/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library. * * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES). * * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file. * * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind, * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any * purpose. * */ ///\file ///\brief Implementation of the CBC MIP solver interface. #include "cbc.h" #include <coin/CoinModel.hpp> #include <coin/CbcModel.hpp> #include <coin/OsiSolverInterface.hpp> #ifdef COIN_HAS_CLP #include "coin/OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp" #endif #ifdef COIN_HAS_OSL #include "coin/OsiOslSolverInterface.hpp" #endif #include "coin/CbcCutGenerator.hpp" #include "coin/CbcHeuristicLocal.hpp" #include "coin/CbcHeuristicGreedy.hpp" #include "coin/CbcHeuristicFPump.hpp" #include "coin/CbcHeuristicRINS.hpp" #include "coin/CglGomory.hpp" #include "coin/CglProbing.hpp" #include "coin/CglKnapsackCover.hpp" #include "coin/CglOddHole.hpp" #include "coin/CglClique.hpp" #include "coin/CglFlowCover.hpp" #include "coin/CglMixedIntegerRounding.hpp" #include "coin/CbcHeuristic.hpp" namespace lemon { CbcMip::CbcMip() { _prob = new CoinModel(); _prob->setProblemName("LEMON"); _osi_solver = 0; _cbc_model = 0; } CbcMip::CbcMip(const CbcMip& other) { _prob = new CoinModel(*other._prob); _osi_solver = 0; _cbc_model = 0; } CbcMip::~CbcMip() { delete _prob; if (_osi_solver) delete _osi_solver; if (_cbc_model) delete _cbc_model; } const char* CbcMip::_solverName() const { return "CbcMip"; } int CbcMip::_addCol() { _prob->addColumn(0, 0, 0, -COIN_DBL_MAX, COIN_DBL_MAX, 0.0, 0, false); return _prob->numberColumns() - 1; } CbcMip* CbcMip::newSolver() const { CbcMip* newlp = new CbcMip; return newlp; } CbcMip* CbcMip::cloneSolver() const { CbcMip* copylp = new CbcMip(*this); return copylp; } int CbcMip::_addRow() { _prob->addRow(0, 0, 0, -COIN_DBL_MAX, COIN_DBL_MAX); return _prob->numberRows() - 1; } void CbcMip::_eraseCol(int i) { _prob->deleteColumn(i); } void CbcMip::_eraseRow(int i) { _prob->deleteRow(i); } void CbcMip::_eraseColId(int i) { cols.eraseIndex(i); } void CbcMip::_eraseRowId(int i) { rows.eraseIndex(i); } void CbcMip::_getColName(int c, std::string& name) const { name = _prob->getColumnName(c); } void CbcMip::_setColName(int c, const std::string& name) { _prob->setColumnName(c, name.c_str()); } int CbcMip::_colByName(const std::string& name) const { return _prob->column(name.c_str()); } void CbcMip::_getRowName(int r, std::string& name) const { name = _prob->getRowName(r); } void CbcMip::_setRowName(int r, const std::string& name) { _prob->setRowName(r, name.c_str()); } int CbcMip::_rowByName(const std::string& name) const { return _prob->row(name.c_str()); } void CbcMip::_setRowCoeffs(int i, ExprIterator b, ExprIterator e) { for (ExprIterator it = b; it != e; ++it) { _prob->setElement(i, it->first, it->second); } } void CbcMip::_getRowCoeffs(int ix, InsertIterator b) const { int length = _prob->numberRows(); std::vector<int> indices(length); std::vector<Value> values(length); length = _prob->getRow(ix, &indices[0], &values[0]); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { *b = std::make_pair(indices[i], values[i]); ++b; } } void CbcMip::_setColCoeffs(int ix, ExprIterator b, ExprIterator e) { for (ExprIterator it = b; it != e; ++it) { _prob->setElement(it->first, ix, it->second); } } void CbcMip::_getColCoeffs(int ix, InsertIterator b) const { int length = _prob->numberColumns(); std::vector<int> indices(length); std::vector<Value> values(length); length = _prob->getColumn(ix, &indices[0], &values[0]); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { *b = std::make_pair(indices[i], values[i]); ++b; } } void CbcMip::_setCoeff(int ix, int jx, Value value) { _prob->setElement(ix, jx, value); } CbcMip::Value CbcMip::_getCoeff(int ix, int jx) const { return _prob->getElement(ix, jx); } void CbcMip::_setColLowerBound(int i, Value lo) { LEMON_ASSERT(lo != INF, "Invalid bound"); _prob->setColumnLower(i, lo == - INF ? - COIN_DBL_MAX : lo); } CbcMip::Value CbcMip::_getColLowerBound(int i) const { double val = _prob->getColumnLower(i); return val == - COIN_DBL_MAX ? - INF : val; } void CbcMip::_setColUpperBound(int i, Value up) { LEMON_ASSERT(up != -INF, "Invalid bound"); _prob->setColumnUpper(i, up == INF ? COIN_DBL_MAX : up); } CbcMip::Value CbcMip::_getColUpperBound(int i) const { double val = _prob->getColumnUpper(i); return val == COIN_DBL_MAX ? INF : val; } void CbcMip::_setRowLowerBound(int i, Value lo) { LEMON_ASSERT(lo != INF, "Invalid bound"); _prob->setRowLower(i, lo == - INF ? - COIN_DBL_MAX : lo); } CbcMip::Value CbcMip::_getRowLowerBound(int i) const { double val = _prob->getRowLower(i); return val == - COIN_DBL_MAX ? - INF : val; } void CbcMip::_setRowUpperBound(int i, Value up) { LEMON_ASSERT(up != -INF, "Invalid bound"); _prob->setRowUpper(i, up == INF ? COIN_DBL_MAX : up); } CbcMip::Value CbcMip::_getRowUpperBound(int i) const { double val = _prob->getRowUpper(i); return val == COIN_DBL_MAX ? INF : val; } void CbcMip::_setObjCoeffs(ExprIterator b, ExprIterator e) { int num = _prob->numberColumns(); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { _prob->setColumnObjective(i, 0.0); } for (ExprIterator it = b; it != e; ++it) { _prob->setColumnObjective(it->first, it->second); } } void CbcMip::_getObjCoeffs(InsertIterator b) const { int num = _prob->numberColumns(); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { Value coef = _prob->getColumnObjective(i); if (coef != 0.0) { *b = std::make_pair(i, coef); ++b; } } } void CbcMip::_setObjCoeff(int i, Value obj_coef) { _prob->setColumnObjective(i, obj_coef); } CbcMip::Value CbcMip::_getObjCoeff(int i) const { return _prob->getColumnObjective(i); } CbcMip::SolveExitStatus CbcMip::_solve() { if (_osi_solver) { delete _osi_solver; } #ifdef COIN_HAS_CLP _osi_solver = new OsiClpSolverInterface(); #elif COIN_HAS_OSL _osi_solver = new OsiOslSolverInterface(); #else #error Cannot instantiate Osi solver #endif _osi_solver->loadFromCoinModel(*_prob); if (_cbc_model) { delete _cbc_model; } _cbc_model= new CbcModel(*_osi_solver); switch (_message_level) { case MESSAGE_NO_OUTPUT: _osi_solver->messageHandler()->setLogLevel(0); _cbc_model->setLogLevel(0); break; case MESSAGE_ERROR_MESSAGE: _osi_solver->messageHandler()->setLogLevel(1); _cbc_model->setLogLevel(1); break; case MESSAGE_NORMAL_OUTPUT: _osi_solver->messageHandler()->setLogLevel(2); _cbc_model->setLogLevel(2); break; case MESSAGE_FULL_OUTPUT: _osi_solver->messageHandler()->setLogLevel(3); _cbc_model->setLogLevel(3); break; } _cbc_model->initialSolve(); _cbc_model->solver()->setHintParam(OsiDoReducePrint, true, OsiHintTry); if (!_cbc_model->isInitialSolveAbandoned() && _cbc_model->isInitialSolveProvenOptimal() && !_cbc_model->isInitialSolveProvenPrimalInfeasible() && !_cbc_model->isInitialSolveProvenDualInfeasible()) { CglProbing generator1; generator1.setUsingObjective(true); generator1.setMaxPass(3); generator1.setMaxProbe(100); generator1.setMaxLook(50); generator1.setRowCuts(3); _cbc_model->addCutGenerator(&generator1, -1, "Probing"); CglGomory generator2; generator2.setLimit(300); _cbc_model->addCutGenerator(&generator2, -1, "Gomory"); CglKnapsackCover generator3; _cbc_model->addCutGenerator(&generator3, -1, "Knapsack"); CglOddHole generator4; generator4.setMinimumViolation(0.005); generator4.setMinimumViolationPer(0.00002); generator4.setMaximumEntries(200); _cbc_model->addCutGenerator(&generator4, -1, "OddHole"); CglClique generator5; generator5.setStarCliqueReport(false); generator5.setRowCliqueReport(false); _cbc_model->addCutGenerator(&generator5, -1, "Clique"); CglMixedIntegerRounding mixedGen; _cbc_model->addCutGenerator(&mixedGen, -1, "MixedIntegerRounding"); CglFlowCover flowGen; _cbc_model->addCutGenerator(&flowGen, -1, "FlowCover"); #ifdef COIN_HAS_CLP OsiClpSolverInterface* osiclp = dynamic_cast<OsiClpSolverInterface*>(_cbc_model->solver()); if (osiclp->getNumRows() < 300 && osiclp->getNumCols() < 500) { osiclp->setupForRepeatedUse(2, 0); } #endif CbcRounding heuristic1(*_cbc_model); heuristic1.setWhen(3); _cbc_model->addHeuristic(&heuristic1); CbcHeuristicLocal heuristic2(*_cbc_model); heuristic2.setWhen(3); _cbc_model->addHeuristic(&heuristic2); CbcHeuristicGreedyCover heuristic3(*_cbc_model); heuristic3.setAlgorithm(11); heuristic3.setWhen(3); _cbc_model->addHeuristic(&heuristic3); CbcHeuristicFPump heuristic4(*_cbc_model); heuristic4.setWhen(3); _cbc_model->addHeuristic(&heuristic4); CbcHeuristicRINS heuristic5(*_cbc_model); heuristic5.setWhen(3); _cbc_model->addHeuristic(&heuristic5); if (_cbc_model->getNumCols() < 500) { _cbc_model->setMaximumCutPassesAtRoot(-100); } else if (_cbc_model->getNumCols() < 5000) { _cbc_model->setMaximumCutPassesAtRoot(100); } else { _cbc_model->setMaximumCutPassesAtRoot(20); } if (_cbc_model->getNumCols() < 5000) { _cbc_model->setNumberStrong(10); } _cbc_model->solver()->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, 100); _cbc_model->branchAndBound(); } if (_cbc_model->isAbandoned()) { return UNSOLVED; } else { return SOLVED; } } CbcMip::Value CbcMip::_getSol(int i) const { return _cbc_model->getColSolution()[i]; } CbcMip::Value CbcMip::_getSolValue() const { return _cbc_model->getObjValue(); } CbcMip::ProblemType CbcMip::_getType() const { if (_cbc_model->isProvenOptimal()) { return OPTIMAL; } else if (_cbc_model->isContinuousUnbounded()) { return UNBOUNDED; } return FEASIBLE; } void CbcMip::_setSense(Sense sense) { switch (sense) { case MIN: _prob->setOptimizationDirection(1.0); break; case MAX: _prob->setOptimizationDirection(- 1.0); break; } } CbcMip::Sense CbcMip::_getSense() const { if (_prob->optimizationDirection() > 0.0) { return MIN; } else if (_prob->optimizationDirection() < 0.0) { return MAX; } else { LEMON_ASSERT(false, "Wrong sense"); return CbcMip::Sense(); } } void CbcMip::_setColType(int i, CbcMip::ColTypes col_type) { switch (col_type){ case INTEGER: _prob->setInteger(i); break; case REAL: _prob->setContinuous(i); break; default:; LEMON_ASSERT(false, "Wrong sense"); } } CbcMip::ColTypes CbcMip::_getColType(int i) const { return _prob->getColumnIsInteger(i) ? INTEGER : REAL; } void CbcMip::_clear() { delete _prob; if (_osi_solver) { delete _osi_solver; _osi_solver = 0; } if (_cbc_model) { delete _cbc_model; _cbc_model = 0; } _prob = new CoinModel(); rows.clear(); cols.clear(); } void CbcMip::messageLevel(MessageLevel m) { _message_level = m; } } //END OF NAMESPACE LEMON