alpar (Alpar Juttner)
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merge 1.1
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/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
 * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
 * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
 * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
 * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
 * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
 * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
 * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
 * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
 * purpose.

namespace lemon {

\page min_cost_flow Minimum Cost Flow Problem

\section mcf_def Definition (GEQ form)

The \e minimum \e cost \e flow \e problem is to find a feasible flow of
minimum total cost from a set of supply nodes to a set of demand nodes
in a network with capacity constraints (lower and upper bounds)
and arc costs.

Formally, let \f$G=(V,A)\f$ be a digraph, \f$lower: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\f$,
\f$upper: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\cup\{+\infty\}\f$ denote the lower and
upper bounds for the flow values on the arcs, for which
\f$lower(uv) \leq upper(uv)\f$ must hold for all \f$uv\in A\f$,
\f$cost: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\f$ denotes the cost per unit flow
on the arcs and \f$sup: V\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\f$ denotes the
signed supply values of the nodes.
If \f$sup(u)>0\f$, then \f$u\f$ is a supply node with \f$sup(u)\f$
supply, if \f$sup(u)<0\f$, then \f$u\f$ is a demand node with
\f$-sup(u)\f$ demand.
A minimum cost flow is an \f$f: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\f$ solution
of the following optimization problem.

\f[ \min\sum_{uv\in A} f(uv) \cdot cost(uv) \f]
\f[ \sum_{uv\in A} f(uv) - \sum_{vu\in A} f(vu) \geq
    sup(u) \quad \forall u\in V \f]
\f[ lower(uv) \leq f(uv) \leq upper(uv) \quad \forall uv\in A \f]

The sum of the supply values, i.e. \f$\sum_{u\in V} sup(u)\f$ must be
zero or negative in order to have a feasible solution (since the sum
of the expressions on the left-hand side of the inequalities is zero).
It means that the total demand must be greater or equal to the total
supply and all the supplies have to be carried out from the supply nodes,
but there could be demands that are not satisfied.
If \f$\sum_{u\in V} sup(u)\f$ is zero, then all the supply/demand
constraints have to be satisfied with equality, i.e. all demands
have to be satisfied and all supplies have to be used.


\section mcf_algs Algorithms

LEMON contains several algorithms for solving this problem, for more
information see \ref min_cost_flow_algs "Minimum Cost Flow Algorithms".

A feasible solution for this problem can be found using \ref Circulation.


\section mcf_dual Dual Solution

The dual solution of the minimum cost flow problem is represented by
node potentials \f$\pi: V\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\f$.
An \f$f: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\f$ primal feasible solution is optimal
if and only if for some \f$\pi: V\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\f$ node potentials
the following \e complementary \e slackness optimality conditions hold.

 - For all \f$uv\in A\f$ arcs:
   - if \f$cost^\pi(uv)>0\f$, then \f$f(uv)=lower(uv)\f$;
   - if \f$lower(uv)<f(uv)<upper(uv)\f$, then \f$cost^\pi(uv)=0\f$;
   - if \f$cost^\pi(uv)<0\f$, then \f$f(uv)=upper(uv)\f$.
 - For all \f$u\in V\f$ nodes:
   - \f$\pi(u)<=0\f$;
   - if \f$\sum_{uv\in A} f(uv) - \sum_{vu\in A} f(vu) \neq sup(u)\f$,
     then \f$\pi(u)=0\f$.
Here \f$cost^\pi(uv)\f$ denotes the \e reduced \e cost of the arc
\f$uv\in A\f$ with respect to the potential function \f$\pi\f$, i.e.
\f[ cost^\pi(uv) = cost(uv) + \pi(u) - \pi(v).\f]

All algorithms provide dual solution (node potentials), as well,
if an optimal flow is found.


\section mcf_eq Equality Form

The above \ref mcf_def "definition" is actually more general than the
usual formulation of the minimum cost flow problem, in which strict
equalities are required in the supply/demand contraints.

\f[ \min\sum_{uv\in A} f(uv) \cdot cost(uv) \f]
\f[ \sum_{uv\in A} f(uv) - \sum_{vu\in A} f(vu) =
    sup(u) \quad \forall u\in V \f]
\f[ lower(uv) \leq f(uv) \leq upper(uv) \quad \forall uv\in A \f]

However if the sum of the supply values is zero, then these two problems
are equivalent.
The \ref min_cost_flow_algs "algorithms" in LEMON support the general
form, so if you need the equality form, you have to ensure this additional
contraint manually.


\section mcf_leq Opposite Inequalites (LEQ Form)

Another possible definition of the minimum cost flow problem is
when there are <em>"less or equal"</em> (LEQ) supply/demand constraints,
instead of the <em>"greater or equal"</em> (GEQ) constraints.

\f[ \min\sum_{uv\in A} f(uv) \cdot cost(uv) \f]
\f[ \sum_{uv\in A} f(uv) - \sum_{vu\in A} f(vu) \leq
    sup(u) \quad \forall u\in V \f]
\f[ lower(uv) \leq f(uv) \leq upper(uv) \quad \forall uv\in A \f]

It means that the total demand must be less or equal to the 
total supply (i.e. \f$\sum_{u\in V} sup(u)\f$ must be zero or
positive) and all the demands have to be satisfied, but there
could be supplies that are not carried out from the supply
The equality form is also a special case of this form, of course.

You could easily transform this case to the \ref mcf_def "GEQ form"
of the problem by reversing the direction of the arcs and taking the
negative of the supply values (e.g. using \ref ReverseDigraph and
\ref NegMap adaptors).
However \ref NetworkSimplex algorithm also supports this form directly
for the sake of convenience.

Note that the optimality conditions for this supply constraint type are
slightly differ from the conditions that are discussed for the GEQ form,
namely the potentials have to be non-negative instead of non-positive.
An \f$f: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\f$ feasible solution of this problem
is optimal if and only if for some \f$\pi: V\rightarrow\mathbf{R}\f$
node potentials the following conditions hold.

 - For all \f$uv\in A\f$ arcs:
   - if \f$cost^\pi(uv)>0\f$, then \f$f(uv)=lower(uv)\f$;
   - if \f$lower(uv)<f(uv)<upper(uv)\f$, then \f$cost^\pi(uv)=0\f$;
   - if \f$cost^\pi(uv)<0\f$, then \f$f(uv)=upper(uv)\f$.
 - For all \f$u\in V\f$ nodes:
   - \f$\pi(u)>=0\f$;
   - if \f$\sum_{uv\in A} f(uv) - \sum_{vu\in A} f(vu) \neq sup(u)\f$,
     then \f$\pi(u)=0\f$.

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IF(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/version.cmake)
4 4
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ELSE(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/version.cmake)
6 6
7 7
  SET(PROJECT_VERSION "hg-tip" CACHE STRING "LEMON version string.")
8 8
ENDIF(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/version.cmake)
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  SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /wd4250 /wd4355 /wd4800 /wd4996")
22 22
# Suppressed warnings:
23 23
# C4250: 'class1' : inherits 'class2::member' via dominance
24 24
# C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
25 25
# C4800: 'type' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
26 26
# C4996: 'function': was declared deprecated
27 27
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      "LEMON - Library of Efficient Models and Optimization in Networks")
      "LEMON - Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks")
48 48
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50 50
51 51

52 52
53 53
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    SET(CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL headers library html_documentation bin)
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59 59
60 60
61 61
    SET(CPACK_COMPONENT_BIN_DISPLAY_NAME "Command line utilities")
62 62
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64 64
65 65
      "C++ header files")
66 66
67 67
      "DLL and import library")
68 68
69 69
      "Command line utilities")
70 70
71 71
      "Doxygen generated documentation")
72 72

73 73
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75 75
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79 79
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      "Components needed to develop software using LEMON")
81 81
82 82
      "Documentation of LEMON")
83 83

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90 90
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    SET(CPACK_NSIS_MUI_ICON "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/nsis/lemon.ico")
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    SET(CPACK_NSIS_MUI_UNIICON "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/nsis/uninstall.ico")
93 93
    #SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_ICON "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/nsis\\\\installer.bmp")
94 94
    SET(CPACK_NSIS_INSTALLED_ICON_NAME "bin\\\\lemon.ico")
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    SET(CPACK_NSIS_HELP_LINK "http:\\\\\\\\")
97 97
    SET(CPACK_NSIS_URL_INFO_ABOUT "http:\\\\\\\\")
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100 100
      CreateShortCut \\\"$SMPROGRAMS\\\\$STARTMENU_FOLDER\\\\Documentation.lnk\\\" \\\"$INSTDIR\\\\share\\\\doc\\\\index.html\\\"
101 101
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      !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER Application $MUI_TEMP
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      Delete \\\"$SMPROGRAMS\\\\$MUI_TEMP\\\\Documentation.lnk\\\"
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Ignore white space 6 line context
2009-05-13 Version 1.1 released

        This is the second stable release of the 1.x series. It
        features a better coverage of the tools available in the 0.x
        series, a thoroughly reworked LP/MIP interface plus various
        improvements in the existing tools.

        * Much improved M$ Windows support
          * Various improvements in the CMAKE build system
          * Compilation warnings are fixed/suppressed
        * Support IBM xlC compiler
        * New algorithms
          * Connectivity related algorithms (#61)
          * Euler walks (#65)
          * Preflow push-relabel max. flow algorithm (#176)
          * Circulation algorithm (push-relabel based) (#175)
          * Suurballe algorithm (#47)
          * Gomory-Hu algorithm (#66)
          * Hao-Orlin algorithm (#58)
          * Edmond's maximum cardinality and weighted matching algorithms
            in general graphs (#48,#265)
          * Minimum cost arborescence/branching (#60)
          * Network Simplex min. cost flow algorithm (#234)
        * New data structures
          * Full graph structure (#57)
          * Grid graph structure (#57)
          * Hypercube graph structure (#57)
          * Graph adaptors (#67)
          * ArcSet and EdgeSet classes (#67)
          * Elevator class (#174)
        * Other new tools
          * LP/MIP interface (#44)
            * Support for GLPK, CPLEX, Soplex, COIN-OR CLP and CBC
          * Reader for the Nauty file format (#55)
          * DIMACS readers (#167)
          * Radix sort algorithms (#72)
          * RangeIdMap and CrossRefMap (#160)
        * New command line tools
          * DIMACS to LGF converter (#182)
          * lgf-gen - a graph generator (#45)
          * DIMACS solver utility (#226)
        * Other code improvements
          * Lognormal distribution added to Random (#102)
          * Better (i.e. O(1) time) item counting in SmartGraph (#3)
          * The standard maps of graphs are guaranteed to be
            reference maps (#190)
        * Miscellaneous
          * Various doc improvements
          * Improved 0.x -> 1.x converter script

        * Several bugfixes (compared to release 1.0):
          #170: Bugfix SmartDigraph::split()
          #171: Bugfix in SmartGraph::restoreSnapshot()
          #172: Extended test cases for graphs and digraphs
          #173: Bugfix in Random
                * operator()s always return a double now
                * the faulty real<Num>(Num) and real<Num>(Num,Num)
                  have been removed
          #187: Remove DijkstraWidestPathOperationTraits
          #61:  Bugfix in DfsVisit
          #193: Bugfix in GraphReader::skipSection()
          #195: Bugfix in ConEdgeIt()
          #197: Bugfix in heap unionfind
                * This bug affects Edmond's general matching algorithms
          #207: Fix 'make install' without 'make html' using CMAKE
          #208: Suppress or fix VS2008 compilation warnings
          ----: Update the LEMON icon
          ----: Enable the component-based installer
                (in installers made by CPACK)
          ----: Set the proper version for CMAKE in the tarballs
                (made by autotools)
          ----: Minor clarification in the LICENSE file
          ----: Add missing unistd.h include to time_measure.h
          #204: Compilation bug fixed in graph_to_eps.h with VS2005
          #214,#215: windows.h should never be included by lemon headers
          #230: Build systems check the availability of 'long long' type
          #229: Default implementation of Tolerance<> is used for integer types
          #211,#212: Various fixes for compiling on AIX
          ----: Improvements in CMAKE config
                - docs is installed in share/doc/
                - detects newer versions of Ghostscript
          #239: Fix missing 'inline' specifier in time_measure.h
          #274,#280: Install lemon/config.h
          #275: Prefix macro names with LEMON_ in lemon/config.h
          ----: Small script for making the release tarballs added
          ----: Minor improvement in (a76f55d7d397)

1 88
2009-03-27 LEMON joins to the COIN-OR initiative
2 89

3 90
        COIN-OR (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research,
4 91 project is an initiative to spur the
5 92
        development of open-source software for the operations research
6 93
7 94

8 95
2008-10-13 Version 1.0 released
9 96

10 97
	This is the first stable release of LEMON. Compared to the 0.x
11 98
	release series, it features a considerably smaller but more
12 99
	matured set of tools. The API has also completely revised and
13 100
	changed in several places.
14 101

15 102
	* The major name changes compared to the 0.x series (see the
16 103
          Migration Guide in the doc for more details)
17 104
          * Graph -> Digraph, UGraph -> Graph
18 105
          * Edge -> Arc, UEdge -> Edge
19 106
	  * source(UEdge)/target(UEdge) -> u(Edge)/v(Edge)
20 107
	* Other improvements
21 108
	  * Better documentation
22 109
	  * Reviewed and cleaned up codebase
23 110
	  * CMake based build system (along with the autotools based one)
24 111
	* Contents of the library (ported from 0.x)
25 112
	  * Algorithms
26 113
       	    * breadth-first search (bfs.h)
27 114
       	    * depth-first search (dfs.h)
28 115
       	    * Dijkstra's algorithm (dijkstra.h)
29 116
       	    * Kruskal's algorithm (kruskal.h)
30 117
    	  * Data structures
31 118
       	    * graph data structures (list_graph.h, smart_graph.h)
32 119
       	    * path data structures (path.h)
33 120
       	    * binary heap data structure (bin_heap.h)
34 121
       	    * union-find data structures (unionfind.h)
35 122
       	    * miscellaneous property maps (maps.h)
36 123
       	    * two dimensional vector and bounding box (dim2.h)
37 124
          * Concepts
38 125
       	    * graph structure concepts (concepts/digraph.h, concepts/graph.h,
39 126
40 127
       	    * concepts for other structures (concepts/heap.h, concepts/maps.h,
41 128
42 129
    	  * Tools
43 130
       	    * Mersenne twister random number generator (random.h)
44 131
       	    * tools for measuring cpu and wall clock time (time_measure.h)
45 132
       	    * tools for counting steps and events (counter.h)
46 133
       	    * tool for parsing command line arguments (arg_parser.h)
47 134
       	    * tool for visualizing graphs (graph_to_eps.h)
48 135
       	    * tools for reading and writing data in LEMON Graph Format
49 136
              (lgf_reader.h, lgf_writer.h)
50 137
            * tools to handle the anomalies of calculations with
51 138
	      floating point numbers (tolerance.h)
52 139
            * tools to manage RGB colors (color.h)
53 140
    	  * Infrastructure
54 141
       	    * extended assertion handling (assert.h)
55 142
       	    * exception classes and error handling (error.h)
56 143
      	    * concept checking (concept_check.h)
57 144
       	    * commonly used mathematical constants (math.h)
Ignore white space 6 line context
LEMON - a Library of Efficient Models and Optimization in Networks
LEMON - a Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks
4 4

5 5
LEMON is an open source library written in C++. It provides
6 6
easy-to-use implementations of common data structures and algorithms
7 7
in the area of optimization and helps implementing new ones. The main
8 8
focus is on graphs and graph algorithms, thus it is especially
9 9
suitable for solving design and optimization problems of
10 10
telecommunication networks. To achieve wide usability its data
11 11
structures and algorithms provide generic interfaces.
12 12

13 13
14 14
15 15

16 16
17 17

18 18
   Copying, distribution and modification conditions and terms.
19 19

20 20
21 21

22 22
   General building and installation instructions.
23 23

24 24
25 25

26 26
   Source code of LEMON library.
27 27

28 28
29 29

30 30
   Documentation of LEMON. The starting page is doc/html/index.html.
31 31

32 32
33 33

34 34
   Some example programs to make you easier to get familiar with LEMON.
35 35

36 36
37 37

38 38
   Programs to check the integrity and correctness of LEMON.
39 39

40 40
41 41

42 42
   Various utilities related to LEMON.
Ignore white space 393216 line context
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	grid_graph.eps \
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	bipartite_matching.eps \
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	bipartite_partitions.eps \
27 28
	connected_components.eps \
28 29
	edge_biconnected_components.eps \
29 30
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EXTRA_DIST += $(DOC_EPS_IMAGES:%=doc/images/%)
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GS_COMMAND=gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -q -dEPSCrop -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4
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	  echo; \
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$(DOC_EPS_IMAGES27:%.eps=doc/gen-images/%.png): doc/gen-images/%.png: doc/images/%.eps
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	  echo; \
63 64
	  echo "Ghostscript not found."; \
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	  exit 1; \
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html-local: $(DOC_PNG_IMAGES)
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73 74
	else \
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	  echo; \
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	  echo "Doxygen not found."; \
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	  exit 1; \
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install-html-local: doc/html
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96 97
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	for p in doc/html/*.{html,css,png,map,gif,tag} ; do \
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104 105
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.PHONY: update-external-tags
Ignore white space 6 line context
1 1
/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
2 2
3 3
 * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
4 4
5 5
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
6 6
 * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
7 7
 * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
8 8
9 9
 * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
10 10
 * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
11 11
 * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
12 12
13 13
 * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
14 14
 * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
15 15
 * purpose.
16 16
17 17
18 18

19 19
namespace lemon {
20 20

21 21
22 22
@defgroup datas Data Structures
23 23
This group contains the several data structures implemented in LEMON.
24 24
25 25

26 26
27 27
@defgroup graphs Graph Structures
28 28
@ingroup datas
29 29
\brief Graph structures implemented in LEMON.
30 30

31 31
The implementation of combinatorial algorithms heavily relies on
32 32
efficient graph implementations. LEMON offers data structures which are
33 33
planned to be easily used in an experimental phase of implementation studies,
34 34
and thereafter the program code can be made efficient by small modifications.
35 35

36 36
The most efficient implementation of diverse applications require the
37 37
usage of different physical graph implementations. These differences
38 38
appear in the size of graph we require to handle, memory or time usage
39 39
limitations or in the set of operations through which the graph can be
40 40
accessed.  LEMON provides several physical graph structures to meet
41 41
the diverging requirements of the possible users.  In order to save on
42 42
running time or on memory usage, some structures may fail to provide
43 43
some graph features like arc/edge or node deletion.
44 44

45 45
Alteration of standard containers need a very limited number of
46 46
operations, these together satisfy the everyday requirements.
47 47
In the case of graph structures, different operations are needed which do
48 48
not alter the physical graph, but gives another view. If some nodes or
49 49
arcs have to be hidden or the reverse oriented graph have to be used, then
50 50
this is the case. It also may happen that in a flow implementation
51 51
the residual graph can be accessed by another algorithm, or a node-set
52 52
is to be shrunk for another algorithm.
53 53
LEMON also provides a variety of graphs for these requirements called
54 54
\ref graph_adaptors "graph adaptors". Adaptors cannot be used alone but only
55 55
in conjunction with other graph representations.
56 56

57 57
You are free to use the graph structure that fit your requirements
58 58
the best, most graph algorithms and auxiliary data structures can be used
59 59
with any graph structure.
60 60

61 61
<b>See also:</b> \ref graph_concepts "Graph Structure Concepts".
62 62
63 63

64 64
65 65
@defgroup graph_adaptors Adaptor Classes for Graphs
66 66
@ingroup graphs
67 67
\brief Adaptor classes for digraphs and graphs
68 68

69 69
This group contains several useful adaptor classes for digraphs and graphs.
70 70

71 71
The main parts of LEMON are the different graph structures, generic
72 72
graph algorithms, graph concepts, which couple them, and graph
73 73
adaptors. While the previous notions are more or less clear, the
74 74
latter one needs further explanation. Graph adaptors are graph classes
75 75
which serve for considering graph structures in different ways.
76 76

77 77
A short example makes this much clearer.  Suppose that we have an
78 78
instance \c g of a directed graph type, say ListDigraph and an algorithm
79 79
80 80
template <typename Digraph>
81 81
int algorithm(const Digraph&);
82 82
83 83
is needed to run on the reverse oriented graph.  It may be expensive
84 84
(in time or in memory usage) to copy \c g with the reversed
85 85
arcs.  In this case, an adaptor class is used, which (according
86 86
to LEMON \ref concepts::Digraph "digraph concepts") works as a digraph.
87 87
The adaptor uses the original digraph structure and digraph operations when
88 88
methods of the reversed oriented graph are called.  This means that the adaptor
89 89
have minor memory usage, and do not perform sophisticated algorithmic
90 90
actions.  The purpose of it is to give a tool for the cases when a
91 91
graph have to be used in a specific alteration.  If this alteration is
92 92
obtained by a usual construction like filtering the node or the arc set or
93 93
considering a new orientation, then an adaptor is worthwhile to use.
94 94
To come back to the reverse oriented graph, in this situation
95 95
96 96
template<typename Digraph> class ReverseDigraph;
97 97
98 98
template class can be used. The code looks as follows
99 99
100 100
ListDigraph g;
101 101
ReverseDigraph<ListDigraph> rg(g);
102 102
int result = algorithm(rg);
103 103
104 104
During running the algorithm, the original digraph \c g is untouched.
105 105
This techniques give rise to an elegant code, and based on stable
106 106
graph adaptors, complex algorithms can be implemented easily.
107 107

108 108
In flow, circulation and matching problems, the residual
109 109
graph is of particular importance. Combining an adaptor implementing
110 110
this with shortest path algorithms or minimum mean cycle algorithms,
111 111
a range of weighted and cardinality optimization algorithms can be
112 112
obtained. For other examples, the interested user is referred to the
113 113
detailed documentation of particular adaptors.
114 114

115 115
The behavior of graph adaptors can be very different. Some of them keep
116 116
capabilities of the original graph while in other cases this would be
117 117
meaningless. This means that the concepts that they meet depend
118 118
on the graph adaptor, and the wrapped graph.
119 119
For example, if an arc of a reversed digraph is deleted, this is carried
120 120
out by deleting the corresponding arc of the original digraph, thus the
121 121
adaptor modifies the original digraph.
122 122
However in case of a residual digraph, this operation has no sense.
123 123

124 124
Let us stand one more example here to simplify your work.
125 125
ReverseDigraph has constructor
126 126
127 127
ReverseDigraph(Digraph& digraph);
128 128
129 129
This means that in a situation, when a <tt>const %ListDigraph&</tt>
130 130
reference to a graph is given, then it have to be instantiated with
131 131
<tt>Digraph=const %ListDigraph</tt>.
132 132
133 133
int algorithm1(const ListDigraph& g) {
134 134
  ReverseDigraph<const ListDigraph> rg(g);
135 135
  return algorithm2(rg);
136 136
137 137
138 138
139 139

140 140
@defgroup semi_adaptors Semi-Adaptor Classes for Graphs
@ingroup graphs
\brief Graph types between real graphs and graph adaptors.

This group contains some graph types between real graphs and graph adaptors.
These classes wrap graphs to give new functionality as the adaptors do it.
On the other hand they are not light-weight structures as the adaptors.

151 141
@defgroup maps Maps
152 142
@ingroup datas
153 143
\brief Map structures implemented in LEMON.
154 144

155 145
This group contains the map structures implemented in LEMON.
156 146

157 147
LEMON provides several special purpose maps and map adaptors that e.g. combine
158 148
new maps from existing ones.
159 149

160 150
<b>See also:</b> \ref map_concepts "Map Concepts".
161 151
162 152

163 153
164 154
@defgroup graph_maps Graph Maps
165 155
@ingroup maps
166 156
\brief Special graph-related maps.
167 157

168 158
This group contains maps that are specifically designed to assign
169 159
values to the nodes and arcs/edges of graphs.
170 160

171 161
If you are looking for the standard graph maps (\c NodeMap, \c ArcMap,
172 162
\c EdgeMap), see the \ref graph_concepts "Graph Structure Concepts".
173 163
174 164

175 165
176 166
\defgroup map_adaptors Map Adaptors
177 167
\ingroup maps
178 168
\brief Tools to create new maps from existing ones
179 169

180 170
This group contains map adaptors that are used to create "implicit"
181 171
maps from other maps.
182 172

183 173
Most of them are \ref concepts::ReadMap "read-only maps".
184 174
They can make arithmetic and logical operations between one or two maps
185 175
(negation, shifting, addition, multiplication, logical 'and', 'or',
186 176
'not' etc.) or e.g. convert a map to another one of different Value type.
187 177

188 178
The typical usage of this classes is passing implicit maps to
189 179
algorithms.  If a function type algorithm is called then the function
190 180
type map adaptors can be used comfortable. For example let's see the
191 181
usage of map adaptors with the \c graphToEps() function.
192 182
193 183
  Color nodeColor(int deg) {
194 184
    if (deg >= 2) {
195 185
      return Color(0.5, 0.0, 0.5);
196 186
    } else if (deg == 1) {
197 187
      return Color(1.0, 0.5, 1.0);
198 188
    } else {
199 189
      return Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
200 190
201 191
202 192

203 193
  Digraph::NodeMap<int> degree_map(graph);
204 194

205 195
  graphToEps(graph, "graph.eps")
206 196
207 197
    .nodeColors(composeMap(functorToMap(nodeColor), degree_map))
208 198
209 199
210 200
The \c functorToMap() function makes an \c int to \c Color map from the
211 201
\c nodeColor() function. The \c composeMap() compose the \c degree_map
212 202
and the previously created map. The composed map is a proper function to
213 203
get the color of each node.
214 204

215 205
The usage with class type algorithms is little bit harder. In this
216 206
case the function type map adaptors can not be used, because the
217 207
function map adaptors give back temporary objects.
218 208
219 209
  Digraph graph;
220 210

221 211
  typedef Digraph::ArcMap<double> DoubleArcMap;
222 212
  DoubleArcMap length(graph);
223 213
  DoubleArcMap speed(graph);
224 214

225 215
  typedef DivMap<DoubleArcMap, DoubleArcMap> TimeMap;
226 216
  TimeMap time(length, speed);
227 217

228 218
  Dijkstra<Digraph, TimeMap> dijkstra(graph, time);
229 219, target);
230 220
231 221
We have a length map and a maximum speed map on the arcs of a digraph.
232 222
The minimum time to pass the arc can be calculated as the division of
233 223
the two maps which can be done implicitly with the \c DivMap template
234 224
class. We use the implicit minimum time map as the length map of the
235 225
\c Dijkstra algorithm.
236 226
237 227

238 228
239 229
@defgroup paths Path Structures
240 230
@ingroup datas
241 231
\brief %Path structures implemented in LEMON.
242 232

243 233
This group contains the path structures implemented in LEMON.
244 234

245 235
LEMON provides flexible data structures to work with paths.
246 236
All of them have similar interfaces and they can be copied easily with
247 237
assignment operators and copy constructors. This makes it easy and
248 238
efficient to have e.g. the Dijkstra algorithm to store its result in
249 239
any kind of path structure.
250 240

251 241
\sa lemon::concepts::Path
252 242
253 243

254 244
255 245
@defgroup auxdat Auxiliary Data Structures
256 246
@ingroup datas
257 247
\brief Auxiliary data structures implemented in LEMON.
258 248

259 249
This group contains some data structures implemented in LEMON in
260 250
order to make it easier to implement combinatorial algorithms.
261 251
262 252

263 253
264 254
@defgroup algs Algorithms
265 255
\brief This group contains the several algorithms
266 256
implemented in LEMON.
267 257

268 258
This group contains the several algorithms
269 259
implemented in LEMON.
270 260
271 261

272 262
273 263
@defgroup search Graph Search
274 264
@ingroup algs
275 265
\brief Common graph search algorithms.
276 266

277 267
This group contains the common graph search algorithms, namely
278 268
\e breadth-first \e search (BFS) and \e depth-first \e search (DFS).
279 269
280 270

281 271
282 272
@defgroup shortest_path Shortest Path Algorithms
283 273
@ingroup algs
284 274
\brief Algorithms for finding shortest paths.
285 275

286 276
This group contains the algorithms for finding shortest paths in digraphs.
287 277

288 278
 - \ref Dijkstra Dijkstra's algorithm for finding shortest paths from a 
289 279
   source node when all arc lengths are non-negative.
290 280
 - \ref Suurballe A successive shortest path algorithm for finding
291 281
   arc-disjoint paths between two nodes having minimum total length.
292 282
293 283

294 284
295 285
@defgroup max_flow Maximum Flow Algorithms
296 286
@ingroup algs
297 287
\brief Algorithms for finding maximum flows.
298 288

299 289
This group contains the algorithms for finding maximum flows and
300 290
feasible circulations.
301 291

302 292
The \e maximum \e flow \e problem is to find a flow of maximum value between
303 293
a single source and a single target. Formally, there is a \f$G=(V,A)\f$
304 294
digraph, a \f$cap: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}^+_0\f$ capacity function and
305 295
\f$s, t \in V\f$ source and target nodes.
306 296
A maximum flow is an \f$f: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}^+_0\f$ solution of the
307 297
following optimization problem.
308 298

309 299
\f[ \max\sum_{sv\in A} f(sv) - \sum_{vs\in A} f(vs) \f]
310 300
\f[ \sum_{uv\in A} f(uv) = \sum_{vu\in A} f(vu)
311 301
    \quad \forall u\in V\setminus\{s,t\} \f]
312 302
\f[ 0 \leq f(uv) \leq cap(uv) \quad \forall uv\in A \f]
313 303

314 304
\ref Preflow implements the preflow push-relabel algorithm of Goldberg and
315 305
Tarjan for solving this problem. It also provides functions to query the
316 306
minimum cut, which is the dual problem of maximum flow.
317 307


318 309
\ref Circulation is a preflow push-relabel algorithm implemented directly 
319 310
for finding feasible circulations, which is a somewhat different problem,
320 311
but it is strongly related to maximum flow.
321 312
For more information, see \ref Circulation.
322 313
323 314

324 315
@defgroup min_cost_flow Minimum Cost Flow Algorithms
@defgroup min_cost_flow_algs Minimum Cost Flow Algorithms
326 317
@ingroup algs
327 318

328 319
\brief Algorithms for finding minimum cost flows and circulations.
329 320

330 321
This group contains the algorithms for finding minimum cost flows and

The \e minimum \e cost \e flow \e problem is to find a feasible flow of
minimum total cost from a set of supply nodes to a set of demand nodes
in a network with capacity constraints (lower and upper bounds)
and arc costs.
Formally, let \f$G=(V,A)\f$ be a digraph, \f$lower: A\rightarrow\mathbf{Z}\f$,
\f$upper: A\rightarrow\mathbf{Z}\cup\{+\infty\}\f$ denote the lower and
upper bounds for the flow values on the arcs, for which
\f$lower(uv) \leq upper(uv)\f$ must hold for all \f$uv\in A\f$,
\f$cost: A\rightarrow\mathbf{Z}\f$ denotes the cost per unit flow
on the arcs and \f$sup: V\rightarrow\mathbf{Z}\f$ denotes the
signed supply values of the nodes.
If \f$sup(u)>0\f$, then \f$u\f$ is a supply node with \f$sup(u)\f$
supply, if \f$sup(u)<0\f$, then \f$u\f$ is a demand node with
\f$-sup(u)\f$ demand.
A minimum cost flow is an \f$f: A\rightarrow\mathbf{Z}\f$ solution
of the following optimization problem.

\f[ \min\sum_{uv\in A} f(uv) \cdot cost(uv) \f]
\f[ \sum_{uv\in A} f(uv) - \sum_{vu\in A} f(vu) \geq
    sup(u) \quad \forall u\in V \f]
\f[ lower(uv) \leq f(uv) \leq upper(uv) \quad \forall uv\in A \f]

The sum of the supply values, i.e. \f$\sum_{u\in V} sup(u)\f$ must be
zero or negative in order to have a feasible solution (since the sum
of the expressions on the left-hand side of the inequalities is zero).
It means that the total demand must be greater or equal to the total
supply and all the supplies have to be carried out from the supply nodes,
but there could be demands that are not satisfied.
If \f$\sum_{u\in V} sup(u)\f$ is zero, then all the supply/demand
constraints have to be satisfied with equality, i.e. all demands
have to be satisfied and all supplies have to be used.

If you need the opposite inequalities in the supply/demand constraints
(i.e. the total demand is less than the total supply and all the demands
have to be satisfied while there could be supplies that are not used),
then you could easily transform the problem to the above form by reversing
the direction of the arcs and taking the negative of the supply values
(e.g. using \ref ReverseDigraph and \ref NegMap adaptors).
However \ref NetworkSimplex algorithm also supports this form directly
for the sake of convenience.

A feasible solution for this problem can be found using \ref Circulation.

Note that the above formulation is actually more general than the usual
definition of the minimum cost flow problem, in which strict equalities
are required in the supply/demand contraints, i.e.

\f[ \sum_{uv\in A} f(uv) - \sum_{vu\in A} f(vu) =
    sup(u) \quad \forall u\in V. \f]

However if the sum of the supply values is zero, then these two problems
are equivalent. So if you need the equality form, you have to ensure this
additional contraint for the algorithms.

The dual solution of the minimum cost flow problem is represented by node 
potentials \f$\pi: V\rightarrow\mathbf{Z}\f$.
An \f$f: A\rightarrow\mathbf{Z}\f$ feasible solution of the problem
is optimal if and only if for some \f$\pi: V\rightarrow\mathbf{Z}\f$
node potentials the following \e complementary \e slackness optimality
conditions hold.

 - For all \f$uv\in A\f$ arcs:
   - if \f$cost^\pi(uv)>0\f$, then \f$f(uv)=lower(uv)\f$;
   - if \f$lower(uv)<f(uv)<upper(uv)\f$, then \f$cost^\pi(uv)=0\f$;
   - if \f$cost^\pi(uv)<0\f$, then \f$f(uv)=upper(uv)\f$.
 - For all \f$u\in V\f$ nodes:
   - if \f$\sum_{uv\in A} f(uv) - \sum_{vu\in A} f(vu) \neq sup(u)\f$,
     then \f$\pi(u)=0\f$.
Here \f$cost^\pi(uv)\f$ denotes the \e reduced \e cost of the arc
\f$uv\in A\f$ with respect to the potential function \f$\pi\f$, i.e.
\f[ cost^\pi(uv) = cost(uv) + \pi(u) - \pi(v).\f]
circulations. For more information about this problem and its dual
solution see \ref min_cost_flow "Minimum Cost Flow Problem".
405 324

406 325
\ref NetworkSimplex is an efficient implementation of the primal Network
407 326
Simplex algorithm for finding minimum cost flows. It also provides dual
408 327
solution (node potentials), if an optimal flow is found.
409 328
410 329

411 330
412 331
@defgroup min_cut Minimum Cut Algorithms
413 332
@ingroup algs
414 333

415 334
\brief Algorithms for finding minimum cut in graphs.
416 335

417 336
This group contains the algorithms for finding minimum cut in graphs.
418 337

419 338
The \e minimum \e cut \e problem is to find a non-empty and non-complete
420 339
\f$X\f$ subset of the nodes with minimum overall capacity on
421 340
outgoing arcs. Formally, there is a \f$G=(V,A)\f$ digraph, a
422 341
\f$cap: A\rightarrow\mathbf{R}^+_0\f$ capacity function. The minimum
423 342
cut is the \f$X\f$ solution of the next optimization problem:
424 343

425 344
\f[ \min_{X \subset V, X\not\in \{\emptyset, V\}}
426 345
    \sum_{uv\in A, u\in X, v\not\in X}cap(uv) \f]
427 346

428 347
LEMON contains several algorithms related to minimum cut problems:
429 348

430 349
- \ref HaoOrlin "Hao-Orlin algorithm" for calculating minimum cut
431 350
  in directed graphs.
432 351
- \ref GomoryHu "Gomory-Hu tree computation" for calculating
433 352
  all-pairs minimum cut in undirected graphs.
434 353

435 354
If you want to find minimum cut just between two distinict nodes,
436 355
see the \ref max_flow "maximum flow problem".
437 356
438 357

439 358
440 359
@defgroup graph_properties Connectivity and Other Graph Properties
441 360
@ingroup algs
442 361
\brief Algorithms for discovering the graph properties
443 362

444 363
This group contains the algorithms for discovering the graph properties
445 364
like connectivity, bipartiteness, euler property, simplicity etc.
446 365

447 366
\image html edge_biconnected_components.png
448 367
\image latex edge_biconnected_components.eps "bi-edge-connected components" width=\textwidth
449 368
450 369

451 370
452 371
@defgroup matching Matching Algorithms
453 372
@ingroup algs
454 373
\brief Algorithms for finding matchings in graphs and bipartite graphs.
455 374

456 375
This group contains the algorithms for calculating matchings in graphs.
457 376
The general matching problem is finding a subset of the edges for which
458 377
each node has at most one incident edge.
459 378

460 379
There are several different algorithms for calculate matchings in
461 380
graphs. The goal of the matching optimization
462 381
can be finding maximum cardinality, maximum weight or minimum cost
463 382
matching. The search can be constrained to find perfect or
464 383
maximum cardinality matching.
465 384

466 385
The matching algorithms implemented in LEMON:
467 386
- \ref MaxMatching Edmond's blossom shrinking algorithm for calculating
468 387
  maximum cardinality matching in general graphs.
469 388
- \ref MaxWeightedMatching Edmond's blossom shrinking algorithm for calculating
470 389
  maximum weighted matching in general graphs.
471 390
- \ref MaxWeightedPerfectMatching
472 391
  Edmond's blossom shrinking algorithm for calculating maximum weighted
473 392
  perfect matching in general graphs.
474 393

475 394
\image html bipartite_matching.png
476 395
\image latex bipartite_matching.eps "Bipartite Matching" width=\textwidth
477 396
478 397

479 398
480 399
@defgroup spantree Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms
481 400
@ingroup algs
\brief Algorithms for finding a minimum cost spanning tree in a graph.
\brief Algorithms for finding minimum cost spanning trees and arborescences.
483 402

This group contains the algorithms for finding a minimum cost spanning
tree in a graph.
This group contains the algorithms for finding minimum cost spanning
trees and arborescences.
486 405
487 406

488 407
489 408
@defgroup auxalg Auxiliary Algorithms
490 409
@ingroup algs
491 410
\brief Auxiliary algorithms implemented in LEMON.
492 411

493 412
This group contains some algorithms implemented in LEMON
494 413
in order to make it easier to implement complex algorithms.
495 414
496 415

497 416
498 417
@defgroup gen_opt_group General Optimization Tools
499 418
\brief This group contains some general optimization frameworks
500 419
implemented in LEMON.
501 420

502 421
This group contains some general optimization frameworks
503 422
implemented in LEMON.
504 423
505 424

506 425
507 426
@defgroup lp_group Lp and Mip Solvers
508 427
@ingroup gen_opt_group
509 428
\brief Lp and Mip solver interfaces for LEMON.
510 429

511 430
This group contains Lp and Mip solver interfaces for LEMON. The
512 431
various LP solvers could be used in the same manner with this
513 432
514 433
515 434

516 435
517 436
@defgroup utils Tools and Utilities
518 437
\brief Tools and utilities for programming in LEMON
519 438

520 439
Tools and utilities for programming in LEMON.
521 440
522 441

523 442
524 443
@defgroup gutils Basic Graph Utilities
525 444
@ingroup utils
526 445
\brief Simple basic graph utilities.
527 446

528 447
This group contains some simple basic graph utilities.
529 448
530 449

531 450
532 451
@defgroup misc Miscellaneous Tools
533 452
@ingroup utils
534 453
\brief Tools for development, debugging and testing.
535 454

536 455
This group contains several useful tools for development,
537 456
debugging and testing.
538 457
539 458

540 459
541 460
@defgroup timecount Time Measuring and Counting
542 461
@ingroup misc
543 462
\brief Simple tools for measuring the performance of algorithms.
544 463

545 464
This group contains simple tools for measuring the performance
546 465
of algorithms.
547 466
548 467

549 468
550 469
@defgroup exceptions Exceptions
551 470
@ingroup utils
552 471
\brief Exceptions defined in LEMON.
553 472

554 473
This group contains the exceptions defined in LEMON.
555 474
556 475

557 476
558 477
@defgroup io_group Input-Output
559 478
\brief Graph Input-Output methods
560 479

561 480
This group contains the tools for importing and exporting graphs
562 481
and graph related data. Now it supports the \ref lgf-format
563 482
"LEMON Graph Format", the \c DIMACS format and the encapsulated
564 483
postscript (EPS) format.
565 484
566 485

567 486
568 487
@defgroup lemon_io LEMON Graph Format
569 488
@ingroup io_group
570 489
\brief Reading and writing LEMON Graph Format.
571 490

572 491
This group contains methods for reading and writing
573 492
\ref lgf-format "LEMON Graph Format".
574 493
575 494

576 495
577 496
@defgroup eps_io Postscript Exporting
578 497
@ingroup io_group
579 498
\brief General \c EPS drawer and graph exporter
580 499

581 500
This group contains general \c EPS drawing methods and special
582 501
graph exporting tools.
583 502
584 503

585 504
586 505
@defgroup dimacs_group DIMACS format
587 506
@ingroup io_group
588 507
\brief Read and write files in DIMACS format
589 508

590 509
Tools to read a digraph from or write it to a file in DIMACS format data.
591 510
592 511

593 512
594 513
@defgroup nauty_group NAUTY Format
595 514
@ingroup io_group
596 515
\brief Read \e Nauty format
597 516

598 517
Tool to read graphs from \e Nauty format data.
599 518
600 519

601 520
602 521
@defgroup concept Concepts
603 522
\brief Skeleton classes and concept checking classes
604 523

605 524
This group contains the data/algorithm skeletons and concept checking
606 525
classes implemented in LEMON.
607 526

608 527
The purpose of the classes in this group is fourfold.
609 528

610 529
- These classes contain the documentations of the %concepts. In order
611 530
  to avoid document multiplications, an implementation of a concept
612 531
  simply refers to the corresponding concept class.
613 532

614 533
- These classes declare every functions, <tt>typedef</tt>s etc. an
615 534
  implementation of the %concepts should provide, however completely
616 535
  without implementations and real data structures behind the
617 536
  interface. On the other hand they should provide nothing else. All
618 537
  the algorithms working on a data structure meeting a certain concept
619 538
  should compile with these classes. (Though it will not run properly,
620 539
  of course.) In this way it is easily to check if an algorithm
621 540
  doesn't use any extra feature of a certain implementation.
622 541

623 542
- The concept descriptor classes also provide a <em>checker class</em>
624 543
  that makes it possible to check whether a certain implementation of a
625 544
  concept indeed provides all the required features.
626 545

627 546
- Finally, They can serve as a skeleton of a new implementation of a concept.
628 547
629 548

630 549
631 550
@defgroup graph_concepts Graph Structure Concepts
632 551
@ingroup concept
633 552
\brief Skeleton and concept checking classes for graph structures
634 553

635 554
This group contains the skeletons and concept checking classes of LEMON's
636 555
graph structures and helper classes used to implement these.
637 556
638 557

639 558
640 559
@defgroup map_concepts Map Concepts
641 560
@ingroup concept
642 561
\brief Skeleton and concept checking classes for maps
643 562

644 563
This group contains the skeletons and concept checking classes of maps.
645 564
646 565

647 566
648 567
\anchor demoprograms
649 568

650 569
@defgroup demos Demo Programs
651 570

652 571
Some demo programs are listed here. Their full source codes can be found in
653 572
the \c demo subdirectory of the source tree.
654 573

655 574
In order to compile them, use the <tt>make demo</tt> or the
656 575
<tt>make check</tt> commands.
657 576
658 577

659 578
660 579
@defgroup tools Standalone Utility Applications
661 580

662 581
Some utility applications are listed here.
663 582

664 583
The standard compilation procedure (<tt>./configure;make</tt>) will compile
665 584
them, as well.
666 585
667 586

668 587
Ignore white space 6 line context
1 1
/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
2 2
3 3
 * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
4 4
5 5
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
6 6
 * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
7 7
 * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
8 8
9 9
 * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
10 10
 * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
11 11
 * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
12 12
13 13
 * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
14 14
 * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
15 15
 * purpose.
16 16
17 17
18 18

19 19
20 20
\mainpage LEMON Documentation
21 21

22 22
\section intro Introduction
23 23

24 24
\subsection whatis What is LEMON
25 25

LEMON stands for
<b>L</b>ibrary of <b>E</b>fficient <b>M</b>odels
LEMON stands for <b>L</b>ibrary for <b>E</b>fficient <b>M</b>odeling
28 27
and <b>O</b>ptimization in <b>N</b>etworks.
29 28
It is a C++ template
30 29
library aimed at combinatorial optimization tasks which
31 30
often involve in working
32 31
with graphs.
33 32

34 33
35 34
LEMON is an <a class="el" href="">open&nbsp;source</a>
36 35
37 36
You are free to use it in your commercial or
38 37
non-commercial applications under very permissive
39 38
\ref license "license terms".
40 39
41 40

42 41
\subsection howtoread How to read the documentation
43 42

If you want to get a quick start and see the most important features then
take a look at our \ref quicktour
"Quick Tour to LEMON" which will guide you along.

If you already feel like using our library, see the
If you would like to get to know the library, see
49 44
<a class="el" href="">LEMON Tutorial</a>.
50 45

If you know what you are looking for then try to find it under the
If you know what you are looking for, then try to find it under the
52 47
<a class="el" href="modules.html">Modules</a> section.
53 48

54 49
If you are a user of the old (0.x) series of LEMON, please check out the
55 50
\ref migration "Migration Guide" for the backward incompatibilities.
56 51
Ignore white space 6 line context
1 1
2 2
	lemon/ \
3 3
4 4

5 5
pkgconfig_DATA += lemon/lemon.pc
6 6

7 7
lib_LTLIBRARIES += lemon/
8 8

9 9
lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES = \
10 10
	lemon/ \
11 11
	lemon/ \
12 12
	lemon/ \
13 13
	lemon/ \
14 14
	lemon/ \
15 15
	lemon/ \
16 16
17 17

18 18
nodist_lemon_HEADERS = lemon/config.h	
19 19
20 20
lemon_libemon_la_CXXFLAGS = \
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
27 27

28 28
lemon_libemon_la_LDFLAGS = \
29 29
30 30
31 31
32 32
	$(CLP_LIBS) \
33 33
34 34

35 35
36 36
lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/
37 37
38 38

39 39
40 40
lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/
41 41
42 42

43 43
44 44
lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/
45 45
46 46

47 47
48 48
lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/
49 49
50 50

51 51
52 52
lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/
53 53
54 54

55 55
lemon_HEADERS += \
56 56
	lemon/adaptors.h \
57 57
	lemon/arg_parser.h \
58 58
	lemon/assert.h \
59 59
	lemon/bfs.h \
60 60
	lemon/bin_heap.h \
61 61
	lemon/cbc.h \
62 62
	lemon/circulation.h \
63 63
	lemon/clp.h \
64 64
	lemon/color.h \
65 65
	lemon/concept_check.h \
66 66
	lemon/connectivity.h \
67 67
	lemon/counter.h \
68 68
	lemon/core.h \
69 69
	lemon/cplex.h \
70 70
	lemon/dfs.h \
71 71
	lemon/dijkstra.h \
72 72
	lemon/dim2.h \
73 73
	lemon/dimacs.h \
74 74
	lemon/edge_set.h \
75 75
	lemon/elevator.h \
76 76
	lemon/error.h \
77 77
	lemon/euler.h \
78 78
	lemon/full_graph.h \
79 79
	lemon/glpk.h \
80 80
	lemon/gomory_hu.h \
81 81
	lemon/graph_to_eps.h \
82 82
	lemon/grid_graph.h \
83 83
	lemon/hypercube_graph.h \
84 84
	lemon/kruskal.h \
85 85
	lemon/hao_orlin.h \
86 86
	lemon/lgf_reader.h \
87 87
	lemon/lgf_writer.h \
88 88
	lemon/list_graph.h \
89 89
	lemon/lp.h \
90 90
	lemon/lp_base.h \
91 91
	lemon/lp_skeleton.h \
92 92
	lemon/list_graph.h \
93 93
	lemon/maps.h \
94 94
	lemon/matching.h \
95 95
	lemon/math.h \
96 96
	lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h \
97 97
	lemon/nauty_reader.h \
98 98
	lemon/network_simplex.h \
99 99
	lemon/path.h \
100 100
	lemon/preflow.h \
101 101
	lemon/radix_sort.h \
102 102
	lemon/random.h \
103 103
	lemon/smart_graph.h \
104 104
	lemon/soplex.h \
105 105
	lemon/suurballe.h \
106 106
	lemon/time_measure.h \
107 107
	lemon/tolerance.h \
108 108
	lemon/unionfind.h \
109 109
110 110

111 111
bits_HEADERS += \
112 112
	lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h \
113 113
	lemon/bits/array_map.h \
	lemon/bits/base_extender.h \
115 114
	lemon/bits/bezier.h \
116 115
	lemon/bits/default_map.h \
117 116
	lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h \
118 117
	lemon/bits/enable_if.h \
119 118
	lemon/bits/graph_adaptor_extender.h \
120 119
	lemon/bits/graph_extender.h \
121 120
	lemon/bits/map_extender.h \
122 121
	lemon/bits/path_dump.h \
123 122
	lemon/bits/solver_bits.h \
124 123
	lemon/bits/traits.h \
125 124
	lemon/bits/variant.h \
126 125
127 126

128 127
concept_HEADERS += \
129 128
	lemon/concepts/digraph.h \
130 129
	lemon/concepts/graph.h \
131 130
	lemon/concepts/graph_components.h \
132 131
	lemon/concepts/heap.h \
133 132
	lemon/concepts/maps.h \
134 133
Ignore white space 6 line context
1 1
/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
2 2
3 3
 * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
4 4
5 5
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
6 6
 * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
7 7
 * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
8 8
9 9
 * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
10 10
 * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
11 11
 * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
12 12
13 13
 * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
14 14
 * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
15 15
 * purpose.
16 16
17 17
18 18

19 19
20 20
21 21

22 22
/// \ingroup graph_adaptors
23 23
/// \file
24 24
/// \brief Adaptor classes for digraphs and graphs
25 25
26 26
/// This file contains several useful adaptors for digraphs and graphs.
27 27

28 28
#include <lemon/core.h>
29 29
#include <lemon/maps.h>
30 30
#include <lemon/bits/variant.h>
31 31

32 32
#include <lemon/bits/graph_adaptor_extender.h>
33 33
#include <lemon/bits/map_extender.h>
34 34
#include <lemon/tolerance.h>
35 35

36 36
#include <algorithm>
37 37

38 38
namespace lemon {
39 39

40 40
#ifdef _MSC_VER
41 41
42 42
43 43
#define LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(OUTER, NESTED) typename OUTER::template NESTED
44 44
45 45

46 46
  template<typename DGR>
47 47
  class DigraphAdaptorBase {
48 48
49 49
    typedef DGR Digraph;
50 50
    typedef DigraphAdaptorBase Adaptor;
51 51

52 52
53 53
    DGR* _digraph;
54 54
    DigraphAdaptorBase() : _digraph(0) { }
55 55
    void initialize(DGR& digraph) { _digraph = &digraph; }
56 56

57 57
58 58
    DigraphAdaptorBase(DGR& digraph) : _digraph(&digraph) { }
59 59

60 60
    typedef typename DGR::Node Node;
61 61
    typedef typename DGR::Arc Arc;
62 62

63 63
    void first(Node& i) const { _digraph->first(i); }
64 64
    void first(Arc& i) const { _digraph->first(i); }
65 65
    void firstIn(Arc& i, const Node& n) const { _digraph->firstIn(i, n); }
66 66
    void firstOut(Arc& i, const Node& n ) const { _digraph->firstOut(i, n); }
67 67

68 68
    void next(Node& i) const { _digraph->next(i); }
69 69
    void next(Arc& i) const { _digraph->next(i); }
70 70
    void nextIn(Arc& i) const { _digraph->nextIn(i); }
71 71
    void nextOut(Arc& i) const { _digraph->nextOut(i); }
72 72

73 73
    Node source(const Arc& a) const { return _digraph->source(a); }
74 74
    Node target(const Arc& a) const { return _digraph->target(a); }
75 75

76 76
    typedef NodeNumTagIndicator<DGR> NodeNumTag;
77 77
    int nodeNum() const { return _digraph->nodeNum(); }
78 78

79 79
    typedef ArcNumTagIndicator<DGR> ArcNumTag;
80 80
    int arcNum() const { return _digraph->arcNum(); }
81 81

82 82
    typedef FindArcTagIndicator<DGR> FindArcTag;
83 83
    Arc findArc(const Node& u, const Node& v, const Arc& prev = INVALID) const {
84 84
      return _digraph->findArc(u, v, prev);
85 85
86 86

87 87
    Node addNode() { return _digraph->addNode(); }
88 88
    Arc addArc(const Node& u, const Node& v) { return _digraph->addArc(u, v); }
89 89

90 90
    void erase(const Node& n) { _digraph->erase(n); }
91 91
    void erase(const Arc& a) { _digraph->erase(a); }
92 92

93 93
    void clear() { _digraph->clear(); }
94 94

95 95
    int id(const Node& n) const { return _digraph->id(n); }
96 96
    int id(const Arc& a) const { return _digraph->id(a); }
97 97

98 98
    Node nodeFromId(int ix) const { return _digraph->nodeFromId(ix); }
99 99
    Arc arcFromId(int ix) const { return _digraph->arcFromId(ix); }
100 100

101 101
    int maxNodeId() const { return _digraph->maxNodeId(); }
102 102
    int maxArcId() const { return _digraph->maxArcId(); }
103 103

104 104
    typedef typename ItemSetTraits<DGR, Node>::ItemNotifier NodeNotifier;
105 105
    NodeNotifier& notifier(Node) const { return _digraph->notifier(Node()); }
106 106

107 107
    typedef typename ItemSetTraits<DGR, Arc>::ItemNotifier ArcNotifier;
108 108
    ArcNotifier& notifier(Arc) const { return _digraph->notifier(Arc()); }
109 109

110 110
    template <typename V>
111 111
    class NodeMap : public DGR::template NodeMap<V> {
112 112
      typedef typename DGR::template NodeMap<V> Parent;
113 113

114 114
115 115
      explicit NodeMap(const Adaptor& adaptor)
116 116
        : Parent(*adaptor._digraph) {}
117 117
      NodeMap(const Adaptor& adaptor, const V& value)
118 118
        : Parent(*adaptor._digraph, value) { }
119 119

120 120
121 121
      NodeMap& operator=(const NodeMap& cmap) {
122 122
        return operator=<NodeMap>(cmap);
123 123
124 124

125 125
      template <typename CMap>
126 126
      NodeMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
127 127
128 128
        return *this;
129 129
130 130

131 131
132 132

133 133
    template <typename V>
134 134
    class ArcMap : public DGR::template ArcMap<V> {
135 135
      typedef typename DGR::template ArcMap<V> Parent;
136 136

137 137
138 138
      explicit ArcMap(const DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR>& adaptor)
139 139
        : Parent(*adaptor._digraph) {}
140 140
      ArcMap(const DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR>& adaptor, const V& value)
141 141
        : Parent(*adaptor._digraph, value) {}
142 142

143 143
144 144
      ArcMap& operator=(const ArcMap& cmap) {
145 145
        return operator=<ArcMap>(cmap);
146 146
147 147

148 148
      template <typename CMap>
149 149
      ArcMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
150 150
151 151
        return *this;
152 152
153 153

154 154
155 155

156 156
157 157

158 158
  template<typename GR>
159 159
  class GraphAdaptorBase {
160 160
161 161
    typedef GR Graph;
162 162

163 163
164 164
    GR* _graph;
165 165

166 166
    GraphAdaptorBase() : _graph(0) {}
167 167

168 168
    void initialize(GR& graph) { _graph = &graph; }
169 169

170 170
171 171
    GraphAdaptorBase(GR& graph) : _graph(&graph) {}
172 172

173 173
    typedef typename GR::Node Node;
174 174
    typedef typename GR::Arc Arc;
175 175
    typedef typename GR::Edge Edge;
176 176

177 177
    void first(Node& i) const { _graph->first(i); }
178 178
    void first(Arc& i) const { _graph->first(i); }
179 179
    void first(Edge& i) const { _graph->first(i); }
180 180
    void firstIn(Arc& i, const Node& n) const { _graph->firstIn(i, n); }
181 181
    void firstOut(Arc& i, const Node& n ) const { _graph->firstOut(i, n); }
182 182
    void firstInc(Edge &i, bool &d, const Node &n) const {
183 183
      _graph->firstInc(i, d, n);
184 184
185 185

186 186
    void next(Node& i) const { _graph->next(i); }
187 187
    void next(Arc& i) const { _graph->next(i); }
188 188
    void next(Edge& i) const { _graph->next(i); }
189 189
    void nextIn(Arc& i) const { _graph->nextIn(i); }
190 190
    void nextOut(Arc& i) const { _graph->nextOut(i); }
191 191
    void nextInc(Edge &i, bool &d) const { _graph->nextInc(i, d); }
192 192

193 193
    Node u(const Edge& e) const { return _graph->u(e); }
194 194
    Node v(const Edge& e) const { return _graph->v(e); }
195 195

196 196
    Node source(const Arc& a) const { return _graph->source(a); }
197 197
    Node target(const Arc& a) const { return _graph->target(a); }
198 198

199 199
    typedef NodeNumTagIndicator<Graph> NodeNumTag;
200 200
    int nodeNum() const { return _graph->nodeNum(); }
201 201

202 202
    typedef ArcNumTagIndicator<Graph> ArcNumTag;
203 203
    int arcNum() const { return _graph->arcNum(); }
204 204

205 205
    typedef EdgeNumTagIndicator<Graph> EdgeNumTag;
206 206
    int edgeNum() const { return _graph->edgeNum(); }
207 207

208 208
    typedef FindArcTagIndicator<Graph> FindArcTag;
209 209
    Arc findArc(const Node& u, const Node& v,
210 210
                const Arc& prev = INVALID) const {
211 211
      return _graph->findArc(u, v, prev);
212 212
213 213

214 214
    typedef FindEdgeTagIndicator<Graph> FindEdgeTag;
215 215
    Edge findEdge(const Node& u, const Node& v,
216 216
                  const Edge& prev = INVALID) const {
217 217
      return _graph->findEdge(u, v, prev);
218 218
219 219

220 220
    Node addNode() { return _graph->addNode(); }
221 221
    Edge addEdge(const Node& u, const Node& v) { return _graph->addEdge(u, v); }
222 222

223 223
    void erase(const Node& i) { _graph->erase(i); }
224 224
    void erase(const Edge& i) { _graph->erase(i); }
225 225

226 226
    void clear() { _graph->clear(); }
227 227

228 228
    bool direction(const Arc& a) const { return _graph->direction(a); }
229 229
    Arc direct(const Edge& e, bool d) const { return _graph->direct(e, d); }
230 230

231 231
    int id(const Node& v) const { return _graph->id(v); }
232 232
    int id(const Arc& a) const { return _graph->id(a); }
233 233
    int id(const Edge& e) const { return _graph->id(e); }
234 234

235 235
    Node nodeFromId(int ix) const { return _graph->nodeFromId(ix); }
236 236
    Arc arcFromId(int ix) const { return _graph->arcFromId(ix); }
237 237
    Edge edgeFromId(int ix) const { return _graph->edgeFromId(ix); }
238 238

239 239
    int maxNodeId() const { return _graph->maxNodeId(); }
240 240
    int maxArcId() const { return _graph->maxArcId(); }
241 241
    int maxEdgeId() const { return _graph->maxEdgeId(); }
242 242

243 243
    typedef typename ItemSetTraits<GR, Node>::ItemNotifier NodeNotifier;
244 244
    NodeNotifier& notifier(Node) const { return _graph->notifier(Node()); }
245 245

246 246
    typedef typename ItemSetTraits<GR, Arc>::ItemNotifier ArcNotifier;
247 247
    ArcNotifier& notifier(Arc) const { return _graph->notifier(Arc()); }
248 248

249 249
    typedef typename ItemSetTraits<GR, Edge>::ItemNotifier EdgeNotifier;
250 250
    EdgeNotifier& notifier(Edge) const { return _graph->notifier(Edge()); }
251 251

252 252
    template <typename V>
253 253
    class NodeMap : public GR::template NodeMap<V> {
254 254
      typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<V> Parent;
255 255

256 256
257 257
      explicit NodeMap(const GraphAdaptorBase<GR>& adapter)
258 258
        : Parent(*adapter._graph) {}
259 259
      NodeMap(const GraphAdaptorBase<GR>& adapter, const V& value)
260 260
        : Parent(*adapter._graph, value) {}
261 261

262 262
263 263
      NodeMap& operator=(const NodeMap& cmap) {
264 264
        return operator=<NodeMap>(cmap);
265 265
266 266

267 267
      template <typename CMap>
268 268
      NodeMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
269 269
270 270
        return *this;
271 271
272 272

273 273
274 274

275 275
    template <typename V>
276 276
    class ArcMap : public GR::template ArcMap<V> {
277 277
      typedef typename GR::template ArcMap<V> Parent;
278 278

279 279
280 280
      explicit ArcMap(const GraphAdaptorBase<GR>& adapter)
281 281
        : Parent(*adapter._graph) {}
282 282
      ArcMap(const GraphAdaptorBase<GR>& adapter, const V& value)
283 283
        : Parent(*adapter._graph, value) {}
284 284

285 285
286 286
      ArcMap& operator=(const ArcMap& cmap) {
287 287
        return operator=<ArcMap>(cmap);
288 288
289 289

290 290
      template <typename CMap>
291 291
      ArcMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
292 292
293 293
        return *this;
294 294
295 295
296 296

297 297
    template <typename V>
298 298
    class EdgeMap : public GR::template EdgeMap<V> {
299 299
      typedef typename GR::template EdgeMap<V> Parent;
300 300

301 301
302 302
      explicit EdgeMap(const GraphAdaptorBase<GR>& adapter)
303 303
        : Parent(*adapter._graph) {}
304 304
      EdgeMap(const GraphAdaptorBase<GR>& adapter, const V& value)
305 305
        : Parent(*adapter._graph, value) {}
306 306

307 307
308 308
      EdgeMap& operator=(const EdgeMap& cmap) {
309 309
        return operator=<EdgeMap>(cmap);
310 310
311 311

312 312
      template <typename CMap>
313 313
      EdgeMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
314 314
315 315
        return *this;
316 316
317 317
318 318

319 319
320 320

321 321
  template <typename DGR>
322 322
  class ReverseDigraphBase : public DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR> {
323 323
    typedef DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR> Parent;
324 324
325 325
    typedef DGR Digraph;
326 326
327 327
    ReverseDigraphBase() : Parent() { }
328 328
329 329
    typedef typename Parent::Node Node;
330 330
    typedef typename Parent::Arc Arc;
331 331

332 332
    void firstIn(Arc& a, const Node& n) const { Parent::firstOut(a, n); }
333 333
    void firstOut(Arc& a, const Node& n ) const { Parent::firstIn(a, n); }
334 334

335 335
    void nextIn(Arc& a) const { Parent::nextOut(a); }
336 336
    void nextOut(Arc& a) const { Parent::nextIn(a); }
337 337

338 338
    Node source(const Arc& a) const { return Parent::target(a); }
339 339
    Node target(const Arc& a) const { return Parent::source(a); }
340 340

341 341
    Arc addArc(const Node& u, const Node& v) { return Parent::addArc(v, u); }
342 342

343 343
    typedef FindArcTagIndicator<DGR> FindArcTag;
344 344
    Arc findArc(const Node& u, const Node& v,
345 345
                const Arc& prev = INVALID) const {
346 346
      return Parent::findArc(v, u, prev);
347 347
348 348

349 349
350 350

351 351
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
352 352
353 353
  /// \brief Adaptor class for reversing the orientation of the arcs in
354 354
  /// a digraph.
355 355
356 356
  /// ReverseDigraph can be used for reversing the arcs in a digraph.
357 357
  /// It conforms to the \ref concepts::Digraph "Digraph" concept.
358 358
359 359
  /// The adapted digraph can also be modified through this adaptor
360 360
  /// by adding or removing nodes or arcs, unless the \c GR template
361 361
  /// parameter is set to be \c const.
362 362
363 363
  /// \tparam DGR The type of the adapted digraph.
364 364
  /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::Digraph "Digraph" concept.
365 365
  /// It can also be specified to be \c const.
366 366
367 367
  /// \note The \c Node and \c Arc types of this adaptor and the adapted
368 368
  /// digraph are convertible to each other.
369 369
  template<typename DGR>
370 370
#ifdef DOXYGEN
371 371
  class ReverseDigraph {
372 372
373 373
  class ReverseDigraph :
374 374
    public DigraphAdaptorExtender<ReverseDigraphBase<DGR> > {
375 375
376 376
    typedef DigraphAdaptorExtender<ReverseDigraphBase<DGR> > Parent;
377 377
378 378
    /// The type of the adapted digraph.
379 379
    typedef DGR Digraph;
380 380
381 381
    ReverseDigraph() { }
382 382
383 383

384 384
    /// \brief Constructor
385 385
386 386
    /// Creates a reverse digraph adaptor for the given digraph.
387 387
    explicit ReverseDigraph(DGR& digraph) {
388 388
389 389
390 390
391 391

392 392
  /// \brief Returns a read-only ReverseDigraph adaptor
393 393
394 394
  /// This function just returns a read-only \ref ReverseDigraph adaptor.
395 395
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
396 396
  /// \relates ReverseDigraph
397 397
  template<typename DGR>
398 398
  ReverseDigraph<const DGR> reverseDigraph(const DGR& digraph) {
399 399
    return ReverseDigraph<const DGR>(digraph);
400 400
401 401

402 402

403 403
  template <typename DGR, typename NF, typename AF, bool ch = true>
404 404
  class SubDigraphBase : public DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR> {
405 405
    typedef DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR> Parent;
406 406
407 407
    typedef DGR Digraph;
408 408
    typedef NF NodeFilterMap;
409 409
    typedef AF ArcFilterMap;
410 410

411 411
    typedef SubDigraphBase Adaptor;
412 412
413 413
    NF* _node_filter;
414 414
    AF* _arc_filter;
415 415
416 416
      : Parent(), _node_filter(0), _arc_filter(0) { }
417 417

418 418
    void initialize(DGR& digraph, NF& node_filter, AF& arc_filter) {
419 419
420 420
      _node_filter = &node_filter;
421 421
      _arc_filter = &arc_filter;      
422 422
423 423

424 424
425 425

426 426
    typedef typename Parent::Node Node;
427 427
    typedef typename Parent::Arc Arc;
428 428

429 429
    void first(Node& i) const {
430 430
431 431
      while (i != INVALID && !(*_node_filter)[i]) Parent::next(i);
432 432
433 433

434 434
    void first(Arc& i) const {
435 435
436 436
      while (i != INVALID && (!(*_arc_filter)[i]
437 437
                              || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::source(i)]
438 438
                              || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::target(i)]))
439 439
440 440
441 441

442 442
    void firstIn(Arc& i, const Node& n) const {
443 443
      Parent::firstIn(i, n);
444 444
      while (i != INVALID && (!(*_arc_filter)[i]
445 445
                              || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::source(i)]))
446 446
447 447
448 448

449 449
    void firstOut(Arc& i, const Node& n) const {
450 450
      Parent::firstOut(i, n);
451 451
      while (i != INVALID && (!(*_arc_filter)[i]
452 452
                              || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::target(i)]))
453 453
454 454
455 455

456 456
    void next(Node& i) const {
457 457
458 458
      while (i != INVALID && !(*_node_filter)[i]) Parent::next(i);
459 459
460 460

461 461
    void next(Arc& i) const {
462 462
463 463
      while (i != INVALID && (!(*_arc_filter)[i]
464 464
                              || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::source(i)]
465 465
                              || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::target(i)]))
466 466
467 467
468 468

469 469
    void nextIn(Arc& i) const {
470 470
471 471
      while (i != INVALID && (!(*_arc_filter)[i]
472 472
                              || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::source(i)]))
473 473
474 474
475 475

476 476
    void nextOut(Arc& i) const {
477 477
478 478
      while (i != INVALID && (!(*_arc_filter)[i]
479 479
                              || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::target(i)]))
480 480
481 481
482 482

483 483
    void status(const Node& n, bool v) const { _node_filter->set(n, v); }
484 484
    void status(const Arc& a, bool v) const { _arc_filter->set(a, v); }
485 485

486 486
    bool status(const Node& n) const { return (*_node_filter)[n]; }
487 487
    bool status(const Arc& a) const { return (*_arc_filter)[a]; }
488 488

489 489
    typedef False NodeNumTag;
490 490
    typedef False ArcNumTag;
491 491

492 492
    typedef FindArcTagIndicator<DGR> FindArcTag;
493 493
    Arc findArc(const Node& source, const Node& target,
494 494
                const Arc& prev = INVALID) const {
495 495
      if (!(*_node_filter)[source] || !(*_node_filter)[target]) {
496 496
        return INVALID;
497 497
498 498
      Arc arc = Parent::findArc(source, target, prev);
499 499
      while (arc != INVALID && !(*_arc_filter)[arc]) {
500 500
        arc = Parent::findArc(source, target, arc);
501 501
502 502
      return arc;
503 503
504 504

505 505
506 506

507 507
    template <typename V>
508 508
    class NodeMap 
509 509
      : public SubMapExtender<SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, ch>, 
510 510
	      LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR>, NodeMap<V>)> {
511 511
      typedef SubMapExtender<SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, ch>,
512 512
	LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR>, NodeMap<V>)> Parent;
513 513

514 514
515 515
      typedef V Value;
516 516

517 517
      NodeMap(const SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, ch>& adaptor)
518 518
        : Parent(adaptor) {}
519 519
      NodeMap(const SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, ch>& adaptor, const V& value)
520 520
        : Parent(adaptor, value) {}
521 521

522 522
523 523
      NodeMap& operator=(const NodeMap& cmap) {
524 524
        return operator=<NodeMap>(cmap);
525 525
526 526

527 527
      template <typename CMap>
528 528
      NodeMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
529 529
530 530
        return *this;
531 531
532 532
533 533

534 534
    template <typename V>
535 535
    class ArcMap 
536 536
      : public SubMapExtender<SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, ch>,
537 537
	      LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR>, ArcMap<V>)> {
538 538
      typedef SubMapExtender<SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, ch>,
539 539
        LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR>, ArcMap<V>)> Parent;
540 540

541 541
542 542
      typedef V Value;
543 543

544 544
      ArcMap(const SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, ch>& adaptor)
545 545
        : Parent(adaptor) {}
546 546
      ArcMap(const SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, ch>& adaptor, const V& value)
547 547
        : Parent(adaptor, value) {}
548 548

549 549
550 550
      ArcMap& operator=(const ArcMap& cmap) {
551 551
        return operator=<ArcMap>(cmap);
552 552
553 553

554 554
      template <typename CMap>
555 555
      ArcMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
556 556
557 557
        return *this;
558 558
559 559
560 560

561 561
562 562

563 563
  template <typename DGR, typename NF, typename AF>
564 564
  class SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, false>
565 565
    : public DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR> {
566 566
    typedef DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR> Parent;
567 567
568 568
    typedef DGR Digraph;
569 569
    typedef NF NodeFilterMap;
570 570
    typedef AF ArcFilterMap;
571 571

572 572
    typedef SubDigraphBase Adaptor;
573 573
574 574
    NF* _node_filter;
575 575
    AF* _arc_filter;
576 576
577 577
      : Parent(), _node_filter(0), _arc_filter(0) { }
578 578

579 579
    void initialize(DGR& digraph, NF& node_filter, AF& arc_filter) {
580 580
581 581
      _node_filter = &node_filter;
582 582
      _arc_filter = &arc_filter;      
583 583
584 584

585 585
586 586

587 587
    typedef typename Parent::Node Node;
588 588
    typedef typename Parent::Arc Arc;
589 589

590 590
    void first(Node& i) const {
591 591
592 592
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_node_filter)[i]) Parent::next(i);
593 593
594 594

595 595
    void first(Arc& i) const {
596 596
597 597
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_arc_filter)[i]) Parent::next(i);
598 598
599 599

600 600
    void firstIn(Arc& i, const Node& n) const {
601 601
      Parent::firstIn(i, n);
602 602
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_arc_filter)[i]) Parent::nextIn(i);
603 603
604 604

605 605
    void firstOut(Arc& i, const Node& n) const {
606 606
      Parent::firstOut(i, n);
607 607
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_arc_filter)[i]) Parent::nextOut(i);
608 608
609 609

610 610
    void next(Node& i) const {
611 611
612 612
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_node_filter)[i]) Parent::next(i);
613 613
614 614
    void next(Arc& i) const {
615 615
616 616
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_arc_filter)[i]) Parent::next(i);
617 617
618 618
    void nextIn(Arc& i) const {
619 619
620 620
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_arc_filter)[i]) Parent::nextIn(i);
621 621
622 622

623 623
    void nextOut(Arc& i) const {
624 624
625 625
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_arc_filter)[i]) Parent::nextOut(i);
626 626
627 627

628 628
    void status(const Node& n, bool v) const { _node_filter->set(n, v); }
629 629
    void status(const Arc& a, bool v) const { _arc_filter->set(a, v); }
630 630

631 631
    bool status(const Node& n) const { return (*_node_filter)[n]; }
632 632
    bool status(const Arc& a) const { return (*_arc_filter)[a]; }
633 633

634 634
    typedef False NodeNumTag;
635 635
    typedef False ArcNumTag;
636 636

637 637
    typedef FindArcTagIndicator<DGR> FindArcTag;
638 638
    Arc findArc(const Node& source, const Node& target,
639 639
                const Arc& prev = INVALID) const {
640 640
      if (!(*_node_filter)[source] || !(*_node_filter)[target]) {
641 641
        return INVALID;
642 642
643 643
      Arc arc = Parent::findArc(source, target, prev);
644 644
      while (arc != INVALID && !(*_arc_filter)[arc]) {
645 645
        arc = Parent::findArc(source, target, arc);
646 646
647 647
      return arc;
648 648
649 649

650 650
    template <typename V>
651 651
    class NodeMap 
652 652
      : public SubMapExtender<SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, false>,
653 653
          LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR>, NodeMap<V>)> {
654 654
      typedef SubMapExtender<SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, false>, 
655 655
        LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR>, NodeMap<V>)> Parent;
656 656

657 657
658 658
      typedef V Value;
659 659

660 660
      NodeMap(const SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, false>& adaptor)
661 661
        : Parent(adaptor) {}
662 662
      NodeMap(const SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, false>& adaptor, const V& value)
663 663
        : Parent(adaptor, value) {}
664 664

665 665
666 666
      NodeMap& operator=(const NodeMap& cmap) {
667 667
        return operator=<NodeMap>(cmap);
668 668
669 669

670 670
      template <typename CMap>
671 671
      NodeMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
672 672
673 673
        return *this;
674 674
675 675
676 676

677 677
    template <typename V>
678 678
    class ArcMap 
679 679
      : public SubMapExtender<SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, false>,
680 680
          LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR>, ArcMap<V>)> {
681 681
      typedef SubMapExtender<SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, false>,
682 682
        LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(DigraphAdaptorBase<DGR>, ArcMap<V>)> Parent;
683 683

684 684
685 685
      typedef V Value;
686 686

687 687
      ArcMap(const SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, false>& adaptor)
688 688
        : Parent(adaptor) {}
689 689
      ArcMap(const SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, false>& adaptor, const V& value)
690 690
        : Parent(adaptor, value) {}
691 691

692 692
693 693
      ArcMap& operator=(const ArcMap& cmap) {
694 694
        return operator=<ArcMap>(cmap);
695 695
696 696

697 697
      template <typename CMap>
698 698
      ArcMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
699 699
700 700
        return *this;
701 701
702 702
703 703

704 704
705 705

706 706
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
707 707
708 708
  /// \brief Adaptor class for hiding nodes and arcs in a digraph
709 709
710 710
  /// SubDigraph can be used for hiding nodes and arcs in a digraph.
711 711
  /// A \c bool node map and a \c bool arc map must be specified, which
712 712
  /// define the filters for nodes and arcs.
713 713
  /// Only the nodes and arcs with \c true filter value are
714 714
  /// shown in the subdigraph. The arcs that are incident to hidden
715 715
  /// nodes are also filtered out.
716 716
  /// This adaptor conforms to the \ref concepts::Digraph "Digraph" concept.
717 717
718 718
  /// The adapted digraph can also be modified through this adaptor
719 719
  /// by adding or removing nodes or arcs, unless the \c GR template
720 720
  /// parameter is set to be \c const.
721 721
722 722
  /// \tparam DGR The type of the adapted digraph.
723 723
  /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::Digraph "Digraph" concept.
724 724
  /// It can also be specified to be \c const.
725 725
  /// \tparam NF The type of the node filter map.
726 726
  /// It must be a \c bool (or convertible) node map of the
727 727
  /// adapted digraph. The default type is
728 728
  /// \ref concepts::Digraph::NodeMap "DGR::NodeMap<bool>".
729 729
  /// \tparam AF The type of the arc filter map.
730 730
  /// It must be \c bool (or convertible) arc map of the
731 731
  /// adapted digraph. The default type is
732 732
  /// \ref concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "DGR::ArcMap<bool>".
733 733
734 734
  /// \note The \c Node and \c Arc types of this adaptor and the adapted
735 735
  /// digraph are convertible to each other.
736 736
737 737
  /// \see FilterNodes
738 738
  /// \see FilterArcs
739 739
#ifdef DOXYGEN
740 740
  template<typename DGR, typename NF, typename AF>
741 741
  class SubDigraph {
742 742
743 743
  template<typename DGR,
744 744
           typename NF = typename DGR::template NodeMap<bool>,
745 745
           typename AF = typename DGR::template ArcMap<bool> >
746 746
  class SubDigraph :
747 747
    public DigraphAdaptorExtender<SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, true> > {
748 748
749 749
750 750
    /// The type of the adapted digraph.
751 751
    typedef DGR Digraph;
752 752
    /// The type of the node filter map.
753 753
    typedef NF NodeFilterMap;
754 754
    /// The type of the arc filter map.
755 755
    typedef AF ArcFilterMap;
756 756

757 757
    typedef DigraphAdaptorExtender<SubDigraphBase<DGR, NF, AF, true> >
758 758
759 759

760 760
    typedef typename Parent::Node Node;
761 761
    typedef typename Parent::Arc Arc;
762 762

763 763
764 764
    SubDigraph() { }
765 765
766 766

767 767
    /// \brief Constructor
768 768
769 769
    /// Creates a subdigraph for the given digraph with the
770 770
    /// given node and arc filter maps.
771 771
    SubDigraph(DGR& digraph, NF& node_filter, AF& arc_filter) {
772 772
      Parent::initialize(digraph, node_filter, arc_filter);
773 773
774 774

775 775
    /// \brief Sets the status of the given node
776 776
777 777
    /// This function sets the status of the given node.
778 778
    /// It is done by simply setting the assigned value of \c n
779 779
    /// to \c v in the node filter map.
780 780
    void status(const Node& n, bool v) const { Parent::status(n, v); }
781 781

782 782
    /// \brief Sets the status of the given arc
783 783
784 784
    /// This function sets the status of the given arc.
785 785
    /// It is done by simply setting the assigned value of \c a
786 786
    /// to \c v in the arc filter map.
787 787
    void status(const Arc& a, bool v) const { Parent::status(a, v); }
788 788

789 789
    /// \brief Returns the status of the given node
790 790
791 791
    /// This function returns the status of the given node.
792 792
    /// It is \c true if the given node is enabled (i.e. not hidden).
793 793
    bool status(const Node& n) const { return Parent::status(n); }
794 794

795 795
    /// \brief Returns the status of the given arc
796 796
797 797
    /// This function returns the status of the given arc.
798 798
    /// It is \c true if the given arc is enabled (i.e. not hidden).
799 799
    bool status(const Arc& a) const { return Parent::status(a); }
800 800

801 801
    /// \brief Disables the given node
802 802
803 803
    /// This function disables the given node in the subdigraph,
804 804
    /// so the iteration jumps over it.
805 805
    /// It is the same as \ref status() "status(n, false)".
806 806
    void disable(const Node& n) const { Parent::status(n, false); }
807 807

808 808
    /// \brief Disables the given arc
809 809
810 810
    /// This function disables the given arc in the subdigraph,
811 811
    /// so the iteration jumps over it.
812 812
    /// It is the same as \ref status() "status(a, false)".
813 813
    void disable(const Arc& a) const { Parent::status(a, false); }
814 814

815 815
    /// \brief Enables the given node
816 816
817 817
    /// This function enables the given node in the subdigraph.
818 818
    /// It is the same as \ref status() "status(n, true)".
819 819
    void enable(const Node& n) const { Parent::status(n, true); }
820 820

821 821
    /// \brief Enables the given arc
822 822
823 823
    /// This function enables the given arc in the subdigraph.
824 824
    /// It is the same as \ref status() "status(a, true)".
825 825
    void enable(const Arc& a) const { Parent::status(a, true); }
826 826

827 827
828 828

829 829
  /// \brief Returns a read-only SubDigraph adaptor
830 830
831 831
  /// This function just returns a read-only \ref SubDigraph adaptor.
832 832
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
833 833
  /// \relates SubDigraph
834 834
  template<typename DGR, typename NF, typename AF>
835 835
  SubDigraph<const DGR, NF, AF>
836 836
  subDigraph(const DGR& digraph,
837 837
             NF& node_filter, AF& arc_filter) {
838 838
    return SubDigraph<const DGR, NF, AF>
839 839
      (digraph, node_filter, arc_filter);
840 840
841 841

842 842
  template<typename DGR, typename NF, typename AF>
843 843
  SubDigraph<const DGR, const NF, AF>
844 844
  subDigraph(const DGR& digraph,
845 845
             const NF& node_filter, AF& arc_filter) {
846 846
    return SubDigraph<const DGR, const NF, AF>
847 847
      (digraph, node_filter, arc_filter);
848 848
849 849

850 850
  template<typename DGR, typename NF, typename AF>
851 851
  SubDigraph<const DGR, NF, const AF>
852 852
  subDigraph(const DGR& digraph,
853 853
             NF& node_filter, const AF& arc_filter) {
854 854
    return SubDigraph<const DGR, NF, const AF>
855 855
      (digraph, node_filter, arc_filter);
856 856
857 857

858 858
  template<typename DGR, typename NF, typename AF>
859 859
  SubDigraph<const DGR, const NF, const AF>
860 860
  subDigraph(const DGR& digraph,
861 861
             const NF& node_filter, const AF& arc_filter) {
862 862
    return SubDigraph<const DGR, const NF, const AF>
863 863
      (digraph, node_filter, arc_filter);
864 864
865 865

866 866

867 867
  template <typename GR, typename NF, typename EF, bool ch = true>
868 868
  class SubGraphBase : public GraphAdaptorBase<GR> {
869 869
    typedef GraphAdaptorBase<GR> Parent;
870 870
871 871
    typedef GR Graph;
872 872
    typedef NF NodeFilterMap;
873 873
    typedef EF EdgeFilterMap;
874 874

875 875
    typedef SubGraphBase Adaptor;
876 876
877 877

878 878
    NF* _node_filter;
879 879
    EF* _edge_filter;
880 880

881 881
882 882
      : Parent(), _node_filter(0), _edge_filter(0) { }
883 883

884 884
    void initialize(GR& graph, NF& node_filter, EF& edge_filter) {
885 885
886 886
      _node_filter = &node_filter;
887 887
      _edge_filter = &edge_filter;
888 888
889 889

890 890
891 891

892 892
    typedef typename Parent::Node Node;
893 893
    typedef typename Parent::Arc Arc;
894 894
    typedef typename Parent::Edge Edge;
895 895

896 896
    void first(Node& i) const {
897 897
898 898
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_node_filter)[i]) Parent::next(i);
899 899
900 900

901 901
    void first(Arc& i) const {
902 902
903 903
      while (i!=INVALID && (!(*_edge_filter)[i]
904 904
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::source(i)]
905 905
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::target(i)]))
906 906
907 907
908 908

909 909
    void first(Edge& i) const {
910 910
911 911
      while (i!=INVALID && (!(*_edge_filter)[i]
912 912
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::u(i)]
913 913
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::v(i)]))
914 914
915 915
916 916

917 917
    void firstIn(Arc& i, const Node& n) const {
918 918
      Parent::firstIn(i, n);
919 919
      while (i!=INVALID && (!(*_edge_filter)[i]
920 920
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::source(i)]))
921 921
922 922
923 923

924 924
    void firstOut(Arc& i, const Node& n) const {
925 925
      Parent::firstOut(i, n);
926 926
      while (i!=INVALID && (!(*_edge_filter)[i]
927 927
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::target(i)]))
928 928
929 929
930 930

931 931
    void firstInc(Edge& i, bool& d, const Node& n) const {
932 932
      Parent::firstInc(i, d, n);
933 933
      while (i!=INVALID && (!(*_edge_filter)[i]
934 934
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::u(i)]
935 935
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::v(i)]))
936 936
        Parent::nextInc(i, d);
937 937
938 938

939 939
    void next(Node& i) const {
940 940
941 941
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_node_filter)[i]) Parent::next(i);
942 942
943 943

944 944
    void next(Arc& i) const {
945 945
946 946
      while (i!=INVALID && (!(*_edge_filter)[i]
947 947
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::source(i)]
948 948
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::target(i)]))
949 949
950 950
951 951

952 952
    void next(Edge& i) const {
953 953
954 954
      while (i!=INVALID && (!(*_edge_filter)[i]
955 955
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::u(i)]
956 956
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::v(i)]))
957 957
958 958
959 959

960 960
    void nextIn(Arc& i) const {
961 961
962 962
      while (i!=INVALID && (!(*_edge_filter)[i]
963 963
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::source(i)]))
964 964
965 965
966 966

967 967
    void nextOut(Arc& i) const {
968 968
969 969
      while (i!=INVALID && (!(*_edge_filter)[i]
970 970
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::target(i)]))
971 971
972 972
973 973

974 974
    void nextInc(Edge& i, bool& d) const {
975 975
      Parent::nextInc(i, d);
976 976
      while (i!=INVALID && (!(*_edge_filter)[i]
977 977
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::u(i)]
978 978
                            || !(*_node_filter)[Parent::v(i)]))
979 979
        Parent::nextInc(i, d);
980 980
981 981

982 982
    void status(const Node& n, bool v) const { _node_filter->set(n, v); }
983 983
    void status(const Edge& e, bool v) const { _edge_filter->set(e, v); }
984 984

985 985
    bool status(const Node& n) const { return (*_node_filter)[n]; }
986 986
    bool status(const Edge& e) const { return (*_edge_filter)[e]; }
987 987

988 988
    typedef False NodeNumTag;
989 989
    typedef False ArcNumTag;
990 990
    typedef False EdgeNumTag;
991 991

992 992
    typedef FindArcTagIndicator<Graph> FindArcTag;
993 993
    Arc findArc(const Node& u, const Node& v,
994 994
                const Arc& prev = INVALID) const {
995 995
      if (!(*_node_filter)[u] || !(*_node_filter)[v]) {
996 996
        return INVALID;
997 997
998 998
      Arc arc = Parent::findArc(u, v, prev);
999 999
      while (arc != INVALID && !(*_edge_filter)[arc]) {
1000 1000
        arc = Parent::findArc(u, v, arc);
1001 1001
1002 1002
      return arc;
1003 1003
1004 1004

1005 1005
    typedef FindEdgeTagIndicator<Graph> FindEdgeTag;
1006 1006
    Edge findEdge(const Node& u, const Node& v,
1007 1007
                  const Edge& prev = INVALID) const {
1008 1008
      if (!(*_node_filter)[u] || !(*_node_filter)[v]) {
1009 1009
        return INVALID;
1010 1010
1011 1011
      Edge edge = Parent::findEdge(u, v, prev);
1012 1012
      while (edge != INVALID && !(*_edge_filter)[edge]) {
1013 1013
        edge = Parent::findEdge(u, v, edge);
1014 1014
1015 1015
      return edge;
1016 1016
1017 1017

1018 1018
    template <typename V>
1019 1019
    class NodeMap 
1020 1020
      : public SubMapExtender<SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, ch>,
1021 1021
          LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(GraphAdaptorBase<GR>, NodeMap<V>)> {
1022 1022
      typedef SubMapExtender<SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, ch>, 
1023 1023
        LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(GraphAdaptorBase<GR>, NodeMap<V>)> Parent;
1024 1024

1025 1025
1026 1026
      typedef V Value;
1027 1027

1028 1028
      NodeMap(const SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, ch>& adaptor)
1029 1029
        : Parent(adaptor) {}
1030 1030
      NodeMap(const SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, ch>& adaptor, const V& value)
1031 1031
        : Parent(adaptor, value) {}
1032 1032

1033 1033
1034 1034
      NodeMap& operator=(const NodeMap& cmap) {
1035 1035
        return operator=<NodeMap>(cmap);
1036 1036
1037 1037

1038 1038
      template <typename CMap>
1039 1039
      NodeMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
1040 1040
1041 1041
        return *this;
1042 1042
1043 1043
1044 1044

1045 1045
    template <typename V>
1046 1046
    class ArcMap 
1047 1047
      : public SubMapExtender<SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, ch>,
1048 1048
          LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(GraphAdaptorBase<GR>, ArcMap<V>)> {
1049 1049
      typedef SubMapExtender<SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, ch>, 
1050 1050
        LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(GraphAdaptorBase<GR>, ArcMap<V>)> Parent;
1051 1051

1052 1052
1053 1053
      typedef V Value;
1054 1054

1055 1055
      ArcMap(const SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, ch>& adaptor)
1056 1056
        : Parent(adaptor) {}
1057 1057
      ArcMap(const SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, ch>& adaptor, const V& value)
1058 1058
        : Parent(adaptor, value) {}
1059 1059

1060 1060
1061 1061
      ArcMap& operator=(const ArcMap& cmap) {
1062 1062
        return operator=<ArcMap>(cmap);
1063 1063
1064 1064

1065 1065
      template <typename CMap>
1066 1066
      ArcMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
1067 1067
1068 1068
        return *this;
1069 1069
1070 1070
1071 1071

1072 1072
    template <typename V>
1073 1073
    class EdgeMap 
1074 1074
      : public SubMapExtender<SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, ch>,
1075 1075
        LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(GraphAdaptorBase<GR>, EdgeMap<V>)> {
1076 1076
      typedef SubMapExtender<SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, ch>, 
1077 1077
        LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(GraphAdaptorBase<GR>, EdgeMap<V>)> Parent;
1078 1078

1079 1079
1080 1080
      typedef V Value;
1081 1081

1082 1082
      EdgeMap(const SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, ch>& adaptor)
1083 1083
        : Parent(adaptor) {}
1084 1084

1085 1085
      EdgeMap(const SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, ch>& adaptor, const V& value)
1086 1086
        : Parent(adaptor, value) {}
1087 1087

1088 1088
1089 1089
      EdgeMap& operator=(const EdgeMap& cmap) {
1090 1090
        return operator=<EdgeMap>(cmap);
1091 1091
1092 1092

1093 1093
      template <typename CMap>
1094 1094
      EdgeMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
1095 1095
1096 1096
        return *this;
1097 1097
1098 1098
1099 1099

1100 1100
1101 1101

1102 1102
  template <typename GR, typename NF, typename EF>
1103 1103
  class SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, false>
1104 1104
    : public GraphAdaptorBase<GR> {
1105 1105
    typedef GraphAdaptorBase<GR> Parent;
1106 1106
1107 1107
    typedef GR Graph;
1108 1108
    typedef NF NodeFilterMap;
1109 1109
    typedef EF EdgeFilterMap;
1110 1110

1111 1111
    typedef SubGraphBase Adaptor;
1112 1112
1113 1113
    NF* _node_filter;
1114 1114
    EF* _edge_filter;
1115 1115
1116 1116
	  : Parent(), _node_filter(0), _edge_filter(0) { }
1117 1117

1118 1118
    void initialize(GR& graph, NF& node_filter, EF& edge_filter) {
1119 1119
1120 1120
      _node_filter = &node_filter;
1121 1121
      _edge_filter = &edge_filter;
1122 1122
1123 1123

1124 1124
1125 1125

1126 1126
    typedef typename Parent::Node Node;
1127 1127
    typedef typename Parent::Arc Arc;
1128 1128
    typedef typename Parent::Edge Edge;
1129 1129

1130 1130
    void first(Node& i) const {
1131 1131
1132 1132
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_node_filter)[i]) Parent::next(i);
1133 1133
1134 1134

1135 1135
    void first(Arc& i) const {
1136 1136
1137 1137
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_edge_filter)[i]) Parent::next(i);
1138 1138
1139 1139

1140 1140
    void first(Edge& i) const {
1141 1141
1142 1142
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_edge_filter)[i]) Parent::next(i);
1143 1143
1144 1144

1145 1145
    void firstIn(Arc& i, const Node& n) const {
1146 1146
      Parent::firstIn(i, n);
1147 1147
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_edge_filter)[i]) Parent::nextIn(i);
1148 1148
1149 1149

1150 1150
    void firstOut(Arc& i, const Node& n) const {
1151 1151
      Parent::firstOut(i, n);
1152 1152
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_edge_filter)[i]) Parent::nextOut(i);
1153 1153
1154 1154

1155 1155
    void firstInc(Edge& i, bool& d, const Node& n) const {
1156 1156
      Parent::firstInc(i, d, n);
1157 1157
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_edge_filter)[i]) Parent::nextInc(i, d);
1158 1158
1159 1159

1160 1160
    void next(Node& i) const {
1161 1161
1162 1162
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_node_filter)[i]) Parent::next(i);
1163 1163
1164 1164
    void next(Arc& i) const {
1165 1165
1166 1166
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_edge_filter)[i]) Parent::next(i);
1167 1167
1168 1168
    void next(Edge& i) const {
1169 1169
1170 1170
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_edge_filter)[i]) Parent::next(i);
1171 1171
1172 1172
    void nextIn(Arc& i) const {
1173 1173
1174 1174
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_edge_filter)[i]) Parent::nextIn(i);
1175 1175
1176 1176

1177 1177
    void nextOut(Arc& i) const {
1178 1178
1179 1179
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_edge_filter)[i]) Parent::nextOut(i);
1180 1180
1181 1181
    void nextInc(Edge& i, bool& d) const {
1182 1182
      Parent::nextInc(i, d);
1183 1183
      while (i!=INVALID && !(*_edge_filter)[i]) Parent::nextInc(i, d);
1184 1184
1185 1185

1186 1186
    void status(const Node& n, bool v) const { _node_filter->set(n, v); }
1187 1187
    void status(const Edge& e, bool v) const { _edge_filter->set(e, v); }
1188 1188

1189 1189
    bool status(const Node& n) const { return (*_node_filter)[n]; }
1190 1190
    bool status(const Edge& e) const { return (*_edge_filter)[e]; }
1191 1191

1192 1192
    typedef False NodeNumTag;
1193 1193
    typedef False ArcNumTag;
1194 1194
    typedef False EdgeNumTag;
1195 1195

1196 1196
    typedef FindArcTagIndicator<Graph> FindArcTag;
1197 1197
    Arc findArc(const Node& u, const Node& v,
1198 1198
                const Arc& prev = INVALID) const {
1199 1199
      Arc arc = Parent::findArc(u, v, prev);
1200 1200
      while (arc != INVALID && !(*_edge_filter)[arc]) {
1201 1201
        arc = Parent::findArc(u, v, arc);
1202 1202
1203 1203
      return arc;
1204 1204
1205 1205

1206 1206
    typedef FindEdgeTagIndicator<Graph> FindEdgeTag;
1207 1207
    Edge findEdge(const Node& u, const Node& v,
1208 1208
                  const Edge& prev = INVALID) const {
1209 1209
      Edge edge = Parent::findEdge(u, v, prev);
1210 1210
      while (edge != INVALID && !(*_edge_filter)[edge]) {
1211 1211
        edge = Parent::findEdge(u, v, edge);
1212 1212
1213 1213
      return edge;
1214 1214
1215 1215

1216 1216
    template <typename V>
1217 1217
    class NodeMap 
1218 1218
      : public SubMapExtender<SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, false>,
1219 1219
          LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(GraphAdaptorBase<GR>, NodeMap<V>)> {
1220 1220
      typedef SubMapExtender<SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, false>, 
1221 1221
        LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(GraphAdaptorBase<GR>, NodeMap<V>)> Parent;
1222 1222

1223 1223
1224 1224
      typedef V Value;
1225 1225

1226 1226
      NodeMap(const SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, false>& adaptor)
1227 1227
        : Parent(adaptor) {}
1228 1228
      NodeMap(const SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, false>& adaptor, const V& value)
1229 1229
        : Parent(adaptor, value) {}
1230 1230

1231 1231
1232 1232
      NodeMap& operator=(const NodeMap& cmap) {
1233 1233
        return operator=<NodeMap>(cmap);
1234 1234
1235 1235

1236 1236
      template <typename CMap>
1237 1237
      NodeMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
1238 1238
1239 1239
        return *this;
1240 1240
1241 1241
1242 1242

1243 1243
    template <typename V>
1244 1244
    class ArcMap 
1245 1245
      : public SubMapExtender<SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, false>,
1246 1246
          LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(GraphAdaptorBase<GR>, ArcMap<V>)> {
1247 1247
      typedef SubMapExtender<SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, false>, 
1248 1248
        LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(GraphAdaptorBase<GR>, ArcMap<V>)> Parent;
1249 1249

1250 1250
1251 1251
      typedef V Value;
1252 1252

1253 1253
      ArcMap(const SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, false>& adaptor)
1254 1254
        : Parent(adaptor) {}
1255 1255
      ArcMap(const SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, false>& adaptor, const V& value)
1256 1256
        : Parent(adaptor, value) {}
1257 1257

1258 1258
1259 1259
      ArcMap& operator=(const ArcMap& cmap) {
1260 1260
        return operator=<ArcMap>(cmap);
1261 1261
1262 1262

1263 1263
      template <typename CMap>
1264 1264
      ArcMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
1265 1265
1266 1266
        return *this;
1267 1267
1268 1268
1269 1269

1270 1270
    template <typename V>
1271 1271
    class EdgeMap 
1272 1272
      : public SubMapExtender<SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, false>,
1273 1273
        LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(GraphAdaptorBase<GR>, EdgeMap<V>)> {
1274 1274
      typedef SubMapExtender<SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, false>, 
1275 1275
	LEMON_SCOPE_FIX(GraphAdaptorBase<GR>, EdgeMap<V>)> Parent;
1276 1276

1277 1277
1278 1278
      typedef V Value;
1279 1279

1280 1280
      EdgeMap(const SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, false>& adaptor)
1281 1281
        : Parent(adaptor) {}
1282 1282

1283 1283
      EdgeMap(const SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, false>& adaptor, const V& value)
1284 1284
        : Parent(adaptor, value) {}
1285 1285

1286 1286
1287 1287
      EdgeMap& operator=(const EdgeMap& cmap) {
1288 1288
        return operator=<EdgeMap>(cmap);
1289 1289
1290 1290

1291 1291
      template <typename CMap>
1292 1292
      EdgeMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
1293 1293
1294 1294
        return *this;
1295 1295
1296 1296
1297 1297

1298 1298
1299 1299

1300 1300
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
1301 1301
1302 1302
  /// \brief Adaptor class for hiding nodes and edges in an undirected
1303 1303
  /// graph.
1304 1304
1305 1305
  /// SubGraph can be used for hiding nodes and edges in a graph.
1306 1306
  /// A \c bool node map and a \c bool edge map must be specified, which
1307 1307
  /// define the filters for nodes and edges.
1308 1308
  /// Only the nodes and edges with \c true filter value are
1309 1309
  /// shown in the subgraph. The edges that are incident to hidden
1310 1310
  /// nodes are also filtered out.
1311 1311
  /// This adaptor conforms to the \ref concepts::Graph "Graph" concept.
1312 1312
1313 1313
  /// The adapted graph can also be modified through this adaptor
1314 1314
  /// by adding or removing nodes or edges, unless the \c GR template
1315 1315
  /// parameter is set to be \c const.
1316 1316
1317 1317
  /// \tparam GR The type of the adapted graph.
1318 1318
  /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::Graph "Graph" concept.
1319 1319
  /// It can also be specified to be \c const.
1320 1320
  /// \tparam NF The type of the node filter map.
1321 1321
  /// It must be a \c bool (or convertible) node map of the
1322 1322
  /// adapted graph. The default type is
1323 1323
  /// \ref concepts::Graph::NodeMap "GR::NodeMap<bool>".
1324 1324
  /// \tparam EF The type of the edge filter map.
1325 1325
  /// It must be a \c bool (or convertible) edge map of the
1326 1326
  /// adapted graph. The default type is
1327 1327
  /// \ref concepts::Graph::EdgeMap "GR::EdgeMap<bool>".
1328 1328
1329 1329
  /// \note The \c Node, \c Edge and \c Arc types of this adaptor and the
1330 1330
  /// adapted graph are convertible to each other.
1331 1331
1332 1332
  /// \see FilterNodes
1333 1333
  /// \see FilterEdges
1334 1334
#ifdef DOXYGEN
1335 1335
  template<typename GR, typename NF, typename EF>
1336 1336
  class SubGraph {
1337 1337
1338 1338
  template<typename GR,
1339 1339
           typename NF = typename GR::template NodeMap<bool>,
1340 1340
           typename EF = typename GR::template EdgeMap<bool> >
1341 1341
  class SubGraph :
1342 1342
    public GraphAdaptorExtender<SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, true> > {
1343 1343
1344 1344
1345 1345
    /// The type of the adapted graph.
1346 1346
    typedef GR Graph;
1347 1347
    /// The type of the node filter map.
1348 1348
    typedef NF NodeFilterMap;
1349 1349
    /// The type of the edge filter map.
1350 1350
    typedef EF EdgeFilterMap;
1351 1351

1352 1352
    typedef GraphAdaptorExtender<SubGraphBase<GR, NF, EF, true> >
1353 1353
1354 1354

1355 1355
    typedef typename Parent::Node Node;
1356 1356
    typedef typename Parent::Edge Edge;
1357 1357

1358 1358
1359 1359
    SubGraph() { }
1360 1360
1361 1361

1362 1362
    /// \brief Constructor
1363 1363
1364 1364
    /// Creates a subgraph for the given graph with the given node
1365 1365
    /// and edge filter maps.
1366 1366
    SubGraph(GR& graph, NF& node_filter, EF& edge_filter) {
1367 1367
      initialize(graph, node_filter, edge_filter);
1368 1368
1369 1369

1370 1370
    /// \brief Sets the status of the given node
1371 1371
1372 1372
    /// This function sets the status of the given node.
1373 1373
    /// It is done by simply setting the assigned value of \c n
1374 1374
    /// to \c v in the node filter map.
1375 1375
    void status(const Node& n, bool v) const { Parent::status(n, v); }
1376 1376

1377 1377
    /// \brief Sets the status of the given edge
1378 1378
1379 1379
    /// This function sets the status of the given edge.
1380 1380
    /// It is done by simply setting the assigned value of \c e
1381 1381
    /// to \c v in the edge filter map.
1382 1382
    void status(const Edge& e, bool v) const { Parent::status(e, v); }
1383 1383

1384 1384
    /// \brief Returns the status of the given node
1385 1385
1386 1386
    /// This function returns the status of the given node.
1387 1387
    /// It is \c true if the given node is enabled (i.e. not hidden).
1388 1388
    bool status(const Node& n) const { return Parent::status(n); }
1389 1389

1390 1390
    /// \brief Returns the status of the given edge
1391 1391
1392 1392
    /// This function returns the status of the given edge.
1393 1393
    /// It is \c true if the given edge is enabled (i.e. not hidden).
1394 1394
    bool status(const Edge& e) const { return Parent::status(e); }
1395 1395

1396 1396
    /// \brief Disables the given node
1397 1397
1398 1398
    /// This function disables the given node in the subdigraph,
1399 1399
    /// so the iteration jumps over it.
1400 1400
    /// It is the same as \ref status() "status(n, false)".
1401 1401
    void disable(const Node& n) const { Parent::status(n, false); }
1402 1402

1403 1403
    /// \brief Disables the given edge
1404 1404
1405 1405
    /// This function disables the given edge in the subgraph,
1406 1406
    /// so the iteration jumps over it.
1407 1407
    /// It is the same as \ref status() "status(e, false)".
1408 1408
    void disable(const Edge& e) const { Parent::status(e, false); }
1409 1409

1410 1410
    /// \brief Enables the given node
1411 1411
1412 1412
    /// This function enables the given node in the subdigraph.
1413 1413
    /// It is the same as \ref status() "status(n, true)".
1414 1414
    void enable(const Node& n) const { Parent::status(n, true); }
1415 1415

1416 1416
    /// \brief Enables the given edge
1417 1417
1418 1418
    /// This function enables the given edge in the subgraph.
1419 1419
    /// It is the same as \ref status() "status(e, true)".
1420 1420
    void enable(const Edge& e) const { Parent::status(e, true); }
1421 1421

1422 1422
1423 1423

1424 1424
  /// \brief Returns a read-only SubGraph adaptor
1425 1425
1426 1426
  /// This function just returns a read-only \ref SubGraph adaptor.
1427 1427
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
1428 1428
  /// \relates SubGraph
1429 1429
  template<typename GR, typename NF, typename EF>
1430 1430
  SubGraph<const GR, NF, EF>
1431 1431
  subGraph(const GR& graph, NF& node_filter, EF& edge_filter) {
1432 1432
    return SubGraph<const GR, NF, EF>
1433 1433
      (graph, node_filter, edge_filter);
1434 1434
1435 1435

1436 1436
  template<typename GR, typename NF, typename EF>
1437 1437
  SubGraph<const GR, const NF, EF>
1438 1438
  subGraph(const GR& graph, const NF& node_filter, EF& edge_filter) {
1439 1439
    return SubGraph<const GR, const NF, EF>
1440 1440
      (graph, node_filter, edge_filter);
1441 1441
1442 1442

1443 1443
  template<typename GR, typename NF, typename EF>
1444 1444
  SubGraph<const GR, NF, const EF>
1445 1445
  subGraph(const GR& graph, NF& node_filter, const EF& edge_filter) {
1446 1446
    return SubGraph<const GR, NF, const EF>
1447 1447
      (graph, node_filter, edge_filter);
1448 1448
1449 1449

1450 1450
  template<typename GR, typename NF, typename EF>
1451 1451
  SubGraph<const GR, const NF, const EF>
1452 1452
  subGraph(const GR& graph, const NF& node_filter, const EF& edge_filter) {
1453 1453
    return SubGraph<const GR, const NF, const EF>
1454 1454
      (graph, node_filter, edge_filter);
1455 1455
1456 1456

1457 1457

1458 1458
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
1459 1459
1460 1460
  /// \brief Adaptor class for hiding nodes in a digraph or a graph.
1461 1461
1462 1462
  /// FilterNodes adaptor can be used for hiding nodes in a digraph or a
1463 1463
  /// graph. A \c bool node map must be specified, which defines the filter
1464 1464
  /// for the nodes. Only the nodes with \c true filter value and the
1465 1465
  /// arcs/edges incident to nodes both with \c true filter value are shown
1466 1466
  /// in the subgraph. This adaptor conforms to the \ref concepts::Digraph
1467 1467
  /// "Digraph" concept or the \ref concepts::Graph "Graph" concept
1468 1468
  /// depending on the \c GR template parameter.
1469 1469
1470 1470
  /// The adapted (di)graph can also be modified through this adaptor
1471 1471
  /// by adding or removing nodes or arcs/edges, unless the \c GR template
1472 1472
  /// parameter is set to be \c const.
1473 1473
1474 1474
  /// \tparam GR The type of the adapted digraph or graph.
1475 1475
  /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::Digraph "Digraph" concept
1476 1476
  /// or the \ref concepts::Graph "Graph" concept.
1477 1477
  /// It can also be specified to be \c const.
1478 1478
  /// \tparam NF The type of the node filter map.
1479 1479
  /// It must be a \c bool (or convertible) node map of the
1480 1480
  /// adapted (di)graph. The default type is
1481 1481
  /// \ref concepts::Graph::NodeMap "GR::NodeMap<bool>".
1482 1482
1483 1483
  /// \note The \c Node and <tt>Arc/Edge</tt> types of this adaptor and the
1484 1484
  /// adapted (di)graph are convertible to each other.
1485 1485
#ifdef DOXYGEN
1486 1486
  template<typename GR, typename NF>
1487 1487
  class FilterNodes {
1488 1488
1489 1489
  template<typename GR,
1490 1490
           typename NF = typename GR::template NodeMap<bool>,
1491 1491
           typename Enable = void>
1492 1492
  class FilterNodes :
1493 1493
    public DigraphAdaptorExtender<
1494 1494
      SubDigraphBase<GR, NF, ConstMap<typename GR::Arc, Const<bool, true> >,
1495 1495
                     true> > {
1496 1496
1497 1497
    typedef DigraphAdaptorExtender<
1498 1498
      SubDigraphBase<GR, NF, ConstMap<typename GR::Arc, Const<bool, true> >, 
1499 1499
                     true> > Parent;
1500 1500

1501 1501
1502 1502

1503 1503
    typedef GR Digraph;
1504 1504
    typedef NF NodeFilterMap;
1505 1505

1506 1506
    typedef typename Parent::Node Node;
1507 1507

1508 1508
1509 1509
    ConstMap<typename Digraph::Arc, Const<bool, true> > const_true_map;
1510 1510

1511 1511
    FilterNodes() : const_true_map() {}
1512 1512

1513 1513
1514 1514

1515 1515
    /// \brief Constructor
1516 1516
1517 1517
    /// Creates a subgraph for the given digraph or graph with the
1518 1518
    /// given node filter map.
1519 1519
    FilterNodes(GR& graph, NF& node_filter) 
1520 1520
      : Parent(), const_true_map()
1521 1521
1522 1522
      Parent::initialize(graph, node_filter, const_true_map);
1523 1523
1524 1524

1525 1525
    /// \brief Sets the status of the given node
1526 1526
1527 1527
    /// This function sets the status of the given node.
1528 1528
    /// It is done by simply setting the assigned value of \c n
1529 1529
    /// to \c v in the node filter map.
1530 1530
    void status(const Node& n, bool v) const { Parent::status(n, v); }
1531 1531

1532 1532
    /// \brief Returns the status of the given node
1533 1533
1534 1534
    /// This function returns the status of the given node.
1535 1535
    /// It is \c true if the given node is enabled (i.e. not hidden).
1536 1536
    bool status(const Node& n) const { return Parent::status(n); }
1537 1537

1538 1538
    /// \brief Disables the given node
1539 1539
1540 1540
    /// This function disables the given node, so the iteration
1541 1541
    /// jumps over it.
1542 1542
    /// It is the same as \ref status() "status(n, false)".
1543 1543
    void disable(const Node& n) const { Parent::status(n, false); }
1544 1544

1545 1545
    /// \brief Enables the given node
1546 1546
1547 1547
    /// This function enables the given node.
1548 1548
    /// It is the same as \ref status() "status(n, true)".
1549 1549
    void enable(const Node& n) const { Parent::status(n, true); }
1550 1550

1551 1551
1552 1552

1553 1553
  template<typename GR, typename NF>
1554 1554
  class FilterNodes<GR, NF,
1555 1555
                    typename enable_if<UndirectedTagIndicator<GR> >::type> :
1556 1556
    public GraphAdaptorExtender<
1557 1557
      SubGraphBase<GR, NF, ConstMap<typename GR::Edge, Const<bool, true> >, 
1558 1558
                   true> > {
1559 1559

1560 1560
    typedef GraphAdaptorExtender<
1561 1561
      SubGraphBase<GR, NF, ConstMap<typename GR::Edge, Const<bool, true> >, 
1562 1562
                   true> > Parent;
1563 1563

1564 1564
1565 1565

1566 1566
    typedef GR Graph;
1567 1567
    typedef NF NodeFilterMap;
1568 1568

1569 1569
    typedef typename Parent::Node Node;
1570 1570

1571 1571
1572 1572
    ConstMap<typename GR::Edge, Const<bool, true> > const_true_map;
1573 1573

1574 1574
    FilterNodes() : const_true_map() {}
1575 1575

1576 1576
1577 1577

1578 1578
    FilterNodes(GR& graph, NodeFilterMap& node_filter) :
1579 1579
      Parent(), const_true_map() {
1580 1580
      Parent::initialize(graph, node_filter, const_true_map);
1581 1581
1582 1582

1583 1583
    void status(const Node& n, bool v) const { Parent::status(n, v); }
1584 1584
    bool status(const Node& n) const { return Parent::status(n); }
1585 1585
    void disable(const Node& n) const { Parent::status(n, false); }
1586 1586
    void enable(const Node& n) const { Parent::status(n, true); }
1587 1587

1588 1588
1589 1589

1590 1590

1591 1591
  /// \brief Returns a read-only FilterNodes adaptor
1592 1592
1593 1593
  /// This function just returns a read-only \ref FilterNodes adaptor.
1594 1594
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
1595 1595
  /// \relates FilterNodes
1596 1596
  template<typename GR, typename NF>
1597 1597
  FilterNodes<const GR, NF>
1598 1598
  filterNodes(const GR& graph, NF& node_filter) {
1599 1599
    return FilterNodes<const GR, NF>(graph, node_filter);
1600 1600
1601 1601

1602 1602
  template<typename GR, typename NF>
1603 1603
  FilterNodes<const GR, const NF>
1604 1604
  filterNodes(const GR& graph, const NF& node_filter) {
1605 1605
    return FilterNodes<const GR, const NF>(graph, node_filter);
1606 1606
1607 1607

1608 1608
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
1609 1609
1610 1610
  /// \brief Adaptor class for hiding arcs in a digraph.
1611 1611
1612 1612
  /// FilterArcs adaptor can be used for hiding arcs in a digraph.
1613 1613
  /// A \c bool arc map must be specified, which defines the filter for
1614 1614
  /// the arcs. Only the arcs with \c true filter value are shown in the
1615 1615
  /// subdigraph. This adaptor conforms to the \ref concepts::Digraph
1616 1616
  /// "Digraph" concept.
1617 1617
1618 1618
  /// The adapted digraph can also be modified through this adaptor
1619 1619
  /// by adding or removing nodes or arcs, unless the \c GR template
1620 1620
  /// parameter is set to be \c const.
1621 1621
1622 1622
  /// \tparam DGR The type of the adapted digraph.
1623 1623
  /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::Digraph "Digraph" concept.
1624 1624
  /// It can also be specified to be \c const.
1625 1625
  /// \tparam AF The type of the arc filter map.
1626 1626
  /// It must be a \c bool (or convertible) arc map of the
1627 1627
  /// adapted digraph. The default type is
1628 1628
  /// \ref concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "DGR::ArcMap<bool>".
1629 1629
1630 1630
  /// \note The \c Node and \c Arc types of this adaptor and the adapted
1631 1631
  /// digraph are convertible to each other.
1632 1632
#ifdef DOXYGEN
1633 1633
  template<typename DGR,
1634 1634
           typename AF>
1635 1635
  class FilterArcs {
1636 1636
1637 1637
  template<typename DGR,
1638 1638
           typename AF = typename DGR::template ArcMap<bool> >
1639 1639
  class FilterArcs :
1640 1640
    public DigraphAdaptorExtender<
1641 1641
      SubDigraphBase<DGR, ConstMap<typename DGR::Node, Const<bool, true> >,
1642 1642
                     AF, false> > {
1643 1643
1644 1644
    typedef DigraphAdaptorExtender<
1645 1645
      SubDigraphBase<DGR, ConstMap<typename DGR::Node, Const<bool, true> >, 
1646 1646
                     AF, false> > Parent;
1647 1647

1648 1648
1649 1649

1650 1650
    /// The type of the adapted digraph.
1651 1651
    typedef DGR Digraph;
1652 1652
    /// The type of the arc filter map.
1653 1653
    typedef AF ArcFilterMap;
1654 1654

1655 1655
    typedef typename Parent::Arc Arc;
1656 1656

1657 1657
1658 1658
    ConstMap<typename DGR::Node, Const<bool, true> > const_true_map;
1659 1659

1660 1660
    FilterArcs() : const_true_map() {}
1661 1661

1662 1662
1663 1663

1664 1664
    /// \brief Constructor
1665 1665
1666 1666
    /// Creates a subdigraph for the given digraph with the given arc
1667 1667
    /// filter map.
1668 1668
    FilterArcs(DGR& digraph, ArcFilterMap& arc_filter)
1669 1669
      : Parent(), const_true_map() {
1670 1670
      Parent::initialize(digraph, const_true_map, arc_filter);
1671 1671
1672 1672

1673 1673
    /// \brief Sets the status of the given arc
1674 1674
1675 1675
    /// This function sets the status of the given arc.
1676 1676
    /// It is done by simply setting the assigned value of \c a
1677 1677
    /// to \c v in the arc filter map.
1678 1678
    void status(const Arc& a, bool v) const { Parent::status(a, v); }
1679 1679

1680 1680
    /// \brief Returns the status of the given arc
1681 1681
1682 1682
    /// This function returns the status of the given arc.
1683 1683
    /// It is \c true if the given arc is enabled (i.e. not hidden).
1684 1684
    bool status(const Arc& a) const { return Parent::status(a); }
1685 1685

1686 1686
    /// \brief Disables the given arc
1687 1687
1688 1688
    /// This function disables the given arc in the subdigraph,
1689 1689
    /// so the iteration jumps over it.
1690 1690
    /// It is the same as \ref status() "status(a, false)".
1691 1691
    void disable(const Arc& a) const { Parent::status(a, false); }
1692 1692

1693 1693
    /// \brief Enables the given arc
1694 1694
1695 1695
    /// This function enables the given arc in the subdigraph.
1696 1696
    /// It is the same as \ref status() "status(a, true)".
1697 1697
    void enable(const Arc& a) const { Parent::status(a, true); }
1698 1698

1699 1699
1700 1700

1701 1701
  /// \brief Returns a read-only FilterArcs adaptor
1702 1702
1703 1703
  /// This function just returns a read-only \ref FilterArcs adaptor.
1704 1704
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
1705 1705
  /// \relates FilterArcs
1706 1706
  template<typename DGR, typename AF>
1707 1707
  FilterArcs<const DGR, AF>
1708 1708
  filterArcs(const DGR& digraph, AF& arc_filter) {
1709 1709
    return FilterArcs<const DGR, AF>(digraph, arc_filter);
1710 1710
1711 1711

1712 1712
  template<typename DGR, typename AF>
1713 1713
  FilterArcs<const DGR, const AF>
1714 1714
  filterArcs(const DGR& digraph, const AF& arc_filter) {
1715 1715
    return FilterArcs<const DGR, const AF>(digraph, arc_filter);
1716 1716
1717 1717

1718 1718
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
1719 1719
1720 1720
  /// \brief Adaptor class for hiding edges in a graph.
1721 1721
1722 1722
  /// FilterEdges adaptor can be used for hiding edges in a graph.
1723 1723
  /// A \c bool edge map must be specified, which defines the filter for
1724 1724
  /// the edges. Only the edges with \c true filter value are shown in the
1725 1725
  /// subgraph. This adaptor conforms to the \ref concepts::Graph
1726 1726
  /// "Graph" concept.
1727 1727
1728 1728
  /// The adapted graph can also be modified through this adaptor
1729 1729
  /// by adding or removing nodes or edges, unless the \c GR template
1730 1730
  /// parameter is set to be \c const.
1731 1731
1732 1732
  /// \tparam GR The type of the adapted graph.
1733 1733
  /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::Graph "Graph" concept.
1734 1734
  /// It can also be specified to be \c const.
1735 1735
  /// \tparam EF The type of the edge filter map.
1736 1736
  /// It must be a \c bool (or convertible) edge map of the
1737 1737
  /// adapted graph. The default type is
1738 1738
  /// \ref concepts::Graph::EdgeMap "GR::EdgeMap<bool>".
1739 1739
1740 1740
  /// \note The \c Node, \c Edge and \c Arc types of this adaptor and the
1741 1741
  /// adapted graph are convertible to each other.
1742 1742
#ifdef DOXYGEN
1743 1743
  template<typename GR,
1744 1744
           typename EF>
1745 1745
  class FilterEdges {
1746 1746
1747 1747
  template<typename GR,
1748 1748
           typename EF = typename GR::template EdgeMap<bool> >
1749 1749
  class FilterEdges :
1750 1750
    public GraphAdaptorExtender<
1751 1751
      SubGraphBase<GR, ConstMap<typename GR::Node, Const<bool, true> >, 
1752 1752
                   EF, false> > {
1753 1753
1754 1754
    typedef GraphAdaptorExtender<
1755 1755
      SubGraphBase<GR, ConstMap<typename GR::Node, Const<bool, true > >, 
1756 1756
                   EF, false> > Parent;
1757 1757

1758 1758
1759 1759

1760 1760
    /// The type of the adapted graph.
1761 1761
    typedef GR Graph;
1762 1762
    /// The type of the edge filter map.
1763 1763
    typedef EF EdgeFilterMap;
1764 1764

1765 1765
    typedef typename Parent::Edge Edge;
1766 1766

1767 1767
1768 1768
    ConstMap<typename GR::Node, Const<bool, true> > const_true_map;
1769 1769

1770 1770
    FilterEdges() : const_true_map(true) {
1771 1771
1772 1772
1773 1773

1774 1774
1775 1775

1776 1776
    /// \brief Constructor
1777 1777
1778 1778
    /// Creates a subgraph for the given graph with the given edge
1779 1779
    /// filter map.
1780 1780
    FilterEdges(GR& graph, EF& edge_filter) 
1781 1781
      : Parent(), const_true_map() {
1782 1782
      Parent::initialize(graph, const_true_map, edge_filter);
1783 1783
1784 1784

1785 1785
    /// \brief Sets the status of the given edge
1786 1786
1787 1787
    /// This function sets the status of the given edge.
1788 1788
    /// It is done by simply setting the assigned value of \c e
1789 1789
    /// to \c v in the edge filter map.
1790 1790
    void status(const Edge& e, bool v) const { Parent::status(e, v); }
1791 1791

1792 1792
    /// \brief Returns the status of the given edge
1793 1793
1794 1794
    /// This function returns the status of the given edge.
1795 1795
    /// It is \c true if the given edge is enabled (i.e. not hidden).
1796 1796
    bool status(const Edge& e) const { return Parent::status(e); }
1797 1797

1798 1798
    /// \brief Disables the given edge
1799 1799
1800 1800
    /// This function disables the given edge in the subgraph,
1801 1801
    /// so the iteration jumps over it.
1802 1802
    /// It is the same as \ref status() "status(e, false)".
1803 1803
    void disable(const Edge& e) const { Parent::status(e, false); }
1804 1804

1805 1805
    /// \brief Enables the given edge
1806 1806
1807 1807
    /// This function enables the given edge in the subgraph.
1808 1808
    /// It is the same as \ref status() "status(e, true)".
1809 1809
    void enable(const Edge& e) const { Parent::status(e, true); }
1810 1810

1811 1811
1812 1812

1813 1813
  /// \brief Returns a read-only FilterEdges adaptor
1814 1814
1815 1815
  /// This function just returns a read-only \ref FilterEdges adaptor.
1816 1816
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
1817 1817
  /// \relates FilterEdges
1818 1818
  template<typename GR, typename EF>
1819 1819
  FilterEdges<const GR, EF>
1820 1820
  filterEdges(const GR& graph, EF& edge_filter) {
1821 1821
    return FilterEdges<const GR, EF>(graph, edge_filter);
1822 1822
1823 1823

1824 1824
  template<typename GR, typename EF>
1825 1825
  FilterEdges<const GR, const EF>
1826 1826
  filterEdges(const GR& graph, const EF& edge_filter) {
1827 1827
    return FilterEdges<const GR, const EF>(graph, edge_filter);
1828 1828
1829 1829

1830 1830

1831 1831
  template <typename DGR>
1832 1832
  class UndirectorBase {
1833 1833
1834 1834
    typedef DGR Digraph;
1835 1835
    typedef UndirectorBase Adaptor;
1836 1836

1837 1837
    typedef True UndirectedTag;
1838 1838

1839 1839
    typedef typename Digraph::Arc Edge;
1840 1840
    typedef typename Digraph::Node Node;
1841 1841

    class Arc : public Edge {
    class Arc {
1843 1843
      friend class UndirectorBase;
1844 1844
      Edge _edge;
1845 1846
      bool _forward;
1846 1847

      Arc(const Edge& edge, bool forward) :
        Edge(edge), _forward(forward) {}
      Arc(const Edge& edge, bool forward) 
        : _edge(edge), _forward(forward) {}
1849 1850

1850 1851
1851 1852
      Arc() {}
1852 1853

      Arc(Invalid) : Edge(INVALID), _forward(true) {}
      Arc(Invalid) : _edge(INVALID), _forward(true) {}

      operator const Edge&() const { return _edge; }
1854 1857

1855 1858
      bool operator==(const Arc &other) const {
        return _forward == other._forward &&
          static_cast<const Edge&>(*this) == static_cast<const Edge&>(other);
        return _forward == other._forward && _edge == other._edge;
1858 1860
1859 1861
      bool operator!=(const Arc &other) const {
        return _forward != other._forward ||
          static_cast<const Edge&>(*this) != static_cast<const Edge&>(other);
        return _forward != other._forward || _edge != other._edge;
1862 1863
1863 1864
      bool operator<(const Arc &other) const {
1864 1865
        return _forward < other._forward ||
          (_forward == other._forward &&
           static_cast<const Edge&>(*this) < static_cast<const Edge&>(other));
          (_forward == other._forward && _edge < other._edge);
1867 1867
1868 1868
1869 1869

1870 1870
    void first(Node& n) const {
1871 1871
1872 1872
1873 1873

1874 1874
    void next(Node& n) const {
1875 1875
1876 1876
1877 1877

1878 1878
    void first(Arc& a) const {
1880 1880
      a._forward = true;
1881 1881
1882 1882

1883 1883
    void next(Arc& a) const {
1884 1884
      if (a._forward) {
1885 1885
        a._forward = false;
1886 1886
      } else {
1888 1888
        a._forward = true;
1889 1889
1890 1890
1891 1891

1892 1892
    void first(Edge& e) const {
1893 1893
1894 1894
1895 1895

1896 1896
    void next(Edge& e) const {
1897 1897
1898 1898
1899 1899

1900 1900
    void firstOut(Arc& a, const Node& n) const {
      _digraph->firstIn(a, n);
      if( static_cast<const Edge&>(a) != INVALID ) {
      _digraph->firstIn(a._edge, n);
      if (a._edge != INVALID ) {
1903 1903
        a._forward = false;
1904 1904
      } else {
        _digraph->firstOut(a, n);
        _digraph->firstOut(a._edge, n);
1906 1906
        a._forward = true;
1907 1907
1908 1908
1909 1909
    void nextOut(Arc &a) const {
1910 1910
      if (!a._forward) {
        Node n = _digraph->target(a);
        if (static_cast<const Edge&>(a) == INVALID ) {
          _digraph->firstOut(a, n);
        Node n = _digraph->target(a._edge);
        if (a._edge == INVALID) {
          _digraph->firstOut(a._edge, n);
1915 1915
          a._forward = true;
1916 1916
1917 1917
1918 1918
      else {
1920 1920
1921 1921
1922 1922

1923 1923
    void firstIn(Arc &a, const Node &n) const {
      _digraph->firstOut(a, n);
      if (static_cast<const Edge&>(a) != INVALID ) {
      _digraph->firstOut(a._edge, n);
      if (a._edge != INVALID ) {
1926 1926
        a._forward = false;
1927 1927
      } else {
        _digraph->firstIn(a, n);
        _digraph->firstIn(a._edge, n);
1929 1929
        a._forward = true;
1930 1930
1931 1931
1932 1932
    void nextIn(Arc &a) const {
1933 1933
      if (!a._forward) {
        Node n = _digraph->source(a);
        if( static_cast<const Edge&>(a) == INVALID ) {
          _digraph->firstIn(a, n);
        Node n = _digraph->source(a._edge);
        if (a._edge == INVALID ) {
          _digraph->firstIn(a._edge, n);
1938 1938
          a._forward = true;
1939 1939
1940 1940
1941 1941
      else {
1943 1943
1944 1944
1945 1945

1946 1946
    void firstInc(Edge &e, bool &d, const Node &n) const {
1947 1947
      d = true;
1948 1948
      _digraph->firstOut(e, n);
1949 1949
      if (e != INVALID) return;
1950 1950
      d = false;
1951 1951
      _digraph->firstIn(e, n);
1952 1952
1953 1953

1954 1954
    void nextInc(Edge &e, bool &d) const {
1955 1955
      if (d) {
1956 1956
        Node s = _digraph->source(e);
1957 1957
1958 1958
        if (e != INVALID) return;
1959 1959
        d = false;
1960 1960
        _digraph->firstIn(e, s);
1961 1961
      } else {
1962 1962
1963 1963
1964 1964
1965 1965

1966 1966
    Node u(const Edge& e) const {
1967 1967
      return _digraph->source(e);
1968 1968
1969 1969

1970 1970
    Node v(const Edge& e) const {
1971 1971
      return _digraph->target(e);
1972 1972
1973 1973

1974 1974
    Node source(const Arc &a) const {
      return a._forward ? _digraph->source(a) : _digraph->target(a);
      return a._forward ? _digraph->source(a._edge) : _digraph->target(a._edge);
1976 1976
1977 1977

1978 1978
    Node target(const Arc &a) const {
      return a._forward ? _digraph->target(a) : _digraph->source(a);
      return a._forward ? _digraph->target(a._edge) : _digraph->source(a._edge);
1980 1980
1981 1981

1982 1982
    static Arc direct(const Edge &e, bool d) {
1983 1983
      return Arc(e, d);
1984 1984
    Arc direct(const Edge &e, const Node& n) const {
      return Arc(e, _digraph->source(e) == n);
1988 1985

1989 1986
    static bool direction(const Arc &a) { return a._forward; }
1990 1987

1991 1988
    Node nodeFromId(int ix) const { return _digraph->nodeFromId(ix); }
1992 1989
    Arc arcFromId(int ix) const {
1993 1990
      return direct(_digraph->arcFromId(ix >> 1), bool(ix & 1));
1994 1991
1995 1992
    Edge edgeFromId(int ix) const { return _digraph->arcFromId(ix); }
1996 1993

1997 1994
    int id(const Node &n) const { return _digraph->id(n); }
1998 1995
    int id(const Arc &a) const {
1999 1996
      return  (_digraph->id(a) << 1) | (a._forward ? 1 : 0);
2000 1997
2001 1998
    int id(const Edge &e) const { return _digraph->id(e); }
2002 1999

2003 2000
    int maxNodeId() const { return _digraph->maxNodeId(); }
2004 2001
    int maxArcId() const { return (_digraph->maxArcId() << 1) | 1; }
2005 2002
    int maxEdgeId() const { return _digraph->maxArcId(); }
2006 2003

2007 2004
    Node addNode() { return _digraph->addNode(); }
2008 2005
    Edge addEdge(const Node& u, const Node& v) {
2009 2006
      return _digraph->addArc(u, v);
2010 2007
2011 2008

2012 2009
    void erase(const Node& i) { _digraph->erase(i); }
2013 2010
    void erase(const Edge& i) { _digraph->erase(i); }
2014 2011

2015 2012
    void clear() { _digraph->clear(); }
2016 2013

2017 2014
    typedef NodeNumTagIndicator<Digraph> NodeNumTag;
2018 2015
    int nodeNum() const { return _digraph->nodeNum(); }
2019 2016

2020 2017
    typedef ArcNumTagIndicator<Digraph> ArcNumTag;
2021 2018
    int arcNum() const { return 2 * _digraph->arcNum(); }
2022 2019

2023 2020
    typedef ArcNumTag EdgeNumTag;
2024 2021
    int edgeNum() const { return _digraph->arcNum(); }
2025 2022

2026 2023
    typedef FindArcTagIndicator<Digraph> FindArcTag;
2027 2024
    Arc findArc(Node s, Node t, Arc p = INVALID) const {
2028 2025
      if (p == INVALID) {
2029 2026
        Edge arc = _digraph->findArc(s, t);
2030 2027
        if (arc != INVALID) return direct(arc, true);
2031 2028
        arc = _digraph->findArc(t, s);
2032 2029
        if (arc != INVALID) return direct(arc, false);
2033 2030
      } else if (direction(p)) {
2034 2031
        Edge arc = _digraph->findArc(s, t, p);
2035 2032
        if (arc != INVALID) return direct(arc, true);
2036 2033
        arc = _digraph->findArc(t, s);
2037 2034
        if (arc != INVALID) return direct(arc, false);
2038 2035
      } else {
2039 2036
        Edge arc = _digraph->findArc(t, s, p);
2040 2037
        if (arc != INVALID) return direct(arc, false);
2041 2038
2042 2039
      return INVALID;
2043 2040
2044 2041

2045 2042
    typedef FindArcTag FindEdgeTag;
2046 2043
    Edge findEdge(Node s, Node t, Edge p = INVALID) const {
2047 2044
      if (s != t) {
2048 2045
        if (p == INVALID) {
2049 2046
          Edge arc = _digraph->findArc(s, t);
2050 2047
          if (arc != INVALID) return arc;
2051 2048
          arc = _digraph->findArc(t, s);
2052 2049
          if (arc != INVALID) return arc;
2053 2050
        } else if (_digraph->source(p) == s) {
2054 2051
          Edge arc = _digraph->findArc(s, t, p);
2055 2052
          if (arc != INVALID) return arc;
2056 2053
          arc = _digraph->findArc(t, s);
2057 2054
          if (arc != INVALID) return arc;
2058 2055
        } else {
2059 2056
          Edge arc = _digraph->findArc(t, s, p);
2060 2057
          if (arc != INVALID) return arc;
2061 2058
2062 2059
      } else {
2063 2060
        return _digraph->findArc(s, t, p);
2064 2061
2065 2062
      return INVALID;
2066 2063
2067 2064

2068 2065
2069 2066

2070 2067
    template <typename V>
2071 2068
    class ArcMapBase {
2072 2069
2073 2070

2074 2071
      typedef typename DGR::template ArcMap<V> MapImpl;
2075 2072

2076 2073
2077 2074

2078 2075
      typedef typename MapTraits<MapImpl>::ReferenceMapTag ReferenceMapTag;
2079 2076

2080 2077
      typedef V Value;
2081 2078
      typedef Arc Key;
2082 2079
      typedef typename MapTraits<MapImpl>::ConstReturnValue ConstReturnValue;
2083 2080
      typedef typename MapTraits<MapImpl>::ReturnValue ReturnValue;
2084 2081
      typedef typename MapTraits<MapImpl>::ConstReturnValue ConstReference;
2085 2082
      typedef typename MapTraits<MapImpl>::ReturnValue Reference;
2086 2083

2087 2084
      ArcMapBase(const UndirectorBase<DGR>& adaptor) :
2088 2085
        _forward(*adaptor._digraph), _backward(*adaptor._digraph) {}
2089 2086

2090 2087
      ArcMapBase(const UndirectorBase<DGR>& adaptor, const V& value)
2091 2088
        : _forward(*adaptor._digraph, value), 
2092 2089
          _backward(*adaptor._digraph, value) {}
2093 2090

2094 2091
      void set(const Arc& a, const V& value) {
2095 2092
        if (direction(a)) {
2096 2093
          _forward.set(a, value);
2097 2094
        } else {
2098 2095
          _backward.set(a, value);
2099 2096
2100 2097
2101 2098

2102 2099
      ConstReturnValue operator[](const Arc& a) const {
2103 2100
        if (direction(a)) {
2104 2101
          return _forward[a];
2105 2102
        } else {
2106 2103
          return _backward[a];
2107 2104
2108 2105
2109 2106

2110 2107
      ReturnValue operator[](const Arc& a) {
2111 2108
        if (direction(a)) {
2112 2109
          return _forward[a];
2113 2110
        } else {
2114 2111
          return _backward[a];
2115 2112
2116 2113
2117 2114

2118 2115
2119 2116

2120 2117
      MapImpl _forward, _backward;
2121 2118

2122 2119
2123 2120

2124 2121
2125 2122

2126 2123
    template <typename V>
2127 2124
    class NodeMap : public DGR::template NodeMap<V> {
2128 2125
      typedef typename DGR::template NodeMap<V> Parent;
2129 2126

2130 2127
2131 2128
      typedef V Value;
2132 2129

2133 2130
      explicit NodeMap(const UndirectorBase<DGR>& adaptor)
2134 2131
        : Parent(*adaptor._digraph) {}
2135 2132

2136 2133
      NodeMap(const UndirectorBase<DGR>& adaptor, const V& value)
2137 2134
        : Parent(*adaptor._digraph, value) { }
2138 2135

2139 2136
2140 2137
      NodeMap& operator=(const NodeMap& cmap) {
2141 2138
        return operator=<NodeMap>(cmap);
2142 2139
2143 2140

2144 2141
      template <typename CMap>
2145 2142
      NodeMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
2146 2143
2147 2144
        return *this;
2148 2145
2149 2146

2150 2147
2151 2148

2152 2149
    template <typename V>
2153 2150
    class ArcMap
2154 2151
      : public SubMapExtender<UndirectorBase<DGR>, ArcMapBase<V> > {
2155 2152
      typedef SubMapExtender<UndirectorBase<DGR>, ArcMapBase<V> > Parent;
2156 2153

2157 2154
2158 2155
      typedef V Value;
2159 2156

2160 2157
      explicit ArcMap(const UndirectorBase<DGR>& adaptor)
2161 2158
        : Parent(adaptor) {}
2162 2159

2163 2160
      ArcMap(const UndirectorBase<DGR>& adaptor, const V& value)
2164 2161
        : Parent(adaptor, value) {}
2165 2162

2166 2163
2167 2164
      ArcMap& operator=(const ArcMap& cmap) {
2168 2165
        return operator=<ArcMap>(cmap);
2169 2166
2170 2167

2171 2168
      template <typename CMap>
2172 2169
      ArcMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
2173 2170
2174 2171
        return *this;
2175 2172
2176 2173
2177 2174

2178 2175
    template <typename V>
2179 2176
    class EdgeMap : public Digraph::template ArcMap<V> {
2180 2177
      typedef typename Digraph::template ArcMap<V> Parent;
2181 2178

2182 2179
2183 2180
      typedef V Value;
2184 2181

2185 2182
      explicit EdgeMap(const UndirectorBase<DGR>& adaptor)
2186 2183
        : Parent(*adaptor._digraph) {}
2187 2184

2188 2185
      EdgeMap(const UndirectorBase<DGR>& adaptor, const V& value)
2189 2186
        : Parent(*adaptor._digraph, value) {}
2190 2187

2191 2188
2192 2189
      EdgeMap& operator=(const EdgeMap& cmap) {
2193 2190
        return operator=<EdgeMap>(cmap);
2194 2191
2195 2192

2196 2193
      template <typename CMap>
2197 2194
      EdgeMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
2198 2195
2199 2196
        return *this;
2200 2197
2201 2198

2202 2199
2203 2200

2204 2201
    typedef typename ItemSetTraits<DGR, Node>::ItemNotifier NodeNotifier;
2205 2202
    NodeNotifier& notifier(Node) const { return _digraph->notifier(Node()); }
2206 2203

2207 2204
    typedef typename ItemSetTraits<DGR, Edge>::ItemNotifier EdgeNotifier;
2208 2205
    EdgeNotifier& notifier(Edge) const { return _digraph->notifier(Edge()); }
2209 2206
2210 2207
    typedef EdgeNotifier ArcNotifier;
2211 2208
    ArcNotifier& notifier(Arc) const { return _digraph->notifier(Edge()); }
2212 2209

2213 2210
2214 2211

2215 2212
    UndirectorBase() : _digraph(0) {}
2216 2213

2217 2214
    DGR* _digraph;
2218 2215

2219 2216
    void initialize(DGR& digraph) {
2220 2217
      _digraph = &digraph;
2221 2218
2222 2219

2223 2220
2224 2221

2225 2222
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
2226 2223
2227 2224
  /// \brief Adaptor class for viewing a digraph as an undirected graph.
2228 2225
2229 2226
  /// Undirector adaptor can be used for viewing a digraph as an undirected
2230 2227
  /// graph. All arcs of the underlying digraph are showed in the
2231 2228
  /// adaptor as an edge (and also as a pair of arcs, of course).
2232 2229
  /// This adaptor conforms to the \ref concepts::Graph "Graph" concept.
2233 2230
2234 2231
  /// The adapted digraph can also be modified through this adaptor
2235 2232
  /// by adding or removing nodes or edges, unless the \c GR template
2236 2233
  /// parameter is set to be \c const.
2237 2234
2238 2235
  /// \tparam DGR The type of the adapted digraph.
2239 2236
  /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::Digraph "Digraph" concept.
2240 2237
  /// It can also be specified to be \c const.
2241 2238
2242 2239
  /// \note The \c Node type of this adaptor and the adapted digraph are
2243 2240
  /// convertible to each other, moreover the \c Edge type of the adaptor
2244 2241
  /// and the \c Arc type of the adapted digraph are also convertible to
2245 2242
  /// each other.
2246 2243
  /// (Thus the \c Arc type of the adaptor is convertible to the \c Arc type
2247 2244
  /// of the adapted digraph.)
2248 2245
  template<typename DGR>
2249 2246
#ifdef DOXYGEN
2250 2247
  class Undirector {
2251 2248
2252 2249
  class Undirector :
2253 2250
    public GraphAdaptorExtender<UndirectorBase<DGR> > {
2254 2251
2255 2252
    typedef GraphAdaptorExtender<UndirectorBase<DGR> > Parent;
2256 2253
2257 2254
    /// The type of the adapted digraph.
2258 2255
    typedef DGR Digraph;
2259 2256
2260 2257
    Undirector() { }
2261 2258
2262 2259

2263 2260
    /// \brief Constructor
2264 2261
2265 2262
    /// Creates an undirected graph from the given digraph.
2266 2263
    Undirector(DGR& digraph) {
2267 2264
2268 2265
2269 2266

2270 2267
    /// \brief Arc map combined from two original arc maps
2271 2268
2272 2269
    /// This map adaptor class adapts two arc maps of the underlying
2273 2270
    /// digraph to get an arc map of the undirected graph.
2274 2271
    /// Its value type is inherited from the first arc map type (\c FW).
2275 2272
    /// \tparam FW The type of the "foward" arc map.
2276 2273
    /// \tparam BK The type of the "backward" arc map.
2277 2274
    template <typename FW, typename BK>
2278 2275
    class CombinedArcMap {
2279 2276
2280 2277

2281 2278
      /// The key type of the map
2282 2279
      typedef typename Parent::Arc Key;
2283 2280
      /// The value type of the map
2284 2281
      typedef typename FW::Value Value;
2285 2282

2286 2283
      typedef typename MapTraits<FW>::ReferenceMapTag ReferenceMapTag;
2287 2284

2288 2285
      typedef typename MapTraits<FW>::ReturnValue ReturnValue;
2289 2286
      typedef typename MapTraits<FW>::ConstReturnValue ConstReturnValue;
2290 2287
      typedef typename MapTraits<FW>::ReturnValue Reference;
2291 2288
      typedef typename MapTraits<FW>::ConstReturnValue ConstReference;
2292 2289

2293 2290
      /// Constructor
2294 2291
      CombinedArcMap(FW& forward, BK& backward)
2295 2292
        : _forward(&forward), _backward(&backward) {}
2296 2293

2297 2294
      /// Sets the value associated with the given key.
2298 2295
      void set(const Key& e, const Value& a) {
2299 2296
        if (Parent::direction(e)) {
2300 2297
          _forward->set(e, a);
2301 2298
        } else {
2302 2299
          _backward->set(e, a);
2303 2300
2304 2301
2305 2302

2306 2303
      /// Returns the value associated with the given key.
2307 2304
      ConstReturnValue operator[](const Key& e) const {
2308 2305
        if (Parent::direction(e)) {
2309 2306
          return (*_forward)[e];
2310 2307
        } else {
2311 2308
          return (*_backward)[e];
2312 2309
2313 2310
2314 2311

2315 2312
      /// Returns a reference to the value associated with the given key.
2316 2313
      ReturnValue operator[](const Key& e) {
2317 2314
        if (Parent::direction(e)) {
2318 2315
          return (*_forward)[e];
2319 2316
        } else {
2320 2317
          return (*_backward)[e];
2321 2318
2322 2319
2323 2320

2324 2321
2325 2322

2326 2323
      FW* _forward;
2327 2324
      BK* _backward;
2328 2325

2329 2326
2330 2327

2331 2328
    /// \brief Returns a combined arc map
2332 2329
2333 2330
    /// This function just returns a combined arc map.
2334 2331
    template <typename FW, typename BK>
2335 2332
    static CombinedArcMap<FW, BK>
2336 2333
    combinedArcMap(FW& forward, BK& backward) {
2337 2334
      return CombinedArcMap<FW, BK>(forward, backward);
2338 2335
2339 2336

2340 2337
    template <typename FW, typename BK>
2341 2338
    static CombinedArcMap<const FW, BK>
2342 2339
    combinedArcMap(const FW& forward, BK& backward) {
2343 2340
      return CombinedArcMap<const FW, BK>(forward, backward);
2344 2341
2345 2342

2346 2343
    template <typename FW, typename BK>
2347 2344
    static CombinedArcMap<FW, const BK>
2348 2345
    combinedArcMap(FW& forward, const BK& backward) {
2349 2346
      return CombinedArcMap<FW, const BK>(forward, backward);
2350 2347
2351 2348

2352 2349
    template <typename FW, typename BK>
2353 2350
    static CombinedArcMap<const FW, const BK>
2354 2351
    combinedArcMap(const FW& forward, const BK& backward) {
2355 2352
      return CombinedArcMap<const FW, const BK>(forward, backward);
2356 2353
2357 2354

2358 2355
2359 2356

2360 2357
  /// \brief Returns a read-only Undirector adaptor
2361 2358
2362 2359
  /// This function just returns a read-only \ref Undirector adaptor.
2363 2360
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
2364 2361
  /// \relates Undirector
2365 2362
  template<typename DGR>
2366 2363
  Undirector<const DGR> undirector(const DGR& digraph) {
2367 2364
    return Undirector<const DGR>(digraph);
2368 2365
2369 2366

2370 2367

2371 2368
  template <typename GR, typename DM>
2372 2369
  class OrienterBase {
2373 2370
2374 2371

2375 2372
    typedef GR Graph;
2376 2373
    typedef DM DirectionMap;
2377 2374

2378 2375
    typedef typename GR::Node Node;
2379 2376
    typedef typename GR::Edge Arc;
2380 2377

2381 2378
    void reverseArc(const Arc& arc) {
2382 2379
      _direction->set(arc, !(*_direction)[arc]);
2383 2380
2384 2381

2385 2382
    void first(Node& i) const { _graph->first(i); }
2386 2383
    void first(Arc& i) const { _graph->first(i); }
2387 2384
    void firstIn(Arc& i, const Node& n) const {
2388 2385
      bool d = true;
2389 2386
      _graph->firstInc(i, d, n);
2390 2387
      while (i != INVALID && d == (*_direction)[i]) _graph->nextInc(i, d);
2391 2388
2392 2389
    void firstOut(Arc& i, const Node& n ) const {
2393 2390
      bool d = true;
2394 2391
      _graph->firstInc(i, d, n);
2395 2392
      while (i != INVALID && d != (*_direction)[i]) _graph->nextInc(i, d);
2396 2393
2397 2394

2398 2395
    void next(Node& i) const { _graph->next(i); }
2399 2396
    void next(Arc& i) const { _graph->next(i); }
2400 2397
    void nextIn(Arc& i) const {
2401 2398
      bool d = !(*_direction)[i];
2402 2399
      _graph->nextInc(i, d);
2403 2400
      while (i != INVALID && d == (*_direction)[i]) _graph->nextInc(i, d);
2404 2401
2405 2402
    void nextOut(Arc& i) const {
2406 2403
      bool d = (*_direction)[i];
2407 2404
      _graph->nextInc(i, d);
2408 2405
      while (i != INVALID && d != (*_direction)[i]) _graph->nextInc(i, d);
2409 2406
2410 2407

2411 2408
    Node source(const Arc& e) const {
2412 2409
      return (*_direction)[e] ? _graph->u(e) : _graph->v(e);
2413 2410
2414 2411
    Node target(const Arc& e) const {
2415 2412
      return (*_direction)[e] ? _graph->v(e) : _graph->u(e);
2416 2413
2417 2414

2418 2415
    typedef NodeNumTagIndicator<Graph> NodeNumTag;
2419 2416
    int nodeNum() const { return _graph->nodeNum(); }
2420 2417

2421 2418
    typedef EdgeNumTagIndicator<Graph> ArcNumTag;
2422 2419
    int arcNum() const { return _graph->edgeNum(); }
2423 2420

2424 2421
    typedef FindEdgeTagIndicator<Graph> FindArcTag;
2425 2422
    Arc findArc(const Node& u, const Node& v,
2426 2423
                const Arc& prev = INVALID) const {
2427 2424
      Arc arc = _graph->findEdge(u, v, prev);
2428 2425
      while (arc != INVALID && source(arc) != u) {
2429 2426
        arc = _graph->findEdge(u, v, arc);
2430 2427
2431 2428
      return arc;
2432 2429
2433 2430

2434 2431
    Node addNode() {
2435 2432
      return Node(_graph->addNode());
2436 2433
2437 2434

2438 2435
    Arc addArc(const Node& u, const Node& v) {
2439 2436
      Arc arc = _graph->addEdge(u, v);
2440 2437
      _direction->set(arc, _graph->u(arc) == u);
2441 2438
      return arc;
2442 2439
2443 2440

2444 2441
    void erase(const Node& i) { _graph->erase(i); }
2445 2442
    void erase(const Arc& i) { _graph->erase(i); }
2446 2443

2447 2444
    void clear() { _graph->clear(); }
2448 2445

2449 2446
    int id(const Node& v) const { return _graph->id(v); }
2450 2447
    int id(const Arc& e) const { return _graph->id(e); }
2451 2448

2452 2449
    Node nodeFromId(int idx) const { return _graph->nodeFromId(idx); }
2453 2450
    Arc arcFromId(int idx) const { return _graph->edgeFromId(idx); }
2454 2451

2455 2452
    int maxNodeId() const { return _graph->maxNodeId(); }
2456 2453
    int maxArcId() const { return _graph->maxEdgeId(); }
2457 2454

2458 2455
    typedef typename ItemSetTraits<GR, Node>::ItemNotifier NodeNotifier;
2459 2456
    NodeNotifier& notifier(Node) const { return _graph->notifier(Node()); }
2460 2457

2461 2458
    typedef typename ItemSetTraits<GR, Arc>::ItemNotifier ArcNotifier;
2462 2459
    ArcNotifier& notifier(Arc) const { return _graph->notifier(Arc()); }
2463 2460

2464 2461
    template <typename V>
2465 2462
    class NodeMap : public GR::template NodeMap<V> {
2466 2463
      typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<V> Parent;
2467 2464

2468 2465
2469 2466

2470 2467
      explicit NodeMap(const OrienterBase<GR, DM>& adapter)
2471 2468
        : Parent(*adapter._graph) {}
2472 2469

2473 2470
      NodeMap(const OrienterBase<GR, DM>& adapter, const V& value)
2474 2471
        : Parent(*adapter._graph, value) {}
2475 2472

2476 2473
2477 2474
      NodeMap& operator=(const NodeMap& cmap) {
2478 2475
        return operator=<NodeMap>(cmap);
2479 2476
2480 2477

2481 2478
      template <typename CMap>
2482 2479
      NodeMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
2483 2480
2484 2481
        return *this;
2485 2482
2486 2483

2487 2484
2488 2485

2489 2486
    template <typename V>
2490 2487
    class ArcMap : public GR::template EdgeMap<V> {
2491 2488
      typedef typename Graph::template EdgeMap<V> Parent;
2492 2489

2493 2490
2494 2491

2495 2492
      explicit ArcMap(const OrienterBase<GR, DM>& adapter)
2496 2493
        : Parent(*adapter._graph) { }
2497 2494

2498 2495
      ArcMap(const OrienterBase<GR, DM>& adapter, const V& value)
2499 2496
        : Parent(*adapter._graph, value) { }
2500 2497

2501 2498
2502 2499
      ArcMap& operator=(const ArcMap& cmap) {
2503 2500
        return operator=<ArcMap>(cmap);
2504 2501
2505 2502

2506 2503
      template <typename CMap>
2507 2504
      ArcMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
2508 2505
2509 2506
        return *this;
2510 2507
2511 2508
2512 2509

2513 2510

2514 2511

2515 2512
2516 2513
    Graph* _graph;
2517 2514
    DM* _direction;
2518 2515

2519 2516
    void initialize(GR& graph, DM& direction) {
2520 2517
      _graph = &graph;
2521 2518
      _direction = &direction;
2522 2519
2523 2520

2524 2521
2525 2522

2526 2523
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
2527 2524
2528 2525
  /// \brief Adaptor class for orienting the edges of a graph to get a digraph
2529 2526
2530 2527
  /// Orienter adaptor can be used for orienting the edges of a graph to
2531 2528
  /// get a digraph. A \c bool edge map of the underlying graph must be
2532 2529
  /// specified, which define the direction of the arcs in the adaptor.
2533 2530
  /// The arcs can be easily reversed by the \c reverseArc() member function
2534 2531
  /// of the adaptor.
2535 2532
  /// This class conforms to the \ref concepts::Digraph "Digraph" concept.
2536 2533
2537 2534
  /// The adapted graph can also be modified through this adaptor
2538 2535
  /// by adding or removing nodes or arcs, unless the \c GR template
2539 2536
  /// parameter is set to be \c const.
2540 2537
2541 2538
  /// \tparam GR The type of the adapted graph.
2542 2539
  /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::Graph "Graph" concept.
2543 2540
  /// It can also be specified to be \c const.
2544 2541
  /// \tparam DM The type of the direction map.
2545 2542
  /// It must be a \c bool (or convertible) edge map of the
2546 2543
  /// adapted graph. The default type is
2547 2544
  /// \ref concepts::Graph::EdgeMap "GR::EdgeMap<bool>".
2548 2545
2549 2546
  /// \note The \c Node type of this adaptor and the adapted graph are
2550 2547
  /// convertible to each other, moreover the \c Arc type of the adaptor
2551 2548
  /// and the \c Edge type of the adapted graph are also convertible to
2552 2549
  /// each other.
2553 2550
#ifdef DOXYGEN
2554 2551
  template<typename GR,
2555 2552
           typename DM>
2556 2553
  class Orienter {
2557 2554
2558 2555
  template<typename GR,
2559 2556
           typename DM = typename GR::template EdgeMap<bool> >
2560 2557
  class Orienter :
2561 2558
    public DigraphAdaptorExtender<OrienterBase<GR, DM> > {
2562 2559
2563 2560
    typedef DigraphAdaptorExtender<OrienterBase<GR, DM> > Parent;
2564 2561
2565 2562

2566 2563
    /// The type of the adapted graph.
2567 2564
    typedef GR Graph;
2568 2565
    /// The type of the direction edge map.
2569 2566
    typedef DM DirectionMap;
2570 2567

2571 2568
    typedef typename Parent::Arc Arc;
2572 2569

2573 2570
2574 2571
    Orienter() { }
2575 2572

2576 2573
2577 2574

2578 2575
    /// \brief Constructor
2579 2576
2580 2577
    /// Constructor of the adaptor.
2581 2578
    Orienter(GR& graph, DM& direction) {
2582 2579
      Parent::initialize(graph, direction);
2583 2580
2584 2581

2585 2582
    /// \brief Reverses the given arc
2586 2583
2587 2584
    /// This function reverses the given arc.
2588 2585
    /// It is done by simply negate the assigned value of \c a
2589 2586
    /// in the direction map.
2590 2587
    void reverseArc(const Arc& a) {
2591 2588
2592 2589
2593 2590
2594 2591

2595 2592
  /// \brief Returns a read-only Orienter adaptor
2596 2593
2597 2594
  /// This function just returns a read-only \ref Orienter adaptor.
2598 2595
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
2599 2596
  /// \relates Orienter
2600 2597
  template<typename GR, typename DM>
2601 2598
  Orienter<const GR, DM>
2602 2599
  orienter(const GR& graph, DM& direction) {
2603 2600
    return Orienter<const GR, DM>(graph, direction);
2604 2601
2605 2602

2606 2603
  template<typename GR, typename DM>
2607 2604
  Orienter<const GR, const DM>
2608 2605
  orienter(const GR& graph, const DM& direction) {
2609 2606
    return Orienter<const GR, const DM>(graph, direction);
2610 2607
2611 2608

2612 2609
  namespace _adaptor_bits {
2613 2610

2614 2611
    template <typename DGR, typename CM, typename FM, typename TL>
2615 2612
    class ResForwardFilter {
2616 2613
2617 2614

2618 2615
      typedef typename DGR::Arc Key;
2619 2616
      typedef bool Value;
2620 2617

2621 2618
2622 2619

2623 2620
      const CM* _capacity;
2624 2621
      const FM* _flow;
2625 2622
      TL _tolerance;
2626 2623

2627 2624
2628 2625

2629 2626
      ResForwardFilter(const CM& capacity, const FM& flow,
2630 2627
                       const TL& tolerance = TL())
2631 2628
        : _capacity(&capacity), _flow(&flow), _tolerance(tolerance) { }
2632 2629

2633 2630
      bool operator[](const typename DGR::Arc& a) const {
2634 2631
        return _tolerance.positive((*_capacity)[a] - (*_flow)[a]);
2635 2632
2636 2633
2637 2634

2638 2635
    template<typename DGR,typename CM, typename FM, typename TL>
2639 2636
    class ResBackwardFilter {
2640 2637
2641 2638

2642 2639
      typedef typename DGR::Arc Key;
2643 2640
      typedef bool Value;
2644 2641

2645 2642
2646 2643

2647 2644
      const CM* _capacity;
2648 2645
      const FM* _flow;
2649 2646
      TL _tolerance;
2650 2647

2651 2648
2652 2649

2653 2650
      ResBackwardFilter(const CM& capacity, const FM& flow,
2654 2651
                        const TL& tolerance = TL())
2655 2652
        : _capacity(&capacity), _flow(&flow), _tolerance(tolerance) { }
2656 2653

2657 2654
      bool operator[](const typename DGR::Arc& a) const {
2658 2655
        return _tolerance.positive((*_flow)[a]);
2659 2656
2660 2657
2661 2658

2662 2659
2663 2660

2664 2661
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
2665 2662
2666 2663
  /// \brief Adaptor class for composing the residual digraph for directed
2667 2664
  /// flow and circulation problems.
2668 2665
2669 2666
  /// ResidualDigraph can be used for composing the \e residual digraph
2670 2667
  /// for directed flow and circulation problems. Let \f$ G=(V, A) \f$
2671 2668
  /// be a directed graph and let \f$ F \f$ be a number type.
2672 2669
  /// Let \f$ flow, cap: A\to F \f$ be functions on the arcs.
2673 2670
  /// This adaptor implements a digraph structure with node set \f$ V \f$
2674 2671
  /// and arc set \f$ A_{forward}\cup A_{backward} \f$,
2675 2672
  /// where \f$ A_{forward}=\{uv : uv\in A, flow(uv)<cap(uv)\} \f$ and
2676 2673
  /// \f$ A_{backward}=\{vu : uv\in A, flow(uv)>0\} \f$, i.e. the so
2677 2674
  /// called residual digraph.
2678 2675
  /// When the union \f$ A_{forward}\cup A_{backward} \f$ is taken,
2679 2676
  /// multiplicities are counted, i.e. the adaptor has exactly
2680 2677
  /// \f$ |A_{forward}| + |A_{backward}|\f$ arcs (it may have parallel
2681 2678
  /// arcs).
2682 2679
  /// This class conforms to the \ref concepts::Digraph "Digraph" concept.
2683 2680
2684 2681
  /// \tparam DGR The type of the adapted digraph.
2685 2682
  /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::Digraph "Digraph" concept.
2686 2683
  /// It is implicitly \c const.
2687 2684
  /// \tparam CM The type of the capacity map.
2688 2685
  /// It must be an arc map of some numerical type, which defines
2689 2686
  /// the capacities in the flow problem. It is implicitly \c const.
2690 2687
  /// The default type is
2691 2688
  /// \ref concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "GR::ArcMap<int>".
2692 2689
  /// \tparam FM The type of the flow map.
2693 2690
  /// It must be an arc map of some numerical type, which defines
2694 2691
  /// the flow values in the flow problem. The default type is \c CM.
2695 2692
  /// \tparam TL The tolerance type for handling inexact computation.
2696 2693
  /// The default tolerance type depends on the value type of the
2697 2694
  /// capacity map.
2698 2695
2699 2696
  /// \note This adaptor is implemented using Undirector and FilterArcs
2700 2697
  /// adaptors.
2701 2698
2702 2699
  /// \note The \c Node type of this adaptor and the adapted digraph are
2703 2700
  /// convertible to each other, moreover the \c Arc type of the adaptor
2704 2701
  /// is convertible to the \c Arc type of the adapted digraph.
2705 2702
#ifdef DOXYGEN
2706 2703
  template<typename DGR, typename CM, typename FM, typename TL>
2707 2704
  class ResidualDigraph
2708 2705
2709 2706
  template<typename DGR,
2710 2707
           typename CM = typename DGR::template ArcMap<int>,
2711 2708
           typename FM = CM,
2712 2709
           typename TL = Tolerance<typename CM::Value> >
2713 2710
  class ResidualDigraph 
2714 2711
    : public SubDigraph<
2715 2712
        Undirector<const DGR>,
2716 2713
        ConstMap<typename DGR::Node, Const<bool, true> >,
2717 2714
        typename Undirector<const DGR>::template CombinedArcMap<
2718 2715
          _adaptor_bits::ResForwardFilter<const DGR, CM, FM, TL>,
2719 2716
          _adaptor_bits::ResBackwardFilter<const DGR, CM, FM, TL> > >
2720 2717
2721 2718
2722 2719
2723 2720

2724 2721
    /// The type of the underlying digraph.
2725 2722
    typedef DGR Digraph;
2726 2723
    /// The type of the capacity map.
2727 2724
    typedef CM CapacityMap;
2728 2725
    /// The type of the flow map.
2729 2726
    typedef FM FlowMap;
2730 2727
    /// The tolerance type.
2731 2728
    typedef TL Tolerance;
2732 2729

2733 2730
    typedef typename CapacityMap::Value Value;
2734 2731
    typedef ResidualDigraph Adaptor;
2735 2732

2736 2733
2737 2734

2738 2735
    typedef Undirector<const Digraph> Undirected;
2739 2736

2740 2737
    typedef ConstMap<typename DGR::Node, Const<bool, true> > NodeFilter;
2741 2738

2742 2739
    typedef _adaptor_bits::ResForwardFilter<const DGR, CM,
2743 2740
                                            FM, TL> ForwardFilter;
2744 2741

2745 2742
    typedef _adaptor_bits::ResBackwardFilter<const DGR, CM,
2746 2743
                                             FM, TL> BackwardFilter;
2747 2744

2748 2745
    typedef typename Undirected::
2749 2746
      template CombinedArcMap<ForwardFilter, BackwardFilter> ArcFilter;
2750 2747

2751 2748
    typedef SubDigraph<Undirected, NodeFilter, ArcFilter> Parent;
2752 2749

2753 2750
    const CapacityMap* _capacity;
2754 2751
    FlowMap* _flow;
2755 2752

2756 2753
    Undirected _graph;
2757 2754
    NodeFilter _node_filter;
2758 2755
    ForwardFilter _forward_filter;
2759 2756
    BackwardFilter _backward_filter;
2760 2757
    ArcFilter _arc_filter;
2761 2758

2762 2759
2763 2760

2764 2761
    /// \brief Constructor
2765 2762
2766 2763
    /// Constructor of the residual digraph adaptor. The parameters are the
2767 2764
    /// digraph, the capacity map, the flow map, and a tolerance object.
2768 2765
    ResidualDigraph(const DGR& digraph, const CM& capacity,
2769 2766
                    FM& flow, const TL& tolerance = Tolerance())
2770 2767
      : Parent(), _capacity(&capacity), _flow(&flow), 
2771 2768
        _graph(digraph), _node_filter(),
2772 2769
        _forward_filter(capacity, flow, tolerance),
2773 2770
        _backward_filter(capacity, flow, tolerance),
2774 2771
        _arc_filter(_forward_filter, _backward_filter)
2775 2772
2776 2773
      Parent::initialize(_graph, _node_filter, _arc_filter);
2777 2774
2778 2775

2779 2776
    typedef typename Parent::Arc Arc;
2780 2777

2781 2778
    /// \brief Returns the residual capacity of the given arc.
2782 2779
2783 2780
    /// Returns the residual capacity of the given arc.
2784 2781
    Value residualCapacity(const Arc& a) const {
2785 2782
      if (Undirected::direction(a)) {
2786 2783
        return (*_capacity)[a] - (*_flow)[a];
2787 2784
      } else {
2788 2785
        return (*_flow)[a];
2789 2786
2790 2787
2791 2788

2792 2789
    /// \brief Augments on the given arc in the residual digraph.
2793 2790
2794 2791
    /// Augments on the given arc in the residual digraph. It increases
2795 2792
    /// or decreases the flow value on the original arc according to the
2796 2793
    /// direction of the residual arc.
2797 2794
    void augment(const Arc& a, const Value& v) const {
2798 2795
      if (Undirected::direction(a)) {
2799 2796
        _flow->set(a, (*_flow)[a] + v);
2800 2797
      } else {
2801 2798
        _flow->set(a, (*_flow)[a] - v);
2802 2799
2803 2800
2804 2801

2805 2802
    /// \brief Returns \c true if the given residual arc is a forward arc.
2806 2803
2807 2804
    /// Returns \c true if the given residual arc has the same orientation
2808 2805
    /// as the original arc, i.e. it is a so called forward arc.
2809 2806
    static bool forward(const Arc& a) {
2810 2807
      return Undirected::direction(a);
2811 2808
2812 2809

2813 2810
    /// \brief Returns \c true if the given residual arc is a backward arc.
2814 2811
2815 2812
    /// Returns \c true if the given residual arc has the opposite orientation
2816 2813
    /// than the original arc, i.e. it is a so called backward arc.
2817 2814
    static bool backward(const Arc& a) {
2818 2815
      return !Undirected::direction(a);
2819 2816
2820 2817

2821 2818
    /// \brief Returns the forward oriented residual arc.
2822 2819
2823 2820
    /// Returns the forward oriented residual arc related to the given
2824 2821
    /// arc of the underlying digraph.
2825 2822
    static Arc forward(const typename Digraph::Arc& a) {
2826 2823
      return Undirected::direct(a, true);
2827 2824
2828 2825

2829 2826
    /// \brief Returns the backward oriented residual arc.
2830 2827
2831 2828
    /// Returns the backward oriented residual arc related to the given
2832 2829
    /// arc of the underlying digraph.
2833 2830
    static Arc backward(const typename Digraph::Arc& a) {
2834 2831
      return Undirected::direct(a, false);
2835 2832
2836 2833

2837 2834
    /// \brief Residual capacity map.
2838 2835
2839 2836
    /// This map adaptor class can be used for obtaining the residual
2840 2837
    /// capacities as an arc map of the residual digraph.
2841 2838
    /// Its value type is inherited from the capacity map.
2842 2839
    class ResidualCapacity {
2843 2840
2844 2841
      const Adaptor* _adaptor;
2845 2842
2846 2843
      /// The key type of the map
2847 2844
      typedef Arc Key;
2848 2845
      /// The value type of the map
2849 2846
      typedef typename CapacityMap::Value Value;
2850 2847

2851 2848
      /// Constructor
2852 2849
      ResidualCapacity(const ResidualDigraph<DGR, CM, FM, TL>& adaptor) 
2853 2850
        : _adaptor(&adaptor) {}
2854 2851

2855 2852
      /// Returns the value associated with the given residual arc
2856 2853
      Value operator[](const Arc& a) const {
2857 2854
        return _adaptor->residualCapacity(a);
2858 2855
2859 2856

2860 2857
2861 2858

2862 2859
    /// \brief Returns a residual capacity map
2863 2860
2864 2861
    /// This function just returns a residual capacity map.
2865 2862
    ResidualCapacity residualCapacity() const {
2866 2863
      return ResidualCapacity(*this);
2867 2864
2868 2865

2869 2866
2870 2867

2871 2868
  /// \brief Returns a (read-only) Residual adaptor
2872 2869
2873 2870
  /// This function just returns a (read-only) \ref ResidualDigraph adaptor.
2874 2871
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
2875 2872
  /// \relates ResidualDigraph
2876 2873
    template<typename DGR, typename CM, typename FM>
2877 2874
  ResidualDigraph<DGR, CM, FM>
2878 2875
  residualDigraph(const DGR& digraph, const CM& capacity_map, FM& flow_map) {
2879 2876
    return ResidualDigraph<DGR, CM, FM> (digraph, capacity_map, flow_map);
2880 2877
2881 2878

2882 2879

2883 2880
  template <typename DGR>
2884 2881
  class SplitNodesBase {
2885 2882
    typedef DigraphAdaptorBase<const DGR> Parent;
2886 2883

2887 2884
2888 2885

2889 2886
    typedef DGR Digraph;
2890 2887
    typedef SplitNodesBase Adaptor;
2891 2888

2892 2889
    typedef typename DGR::Node DigraphNode;
2893 2890
    typedef typename DGR::Arc DigraphArc;
2894 2891

2895 2892
    class Node;
2896 2893
    class Arc;
2897 2894

2898 2895
2899 2896

2900 2897
    template <typename T> class NodeMapBase;
2901 2898
    template <typename T> class ArcMapBase;
2902 2899

2903 2900
2904 2901

2905 2902
    class Node : public DigraphNode {
2906 2903
      friend class SplitNodesBase;
2907 2904
      template <typename T> friend class NodeMapBase;
2908 2905
2909 2906

2910 2907
      bool _in;
2911 2908
      Node(DigraphNode node, bool in)
2912 2909
        : DigraphNode(node), _in(in) {}
2913 2910

2914 2911
2915 2912

2916 2913
      Node() {}
2917 2914
      Node(Invalid) : DigraphNode(INVALID), _in(true) {}
2918 2915

2919 2916
      bool operator==(const Node& node) const {
2920 2917
        return DigraphNode::operator==(node) && _in == node._in;
2921 2918
2922 2919

2923 2920
      bool operator!=(const Node& node) const {
2924 2921
        return !(*this == node);
2925 2922
2926 2923

2927 2924
      bool operator<(const Node& node) const {
2928 2925
        return DigraphNode::operator<(node) ||
2929 2926
          (DigraphNode::operator==(node) && _in < node._in);
2930 2927
2931 2928
2932 2929

2933 2930
    class Arc {
2934 2931
      friend class SplitNodesBase;
2935 2932
      template <typename T> friend class ArcMapBase;
2936 2933
2937 2934
      typedef BiVariant<DigraphArc, DigraphNode> ArcImpl;
2938 2935

2939 2936
      explicit Arc(const DigraphArc& arc) : _item(arc) {}
2940 2937
      explicit Arc(const DigraphNode& node) : _item(node) {}
2941 2938

2942 2939
      ArcImpl _item;
2943 2940

2944 2941
2945 2942
      Arc() {}
2946 2943
      Arc(Invalid) : _item(DigraphArc(INVALID)) {}
2947 2944

2948 2945
      bool operator==(const Arc& arc) const {
2949 2946
        if (_item.firstState()) {
2950 2947
          if (arc._item.firstState()) {
2951 2948
            return _item.first() == arc._item.first();
2952 2949
2953 2950
        } else {
2954 2951
          if (arc._item.secondState()) {
2955 2952
            return _item.second() == arc._item.second();
2956 2953
2957 2954
2958 2955
        return false;
2959 2956
2960 2957

2961 2958
      bool operator!=(const Arc& arc) const {
2962 2959
        return !(*this == arc);
2963 2960
2964 2961

2965 2962
      bool operator<(const Arc& arc) const {
2966 2963
        if (_item.firstState()) {
2967 2964
          if (arc._item.firstState()) {
2968 2965
            return _item.first() < arc._item.first();
2969 2966
2970 2967
          return false;
2971 2968
        } else {
2972 2969
          if (arc._item.secondState()) {
2973 2970
            return _item.second() < arc._item.second();
2974 2971
2975 2972
          return true;
2976 2973
2977 2974
2978 2975

2979 2976
      operator DigraphArc() const { return _item.first(); }
2980 2977
      operator DigraphNode() const { return _item.second(); }
2981 2978

2982 2979
2983 2980

2984 2981
    void first(Node& n) const {
2985 2982
2986 2983
      n._in = true;
2987 2984
2988 2985

2989 2986
    void next(Node& n) const {
2990 2987
      if (n._in) {
2991 2988
        n._in = false;
2992 2989
      } else {
2993 2990
        n._in = true;
2994 2991
2995 2992
2996 2993
2997 2994

2998 2995
    void first(Arc& e) const {
2999 2996
3000 2997
3001 2998
      if (e._item.second() == INVALID) {
3002 2999
3003 3000
3004 3001
3005 3002
3006 3003

3007 3004
    void next(Arc& e) const {
3008 3005
      if (e._item.secondState()) {
3009 3006
3010 3007
        if (e._item.second() == INVALID) {
3011 3008
3012 3009
3013 3010
3014 3011
      } else {
3015 3012
3016 3013
3017 3014
3018 3015

3019 3016
    void firstOut(Arc& e, const Node& n) const {
3020 3017
      if (n._in) {
3021 3018
3022 3019
      } else {
3023 3020
3024 3021
        _digraph->firstOut(e._item.first(), n);
3025 3022
3026 3023
3027 3024

3028 3025
    void nextOut(Arc& e) const {
3029 3026
      if (!e._item.firstState()) {
3030 3027
3031 3028
      } else {
3032 3029
3033 3030
3034 3031
3035 3032

3036 3033
    void firstIn(Arc& e, const Node& n) const {
3037 3034
      if (!n._in) {
3038 3035
3039 3036
      } else {
3040 3037
3041 3038
        _digraph->firstIn(e._item.first(), n);
3042 3039
3043 3040
3044 3041

3045 3042
    void nextIn(Arc& e) const {
3046 3043
      if (!e._item.firstState()) {
3047 3044
3048 3045
      } else {
3049 3046
3050 3047
3051 3048
3052 3049

3053 3050
    Node source(const Arc& e) const {
3054 3051
      if (e._item.firstState()) {
3055 3052
        return Node(_digraph->source(e._item.first()), false);
3056 3053
      } else {
3057 3054
        return Node(e._item.second(), true);
3058 3055
3059 3056
3060 3057

3061 3058
    Node target(const Arc& e) const {
3062 3059
      if (e._item.firstState()) {
3063 3060
        return Node(_digraph->target(e._item.first()), true);
3064 3061
      } else {
3065 3062
        return Node(e._item.second(), false);
3066 3063
3067 3064
3068 3065

3069 3066
    int id(const Node& n) const {
3070 3067
      return (_digraph->id(n) << 1) | (n._in ? 0 : 1);
3071 3068
3072 3069
    Node nodeFromId(int ix) const {
3073 3070
      return Node(_digraph->nodeFromId(ix >> 1), (ix & 1) == 0);
3074 3071
3075 3072
    int maxNodeId() const {
3076 3073
      return 2 * _digraph->maxNodeId() + 1;
3077 3074
3078 3075

3079 3076
    int id(const Arc& e) const {
3080 3077
      if (e._item.firstState()) {
3081 3078
        return _digraph->id(e._item.first()) << 1;
3082 3079
      } else {
3083 3080
        return (_digraph->id(e._item.second()) << 1) | 1;
3084 3081
3085 3082
3086 3083
    Arc arcFromId(int ix) const {
3087 3084
      if ((ix & 1) == 0) {
3088 3085
        return Arc(_digraph->arcFromId(ix >> 1));
3089 3086
      } else {
3090 3087
        return Arc(_digraph->nodeFromId(ix >> 1));
3091 3088
3092 3089
3093 3090
    int maxArcId() const {
3094 3091
      return std::max(_digraph->maxNodeId() << 1,
3095 3092
                      (_digraph->maxArcId() << 1) | 1);
3096 3093
3097 3094

3098 3095
    static bool inNode(const Node& n) {
3099 3096
      return n._in;
3100 3097
3101 3098

3102 3099
    static bool outNode(const Node& n) {
3103 3100
      return !n._in;
3104 3101
3105 3102

3106 3103
    static bool origArc(const Arc& e) {
3107 3104
      return e._item.firstState();
3108 3105
3109 3106

3110 3107
    static bool bindArc(const Arc& e) {
3111 3108
      return e._item.secondState();
3112 3109
3113 3110

3114 3111
    static Node inNode(const DigraphNode& n) {
3115 3112
      return Node(n, true);
3116 3113
3117 3114

3118 3115
    static Node outNode(const DigraphNode& n) {
3119 3116
      return Node(n, false);
3120 3117
3121 3118

3122 3119
    static Arc arc(const DigraphNode& n) {
3123 3120
      return Arc(n);
3124 3121
3125 3122

3126 3123
    static Arc arc(const DigraphArc& e) {
3127 3124
      return Arc(e);
3128 3125
3129 3126

3130 3127
    typedef True NodeNumTag;
3131 3128
    int nodeNum() const {
3132 3129
      return  2 * countNodes(*_digraph);
3133 3130
3134 3131

3135 3132
    typedef True ArcNumTag;
3136 3133
    int arcNum() const {
3137 3134
      return countArcs(*_digraph) + countNodes(*_digraph);
3138 3135
3139 3136

3140 3137
    typedef True FindArcTag;
3141 3138
    Arc findArc(const Node& u, const Node& v,
3142 3139
                const Arc& prev = INVALID) const {
3143 3140
      if (inNode(u) && outNode(v)) {
3144 3141
        if (static_cast<const DigraphNode&>(u) ==
3145 3142
            static_cast<const DigraphNode&>(v) && prev == INVALID) {
3146 3143
          return Arc(u);
3147 3144
3148 3145
3149 3146
      else if (outNode(u) && inNode(v)) {
3150 3147
        return Arc(::lemon::findArc(*_digraph, u, v, prev));
3151 3148
3152 3149
      return INVALID;
3153 3150
3154 3151

3155 3152
3156 3153

3157 3154
    template <typename V>
3158 3155
    class NodeMapBase
3159 3156
      : public MapTraits<typename Parent::template NodeMap<V> > {
3160 3157
      typedef typename Parent::template NodeMap<V> NodeImpl;
3161 3158
3162 3159
      typedef Node Key;
3163 3160
      typedef V Value;
3164 3161
      typedef typename MapTraits<NodeImpl>::ReferenceMapTag ReferenceMapTag;
3165 3162
      typedef typename MapTraits<NodeImpl>::ReturnValue ReturnValue;
3166 3163
      typedef typename MapTraits<NodeImpl>::ConstReturnValue ConstReturnValue;
3167 3164
      typedef typename MapTraits<NodeImpl>::ReturnValue Reference;
3168 3165
      typedef typename MapTraits<NodeImpl>::ConstReturnValue ConstReference;
3169 3166

3170 3167
      NodeMapBase(const SplitNodesBase<DGR>& adaptor)
3171 3168
        : _in_map(*adaptor._digraph), _out_map(*adaptor._digraph) {}
3172 3169
      NodeMapBase(const SplitNodesBase<DGR>& adaptor, const V& value)
3173 3170
        : _in_map(*adaptor._digraph, value),
3174 3171
          _out_map(*adaptor._digraph, value) {}
3175 3172

3176 3173
      void set(const Node& key, const V& val) {
3177 3174
        if (SplitNodesBase<DGR>::inNode(key)) { _in_map.set(key, val); }
3178 3175
        else {_out_map.set(key, val); }
3179 3176
3180 3177

3181 3178
      ReturnValue operator[](const Node& key) {
3182 3179
        if (SplitNodesBase<DGR>::inNode(key)) { return _in_map[key]; }
3183 3180
        else { return _out_map[key]; }
3184 3181
3185 3182

3186 3183
      ConstReturnValue operator[](const Node& key) const {
3187 3184
        if (Adaptor::inNode(key)) { return _in_map[key]; }
3188 3185
        else { return _out_map[key]; }
3189 3186
3190 3187

3191 3188
3192 3189
      NodeImpl _in_map, _out_map;
3193 3190
3194 3191

3195 3192
    template <typename V>
3196 3193
    class ArcMapBase
3197 3194
      : public MapTraits<typename Parent::template ArcMap<V> > {
3198 3195
      typedef typename Parent::template ArcMap<V> ArcImpl;
3199 3196
      typedef typename Parent::template NodeMap<V> NodeImpl;
3200 3197
3201 3198
      typedef Arc Key;
3202 3199
      typedef V Value;
3203 3200
      typedef typename MapTraits<ArcImpl>::ReferenceMapTag ReferenceMapTag;
3204 3201
      typedef typename MapTraits<ArcImpl>::ReturnValue ReturnValue;
3205 3202
      typedef typename MapTraits<ArcImpl>::ConstReturnValue ConstReturnValue;
3206 3203
      typedef typename MapTraits<ArcImpl>::ReturnValue Reference;
3207 3204
      typedef typename MapTraits<ArcImpl>::ConstReturnValue ConstReference;
3208 3205

3209 3206
      ArcMapBase(const SplitNodesBase<DGR>& adaptor)
3210 3207
        : _arc_map(*adaptor._digraph), _node_map(*adaptor._digraph) {}
3211 3208
      ArcMapBase(const SplitNodesBase<DGR>& adaptor, const V& value)
3212 3209
        : _arc_map(*adaptor._digraph, value),
3213 3210
          _node_map(*adaptor._digraph, value) {}
3214 3211

3215 3212
      void set(const Arc& key, const V& val) {
3216 3213
        if (SplitNodesBase<DGR>::origArc(key)) {
3217 3214
          _arc_map.set(static_cast<const DigraphArc&>(key), val);
3218 3215
        } else {
3219 3216
          _node_map.set(static_cast<const DigraphNode&>(key), val);
3220 3217
3221 3218
3222 3219

3223 3220
      ReturnValue operator[](const Arc& key) {
3224 3221
        if (SplitNodesBase<DGR>::origArc(key)) {
3225 3222
          return _arc_map[static_cast<const DigraphArc&>(key)];
3226 3223
        } else {
3227 3224
          return _node_map[static_cast<const DigraphNode&>(key)];
3228 3225
3229 3226
3230 3227

3231 3228
      ConstReturnValue operator[](const Arc& key) const {
3232 3229
        if (SplitNodesBase<DGR>::origArc(key)) {
3233 3230
          return _arc_map[static_cast<const DigraphArc&>(key)];
3234 3231
        } else {
3235 3232
          return _node_map[static_cast<const DigraphNode&>(key)];
3236 3233
3237 3234
3238 3235

3239 3236
3240 3237
      ArcImpl _arc_map;
3241 3238
      NodeImpl _node_map;
3242 3239
3243 3240

3244 3241
3245 3242

3246 3243
    template <typename V>
3247 3244
    class NodeMap
3248 3245
      : public SubMapExtender<SplitNodesBase<DGR>, NodeMapBase<V> > {
3249 3246
      typedef SubMapExtender<SplitNodesBase<DGR>, NodeMapBase<V> > Parent;
3250 3247

3251 3248
3252 3249
      typedef V Value;
3253 3250

3254 3251
      NodeMap(const SplitNodesBase<DGR>& adaptor)
3255 3252
        : Parent(adaptor) {}
3256 3253

3257 3254
      NodeMap(const SplitNodesBase<DGR>& adaptor, const V& value)
3258 3255
        : Parent(adaptor, value) {}
3259 3256

3260 3257
3261 3258
      NodeMap& operator=(const NodeMap& cmap) {
3262 3259
        return operator=<NodeMap>(cmap);
3263 3260
3264 3261

3265 3262
      template <typename CMap>
3266 3263
      NodeMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
3267 3264
3268 3265
        return *this;
3269 3266
3270 3267
3271 3268

3272 3269
    template <typename V>
3273 3270
    class ArcMap
3274 3271
      : public SubMapExtender<SplitNodesBase<DGR>, ArcMapBase<V> > {
3275 3272
      typedef SubMapExtender<SplitNodesBase<DGR>, ArcMapBase<V> > Parent;
3276 3273

3277 3274
3278 3275
      typedef V Value;
3279 3276

3280 3277
      ArcMap(const SplitNodesBase<DGR>& adaptor)
3281 3278
        : Parent(adaptor) {}
3282 3279

3283 3280
      ArcMap(const SplitNodesBase<DGR>& adaptor, const V& value)
3284 3281
        : Parent(adaptor, value) {}
3285 3282

3286 3283
3287 3284
      ArcMap& operator=(const ArcMap& cmap) {
3288 3285
        return operator=<ArcMap>(cmap);
3289 3286
3290 3287

3291 3288
      template <typename CMap>
3292 3289
      ArcMap& operator=(const CMap& cmap) {
3293 3290
3294 3291
        return *this;
3295 3292
3296 3293
3297 3294

3298 3295
3299 3296

3300 3297
    SplitNodesBase() : _digraph(0) {}
3301 3298

3302 3299
    DGR* _digraph;
3303 3300

3304 3301
    void initialize(Digraph& digraph) {
3305 3302
      _digraph = &digraph;
3306 3303
3307 3304

3308 3305
3309 3306

3310 3307
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
3311 3308
3312 3309
  /// \brief Adaptor class for splitting the nodes of a digraph.
3313 3310
3314 3311
  /// SplitNodes adaptor can be used for splitting each node into an
3315 3312
  /// \e in-node and an \e out-node in a digraph. Formaly, the adaptor
3316 3313
  /// replaces each node \f$ u \f$ in the digraph with two nodes,
3317 3314
  /// namely node \f$ u_{in} \f$ and node \f$ u_{out} \f$.
3318 3315
  /// If there is a \f$ (v, u) \f$ arc in the original digraph, then the
3319 3316
  /// new target of the arc will be \f$ u_{in} \f$ and similarly the
3320 3317
  /// source of each original \f$ (u, v) \f$ arc will be \f$ u_{out} \f$.
3321 3318
  /// The adaptor adds an additional \e bind \e arc from \f$ u_{in} \f$
3322 3319
  /// to \f$ u_{out} \f$ for each node \f$ u \f$ of the original digraph.
3323 3320
3324 3321
  /// The aim of this class is running an algorithm with respect to node
3325 3322
  /// costs or capacities if the algorithm considers only arc costs or
3326 3323
  /// capacities directly.
3327 3324
  /// In this case you can use \c SplitNodes adaptor, and set the node
3328 3325
  /// costs/capacities of the original digraph to the \e bind \e arcs
3329 3326
  /// in the adaptor.
3330 3327
3331 3328
  /// \tparam DGR The type of the adapted digraph.
3332 3329
  /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::Digraph "Digraph" concept.
3333 3330
  /// It is implicitly \c const.
3334 3331
3335 3332
  /// \note The \c Node type of this adaptor is converible to the \c Node
3336 3333
  /// type of the adapted digraph.
3337 3334
  template <typename DGR>
3338 3335
#ifdef DOXYGEN
3339 3336
  class SplitNodes {
3340 3337
3341 3338
  class SplitNodes
3342 3339
    : public DigraphAdaptorExtender<SplitNodesBase<const DGR> > {
3343 3340
3344 3341
    typedef DigraphAdaptorExtender<SplitNodesBase<const DGR> > Parent;
3345 3342

3346 3343
3347 3344
    typedef DGR Digraph;
3348 3345

3349 3346
    typedef typename DGR::Node DigraphNode;
3350 3347
    typedef typename DGR::Arc DigraphArc;
3351 3348

3352 3349
    typedef typename Parent::Node Node;
3353 3350
    typedef typename Parent::Arc Arc;
3354 3351

3355 3352
    /// \brief Constructor
3356 3353
3357 3354
    /// Constructor of the adaptor.
3358 3355
    SplitNodes(const DGR& g) {
3359 3356
3360 3357
3361 3358

3362 3359
    /// \brief Returns \c true if the given node is an in-node.
3363 3360
3364 3361
    /// Returns \c true if the given node is an in-node.
3365 3362
    static bool inNode(const Node& n) {
3366 3363
      return Parent::inNode(n);
3367 3364
3368 3365

3369 3366
    /// \brief Returns \c true if the given node is an out-node.
3370 3367
3371 3368
    /// Returns \c true if the given node is an out-node.
3372 3369
    static bool outNode(const Node& n) {
3373 3370
      return Parent::outNode(n);
3374 3371
3375 3372

3376 3373
    /// \brief Returns \c true if the given arc is an original arc.
3377 3374
3378 3375
    /// Returns \c true if the given arc is one of the arcs in the
3379 3376
    /// original digraph.
3380 3377
    static bool origArc(const Arc& a) {
3381 3378
      return Parent::origArc(a);
3382 3379
3383 3380

3384 3381
    /// \brief Returns \c true if the given arc is a bind arc.
3385 3382
3386 3383
    /// Returns \c true if the given arc is a bind arc, i.e. it connects
3387 3384
    /// an in-node and an out-node.
3388 3385
    static bool bindArc(const Arc& a) {
3389 3386
      return Parent::bindArc(a);
3390 3387
3391 3388

3392 3389
    /// \brief Returns the in-node created from the given original node.
3393 3390
3394 3391
    /// Returns the in-node created from the given original node.
3395 3392
    static Node inNode(const DigraphNode& n) {
3396 3393
      return Parent::inNode(n);
3397 3394
3398 3395

3399 3396
    /// \brief Returns the out-node created from the given original node.
3400 3397
3401 3398
    /// Returns the out-node created from the given original node.
3402 3399
    static Node outNode(const DigraphNode& n) {
3403 3400
      return Parent::outNode(n);
3404 3401
3405 3402

3406 3403
    /// \brief Returns the bind arc that corresponds to the given
3407 3404
    /// original node.
3408 3405
3409 3406
    /// Returns the bind arc in the adaptor that corresponds to the given
3410 3407
    /// original node, i.e. the arc connecting the in-node and out-node
3411 3408
    /// of \c n.
3412 3409
    static Arc arc(const DigraphNode& n) {
3413 3410
      return Parent::arc(n);
3414 3411
3415 3412

3416 3413
    /// \brief Returns the arc that corresponds to the given original arc.
3417 3414
3418 3415
    /// Returns the arc in the adaptor that corresponds to the given
3419 3416
    /// original arc.
3420 3417
    static Arc arc(const DigraphArc& a) {
3421 3418
      return Parent::arc(a);
3422 3419
3423 3420

3424 3421
    /// \brief Node map combined from two original node maps
3425 3422
3426 3423
    /// This map adaptor class adapts two node maps of the original digraph
3427 3424
    /// to get a node map of the split digraph.
3428 3425
    /// Its value type is inherited from the first node map type (\c IN).
3429 3426
    /// \tparam IN The type of the node map for the in-nodes. 
3430 3427
    /// \tparam OUT The type of the node map for the out-nodes.
3431 3428
    template <typename IN, typename OUT>
3432 3429
    class CombinedNodeMap {
3433 3430
3434 3431

3435 3432
      /// The key type of the map
3436 3433
      typedef Node Key;
3437 3434
      /// The value type of the map
3438 3435
      typedef typename IN::Value Value;
3439 3436

3440 3437
      typedef typename MapTraits<IN>::ReferenceMapTag ReferenceMapTag;
3441 3438
      typedef typename MapTraits<IN>::ReturnValue ReturnValue;
3442 3439
      typedef typename MapTraits<IN>::ConstReturnValue ConstReturnValue;
3443 3440
      typedef typename MapTraits<IN>::ReturnValue Reference;
3444 3441
      typedef typename MapTraits<IN>::ConstReturnValue ConstReference;
3445 3442

3446 3443
      /// Constructor
3447 3444
      CombinedNodeMap(IN& in_map, OUT& out_map)
3448 3445
        : _in_map(in_map), _out_map(out_map) {}
3449 3446

3450 3447
      /// Returns the value associated with the given key.
3451 3448
      Value operator[](const Key& key) const {
3452 3449
        if (SplitNodesBase<const DGR>::inNode(key)) {
3453 3450
          return _in_map[key];
3454 3451
        } else {
3455 3452
          return _out_map[key];
3456 3453
3457 3454
3458 3455

3459 3456
      /// Returns a reference to the value associated with the given key.
3460 3457
      Value& operator[](const Key& key) {
3461 3458
        if (SplitNodesBase<const DGR>::inNode(key)) {
3462 3459
          return _in_map[key];
3463 3460
        } else {
3464 3461
          return _out_map[key];
3465 3462
3466 3463
3467 3464

3468 3465
      /// Sets the value associated with the given key.
3469 3466
      void set(const Key& key, const Value& value) {
3470 3467
        if (SplitNodesBase<const DGR>::inNode(key)) {
3471 3468
          _in_map.set(key, value);
3472 3469
        } else {
3473 3470
          _out_map.set(key, value);
3474 3471
3475 3472
3476 3473

3477 3474
3478 3475

3479 3476
      IN& _in_map;
3480 3477
      OUT& _out_map;
3481 3478

3482 3479
3483 3480

3484 3481

3485 3482
    /// \brief Returns a combined node map
3486 3483
3487 3484
    /// This function just returns a combined node map.
3488 3485
    template <typename IN, typename OUT>
3489 3486
    static CombinedNodeMap<IN, OUT>
3490 3487
    combinedNodeMap(IN& in_map, OUT& out_map) {
3491 3488
      return CombinedNodeMap<IN, OUT>(in_map, out_map);
3492 3489
3493 3490

3494 3491
    template <typename IN, typename OUT>
3495 3492
    static CombinedNodeMap<const IN, OUT>
3496 3493
    combinedNodeMap(const IN& in_map, OUT& out_map) {
3497 3494
      return CombinedNodeMap<const IN, OUT>(in_map, out_map);
3498 3495
3499 3496

3500 3497
    template <typename IN, typename OUT>
3501 3498
    static CombinedNodeMap<IN, const OUT>
3502 3499
    combinedNodeMap(IN& in_map, const OUT& out_map) {
3503 3500
      return CombinedNodeMap<IN, const OUT>(in_map, out_map);
3504 3501
3505 3502

3506 3503
    template <typename IN, typename OUT>
3507 3504
    static CombinedNodeMap<const IN, const OUT>
3508 3505
    combinedNodeMap(const IN& in_map, const OUT& out_map) {
3509 3506
      return CombinedNodeMap<const IN, const OUT>(in_map, out_map);
3510 3507
3511 3508

3512 3509
    /// \brief Arc map combined from an arc map and a node map of the
3513 3510
    /// original digraph.
3514 3511
3515 3512
    /// This map adaptor class adapts an arc map and a node map of the
3516 3513
    /// original digraph to get an arc map of the split digraph.
3517 3514
    /// Its value type is inherited from the original arc map type (\c AM).
3518 3515
    /// \tparam AM The type of the arc map.
3519 3516
    /// \tparam NM the type of the node map.
3520 3517
    template <typename AM, typename NM>
3521 3518
    class CombinedArcMap {
3522 3519
3523 3520

3524 3521
      /// The key type of the map
3525 3522
      typedef Arc Key;
3526 3523
      /// The value type of the map
3527 3524
      typedef typename AM::Value Value;
3528 3525

3529 3526
      typedef typename MapTraits<AM>::ReferenceMapTag ReferenceMapTag;
3530 3527
      typedef typename MapTraits<AM>::ReturnValue ReturnValue;
3531 3528
      typedef typename MapTraits<AM>::ConstReturnValue ConstReturnValue;
3532 3529
      typedef typename MapTraits<AM>::ReturnValue Reference;
3533 3530
      typedef typename MapTraits<AM>::ConstReturnValue ConstReference;
3534 3531

3535 3532
      /// Constructor
3536 3533
      CombinedArcMap(AM& arc_map, NM& node_map)
3537 3534
        : _arc_map(arc_map), _node_map(node_map) {}
3538 3535

3539 3536
      /// Returns the value associated with the given key.
3540 3537
      Value operator[](const Key& arc) const {
3541 3538
        if (SplitNodesBase<const DGR>::origArc(arc)) {
3542 3539
          return _arc_map[arc];
3543 3540
        } else {
3544 3541
          return _node_map[arc];
3545 3542
3546 3543
3547 3544

3548 3545
      /// Returns a reference to the value associated with the given key.
3549 3546
      Value& operator[](const Key& arc) {
3550 3547
        if (SplitNodesBase<const DGR>::origArc(arc)) {
3551 3548
          return _arc_map[arc];
3552 3549
        } else {
3553 3550
          return _node_map[arc];
3554 3551
3555 3552
3556 3553

3557 3554
      /// Sets the value associated with the given key.
3558 3555
      void set(const Arc& arc, const Value& val) {
3559 3556
        if (SplitNodesBase<const DGR>::origArc(arc)) {
3560 3557
          _arc_map.set(arc, val);
3561 3558
        } else {
3562 3559
          _node_map.set(arc, val);
3563 3560
3564 3561
3565 3562

3566 3563
3567 3564

3568 3565
      AM& _arc_map;
3569 3566
      NM& _node_map;
3570 3567

3571 3568
3572 3569

3573 3570
    /// \brief Returns a combined arc map
3574 3571
3575 3572
    /// This function just returns a combined arc map.
3576 3573
    template <typename ArcMap, typename NodeMap>
3577 3574
    static CombinedArcMap<ArcMap, NodeMap>
3578 3575
    combinedArcMap(ArcMap& arc_map, NodeMap& node_map) {
3579 3576
      return CombinedArcMap<ArcMap, NodeMap>(arc_map, node_map);
3580 3577
3581 3578

3582 3579
    template <typename ArcMap, typename NodeMap>
3583 3580
    static CombinedArcMap<const ArcMap, NodeMap>
3584 3581
    combinedArcMap(const ArcMap& arc_map, NodeMap& node_map) {
3585 3582
      return CombinedArcMap<const ArcMap, NodeMap>(arc_map, node_map);
3586 3583
3587 3584

3588 3585
    template <typename ArcMap, typename NodeMap>
3589 3586
    static CombinedArcMap<ArcMap, const NodeMap>
3590 3587
    combinedArcMap(ArcMap& arc_map, const NodeMap& node_map) {
3591 3588
      return CombinedArcMap<ArcMap, const NodeMap>(arc_map, node_map);
3592 3589
3593 3590

3594 3591
    template <typename ArcMap, typename NodeMap>
3595 3592
    static CombinedArcMap<const ArcMap, const NodeMap>
3596 3593
    combinedArcMap(const ArcMap& arc_map, const NodeMap& node_map) {
3597 3594
      return CombinedArcMap<const ArcMap, const NodeMap>(arc_map, node_map);
3598 3595
3599 3596

3600 3597
3601 3598

3602 3599
  /// \brief Returns a (read-only) SplitNodes adaptor
3603 3600
3604 3601
  /// This function just returns a (read-only) \ref SplitNodes adaptor.
3605 3602
  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
3606 3603
  /// \relates SplitNodes
3607 3604
  template<typename DGR>
3608 3605
3609 3606
  splitNodes(const DGR& digraph) {
3610 3607
    return SplitNodes<DGR>(digraph);
3611 3608
3612 3609

3613 3610
3614 3611

3615 3612
} //namespace lemon
3616 3613

3617 3614
Ignore white space 6 line context
1 1
/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
2 2
3 3
 * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
4 4
5 5
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
6 6
 * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
7 7
 * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
8 8
9 9
 * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
10 10
 * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
11 11
 * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
12 12
13 13
 * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
14 14
 * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
15 15
 * purpose.
16 16
17 17
18 18

19 19
///\ingroup graph_concepts
20 20
21 21
///\brief The concept of Undirected Graphs.
22 22

23 23
24 24
25 25

26 26
#include <lemon/concepts/graph_components.h>
27 27
#include <lemon/core.h>
28 28

29 29
namespace lemon {
30 30
  namespace concepts {
31 31

32 32
    /// \ingroup graph_concepts
33 33
34 34
    /// \brief Class describing the concept of Undirected Graphs.
35 35
36 36
    /// This class describes the common interface of all Undirected
37 37
    /// Graphs.
38 38
39 39
    /// As all concept describing classes it provides only interface
40 40
    /// without any sensible implementation. So any algorithm for
41 41
    /// undirected graph should compile with this class, but it will not
42 42
    /// run properly, of course.
43 43
44 44
    /// The LEMON undirected graphs also fulfill the concept of
45 45
    /// directed graphs (\ref lemon::concepts::Digraph "Digraph
46 46
    /// Concept"). Each edges can be seen as two opposite
47 47
    /// directed arc and consequently the undirected graph can be
48 48
    /// seen as the direceted graph of these directed arcs. The
49 49
    /// Graph has the Edge inner class for the edges and
50 50
    /// the Arc type for the directed arcs. The Arc type is
51 51
    /// convertible to Edge or inherited from it so from a directed
52 52
    /// arc we can get the represented edge.
53 53
54 54
    /// In the sense of the LEMON each edge has a default
55 55
    /// direction (it should be in every computer implementation,
56 56
    /// because the order of edge's nodes defines an
57 57
    /// orientation). With the default orientation we can define that
58 58
    /// the directed arc is forward or backward directed. With the \c
59 59
    /// direction() and \c direct() function we can get the direction
60 60
    /// of the directed arc and we can direct an edge.
61 61
62 62
    /// The EdgeIt is an iterator for the edges. We can use
63 63
    /// the EdgeMap to map values for the edges. The InArcIt and
64 64
    /// OutArcIt iterates on the same edges but with opposite
65 65
    /// direction. The IncEdgeIt iterates also on the same edges
66 66
    /// as the OutArcIt and InArcIt but it is not convertible to Arc just
67 67
    /// to Edge.
68 68
    class Graph {
69 69
70 70
      /// \brief The undirected graph should be tagged by the
71 71
      /// UndirectedTag.
72 72
73 73
      /// The undirected graph should be tagged by the UndirectedTag. This
74 74
      /// tag helps the enable_if technics to make compile time
75 75
      /// specializations for undirected graphs.
76 76
      typedef True UndirectedTag;
77 77

78 78
      /// \brief The base type of node iterators,
79 79
      /// or in other words, the trivial node iterator.
80 80
81 81
      /// This is the base type of each node iterator,
82 82
      /// thus each kind of node iterator converts to this.
83 83
      /// More precisely each kind of node iterator should be inherited
84 84
      /// from the trivial node iterator.
85 85
      class Node {
86 86
87 87
        /// Default constructor
88 88

89 89
        /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
90 90
        /// to an undefined value.
91 91
        Node() { }
92 92
        /// Copy constructor.
93 93

94 94
        /// Copy constructor.
95 95
96 96
        Node(const Node&) { }
97 97

98 98
        /// Invalid constructor \& conversion.
99 99

100 100
        /// This constructor initializes the iterator to be invalid.
101 101
        /// \sa Invalid for more details.
102 102
        Node(Invalid) { }
103 103
        /// Equality operator
104 104

105 105
        /// Two iterators are equal if and only if they point to the
106 106
        /// same object or both are invalid.
107 107
        bool operator==(Node) const { return true; }
108 108

109 109
        /// Inequality operator
110 110

111 111
        /// \sa operator==(Node n)
112 112
113 113
        bool operator!=(Node) const { return true; }
114 114

115 115
        /// Artificial ordering operator.
116 116

117 117
        /// To allow the use of graph descriptors as key type in std::map or
118 118
        /// similar associative container we require this.
119 119
120 120
        /// \note This operator only have to define some strict ordering of
121 121
        /// the items; this order has nothing to do with the iteration
122 122
        /// ordering of the items.
123 123
        bool operator<(Node) const { return false; }
124 124

125 125
126 126

127 127
      /// This iterator goes through each node.
128 128

129 129
      /// This iterator goes through each node.
130 130
      /// Its usage is quite simple, for example you can count the number
131 131
      /// of nodes in graph \c g of type \c Graph like this:
132 132
133 133
      /// int count=0;
134 134
      /// for (Graph::NodeIt n(g); n!=INVALID; ++n) ++count;
135 135
136 136
      class NodeIt : public Node {
137 137
138 138
        /// Default constructor
139 139

140 140
        /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
141 141
        /// to an undefined value.
142 142
        NodeIt() { }
143 143
        /// Copy constructor.
144 144

145 145
        /// Copy constructor.
146 146
147 147
        NodeIt(const NodeIt& n) : Node(n) { }
148 148
        /// Invalid constructor \& conversion.
149 149

150 150
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
151 151
        /// \sa Invalid for more details.
152 152
        NodeIt(Invalid) { }
153 153
        /// Sets the iterator to the first node.
154 154

155 155
        /// Sets the iterator to the first node of \c g.
156 156
157 157
        NodeIt(const Graph&) { }
158 158
        /// Node -> NodeIt conversion.
159 159

160 160
        /// Sets the iterator to the node of \c the graph pointed by
161 161
        /// the trivial iterator.
162 162
        /// This feature necessitates that each time we
163 163
        /// iterate the arc-set, the iteration order is the same.
164 164
        NodeIt(const Graph&, const Node&) { }
165 165
        /// Next node.
166 166

167 167
        /// Assign the iterator to the next node.
168 168
169 169
        NodeIt& operator++() { return *this; }
170 170
171 171

172 172

173 173
      /// The base type of the edge iterators.
174 174

175 175
      /// The base type of the edge iterators.
176 176
177 177
      class Edge {
178 178
179 179
        /// Default constructor
180 180

181 181
        /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
182 182
        /// to an undefined value.
183 183
        Edge() { }
184 184
        /// Copy constructor.
185 185

186 186
        /// Copy constructor.
187 187
188 188
        Edge(const Edge&) { }
189 189
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
190 190

191 191
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
192 192
193 193
        Edge(Invalid) { }
194 194
        /// Equality operator
195 195

196 196
        /// Two iterators are equal if and only if they point to the
197 197
        /// same object or both are invalid.
198 198
        bool operator==(Edge) const { return true; }
199 199
        /// Inequality operator
200 200

201 201
        /// \sa operator==(Edge n)
202 202
203 203
        bool operator!=(Edge) const { return true; }
204 204

205 205
        /// Artificial ordering operator.
206 206

207 207
        /// To allow the use of graph descriptors as key type in std::map or
208 208
        /// similar associative container we require this.
209 209
210 210
        /// \note This operator only have to define some strict ordering of
211 211
        /// the items; this order has nothing to do with the iteration
212 212
        /// ordering of the items.
213 213
        bool operator<(Edge) const { return false; }
214 214
215 215

216 216
      /// This iterator goes through each edge.
217 217

218 218
      /// This iterator goes through each edge of a graph.
219 219
      /// Its usage is quite simple, for example you can count the number
220 220
      /// of edges in a graph \c g of type \c Graph as follows:
221 221
222 222
      /// int count=0;
223 223
      /// for(Graph::EdgeIt e(g); e!=INVALID; ++e) ++count;
224 224
225 225
      class EdgeIt : public Edge {
226 226
227 227
        /// Default constructor
228 228

229 229
        /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
230 230
        /// to an undefined value.
231 231
        EdgeIt() { }
232 232
        /// Copy constructor.
233 233

234 234
        /// Copy constructor.
235 235
236 236
        EdgeIt(const EdgeIt& e) : Edge(e) { }
237 237
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
238 238

239 239
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
240 240
241 241
        EdgeIt(Invalid) { }
242 242
        /// This constructor sets the iterator to the first edge.
243 243

244 244
        /// This constructor sets the iterator to the first edge.
245 245
        EdgeIt(const Graph&) { }
246 246
        /// Edge -> EdgeIt conversion
247 247

248 248
        /// Sets the iterator to the value of the trivial iterator.
249 249
        /// This feature necessitates that each time we
250 250
        /// iterate the edge-set, the iteration order is the
251 251
        /// same.
252 252
        EdgeIt(const Graph&, const Edge&) { }
253 253
        /// Next edge
254 254

255 255
        /// Assign the iterator to the next edge.
256 256
        EdgeIt& operator++() { return *this; }
257 257
258 258

259 259
      /// \brief This iterator goes trough the incident undirected
260 260
      /// arcs of a node.
261 261
262 262
      /// This iterator goes trough the incident edges
263 263
      /// of a certain node of a graph. You should assume that the
264 264
      /// loop arcs will be iterated twice.
265 265
266 266
      /// Its usage is quite simple, for example you can compute the
267 267
      /// degree (i.e. count the number of incident arcs of a node \c n
268 268
      /// in graph \c g of type \c Graph as follows.
269 269
270 270
271 271
      /// int count=0;
272 272
      /// for(Graph::IncEdgeIt e(g, n); e!=INVALID; ++e) ++count;
273 273
274 274
      class IncEdgeIt : public Edge {
275 275
276 276
        /// Default constructor
277 277

278 278
        /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
279 279
        /// to an undefined value.
280 280
        IncEdgeIt() { }
281 281
        /// Copy constructor.
282 282

283 283
        /// Copy constructor.
284 284
285 285
        IncEdgeIt(const IncEdgeIt& e) : Edge(e) { }
286 286
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
287 287

288 288
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
289 289
290 290
        IncEdgeIt(Invalid) { }
291 291
        /// This constructor sets the iterator to first incident arc.
292 292

293 293
        /// This constructor set the iterator to the first incident arc of
294 294
        /// the node.
295 295
        IncEdgeIt(const Graph&, const Node&) { }
296 296
        /// Edge -> IncEdgeIt conversion
297 297

298 298
        /// Sets the iterator to the value of the trivial iterator \c e.
299 299
        /// This feature necessitates that each time we
300 300
        /// iterate the arc-set, the iteration order is the same.
301 301
        IncEdgeIt(const Graph&, const Edge&) { }
302 302
        /// Next incident arc
303 303

304 304
        /// Assign the iterator to the next incident arc
305 305
        /// of the corresponding node.
306 306
        IncEdgeIt& operator++() { return *this; }
307 307
308 308

309 309
      /// The directed arc type.
310 310

311 311
      /// The directed arc type. It can be converted to the
312 312
      /// edge or it should be inherited from the undirected
      /// arc.
      class Arc : public Edge {
      /// edge.
      class Arc {
315 315
316 316
        /// Default constructor
317 317

318 318
        /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
319 319
        /// to an undefined value.
320 320
        Arc() { }
321 321
        /// Copy constructor.
322 322

323 323
        /// Copy constructor.
324 324
        Arc(const Arc& e) : Edge(e) { }
        Arc(const Arc&) { }
326 326
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
327 327

328 328
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
329 329
330 330
        Arc(Invalid) { }
331 331
        /// Equality operator
332 332

333 333
        /// Two iterators are equal if and only if they point to the
334 334
        /// same object or both are invalid.
335 335
        bool operator==(Arc) const { return true; }
336 336
        /// Inequality operator
337 337

338 338
        /// \sa operator==(Arc n)
339 339
340 340
        bool operator!=(Arc) const { return true; }
341 341

342 342
        /// Artificial ordering operator.
343 343

344 344
        /// To allow the use of graph descriptors as key type in std::map or
345 345
        /// similar associative container we require this.
346 346
347 347
        /// \note This operator only have to define some strict ordering of
348 348
        /// the items; this order has nothing to do with the iteration
349 349
        /// ordering of the items.
350 350
        bool operator<(Arc) const { return false; }
351 351

        /// Converison to Edge
        operator Edge() const { return Edge(); }
352 354
353 355
      /// This iterator goes through each directed arc.
354 356

355 357
      /// This iterator goes through each arc of a graph.
356 358
      /// Its usage is quite simple, for example you can count the number
357 359
      /// of arcs in a graph \c g of type \c Graph as follows:
358 360
359 361
      /// int count=0;
360 362
      /// for(Graph::ArcIt e(g); e!=INVALID; ++e) ++count;
361 363
362 364
      class ArcIt : public Arc {
363 365
364 366
        /// Default constructor
365 367

366 368
        /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
367 369
        /// to an undefined value.
368 370
        ArcIt() { }
369 371
        /// Copy constructor.
370 372

371 373
        /// Copy constructor.
372 374
373 375
        ArcIt(const ArcIt& e) : Arc(e) { }
374 376
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
375 377

376 378
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
377 379
378 380
        ArcIt(Invalid) { }
379 381
        /// This constructor sets the iterator to the first arc.
380 382

381 383
        /// This constructor sets the iterator to the first arc of \c g.
382 384
        ///@param g the graph
383 385
        ArcIt(const Graph &g) { ignore_unused_variable_warning(g); }
384 386
        /// Arc -> ArcIt conversion
385 387

386 388
        /// Sets the iterator to the value of the trivial iterator \c e.
387 389
        /// This feature necessitates that each time we
388 390
        /// iterate the arc-set, the iteration order is the same.
389 391
        ArcIt(const Graph&, const Arc&) { }
390 392
        ///Next arc
391 393

392 394
        /// Assign the iterator to the next arc.
393 395
        ArcIt& operator++() { return *this; }
394 396
395 397

396 398
      /// This iterator goes trough the outgoing directed arcs of a node.
397 399

398 400
      /// This iterator goes trough the \e outgoing arcs of a certain node
399 401
      /// of a graph.
400 402
      /// Its usage is quite simple, for example you can count the number
401 403
      /// of outgoing arcs of a node \c n
402 404
      /// in graph \c g of type \c Graph as follows.
403 405
404 406
      /// int count=0;
405 407
      /// for (Graph::OutArcIt e(g, n); e!=INVALID; ++e) ++count;
406 408
407 409

408 410
      class OutArcIt : public Arc {
409 411
410 412
        /// Default constructor
411 413

412 414
        /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
413 415
        /// to an undefined value.
414 416
        OutArcIt() { }
415 417
        /// Copy constructor.
416 418

417 419
        /// Copy constructor.
418 420
419 421
        OutArcIt(const OutArcIt& e) : Arc(e) { }
420 422
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
421 423

422 424
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
423 425
424 426
        OutArcIt(Invalid) { }
425 427
        /// This constructor sets the iterator to the first outgoing arc.
426 428

427 429
        /// This constructor sets the iterator to the first outgoing arc of
428 430
        /// the node.
429 431
        ///@param n the node
430 432
        ///@param g the graph
431 433
        OutArcIt(const Graph& n, const Node& g) {
432 434
433 435
434 436
435 437
        /// Arc -> OutArcIt conversion
436 438

437 439
        /// Sets the iterator to the value of the trivial iterator.
438 440
        /// This feature necessitates that each time we
439 441
        /// iterate the arc-set, the iteration order is the same.
440 442
        OutArcIt(const Graph&, const Arc&) { }
441 443
        ///Next outgoing arc
442 444

443 445
        /// Assign the iterator to the next
444 446
        /// outgoing arc of the corresponding node.
445 447
        OutArcIt& operator++() { return *this; }
446 448
447 449

448 450
      /// This iterator goes trough the incoming directed arcs of a node.
449 451

450 452
      /// This iterator goes trough the \e incoming arcs of a certain node
451 453
      /// of a graph.
452 454
      /// Its usage is quite simple, for example you can count the number
453 455
      /// of outgoing arcs of a node \c n
454 456
      /// in graph \c g of type \c Graph as follows.
455 457
456 458
      /// int count=0;
457 459
      /// for(Graph::InArcIt e(g, n); e!=INVALID; ++e) ++count;
458 460
459 461

460 462
      class InArcIt : public Arc {
461 463
462 464
        /// Default constructor
463 465

464 466
        /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
465 467
        /// to an undefined value.
466 468
        InArcIt() { }
467 469
        /// Copy constructor.
468 470

469 471
        /// Copy constructor.
470 472
471 473
        InArcIt(const InArcIt& e) : Arc(e) { }
472 474
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
473 475

474 476
        /// Initialize the iterator to be invalid.
475 477
476 478
        InArcIt(Invalid) { }
477 479
        /// This constructor sets the iterator to first incoming arc.
478 480

479 481
        /// This constructor set the iterator to the first incoming arc of
480 482
        /// the node.
481 483
        ///@param n the node
482 484
        ///@param g the graph
483 485
        InArcIt(const Graph& g, const Node& n) {
484 486
485 487
486 488
487 489
        /// Arc -> InArcIt conversion
488 490

489 491
        /// Sets the iterator to the value of the trivial iterator \c e.
490 492
        /// This feature necessitates that each time we
491 493
        /// iterate the arc-set, the iteration order is the same.
492 494
        InArcIt(const Graph&, const Arc&) { }
493 495
        /// Next incoming arc
494 496

495 497
        /// Assign the iterator to the next inarc of the corresponding node.
496 498
497 499
        InArcIt& operator++() { return *this; }
498 500
499 501

500 502
      /// \brief Reference map of the nodes to type \c T.
501 503
502 504
      /// Reference map of the nodes to type \c T.
503 505
      template<class T>
504 506
      class NodeMap : public ReferenceMap<Node, T, T&, const T&>
505 507
506 508
507 509

508 510
509 511
        NodeMap(const Graph&) { }
510 512
511 513
        NodeMap(const Graph&, T) { }
512 514

513 515
514 516
        ///Copy constructor
515 517
        NodeMap(const NodeMap& nm) :
516 518
          ReferenceMap<Node, T, T&, const T&>(nm) { }
517 519
        ///Assignment operator
518 520
        template <typename CMap>
519 521
        NodeMap& operator=(const CMap&) {
520 522
          checkConcept<ReadMap<Node, T>, CMap>();
521 523
          return *this;
522 524
523 525
524 526

525 527
      /// \brief Reference map of the arcs to type \c T.
526 528
527 529
      /// Reference map of the arcs to type \c T.
528 530
      template<class T>
529 531
      class ArcMap : public ReferenceMap<Arc, T, T&, const T&>
530 532
531 533
532 534

533 535
534 536
        ArcMap(const Graph&) { }
535 537
536 538
        ArcMap(const Graph&, T) { }
537 539
538 540
        ///Copy constructor
539 541
        ArcMap(const ArcMap& em) :
540 542
          ReferenceMap<Arc, T, T&, const T&>(em) { }
541 543
        ///Assignment operator
542 544
        template <typename CMap>
543 545
        ArcMap& operator=(const CMap&) {
544 546
          checkConcept<ReadMap<Arc, T>, CMap>();
545 547
          return *this;
546 548
547 549
548 550

549 551
      /// Reference map of the edges to type \c T.
550 552

551 553
      /// Reference map of the edges to type \c T.
552 554
      template<class T>
553 555
      class EdgeMap : public ReferenceMap<Edge, T, T&, const T&>
554 556
555 557
556 558

557 559
558 560
        EdgeMap(const Graph&) { }
559 561
560 562
        EdgeMap(const Graph&, T) { }
561 563
562 564
        ///Copy constructor
563 565
        EdgeMap(const EdgeMap& em) :
564 566
          ReferenceMap<Edge, T, T&, const T&>(em) {}
565 567
        ///Assignment operator
566 568
        template <typename CMap>
567 569
        EdgeMap& operator=(const CMap&) {
568 570
          checkConcept<ReadMap<Edge, T>, CMap>();
569 571
          return *this;
570 572
571 573
572 574

573 575
      /// \brief Direct the given edge.
574 576
575 577
      /// Direct the given edge. The returned arc source
576 578
      /// will be the given node.
577 579
      Arc direct(const Edge&, const Node&) const {
578 580
        return INVALID;
579 581
580 582

581 583
      /// \brief Direct the given edge.
582 584
583 585
      /// Direct the given edge. The returned arc
584 586
      /// represents the given edge and the direction comes
585 587
      /// from the bool parameter. The source of the edge and
586 588
      /// the directed arc is the same when the given bool is true.
587 589
      Arc direct(const Edge&, bool) const {
588 590
        return INVALID;
589 591
590 592

591 593
      /// \brief Returns true if the arc has default orientation.
592 594
593 595
      /// Returns whether the given directed arc is same orientation as
594 596
      /// the corresponding edge's default orientation.
595 597
      bool direction(Arc) const { return true; }
596 598

597 599
      /// \brief Returns the opposite directed arc.
598 600
599 601
      /// Returns the opposite directed arc.
600 602
      Arc oppositeArc(Arc) const { return INVALID; }
601 603

602 604
      /// \brief Opposite node on an arc
603 605
604 606
      /// \return The opposite of the given node on the given edge.
605 607
      Node oppositeNode(Node, Edge) const { return INVALID; }
606 608

607 609
      /// \brief First node of the edge.
608 610
609 611
      /// \return The first node of the given edge.
610 612
611 613
      /// Naturally edges don't have direction and thus
612 614
      /// don't have source and target node. However we use \c u() and \c v()
613 615
      /// methods to query the two nodes of the arc. The direction of the
614 616
      /// arc which arises this way is called the inherent direction of the
615 617
      /// edge, and is used to define the "default" direction
616 618
      /// of the directed versions of the arcs.
617 619
      /// \sa v()
618 620
      /// \sa direction()
619 621
      Node u(Edge) const { return INVALID; }
620 622

621 623
      /// \brief Second node of the edge.
622 624
623 625
      /// \return The second node of the given edge.
624 626
625 627
      /// Naturally edges don't have direction and thus
626 628
      /// don't have source and target node. However we use \c u() and \c v()
627 629
      /// methods to query the two nodes of the arc. The direction of the
628 630
      /// arc which arises this way is called the inherent direction of the
629 631
      /// edge, and is used to define the "default" direction
630 632
      /// of the directed versions of the arcs.
631 633
      /// \sa u()
632 634
      /// \sa direction()
633 635
      Node v(Edge) const { return INVALID; }
634 636

635 637
      /// \brief Source node of the directed arc.
636 638
      Node source(Arc) const { return INVALID; }
637 639

638 640
      /// \brief Target node of the directed arc.
639 641
      Node target(Arc) const { return INVALID; }
640 642

641 643
      /// \brief Returns the id of the node.
642 644
      int id(Node) const { return -1; }
643 645

644 646
      /// \brief Returns the id of the edge.
645 647
      int id(Edge) const { return -1; }
646 648

647 649
      /// \brief Returns the id of the arc.
648 650
      int id(Arc) const { return -1; }
649 651

650 652
      /// \brief Returns the node with the given id.
651 653
652 654
      /// \pre The argument should be a valid node id in the graph.
653 655
      Node nodeFromId(int) const { return INVALID; }
654 656

655 657
      /// \brief Returns the edge with the given id.
656 658
657 659
      /// \pre The argument should be a valid edge id in the graph.
658 660
      Edge edgeFromId(int) const { return INVALID; }
659 661

660 662
      /// \brief Returns the arc with the given id.
661 663
662 664
      /// \pre The argument should be a valid arc id in the graph.
663 665
      Arc arcFromId(int) const { return INVALID; }
664 666

665 667
      /// \brief Returns an upper bound on the node IDs.
666 668
      int maxNodeId() const { return -1; }
667 669

668 670
      /// \brief Returns an upper bound on the edge IDs.
669 671
      int maxEdgeId() const { return -1; }
670 672

671 673
      /// \brief Returns an upper bound on the arc IDs.
672 674
      int maxArcId() const { return -1; }
673 675

674 676
      void first(Node&) const {}
675 677
      void next(Node&) const {}
676 678

677 679
      void first(Edge&) const {}
678 680
      void next(Edge&) const {}
679 681

680 682
      void first(Arc&) const {}
681 683
      void next(Arc&) const {}
682 684

683 685
      void firstOut(Arc&, Node) const {}
684 686
      void nextOut(Arc&) const {}
685 687

686 688
      void firstIn(Arc&, Node) const {}
687 689
      void nextIn(Arc&) const {}
688 690

689 691
      void firstInc(Edge &, bool &, const Node &) const {}
690 692
      void nextInc(Edge &, bool &) const {}
691 693

692 694
      // The second parameter is dummy.
693 695
      Node fromId(int, Node) const { return INVALID; }
694 696
      // The second parameter is dummy.
695 697
      Edge fromId(int, Edge) const { return INVALID; }
696 698
      // The second parameter is dummy.
697 699
      Arc fromId(int, Arc) const { return INVALID; }
698 700

699 701
      // Dummy parameter.
700 702
      int maxId(Node) const { return -1; }
701 703
      // Dummy parameter.
702 704
      int maxId(Edge) const { return -1; }
703 705
      // Dummy parameter.
704 706
      int maxId(Arc) const { return -1; }
705 707

706 708
      /// \brief Base node of the iterator
707 709
708 710
      /// Returns the base node (the source in this case) of the iterator
709 711
      Node baseNode(OutArcIt e) const {
710 712
        return source(e);
711 713
712 714
      /// \brief Running node of the iterator
713 715
714 716
      /// Returns the running node (the target in this case) of the
715 717
      /// iterator
716 718
      Node runningNode(OutArcIt e) const {
717 719
        return target(e);
718 720
719 721

720 722
      /// \brief Base node of the iterator
721 723
722 724
      /// Returns the base node (the target in this case) of the iterator
723 725
      Node baseNode(InArcIt e) const {
724 726
        return target(e);
725 727
726 728
      /// \brief Running node of the iterator
727 729
728 730
      /// Returns the running node (the source in this case) of the
729 731
      /// iterator
730 732
      Node runningNode(InArcIt e) const {
731 733
        return source(e);
732 734
733 735

734 736
      /// \brief Base node of the iterator
735 737
736 738
      /// Returns the base node of the iterator
737 739
      Node baseNode(IncEdgeIt) const {
738 740
        return INVALID;
739 741
740 742

741 743
      /// \brief Running node of the iterator
742 744
743 745
      /// Returns the running node of the iterator
744 746
      Node runningNode(IncEdgeIt) const {
745 747
        return INVALID;
746 748
747 749

748 750
      template <typename _Graph>
749 751
      struct Constraints {
750 752
        void constraints() {
751 753
          checkConcept<BaseGraphComponent, _Graph>();
752 754
          checkConcept<IterableGraphComponent<>, _Graph>();
753 755
          checkConcept<IDableGraphComponent<>, _Graph>();
754 756
          checkConcept<MappableGraphComponent<>, _Graph>();
755 757
756 758
757 759

758 760
759 761

760 762
761 763

762 764
763 765

764 766
Ignore white space 6 line context
/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
 * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
 * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
 * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
 * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
 * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
 * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
 * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
 * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
 * purpose.


#include <lemon/core.h>
#include <lemon/error.h>

#include <lemon/bits/map_extender.h>
#include <lemon/bits/default_map.h>

#include <lemon/concept_check.h>
#include <lemon/concepts/maps.h>

//\ingroup digraphbits
//\brief Extenders for the graph types
namespace lemon {

  // \ingroup digraphbits
  // \brief BaseDigraph to BaseGraph extender
  template <typename Base>
  class UndirDigraphExtender : public Base {
    typedef Base Parent;


    typedef typename Parent::Arc Edge;
    typedef typename Parent::Node Node;

    typedef True UndirectedTag;

    class Arc : public Edge {
      friend class UndirDigraphExtender;

      bool forward;

      Arc(const Edge &ue, bool _forward) :
        Edge(ue), forward(_forward) {}

      Arc() {}

      // Invalid arc constructor
      Arc(Invalid i) : Edge(i), forward(true) {}

      bool operator==(const Arc &that) const {
        return forward==that.forward && Edge(*this)==Edge(that);
      bool operator!=(const Arc &that) const {
        return forward!=that.forward || Edge(*this)!=Edge(that);
      bool operator<(const Arc &that) const {
        return forward<that.forward ||
          (!(that.forward<forward) && Edge(*this)<Edge(that));

    // First node of the edge
    Node u(const Edge &e) const {
      return Parent::source(e);

    // Source of the given arc
    Node source(const Arc &e) const {
      return e.forward ? Parent::source(e) : Parent::target(e);

    // Second node of the edge
    Node v(const Edge &e) const {
      return Parent::target(e);

    // Target of the given arc
    Node target(const Arc &e) const {
      return e.forward ? Parent::target(e) : Parent::source(e);

    // \brief Directed arc from an edge.
    // Returns a directed arc corresponding to the specified edge.
    // If the given bool is true, the first node of the given edge and
    // the source node of the returned arc are the same.
    static Arc direct(const Edge &e, bool d) {
      return Arc(e, d);

    // Returns whether the given directed arc has the same orientation
    // as the corresponding edge.
    static bool direction(const Arc &a) { return a.forward; }

    using Parent::first;
    using Parent::next;

    void first(Arc &e) const {

    void next(Arc &e) const {
      if( e.forward ) {
        e.forward = false;
      else {
        e.forward = true;

    void firstOut(Arc &e, const Node &n) const {
      if( Edge(e) != INVALID ) {
        e.forward = false;
      else {
        e.forward = true;
    void nextOut(Arc &e) const {
      if( ! e.forward ) {
        Node n = Parent::target(e);
        if( Edge(e) == INVALID ) {
          Parent::firstOut(e, n);
          e.forward = true;
      else {

    void firstIn(Arc &e, const Node &n) const {
      if( Edge(e) != INVALID ) {
        e.forward = false;
      else {
        e.forward = true;
    void nextIn(Arc &e) const {
      if( ! e.forward ) {
        Node n = Parent::source(e);
        if( Edge(e) == INVALID ) {
          Parent::firstIn(e, n);
          e.forward = true;
      else {

    void firstInc(Edge &e, bool &d, const Node &n) const {
      d = true;
      Parent::firstOut(e, n);
      if (e != INVALID) return;
      d = false;
      Parent::firstIn(e, n);

    void nextInc(Edge &e, bool &d) const {
      if (d) {
        Node s = Parent::source(e);
        if (e != INVALID) return;
        d = false;
        Parent::firstIn(e, s);
      } else {

    Node nodeFromId(int ix) const {
      return Parent::nodeFromId(ix);

    Arc arcFromId(int ix) const {
      return direct(Parent::arcFromId(ix >> 1), bool(ix & 1));

    Edge edgeFromId(int ix) const {
      return Parent::arcFromId(ix);

    int id(const Node &n) const {
      return Parent::id(n);

    int id(const Edge &e) const {
      return Parent::id(e);

    int id(const Arc &e) const {
      return 2 * Parent::id(e) + int(e.forward);

    int maxNodeId() const {
      return Parent::maxNodeId();

    int maxArcId() const {
      return 2 * Parent::maxArcId() + 1;

    int maxEdgeId() const {
      return Parent::maxArcId();

    int arcNum() const {
      return 2 * Parent::arcNum();

    int edgeNum() const {
      return Parent::arcNum();

    Arc findArc(Node s, Node t, Arc p = INVALID) const {
      if (p == INVALID) {
        Edge arc = Parent::findArc(s, t);
        if (arc != INVALID) return direct(arc, true);
        arc = Parent::findArc(t, s);
        if (arc != INVALID) return direct(arc, false);
      } else if (direction(p)) {
        Edge arc = Parent::findArc(s, t, p);
        if (arc != INVALID) return direct(arc, true);
        arc = Parent::findArc(t, s);
        if (arc != INVALID) return direct(arc, false);
      } else {
        Edge arc = Parent::findArc(t, s, p);
        if (arc != INVALID) return direct(arc, false);
      return INVALID;

    Edge findEdge(Node s, Node t, Edge p = INVALID) const {
      if (s != t) {
        if (p == INVALID) {
          Edge arc = Parent::findArc(s, t);
          if (arc != INVALID) return arc;
          arc = Parent::findArc(t, s);
          if (arc != INVALID) return arc;
        } else if (Parent::s(p) == s) {
          Edge arc = Parent::findArc(s, t, p);
          if (arc != INVALID) return arc;
          arc = Parent::findArc(t, s);
          if (arc != INVALID) return arc;
        } else {
          Edge arc = Parent::findArc(t, s, p);
          if (arc != INVALID) return arc;
      } else {
        return Parent::findArc(s, t, p);
      return INVALID;

  template <typename Base>
  class BidirBpGraphExtender : public Base {
    typedef Base Parent;

    typedef BidirBpGraphExtender Digraph;

    typedef typename Parent::Node Node;
    typedef typename Parent::Edge Edge;


    using Parent::first;
    using Parent::next;

    using Parent::id;

    class Red : public Node {
      friend class BidirBpGraphExtender;
      Red() {}
      Red(const Node& node) : Node(node) {
        LEMON_DEBUG(Parent::red(node) || node == INVALID,
                    typename Parent::NodeSetError());
      Red& operator=(const Node& node) {
        LEMON_DEBUG(Parent::red(node) || node == INVALID,
                    typename Parent::NodeSetError());
        return *this;
      Red(Invalid) : Node(INVALID) {}
      Red& operator=(Invalid) {
        return *this;

    void first(Red& node) const {
    void next(Red& node) const {

    int id(const Red& node) const {
      return Parent::redId(node);

    class Blue : public Node {
      friend class BidirBpGraphExtender;
      Blue() {}
      Blue(const Node& node) : Node(node) {
        LEMON_DEBUG(Parent::blue(node) || node == INVALID,
                    typename Parent::NodeSetError());
      Blue& operator=(const Node& node) {
        LEMON_DEBUG(Parent::blue(node) || node == INVALID,
                    typename Parent::NodeSetError());
        return *this;
      Blue(Invalid) : Node(INVALID) {}
      Blue& operator=(Invalid) {
        return *this;

    void first(Blue& node) const {
    void next(Blue& node) const {

    int id(const Blue& node) const {
      return Parent::redId(node);

    Node source(const Edge& arc) const {
      return red(arc);
    Node target(const Edge& arc) const {
      return blue(arc);

    void firstInc(Edge& arc, bool& dir, const Node& node) const {
      if (Parent::red(node)) {
        Parent::firstFromRed(arc, node);
        dir = true;
      } else {
        Parent::firstFromBlue(arc, node);
        dir = static_cast<Edge&>(arc) == INVALID;
    void nextInc(Edge& arc, bool& dir) const {
      if (dir) {
      } else {
        if (arc == INVALID) dir = true;

    class Arc : public Edge {
      friend class BidirBpGraphExtender;
      bool forward;

      Arc(const Edge& arc, bool _forward)
        : Edge(arc), forward(_forward) {}

      Arc() {}
      Arc (Invalid) : Edge(INVALID), forward(true) {}
      bool operator==(const Arc& i) const {
        return Edge::operator==(i) && forward == i.forward;
      bool operator!=(const Arc& i) const {
        return Edge::operator!=(i) || forward != i.forward;
      bool operator<(const Arc& i) const {
        return Edge::operator<(i) ||
          (!(i.forward<forward) && Edge(*this)<Edge(i));

    void first(Arc& arc) const {
      arc.forward = true;

    void next(Arc& arc) const {
      if (!arc.forward) {
      arc.forward = !arc.forward;

    void firstOut(Arc& arc, const Node& node) const {
      if (Parent::red(node)) {
        Parent::firstFromRed(arc, node);
        arc.forward = true;
      } else {
        Parent::firstFromBlue(arc, node);
        arc.forward = static_cast<Edge&>(arc) == INVALID;
    void nextOut(Arc& arc) const {
      if (arc.forward) {
      } else {
        arc.forward = static_cast<Edge&>(arc) == INVALID;

    void firstIn(Arc& arc, const Node& node) const {
      if (Parent::blue(node)) {
        Parent::firstFromBlue(arc, node);
        arc.forward = true;
      } else {
        Parent::firstFromRed(arc, node);
        arc.forward = static_cast<Edge&>(arc) == INVALID;
    void nextIn(Arc& arc) const {
      if (arc.forward) {
      } else {
        arc.forward = static_cast<Edge&>(arc) == INVALID;

    Node source(const Arc& arc) const {
      return arc.forward ? Parent::red(arc) : Parent::blue(arc);
    Node target(const Arc& arc) const {
      return arc.forward ? Parent::blue(arc) : Parent::red(arc);

    int id(const Arc& arc) const {
      return (Parent::id(static_cast<const Edge&>(arc)) << 1) +
        (arc.forward ? 0 : 1);
    Arc arcFromId(int ix) const {
      return Arc(Parent::fromEdgeId(ix >> 1), (ix & 1) == 0);
    int maxArcId() const {
      return (Parent::maxEdgeId() << 1) + 1;

    bool direction(const Arc& arc) const {
      return arc.forward;

    Arc direct(const Edge& arc, bool dir) const {
      return Arc(arc, dir);

    int arcNum() const {
      return 2 * Parent::edgeNum();

    int edgeNum() const {
      return Parent::edgeNum();




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