alpar (Alpar Juttner)
Unify sources
0 3 0
r1.2.3 1.2
3 files changed with 3 insertions and 3 deletions:
↑ Collapse diff ↑
Ignore white space 6 line context
1 1
/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
2 2
3 3
 * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
4 4
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2010
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2011
6 6
 * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
7 7
 * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
8 8
9 9
 * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
10 10
 * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
11 11
 * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
12 12
13 13
 * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
14 14
 * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
15 15
 * purpose.
16 16
17 17
18 18

19 19
20 20
21 21

22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
27 27

28 28
29 29
30 30

31 31
32 32
33 33

34 34
35 35
///\brief The interface of the LP solver interface.
36 36
///\ingroup lp_group
37 37
namespace lemon {
38 38

39 39
  ///Common base class for LP and MIP solvers
40 40

41 41
  ///Usually this class is not used directly, please use one of the concrete
42 42
  ///implementations of the solver interface.
43 43
  ///\ingroup lp_group
44 44
  class LpBase {
45 45

46 46
47 47

48 48
    _solver_bits::VarIndex rows;
49 49
    _solver_bits::VarIndex cols;
50 50

51 51
52 52

53 53
    ///Possible outcomes of an LP solving procedure
54 54
    enum SolveExitStatus {
55 55
      /// = 0. It means that the problem has been successfully solved: either
56 56
      ///an optimal solution has been found or infeasibility/unboundedness
57 57
      ///has been proved.
58 58
      SOLVED = 0,
59 59
      /// = 1. Any other case (including the case when some user specified
60 60
      ///limit has been exceeded).
61 61
      UNSOLVED = 1
62 62
63 63

64 64
    ///Direction of the optimization
65 65
    enum Sense {
66 66
      /// Minimization
67 67
68 68
      /// Maximization
69 69
70 70
71 71

72 72
    ///Enum for \c messageLevel() parameter
73 73
    enum MessageLevel {
74 74
      /// No output (default value).
75 75
76 76
      /// Error messages only.
77 77
78 78
      /// Warnings.
79 79
80 80
      /// Normal output.
81 81
82 82
      /// Verbose output.
83 83
84 84
85 85

86 86

87 87
    ///The floating point type used by the solver
88 88
    typedef double Value;
89 89
    ///The infinity constant
90 90
    static const Value INF;
91 91
    ///The not a number constant
92 92
    static const Value NaN;
93 93

94 94
    friend class Col;
95 95
    friend class ColIt;
96 96
    friend class Row;
97 97
    friend class RowIt;
98 98

99 99
    ///Refer to a column of the LP.
100 100

101 101
    ///This type is used to refer to a column of the LP.
102 102
103 103
    ///Its value remains valid and correct even after the addition or erase of
104 104
    ///other columns.
105 105
106 106
    ///\note This class is similar to other Item types in LEMON, like
107 107
    ///Node and Arc types in digraph.
108 108
    class Col {
109 109
      friend class LpBase;
110 110
111 111
      int _id;
112 112
      explicit Col(int id) : _id(id) {}
113 113
114 114
      typedef Value ExprValue;
115 115
      typedef True LpCol;
116 116
      /// Default constructor
117 117

118 118
      /// \warning The default constructor sets the Col to an
119 119
      /// undefined value.
120 120
      Col() {}
121 121
      /// Invalid constructor \& conversion.
122 122

123 123
      /// This constructor initializes the Col to be invalid.
124 124
      /// \sa Invalid for more details.
125 125
      Col(const Invalid&) : _id(-1) {}
126 126
      /// Equality operator
127 127

128 128
      /// Two \ref Col "Col"s are equal if and only if they point to
129 129
      /// the same LP column or both are invalid.
130 130
      bool operator==(Col c) const  {return _id == c._id;}
131 131
      /// Inequality operator
132 132

133 133
      /// \sa operator==(Col c)
134 134
135 135
      bool operator!=(Col c) const  {return _id != c._id;}
136 136
      /// Artificial ordering operator.
137 137

138 138
      /// To allow the use of this object in std::map or similar
139 139
      /// associative container we require this.
140 140
141 141
      /// \note This operator only have to define some strict ordering of
142 142
      /// the items; this order has nothing to do with the iteration
143 143
      /// ordering of the items.
144 144
      bool operator<(Col c) const  {return _id < c._id;}
145 145
146 146

147 147
    ///Iterator for iterate over the columns of an LP problem
148 148

149 149
    /// Its usage is quite simple, for example, you can count the number
150 150
    /// of columns in an LP \c lp:
151 151
152 152
    /// int count=0;
153 153
    /// for (LpBase::ColIt c(lp); c!=INVALID; ++c) ++count;
154 154
155 155
    class ColIt : public Col {
156 156
      const LpBase *_solver;
157 157
158 158
      /// Default constructor
159 159

160 160
      /// \warning The default constructor sets the iterator
161 161
      /// to an undefined value.
162 162
      ColIt() {}
163 163
      /// Sets the iterator to the first Col
164 164

165 165
      /// Sets the iterator to the first Col.
166 166
167 167
      ColIt(const LpBase &solver) : _solver(&solver)
168 168
169 169
170 170
171 171
      /// Invalid constructor \& conversion
172 172

173 173
      /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
174 174
      /// \sa Invalid for more details.
175 175
      ColIt(const Invalid&) : Col(INVALID) {}
176 176
      /// Next column
177 177

178 178
      /// Assign the iterator to the next column.
179 179
180 180
      ColIt &operator++()
181 181
182 182
183 183
        return *this;
184 184
185 185
186 186

187 187
    /// \brief Returns the ID of the column.
188 188
    static int id(const Col& col) { return col._id; }
189 189
    /// \brief Returns the column with the given ID.
190 190
191 191
    /// \pre The argument should be a valid column ID in the LP problem.
192 192
    static Col colFromId(int id) { return Col(id); }
193 193

194 194
    ///Refer to a row of the LP.
195 195

196 196
    ///This type is used to refer to a row of the LP.
197 197
198 198
    ///Its value remains valid and correct even after the addition or erase of
199 199
    ///other rows.
200 200
201 201
    ///\note This class is similar to other Item types in LEMON, like
202 202
    ///Node and Arc types in digraph.
203 203
    class Row {
204 204
      friend class LpBase;
205 205
206 206
      int _id;
207 207
      explicit Row(int id) : _id(id) {}
208 208
209 209
      typedef Value ExprValue;
210 210
      typedef True LpRow;
211 211
      /// Default constructor
212 212

213 213
      /// \warning The default constructor sets the Row to an
214 214
      /// undefined value.
215 215
      Row() {}
216 216
      /// Invalid constructor \& conversion.
217 217

218 218
      /// This constructor initializes the Row to be invalid.
219 219
      /// \sa Invalid for more details.
220 220
      Row(const Invalid&) : _id(-1) {}
221 221
      /// Equality operator
222 222

223 223
      /// Two \ref Row "Row"s are equal if and only if they point to
224 224
      /// the same LP row or both are invalid.
225 225
      bool operator==(Row r) const  {return _id == r._id;}
226 226
      /// Inequality operator
227 227

228 228
      /// \sa operator==(Row r)
229 229
230 230
      bool operator!=(Row r) const  {return _id != r._id;}
231 231
      /// Artificial ordering operator.
232 232

233 233
      /// To allow the use of this object in std::map or similar
234 234
      /// associative container we require this.
235 235
236 236
      /// \note This operator only have to define some strict ordering of
237 237
      /// the items; this order has nothing to do with the iteration
238 238
      /// ordering of the items.
239 239
      bool operator<(Row r) const  {return _id < r._id;}
240 240
241 241

242 242
    ///Iterator for iterate over the rows of an LP problem
243 243

244 244
    /// Its usage is quite simple, for example, you can count the number
245 245
    /// of rows in an LP \c lp:
246 246
247 247
    /// int count=0;
248 248
    /// for (LpBase::RowIt c(lp); c!=INVALID; ++c) ++count;
249 249
250 250
    class RowIt : public Row {
251 251
      const LpBase *_solver;
252 252
253 253
      /// Default constructor
254 254

255 255
      /// \warning The default constructor sets the iterator
256 256
      /// to an undefined value.
257 257
      RowIt() {}
258 258
      /// Sets the iterator to the first Row
259 259

260 260
      /// Sets the iterator to the first Row.
261 261
262 262
      RowIt(const LpBase &solver) : _solver(&solver)
263 263
264 264
265 265
266 266
      /// Invalid constructor \& conversion
267 267

268 268
      /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
269 269
      /// \sa Invalid for more details.
270 270
      RowIt(const Invalid&) : Row(INVALID) {}
271 271
      /// Next row
272 272

273 273
      /// Assign the iterator to the next row.
274 274
275 275
      RowIt &operator++()
276 276
277 277
278 278
        return *this;
279 279
280 280
281 281

282 282
    /// \brief Returns the ID of the row.
283 283
    static int id(const Row& row) { return row._id; }
284 284
    /// \brief Returns the row with the given ID.
285 285
286 286
    /// \pre The argument should be a valid row ID in the LP problem.
287 287
    static Row rowFromId(int id) { return Row(id); }
288 288

289 289
290 290

291 291
    ///Linear expression of variables and a constant component
292 292

293 293
    ///This data structure stores a linear expression of the variables
294 294
    ///(\ref Col "Col"s) and also has a constant component.
295 295
296 296
    ///There are several ways to access and modify the contents of this
297 297
298 298
299 299
300 300
301 301
302 302
303 303
    ///or you can also iterate through its elements.
304 304
305 305
    ///double s=0;
306 306
    ///for(LpBase::Expr::ConstCoeffIt i(e);i!=INVALID;++i)
307 307
    ///  s+=*i * primal(i);
308 308
309 309
    ///(This code computes the primal value of the expression).
310 310
    ///- Numbers (<tt>double</tt>'s)
311 311
    ///and variables (\ref Col "Col"s) directly convert to an
312 312
    ///\ref Expr and the usual linear operations are defined, so
313 313
314 314
315 315
316 316
317 317
318 318
    ///are valid expressions.
319 319
    ///The usual assignment operations are also defined.
320 320
321 321
322 322
323 323
324 324
325 325
326 326
    ///- The constant member can be set and read by dereference
327 327
    ///  operator (unary *)
328 328
329 329
330 330
331 331
    ///double c=*e;
332 332
333 333
334 334
    ///\sa Constr
335 335
    class Expr {
336 336
      friend class LpBase;
337 337
338 338
      /// The key type of the expression
339 339
      typedef LpBase::Col Key;
340 340
      /// The value type of the expression
341 341
      typedef LpBase::Value Value;
342 342

343 343
344 344
      Value const_comp;
345 345
      std::map<int, Value> comps;
346 346

347 347
348 348
      typedef True SolverExpr;
349 349
      /// Default constructor
350 350

351 351
      /// Construct an empty expression, the coefficients and
352 352
      /// the constant component are initialized to zero.
353 353
      Expr() : const_comp(0) {}
354 354
      /// Construct an expression from a column
355 355

356 356
      /// Construct an expression, which has a term with \c c variable
357 357
      /// and 1.0 coefficient.
358 358
      Expr(const Col &c) : const_comp(0) {
359 359
        typedef std::map<int, Value>::value_type pair_type;
360 360
        comps.insert(pair_type(id(c), 1));
361 361
362 362
      /// Construct an expression from a constant
363 363

364 364
      /// Construct an expression, which's constant component is \c v.
365 365
366 366
      Expr(const Value &v) : const_comp(v) {}
367 367
      /// Returns the coefficient of the column
368 368
      Value operator[](const Col& c) const {
369 369
        std::map<int, Value>::const_iterator it=comps.find(id(c));
370 370
        if (it != comps.end()) {
371 371
          return it->second;
372 372
        } else {
373 373
          return 0;
374 374
375 375
376 376
      /// Returns the coefficient of the column
377 377
      Value& operator[](const Col& c) {
378 378
        return comps[id(c)];
379 379
380 380
      /// Sets the coefficient of the column
381 381
      void set(const Col &c, const Value &v) {
382 382
        if (v != 0.0) {
383 383
          typedef std::map<int, Value>::value_type pair_type;
384 384
          comps.insert(pair_type(id(c), v));
385 385
        } else {
386 386
387 387
388 388
389 389
      /// Returns the constant component of the expression
Ignore white space 768 line context
1 1
/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
2 2
3 3
 * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
4 4
5 5
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2011
6 6
 * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
7 7
 * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
8 8
9 9
 * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
10 10
 * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
11 11
 * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
12 12
13 13
 * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
14 14
 * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
15 15
 * purpose.
16 16
17 17
18 18

19 19
#include <lemon/list_graph.h>
20 20
#include <lemon/lgf_reader.h>
21 21
#include "test_tools.h"
22 22

23 23
using namespace lemon;
24 24

25 25
char test_lgf[] =
26 26
27 27
28 28
29 29
30 30
31 31
  "     label\n"
32 32
  "0 1  0\n"
33 33
  "1 0  1\n"
34 34
35 35
  "source 0\n"
36 36
  "target 1\n";
37 37

38 38
char test_lgf_nomap[] =
39 39
40 40
41 41
42 42
43 43
44 44
  "     -\n"
45 45
  "0 1\n";
46 46

47 47
char test_lgf_bad1[] =
48 48
49 49
50 50
51 51
52 52
53 53
  "     - another\n"
54 54
  "0 1\n";
55 55

56 56
char test_lgf_bad2[] =
57 57
58 58
59 59
60 60
61 61
62 62
  "     label -\n"
63 63
  "0 1\n";
64 64

65 65

66 66
int main()
67 67
68 68
69 69
    ListDigraph d;
70 70
    ListDigraph::Node s,t;
71 71
    ListDigraph::ArcMap<int> label(d);
72 72
    std::istringstream input(test_lgf);
73 73
    digraphReader(d, input).
74 74
      node("source", s).
75 75
      node("target", t).
76 76
      arcMap("label", label).
77 77
78 78
    check(countNodes(d) == 2,"There should be 2 nodes");
79 79
    check(countArcs(d) == 2,"There should be 2 arcs");
80 80
81 81
82 82
    ListGraph g;
83 83
    ListGraph::Node s,t;
84 84
    ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> label(g);
85 85
    std::istringstream input(test_lgf);
86 86
    graphReader(g, input).
87 87
      node("source", s).
88 88
      node("target", t).
89 89
      edgeMap("label", label).
90 90
91 91
    check(countNodes(g) == 2,"There should be 2 nodes");
92 92
    check(countEdges(g) == 2,"There should be 2 arcs");
93 93
94 94

95 95
96 96
    ListDigraph d;
97 97
    std::istringstream input(test_lgf_nomap);
98 98
    digraphReader(d, input).
99 99
100 100
    check(countNodes(d) == 2,"There should be 2 nodes");
101 101
    check(countArcs(d) == 1,"There should be 1 arc");
102 102
103 103
104 104
    ListGraph g;
105 105
    std::istringstream input(test_lgf_nomap);
106 106
    graphReader(g, input).
107 107
108 108
    check(countNodes(g) == 2,"There should be 2 nodes");
109 109
    check(countEdges(g) == 1,"There should be 1 edge");
110 110
111 111

112 112
113 113
    ListDigraph d;
114 114
    std::istringstream input(test_lgf_bad1);
115 115
    bool ok=false;
116 116
    try {
117 117
      digraphReader(d, input).
118 118
119 119
    catch (FormatError&) 
    catch (FormatError&)
121 121
122 122
        ok = true;
123 123
124 124
    check(ok,"FormatError exception should have occured");
125 125
126 126
127 127
    ListGraph g;
128 128
    std::istringstream input(test_lgf_bad1);
129 129
    bool ok=false;
130 130
    try {
131 131
      graphReader(g, input).
132 132
133 133
134 134
    catch (FormatError&)
135 135
136 136
        ok = true;
137 137
138 138
    check(ok,"FormatError exception should have occured");
139 139
140 140

141 141
142 142
    ListDigraph d;
143 143
    std::istringstream input(test_lgf_bad2);
144 144
    bool ok=false;
145 145
    try {
146 146
      digraphReader(d, input).
147 147
148 148
149 149
    catch (FormatError&)
150 150
151 151
        ok = true;
152 152
153 153
    check(ok,"FormatError exception should have occured");
154 154
155 155
156 156
    ListGraph g;
157 157
    std::istringstream input(test_lgf_bad2);
158 158
    bool ok=false;
159 159
    try {
160 160
      graphReader(g, input).
161 161
162 162
163 163
    catch (FormatError&)
164 164
165 165
        ok = true;
166 166
167 167
    check(ok,"FormatError exception should have occured");
168 168
169 169
Ignore white space 6 line context
1 1
/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
2 2
3 3
 * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
4 4
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2011
6 6
 * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
7 7
 * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
8 8
9 9
 * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
10 10
 * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
11 11
 * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
12 12
13 13
 * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
14 14
 * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
15 15
 * purpose.
16 16
17 17
18 18

19 19
#include <sstream>
20 20
#include <lemon/lp_skeleton.h>
21 21
#include "test_tools.h"
22 22
#include <lemon/tolerance.h>
23 23

24 24
#include <lemon/config.h>
25 25

26 26
27 27
#include <lemon/glpk.h>
28 28
29 29

30 30
31 31
#include <lemon/cplex.h>
32 32
33 33

34 34
35 35
#include <lemon/soplex.h>
36 36
37 37

38 38
39 39
#include <lemon/clp.h>
40 40
41 41

42 42
using namespace lemon;
43 43

44 44
void lpTest(LpSolver& lp)
45 45
46 46

47 47
  typedef LpSolver LP;
48 48

49 49
  std::vector<LP::Col> x(10);
50 50
  //  for(int i=0;i<10;i++) x.push_back(lp.addCol());
51 51
52 52
53 53
54 54
55 55

56 56
  std::vector<LP::Col> y(10);
57 57
58 58

59 59
60 60
61 61
62 62

63 63
  std::map<int,LP::Col> z;
64 64

65 65
66 66
67 67
68 68
69 69

70 70
71 71

72 72
73 73
74 74
75 75

76 76
77 77
    LP::Expr e,f,g;
78 78
    LP::Col p1,p2,p3,p4,p5;
79 79
    LP::Constr c;
80 80

81 81
82 82
83 83
84 84
85 85
86 86

87 87
88 88
89 89
90 90
91 91
92 92
93 93

94 94
95 95
96 96
97 97
98 98

99 99
100 100
101 101
102 102
103 103

104 104
105 105
106 106
107 107
108 108

109 109
110 110
111 111
112 112
113 113

114 114
115 115
116 116
117 117
118 118
119 119
120 120
121 121
122 122

123 123

124 124
    c = (e  <= f  );
125 125
    c = (e  <= 2.2);
126 126
    c = (e  <= 2  );
127 127
    c = (e  <= p1 );
128 128
    c = (2.2<= f  );
129 129
    c = (2  <= f  );
130 130
    c = (p1 <= f  );
131 131
    c = (p1 <= p2 );
132 132
    c = (p1 <= 2.2);
133 133
    c = (p1 <= 2  );
134 134
    c = (2.2<= p2 );
135 135
    c = (2  <= p2 );
136 136

137 137
    c = (e  >= f  );
138 138
    c = (e  >= 2.2);
139 139
    c = (e  >= 2  );
140 140
    c = (e  >= p1 );
141 141
    c = (2.2>= f  );
142 142
    c = (2  >= f  );
143 143
    c = (p1 >= f  );
144 144
    c = (p1 >= p2 );
145 145
    c = (p1 >= 2.2);
146 146
    c = (p1 >= 2  );
147 147
    c = (2.2>= p2 );
148 148
    c = (2  >= p2 );
149 149

150 150
    c = (e  == f  );
151 151
    c = (e  == 2.2);
152 152
    c = (e  == 2  );
153 153
    c = (e  == p1 );
154 154
    c = (2.2== f  );
155 155
    c = (2  == f  );
156 156
    c = (p1 == f  );
157 157
    //c = (p1 == p2 );
158 158
    c = (p1 == 2.2);
159 159
    c = (p1 == 2  );
160 160
    c = (2.2== p2 );
161 161
    c = (2  == p2 );
162 162

163 163
    c = ((2 <= e) <= 3);
164 164
    c = ((2 <= p1) <= 3);
165 165

166 166
    c = ((2 >= e) >= 3);
167 167
    c = ((2 >= p1) >= 3);
168 168

169 169
    { //Tests for #430
170 170
      LP::Col v=lp.addCol();
171 171
      LP::Constr c = v >= -3;
172 172
      c = c <= 4;
173 173
      LP::Constr c2;
174 174
      c2 = -3 <= v <= 4;
175 175
176 176

177 177
178 178
179 179
180 180
181 181

182 182
183 183
184 184
185 185

186 186
187 187
188 188
189 189

190 190
    std::ostringstream buf;
191 191

192 192

193 193
194 194
195 195
196 196
    double tolerance=0.001;
197 197
198 198
    buf << "Coeff. of p2 should be 0.01";
199 199
    check(e[p2]>0, buf.str());
200 200

201 201
202 202
203 203
    buf << "Coeff. of p2 should be 0";
204 204
    check(const_cast<const LpSolver::Expr&>(e)[p2]==0, buf.str());
205 205

206 206
    //Test for clone/new
207 207
    LP* lpnew = lp.newSolver();
208 208
    LP* lpclone = lp.cloneSolver();
209 209
    delete lpnew;
210 210
    delete lpclone;
211 211

212 212
213 213

214 214
215 215
    LP::DualExpr e,f,g;
216 216
    LP::Row p1 = INVALID, p2 = INVALID, p3 = INVALID,
217 217
      p4 = INVALID, p5 = INVALID;
218 218

219 219
220 220
221 221
222 222

223 223
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225 225

226 226
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229 229
230 230
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232 232
233 233
234 234
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237 237
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240 240
241 241
242 242
243 243
244 244
245 245
246 246

247 247
248 248

249 249
void solveAndCheck(LpSolver& lp, LpSolver::ProblemType stat,
250 250
                   double exp_opt) {
251 251
  using std::string;
252 252
253 253

254 254
  std::ostringstream buf;
255 255
  buf << "PrimalType should be: " << int(stat) << int(lp.primalType());
256 256

257 257
  check(lp.primalType()==stat, buf.str());
258 258

259 259
  if (stat ==  LpSolver::OPTIMAL) {
260 260
    std::ostringstream sbuf;
261 261
    sbuf << "Wrong optimal value (" << lp.primal() <<") with "
262 262
         << lp.solverName() <<"\n     the right optimum is " << exp_opt;
263 263
    check(std::abs(lp.primal()-exp_opt) < 1e-3, sbuf.str());
264 264
265 265
266 266

267 267
void aTest(LpSolver & lp)
268 268
269 269
  typedef LpSolver LP;
270 270

271 271
 //The following example is very simple
272 272

273 273
  typedef LpSolver::Row Row;
274 274
  typedef LpSolver::Col Col;
275 275

276 276

277 277
  Col x1 = lp.addCol();
278 278
  Col x2 = lp.addCol();
279 279

280 280

281 281
282 282
  Row upright=lp.addRow(x1+2*x2 <=1);
283 283
  lp.addRow(x1+x2 >=-1);
284 284
  lp.addRow(x1-x2 <=1);
285 285
  lp.addRow(x1-x2 >=-1);
286 286
  //Nonnegativity of the variables
287 287
  lp.colLowerBound(x1, 0);
288 288
  lp.colLowerBound(x2, 0);
289 289
  //Objective function
290 290
291 291

292 292
293 293

294 294
  //Testing the problem retrieving routines
295 295
  check(lp.objCoeff(x1)==1,"First term should be 1 in the obj function!");
296 296
  check(lp.sense() == lp.MAX,"This is a maximization!");
297 297
  check(lp.coeff(upright,x1)==1,"The coefficient in question is 1!");
298 298
299 299
        "The lower bound for variable x1 should be 0.");
300 300
301 301
        "The upper bound for variable x1 should be infty.");
302 302
  check(lp.rowLowerBound(upright) == -LpSolver::INF,
303 303
        "The lower bound for the first row should be -infty.");
304 304
305 305
        "The upper bound for the first row should be 1.");
306 306
  LpSolver::Expr e = lp.row(upright);
307 307
  check(e[x1] == 1, "The first coefficient should 1.");
308 308
  check(e[x2] == 2, "The second coefficient should 1.");
309 309

310 310
  lp.row(upright, x1+x2 <=1);
311 311
  e = lp.row(upright);
312 312
  check(e[x1] == 1, "The first coefficient should 1.");
313 313
  check(e[x2] == 1, "The second coefficient should 1.");
314 314

315 315
  LpSolver::DualExpr de = lp.col(x1);
316 316
  check(  de[upright] == 1, "The first coefficient should 1.");
317 317

318 318
  LpSolver* clp = lp.cloneSolver();
319 319

320 320
  //Testing the problem retrieving routines
321 321
  check(clp->objCoeff(x1)==1,"First term should be 1 in the obj function!");
322 322
  check(clp->sense() == clp->MAX,"This is a maximization!");
323 323
  check(clp->coeff(upright,x1)==1,"The coefficient in question is 1!");
324 324
  //  std::cout<<lp.colLowerBound(x1)<<std::endl;
325 325
326 326
        "The lower bound for variable x1 should be 0.");
327 327
328 328
        "The upper bound for variable x1 should be infty.");
329 329

330 330
331 331
        "The lower bound for the first row should be -infty.");
332 332
333 333
        "The upper bound for the first row should be 1.");
334 334
  e = clp->row(upright);
335 335
  check(e[x1] == 1, "The first coefficient should 1.");
336 336
  check(e[x2] == 1, "The second coefficient should 1.");
337 337

338 338
  de = clp->col(x1);
339 339
  check(de[upright] == 1, "The first coefficient should 1.");
340 340

341 341
  delete clp;
342 342

343 343
  //Maximization of x1+x2
344 344
  //over the triangle with vertices (0,0) (0,1) (1,0)
345 345
  double expected_opt=1;
346 346
  solveAndCheck(lp, LpSolver::OPTIMAL, expected_opt);
347 347

348 348
349 349
350 350
351 351
  solveAndCheck(lp, LpSolver::OPTIMAL, expected_opt);
352 352

353 353
  //Vertex (-1,0) instead of (0,0)
354 354
  lp.colLowerBound(x1, -LpSolver::INF);
355 355
356 356
  solveAndCheck(lp, LpSolver::OPTIMAL, expected_opt);
357 357

358 358
  //Erase one constraint and return to maximization
359 359
360 360
361 361
362 362
  solveAndCheck(lp, LpSolver::UNBOUNDED, expected_opt);
363 363

364 364
365 365
  lp.addRow(x1+x2 <=-2);
366 366
  solveAndCheck(lp, LpSolver::INFEASIBLE, expected_opt);
367 367

368 368
369 369

370 370
template<class LP>
371 371
void cloneTest()
372 372
373 373
  //Test for clone/new
374 374

375 375
  LP* lp = new LP();
376 376
  LP* lpnew = lp->newSolver();
377 377
  LP* lpclone = lp->cloneSolver();
378 378
  delete lp;
379 379
  delete lpnew;
380 380
  delete lpclone;
381 381
382 382

383 383
int main()
384 384
385 385
  LpSkeleton lp_skel;
386 386
387 387

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