 |
1964 |
ValueIterator& operator++() { ++it; return *this; }
1962 |
1965 |
ValueIterator operator++(int) {
1963 |
1966 |
ValueIterator tmp(*this);
1964 |
1967 |
1965 |
1968 |
return tmp;
1966 |
1969 |
1967 |
1970 |
1968 |
1971 |
const Value& operator*() const { return it->first; }
1969 |
1972 |
const Value* operator->() const { return &(it->first); }
1970 |
1973 |
1971 |
1974 |
bool operator==(ValueIterator jt) const { return it == jt.it; }
1972 |
1975 |
bool operator!=(ValueIterator jt) const { return it != jt.it; }
1973 |
1976 |
1974 |
1977 |
1975 |
1978 |
typename Container::const_iterator it;
1976 |
1979 |
1977 |
1980 |
1978 |
1981 |
/// \brief Returns an iterator to the first value.
1979 |
1982 |
1980 |
1983 |
/// Returns an stl compatible iterator to the
1981 |
1984 |
/// first value of the map. The values of the
1982 |
1985 |
/// map can be accessed in the <tt>[beginValue, endValue)</tt>
1983 |
1986 |
/// range.
1984 |
1987 |
ValueIterator beginValue() const {
1985 |
1988 |
return ValueIterator(_inv_map.begin());
1986 |
1989 |
1987 |
1990 |
1988 |
1991 |
/// \brief Returns an iterator after the last value.
1989 |
1992 |
1990 |
1993 |
/// Returns an stl compatible iterator after the
1991 |
1994 |
/// last value of the map. The values of the
1992 |
1995 |
/// map can be accessed in the <tt>[beginValue, endValue)</tt>
1993 |
1996 |
/// range.
1994 |
1997 |
ValueIterator endValue() const {
1995 |
1998 |
return ValueIterator(_inv_map.end());
1996 |
1999 |
1997 |
2000 |
1998 |
2001 |
/// \brief Sets the value associated with the given key.
1999 |
2002 |
2000 |
2003 |
/// Sets the value associated with the given key.
2001 |
2004 |
void set(const Key& key, const Value& val) {
2002 |
2005 |
Value oldval = Map::operator[](key);
2003 |
typename Container::iterator it = _inv_map.find(oldval);
2004 |
if (it != _inv_map.end() && it->second == key) {
2005 |
2006 |
typename Container::iterator it;
2007 |
for (it = _inv_map.equal_range(oldval).first;
2008 |
it != _inv_map.equal_range(oldval).second; ++it) {
2009 |
if (it->second == key) {
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2006 |
2013 |
2007 |
_inv_map.insert(make_pair(val, key));
2014 |
_inv_map.insert(std::make_pair(val, key));
2008 |
2015 |
Map::set(key, val);
2009 |
2016 |
2010 |
2017 |
2011 |
2018 |
/// \brief Returns the value associated with the given key.
2012 |
2019 |
2013 |
2020 |
/// Returns the value associated with the given key.
2014 |
2021 |
typename MapTraits<Map>::ConstReturnValue
2015 |
2022 |
operator[](const Key& key) const {
2016 |
2023 |
return Map::operator[](key);
2017 |
2024 |
2018 |
2025 |
2019 |
/// \brief Gives back the item by its value.
2026 |
/// \brief Gives back an item by its value.
2020 |
2027 |
2021 |
/// Gives back the item by its value.
2022 |
Key operator()(const Value& key) const {
2023 |
typename Container::const_iterator it = _inv_map.find(key);
2028 |
/// This function gives back an item that is assigned to
2029 |
/// the given value or \c INVALID if no such item exists.
2030 |
/// If there are more items with the same associated value,
2031 |
/// only one of them is returned.
2032 |
Key operator()(const Value& val) const {
2033 |
typename Container::const_iterator it = _inv_map.find(val);
2024 |
2034 |
return it != _inv_map.end() ? it->second : INVALID;
2025 |
2035 |
2026 |
2036 |
2027 |
2037 |
2028 |
2038 |
2029 |
2039 |
/// \brief Erase the key from the map and the inverse map.
2030 |
2040 |
2031 |
2041 |
/// Erase the key from the map and the inverse map. It is called by the
2032 |
2042 |
/// \c AlterationNotifier.
2033 |
2043 |
virtual void erase(const Key& key) {
2034 |
2044 |
Value val = Map::operator[](key);
2035 |
typename Container::iterator it = _inv_map.find(val);
2036 |
if (it != _inv_map.end() && it->second == key) {
2037 |
2045 |
typename Container::iterator it;
2046 |
for (it = _inv_map.equal_range(val).first;
2047 |
it != _inv_map.equal_range(val).second; ++it) {
2048 |
if (it->second == key) {
2049 |
2050 |
2051 |
2038 |
2052 |
2039 |
2053 |
2040 |
2054 |
2041 |
2055 |
2042 |
2056 |
/// \brief Erase more keys from the map and the inverse map.
2043 |
2057 |
2044 |
2058 |
/// Erase more keys from the map and the inverse map. It is called by the
2045 |
2059 |
/// \c AlterationNotifier.
2046 |
2060 |
virtual void erase(const std::vector<Key>& keys) {
2047 |
2061 |
for (int i = 0; i < int(keys.size()); ++i) {
2048 |
2062 |
Value val = Map::operator[](keys[i]);
2049 |
typename Container::iterator it = _inv_map.find(val);
2050 |
if (it != _inv_map.end() && it->second == keys[i]) {
2051 |
2063 |
typename Container::iterator it;
2064 |
for (it = _inv_map.equal_range(val).first;
2065 |
it != _inv_map.equal_range(val).second; ++it) {
2066 |
if (it->second == keys[i]) {
2067 |
2068 |
2069 |
2052 |
2070 |
2053 |
2071 |
2054 |
2072 |
2055 |
2073 |
2056 |
2074 |
2057 |
2075 |
/// \brief Clear the keys from the map and the inverse map.
2058 |
2076 |
2059 |
2077 |
/// Clear the keys from the map and the inverse map. It is called by the
2060 |
2078 |
/// \c AlterationNotifier.
2061 |
2079 |
virtual void clear() {
2062 |
2080 |
2063 |
2081 |
2064 |
2082 |
2065 |
2083 |
2066 |
2084 |
2067 |
2085 |
2068 |
2086 |
/// \brief The inverse map type.
2069 |
2087 |
2070 |
2088 |
/// The inverse of this map. The subscript operator of the map
2071 |
2089 |
/// gives back the item that was last assigned to the value.
2072 |
2090 |
class InverseMap {
2073 |
2091 |
2074 |
2092 |
/// \brief Constructor
2075 |
2093 |
2076 |
2094 |
/// Constructor of the InverseMap.
2077 |
2095 |
explicit InverseMap(const CrossRefMap& inverted)
2078 |
2096 |
: _inverted(inverted) {}
2079 |
2097 |
2080 |
2098 |
/// The value type of the InverseMap.
2081 |
2099 |
typedef typename CrossRefMap::Key Value;
2082 |
2100 |
/// The key type of the InverseMap.
2083 |
2101 |
typedef typename CrossRefMap::Value Key;
2084 |
2102 |
2085 |
2103 |
/// \brief Subscript operator.
2086 |
2104 |
2087 |
/// Subscript operator. It gives back the item
2088 |
/// that was last assigned to the given value.
2105 |
/// Subscript operator. It gives back an item
2106 |
/// that is assigned to the given value or \c INVALID
2107 |
/// if no such item exists.
2089 |
2108 |
Value operator[](const Key& key) const {
2090 |
2109 |
return _inverted(key);
2091 |
2110 |
2092 |
2111 |
2093 |
2112 |
2094 |
2113 |
const CrossRefMap& _inverted;
2095 |
2114 |
2096 |
2115 |
2097 |
2116 |
/// \brief It gives back the read-only inverse map.
2098 |
2117 |
2099 |
2118 |
/// It gives back the read-only inverse map.
2100 |
2119 |
InverseMap inverse() const {
2101 |
2120 |
return InverseMap(*this);
2102 |
2121 |
2103 |
2122 |
2104 |
2123 |
2105 |
2124 |
2106 |
2125 |
/// \brief Provides continuous and unique ID for the
2107 |
2126 |
/// items of a graph.
2108 |
2127 |
2109 |
2128 |
/// RangeIdMap provides a unique and continuous
2110 |
2129 |
/// ID for each item of a given type (\c Node, \c Arc or
2111 |
2130 |
/// \c Edge) in a graph. This id is
2112 |
2131 |
/// - \b unique: different items get different ids,
2113 |
2132 |
/// - \b continuous: the range of the ids is the set of integers
2114 |
2133 |
/// between 0 and \c n-1, where \c n is the number of the items of
2115 |
2134 |
/// this type (\c Node, \c Arc or \c Edge).
2116 |
2135 |
/// - So, the ids can change when deleting an item of the same type.
2117 |
2136 |
2118 |
2137 |
/// Thus this id is not (necessarily) the same as what can get using
2119 |
2138 |
/// the \c id() function of the graph or \ref IdMap.
2120 |
2139 |
/// This map can be inverted with its member class \c InverseMap,
2121 |
2140 |
/// or with the \c operator() member.
2122 |
2141 |
2123 |
2142 |
/// \tparam GR The graph type.
2124 |
2143 |
/// \tparam K The key type of the map (\c GR::Node, \c GR::Arc or
2125 |
2144 |
/// \c GR::Edge).
2126 |
2145 |
2127 |
2146 |
/// \see IdMap
2128 |
2147 |
template <typename GR, typename K>
2129 |
2148 |
class RangeIdMap
2130 |
2149 |
: protected ItemSetTraits<GR, K>::template Map<int>::Type {
2131 |
2150 |
2132 |
2151 |
typedef typename ItemSetTraits<GR, K>::template Map<int>::Type Map;
2133 |
2152 |
2134 |
2153 |
2135 |
2154 |
/// The graph type of RangeIdMap.
2136 |
2155 |
typedef GR Graph;
2137 |
2156 |
typedef GR Digraph;
2138 |
2157 |
/// The key type of RangeIdMap (\c Node, \c Arc or \c Edge).
2139 |
2158 |
typedef K Item;
2140 |
2159 |
/// The key type of RangeIdMap (\c Node, \c Arc or \c Edge).
2141 |
2160 |
typedef K Key;
2142 |
2161 |
/// The value type of RangeIdMap.
2143 |
2162 |
typedef int Value;
2144 |
2163 |
2145 |
2164 |
/// \brief Constructor.
2146 |
2165 |
2147 |
2166 |
/// Constructor.
2148 |
2167 |
explicit RangeIdMap(const Graph& gr) : Map(gr) {
2149 |
2168 |
Item it;
2150 |
2169 |
const typename Map::Notifier* nf = Map::notifier();
2151 |
2170 |
for (nf->first(it); it != INVALID; nf->next(it)) {
2152 |
2171 |
Map::set(it, _inv_map.size());
2153 |
2172 |
2154 |
2173 |
2155 |
2174 |
2156 |
2175 |
2157 |
2176 |
2158 |
2177 |
2159 |
2178 |
/// \brief Adds a new key to the map.
2160 |
2179 |
2161 |
2180 |
/// Add a new key to the map. It is called by the
2162 |
2181 |
/// \c AlterationNotifier.
2163 |
2182 |
virtual void add(const Item& item) {
2164 |
2183 |
2165 |
2184 |
Map::set(item, _inv_map.size());
2166 |
2185 |
2167 |
2186 |
2168 |
2187 |
2169 |
2188 |
/// \brief Add more new keys to the map.
2170 |
2189 |
2171 |
2190 |
/// Add more new keys to the map. It is called by the
2172 |
2191 |
/// \c AlterationNotifier.
2173 |
2192 |
virtual void add(const std::vector<Item>& items) {
2174 |
2193 |
2175 |
2194 |
for (int i = 0; i < int(items.size()); ++i) {
2176 |
2195 |
Map::set(items[i], _inv_map.size());
2177 |
2196 |
2178 |
2197 |
2179 |
2198 |
2180 |
2199 |
2181 |
2200 |
/// \brief Erase the key from the map.
2182 |
2201 |
2183 |
2202 |
/// Erase the key from the map. It is called by the
2184 |
2203 |
/// \c AlterationNotifier.