// -*- c++ -*- // Use a DIMACS max flow file as stdin. // sub_graph_wrapper_demo < dimacs_max_flow_file // This program computes a maximum number of edge-disjoint shortest paths // between s and t. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace lemon; using std::cout; using std::endl; int main() { typedef SmartGraph Graph; typedef Graph::Edge Edge; typedef Graph::Node Node; typedef Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt; typedef Graph::NodeIt NodeIt; typedef Graph::EdgeMap LengthMap; Graph g; Node s, t; LengthMap length(g); readDimacs(std::cin, g, length, s, t); cout << "edges with lengths (of form tail--length->head): " << endl; for(EdgeIt e(g); e!=INVALID; ++e) cout << " " << g.id(g.tail(e)) << "--" << length[e] << "->" << g.id(g.head(e)) << endl; cout << "s: " << g.id(s) << " t: " << g.id(t) << endl; typedef Dijkstra Dijkstra; Dijkstra dijkstra(g, length); dijkstra.run(s); // This map returns true exactly for those edges which are // tight w.r.t the length funcion and the potential // given by the dijkstra algorithm. typedef TightEdgeFilterMap TightEdgeFilter; TightEdgeFilter tight_edge_filter(g, dijkstra.distMap(), length); ConstMap const_true_map(true); // This graph contains exaclty the tight edges. typedef SubGraphWrapper, TightEdgeFilter> SubGW; SubGW gw(g, const_true_map, tight_edge_filter); ConstMap const_1_map(1); Graph::EdgeMap flow(g, 0); // Max flow between s and t in the graph of tight edges. Preflow, Graph::EdgeMap > preflow(gw, s, t, const_1_map, flow); preflow.run(); cout << "edges of the maximum number of edge-disjoint shortest s-t paths: " << endl; for(EdgeIt e(g); e!=INVALID; ++e) if (flow[e]) cout << " " << g.id(g.tail(e)) << "--" << length[e] << "->" << g.id(g.head(e)) << endl; return 0; }