// -*- c++ -*- #ifndef HUGO_DIMACS_H #define HUGO_DIMACS_H #include #include #include /// \file /// \brief Dimacs file format reader. namespace hugo { /// Dimacs flow file format reader function. /// This function reads a flow instance from dimacs flow format. /// At the beginning \c g is cleared by \c g.clear(). /// If the data coming from \c is is a max flow problem instance, then /// \c s and \c t will be respectively the source and target nodes /// and \c capacity will contain the edge capacities. /// If the data is a shortest path problem instance then \c s will be the /// source node and \c capacity will contain the edge lengths. /// ///\author Marton Makai template void readDimacsMaxFlow(std::istream& is, Graph &g, typename Graph::Node &s, typename Graph::Node &t, CapacityMap& capacity) { g.clear(); int cap; char d; std::string problem; char c; int i, j; std::string str; int n, m; typename Graph::Edge e; std::vector nodes; while (is>>c) { switch (c) { case 'c': //comment getline(is, str); break; case 'p': //problem definition is >> problem >> n >> m; getline(is, str); nodes.resize(n+1); for (int k=1; k<=n; ++k) nodes[k]=g.addNode(); break; case 'n': //node definition if (problem=="sp") { //shortest path problem is >> i; getline(is, str); s=nodes[i]; } if (problem=="max") { //max flow problem is >> i >> d; getline(is, str); if (d=='s') s=nodes[i]; if (d=='t') t=nodes[i]; } break; case 'a': is >> i >> j >> cap; getline(is, str); e=g.addEdge(nodes[i], nodes[j]); capacity.update(); capacity.set(e, cap); break; } } } } //namespace hugo #endif //HUGO_DIMACS_H