// -*- c++ -*- #ifndef HUGO_MAP_ITERATOR_H #define HUGO_MAP_ITERATOR_H #include #include ///\ingroup graphmaps ///\file ///\brief Iterators on the maps. namespace hugo { /// \addtogroup graphmaps /// @{ /** The base class all of the map iterators. * The class defines the typedefs of the iterators, * simple step functions and equality operators. */ template class MapIteratorBase { public: /// The key type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::KeyType KeyType; /// The iterator to iterate on the keys. typedef typename Map::KeyIt KeyIt; /// The value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ValueType ValueType; /// The reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ReferenceType ReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::PointerType PointerType; /// The const value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstValueType ConstValueType; /// The const reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstReferenceType ConstReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstPointerType ConstPointerType; protected: KeyIt it; /// Default constructor. MapIteratorBase() {} /// KeyIt initialized MapIteratorBase constructor. MapIteratorBase(const KeyIt pit) : it(pit) {} public: /// Stepping forward in the map. void increment() { ++it; } /// The equality operator of the map. bool operator==(const MapIteratorBase& pit) const { return pit.it == it; } /// The not-equality operator of the map. bool operator!=(const MapIteratorBase& pit) const { return !(*this == pit); } }; template class MapConstIterator; /** Compatible iterator with the stl maps' iterators. * It iterates on pairs of a key and a value. */ template class MapIterator : public MapIteratorBase { friend class MapConstIterator; public: /// The iterator base class. typedef MapIteratorBase Base; /// The key type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::KeyType KeyType; /// The iterator to iterate on the keys. typedef typename Map::KeyIt KeyIt; /// The value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ValueType ValueType; /// The reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ReferenceType ReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::PointerType PointerType; /// The const value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstValueType ConstValueType; /// The const reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstReferenceType ConstReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstPointerType ConstPointerType; public: /// The value type of the iterator. typedef extended_pair PairValueType; /// The reference type of the iterator. typedef extended_pair PairReferenceType; /// Default constructor. MapIterator() {} /// Constructor to initalize the iterators returned /// by the begin() and end(). MapIterator(Map& pmap, const KeyIt& pit) : Base(pit), map(&pmap) {} /// Dereference operator for the iterator. PairReferenceType operator*() { return PairReferenceType(Base::it, (*map)[Base::it]); } /// The pointer type of the iterator. class PairPointerType { friend class MapIterator; private: PairReferenceType data; PairPointerType(const KeyType& key, ReferenceType val) : data(key, val) {} public: PairReferenceType* operator->() {return &data;} }; /// Arrow operator for the iterator. PairPointerType operator->() { return PairPointerType(Base::it, ((*map)[Base::it])); } /// The pre increment operator of the iterator. MapIterator& operator++() { Base::increment(); return *this; } /// The post increment operator of the iterator. MapIterator operator++(int) { MapIterator tmp(*this); Base::increment(); return tmp; } private: Map* map; public: // STL compatibility typedefs. typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef int difference_type; typedef PairValueType value_type; typedef PairReferenceType reference; typedef PairPointerType pointer; }; /** Compatible iterator with the stl maps' iterators. * It iterates on pairs of a key and a value. */ template class MapConstIterator : public MapIteratorBase { public: /// The iterator base class. typedef MapIteratorBase Base; /// The key type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::KeyType KeyType; /// The iterator to iterate on the keys. typedef typename Map::KeyIt KeyIt; /// The value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ValueType ValueType; /// The reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ReferenceType ReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::PointerType PointerType; /// The const value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstValueType ConstValueType; /// The const reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstReferenceType ConstReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstPointerType ConstPointerType; public: /// Default constructor. MapConstIterator() {} /// Constructor to initalize the the iterators returned /// by the begin() and end(). MapConstIterator(const Map& pmap, const KeyIt& pit) : Base(pit), map(&pmap) {} /// Constructor to create const iterator from a non const. MapConstIterator(const MapIterator& pit) { Base::it = pit.Base::it; map = pit.map; } /// The value type of the iterator. typedef extended_pair PairValueType; /// The reference type of map. typedef extended_pair PairReferenceType; /// Dereference operator for the iterator. PairReferenceType operator*() { return PairReferenceType(Base::it, (*map)[Base::it]); } /// The pointer type of the iterator. class PairPointerType { friend class MapConstIterator; private: PairReferenceType data; PairPointerType(const KeyType& key, ConstReferenceType val) : data(key, val) {} public: PairReferenceType* operator->() {return &data;} }; /// Arrow operator for the iterator. PairPointerType operator->() { return PairPointerType(Base::it, (*map)[Base::it]); } /// The pre increment operator of the iterator. MapConstIterator& operator++() { Base::increment(); return *this; } /// The post increment operator of the iterator. MapConstIterator operator++(int) { MapConstIterator tmp(*this); Base::increment(); return tmp; } private: const Map* map; public: // STL compatibility typedefs. typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef int difference_type; typedef PairValueType value_type; typedef PairReferenceType reference; typedef PairPointerType pointer; }; /** The class makes the KeyIt to an stl compatible iterator * with dereferencing operator. */ template class MapKeyIterator : public MapIteratorBase { public: /// The iterator base class. typedef MapIteratorBase Base; /// The key type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::KeyType KeyType; /// The iterator to iterate on the keys. typedef typename Map::KeyIt KeyIt; public: /// Default constructor. MapKeyIterator() {} /// KeyIt initialized iterator. MapKeyIterator(const KeyIt& pit) : Base(pit) {} /// The pre increment operator of the iterator. MapKeyIterator& operator++() { Base::increment(); return *this; } /// The post increment operator of the iterator. MapKeyIterator operator++(int) { MapKeyIterator tmp(*this); Base::increment(); return tmp; } /// The dereferencing operator of the iterator. KeyType operator*() const { return static_cast(Base::it); } public: // STL compatibility typedefs. typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef int difference_type; typedef KeyType value_type; typedef const KeyType& reference; typedef const KeyType* pointer; }; template class MapConstValueIterator; /** MapValueIterator creates an stl compatible iterator * for the values. */ template class MapValueIterator : public MapIteratorBase { friend class MapConstValueIterator; public: /// The iterator base class. typedef MapIteratorBase Base; /// The key type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::KeyType KeyType; /// The iterator to iterate on the keys. typedef typename Map::KeyIt KeyIt; /// The value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ValueType ValueType; /// The reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ReferenceType ReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::PointerType PointerType; /// The const value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstValueType ConstValueType; /// The const reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstReferenceType ConstReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstPointerType ConstPointerType; private: Map* map; public: /// Default constructor. MapValueIterator() {} /// Map and KeyIt initialized iterator. MapValueIterator(Map& pmap, const KeyIt& pit) : Base(pit), map(&pmap) {} /// The pre increment operator of the iterator. MapValueIterator& operator++() { Base::increment(); return *this; } /// The post increment operator of the iterator. MapValueIterator operator++(int) { MapValueIterator tmp(*this); Base::increment(); return tmp; } /// The dereferencing operator of the iterator. ReferenceType operator*() const { return (*map)[Base::it]; } /// The arrow operator of the iterator. PointerType operator->() const { return &(operator*()); } public: // STL compatibility typedefs. typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef int difference_type; typedef ValueType value_type; typedef ReferenceType reference; typedef PointerType pointer; }; /** MapValueIterator creates an stl compatible iterator * for the const values. */ template class MapConstValueIterator : public MapIteratorBase { public: /// The iterator base class. typedef MapIteratorBase Base; /// The key type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::KeyType KeyType; /// The iterator to iterate on the keys. typedef typename Map::KeyIt KeyIt; /// The value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ValueType ValueType; /// The reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ReferenceType ReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::PointerType PointerType; /// The const value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstValueType ConstValueType; /// The const reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstReferenceType ConstReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstPointerType ConstPointerType; private: const Map* map; public: /// Default constructor. MapConstValueIterator() {} /// Constructor to create const iterator from a non const. MapConstValueIterator(const MapValueIterator& pit) { Base::it = pit.Base::it; map = pit.map; } /// Map and KeyIt initialized iterator. MapConstValueIterator(const Map& pmap, const KeyIt& pit) : Base(pit), map(&pmap) {} /// The pre increment operator of the iterator. MapConstValueIterator& operator++() { Base::increment(); return *this; } /// The post increment operator of the iterator. MapConstValueIterator operator++(int) { MapConstValueIterator tmp(*this); Base::increment(); return tmp; } /// The dereferencing operator of the iterator. ConstReferenceType operator*() const { return (*map)[Base::it]; } /// The arrow operator of the iterator. ConstPointerType operator->() const { return &(operator*()); } public: // STL compatibility typedefs. typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef int difference_type; typedef ValueType value_type; typedef ConstReferenceType reference; typedef ConstPointerType pointer; }; /** This class makes from a map an iteratable set * which contains all the keys of the map. */ template class MapConstKeySet { const Map* map; public: /// The key type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::KeyType KeyType; /// The iterator to iterate on the keys. typedef typename Map::KeyIt KeyIt; /// The value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ValueType ValueType; /// The reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ReferenceType ReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::PointerType PointerType; /// The const value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstValueType ConstValueType; /// The const reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstReferenceType ConstReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstPointerType ConstPointerType; /// The map initialized const key set. MapConstKeySet(const Map& pmap) : map(&pmap) {} /// The const iterator of the set. typedef MapKeyIterator ConstIterator; /// It gives back the const iterator pointed to the first element. ConstIterator begin() const { return ConstIterator(KeyIt(*map->getGraph())); } /// It gives back the const iterator pointed to the first ivalid element. ConstIterator end() const { return ConstIterator(KeyIt(INVALID)); } public: // STL compatibility typedefs. typedef ValueType value_type; typedef ConstIterator const_iterator; typedef ConstReferenceType const_reference; typedef ConstPointerType const_pointer; typedef int difference_type; }; /** This class makes from a map an iteratable set * which contains all the values of the map. * The values cannot be modified. */ template class MapConstValueSet { const Map* map; public: /// The key type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::KeyType KeyType; /// The iterator to iterate on the keys. typedef typename Map::KeyIt KeyIt; /// The value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ValueType ValueType; /// The reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ReferenceType ReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::PointerType PointerType; /// The const value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstValueType ConstValueType; /// The const reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstReferenceType ConstReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstPointerType ConstPointerType; /// The map initialized const value set. MapConstValueSet(const Map& pmap) : map(&pmap) {} /// The const iterator of the set. typedef MapConstValueIterator ConstIterator; /// It gives back the const iterator pointed to the first element. ConstIterator begin() const { return ConstIterator(*map, KeyIt(*map->getGraph())); } /// It gives back the const iterator pointed to the first invalid element. ConstIterator end() const { return ConstIterator(*map, KeyIt(INVALID)); } public: // STL compatibility typedefs. typedef ValueType value_type; typedef ConstIterator const_iterator; typedef ConstReferenceType const_reference; typedef ConstPointerType const_pointer; typedef int difference_type; }; /** This class makes from a map an iteratable set * which contains all the values of the map. * The values can be modified. */ template class MapValueSet { Map* map; public: /// The key type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::KeyType KeyType; /// The iterator to iterate on the keys. typedef typename Map::KeyIt KeyIt; /// The value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ValueType ValueType; /// The reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ReferenceType ReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::PointerType PointerType; /// The const value type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstValueType ConstValueType; /// The const reference type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstReferenceType ConstReferenceType; /// The pointer type of the iterator. typedef typename Map::ConstPointerType ConstPointerType; /// The map initialized value set. MapValueSet(Map& pmap) : map(&pmap) {} /// The const iterator of the set. typedef MapConstValueIterator ConstIterator; /// It gives back the const iterator pointed to the first element. ConstIterator begin() const { return ConstIterator(*map, KeyIt(*map->getGraph())); } /// It gives back the const iterator pointed to the first invalid element. ConstIterator end() const { return ConstIterator(*map, KeyIt(INVALID)); } /// The iterator of the set. typedef MapValueIterator Iterator; /// It gives back the iterator pointed to the first element. Iterator begin() { return Iterator(*map, KeyIt(*map->getGraph())); } /// It gives back the iterator pointed to the first invalid element. Iterator end() { return Iterator(*map, KeyIt(INVALID)); } public: // STL compatibility typedefs. typedef ValueType value_type; typedef Iterator iterator; typedef ConstIterator const_iterator; typedef ReferenceType reference; typedef ConstReferenceType const_reference; typedef PointerType pointer; typedef ConstPointerType const_pointer; typedef int difference_type; }; /// @} } #endif