#include #include #include #include #include #include"test_tools.h" /** \file This test makes consistency checks of list graph structures. G.addNode(), G.addEdge(), G.tail(), G.head() \todo Checks for empty graphs and isolated points. \todo Checks for Node->NodeIt, Edge->{EdgeIt,InEdgeIt,OutEdgeIt} conversion. */ using namespace hugo; using namespace hugo::skeleton; template void checkCompileStaticGraph(Graph &G) { typedef typename Graph::Node Node; typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt; typedef typename Graph::Edge Edge; typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt; typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt; typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt; { Node i; Node j(i); Node k(INVALID); i=j; // bool b=G.valid(i); b=b; bool b; b=b; b=(i==INVALID); b=(i!=INVALID); b=(i==j); b=(i!=j); b=(iNodeIt conversion NodeIt ni(G,n); } { Edge i; Edge j(i); Edge k(INVALID); i=j; // bool b=G.valid(i); b=b; bool b; b=b; b=(i==INVALID); b=(i!=INVALID); b=(i==j); b=(i!=j); b=(iEdgeIt conversion EdgeIt ei(G,e); } { Node n; InEdgeIt i; InEdgeIt j(i); InEdgeIt k(INVALID); InEdgeIt l(G,n); i=j; j=G.first(i,n); j=++i; // bool b=G.valid(i); b=b; bool b; b=b; b=(i==INVALID); b=(i!=INVALID); Edge e(i); e=i; b=(i==j); b=(i!=j); b=(iInEdgeIt conversion InEdgeIt ei(G,e); } { Node n; OutEdgeIt i; OutEdgeIt j(i); OutEdgeIt k(INVALID); OutEdgeIt l(G,n); i=j; j=G.first(i,n); j=++i; // bool b=G.valid(i); b=b; bool b; b=b; b=(i==INVALID); b=(i!=INVALID); Edge e(i); e=i; b=(i==j); b=(i!=j); b=(iOutEdgeIt conversion OutEdgeIt ei(G,e); } { Node n,m; n=m=INVALID; Edge e; e=INVALID; n=G.tail(e); n=G.head(e); } // id tests { Node n; int i=G.id(n); i=i; } { Edge e; int i=G.id(e); i=i; } //NodeMap tests { Node k; typename Graph::template NodeMap m(G); //Const map typename Graph::template NodeMap const &cm = m; //Inicialize with default value typename Graph::template NodeMap mdef(G,12); //Copy typename Graph::template NodeMap mm(cm); //Copy from another type typename Graph::template NodeMap dm(cm); int v; v=m[k]; m[k]=v; m.set(k,v); v=cm[k]; m=cm; dm=cm; //Copy from another type } { //bool NodeMap Node k; typename Graph::template NodeMap m(G); typename Graph::template NodeMap const &cm = m; //Const map //Inicialize with default value typename Graph::template NodeMap mdef(G,12); typename Graph::template NodeMap mm(cm); //Copy typename Graph::template NodeMap dm(cm); //Copy from another type bool v; v=m[k]; m[k]=v; m.set(k,v); v=cm[k]; m=cm; dm=cm; //Copy from another type m=dm; //Copy to another type } //EdgeMap tests { Edge k; typename Graph::template EdgeMap m(G); typename Graph::template EdgeMap const &cm = m; //Const map //Inicialize with default value typename Graph::template EdgeMap mdef(G,12); typename Graph::template EdgeMap mm(cm); //Copy typename Graph::template EdgeMap dm(cm); //Copy from another type int v; v=m[k]; m[k]=v; m.set(k,v); v=cm[k]; m=cm; dm=cm; //Copy from another type } { //bool EdgeMap Edge k; typename Graph::template EdgeMap m(G); typename Graph::template EdgeMap const &cm = m; //Const map //Inicialize with default value typename Graph::template EdgeMap mdef(G,12); typename Graph::template EdgeMap mm(cm); //Copy typename Graph::template EdgeMap dm(cm); //Copy from another type bool v; v=m[k]; m[k]=v; m.set(k,v); v=cm[k]; m=cm; dm=cm; //Copy from another type m=dm; //Copy to another type } } template void checkCompile(Graph &G) { checkCompileStaticGraph(G); typedef typename Graph::Node Node; typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt; typedef typename Graph::Edge Edge; typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt; typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt; typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt; Node n,m; n=G.addNode(); m=G.addNode(); Edge e; e=G.addEdge(n,m); // G.clear(); } template void checkCompileErase(Graph &G) { typedef typename Graph::Node Node; typedef typename Graph::Edge Edge; Node n; Edge e; G.erase(n); G.erase(e); } template void checkCompileEraseEdge(Graph &G) { typedef typename Graph::Edge Edge; Edge e; G.erase(e); } template void checkCompileFindEdge(Graph &G) { typedef typename Graph::NodeIt Node; typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt; G.findEdge(NodeIt(G),++NodeIt(G),G.findEdge(NodeIt(G),++NodeIt(G))); G.findEdge(Node(),Node(),G.findEdge(Node(),Node())); } template void checkNodeList(Graph &G, int nn) { typename Graph::NodeIt n(G); for(int i=0;i void checkEdgeList(Graph &G, int nn) { typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt; EdgeIt e(G); for(int i=0;i void checkOutEdgeList(Graph &G, typename Graph::Node n, int nn) { typename Graph::OutEdgeIt e(G,n); for(int i=0;i void checkInEdgeList(Graph &G, typename Graph::Node n, int nn) { typename Graph::InEdgeIt e(G,n); for(int i=0;i void bidirPetersen(Graph &G) { typedef typename Graph::Edge Edge; typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt; checkEdgeList(G,15); std::vector ee; for(EdgeIt e(G);e!=INVALID;++e) ee.push_back(e); for(typename std::vector::iterator p=ee.begin();p!=ee.end();p++) G.addEdge(G.head(*p),G.tail(*p)); } template void checkPetersen(Graph &G) { typedef typename Graph::Node Node; typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt; typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt; checkNodeList(G,10); checkEdgeList(G,30); for(NodeIt n(G);n!=INVALID;++n) { checkInEdgeList(G,n,3); checkOutEdgeList(G,n,3); ++n; } } //Compile GraphSkeleton template void checkCompileStaticGraph(StaticGraphSkeleton &); template void checkCompile(GraphSkeleton &); template void checkCompileErase(EraseableGraphSkeleton &); //Compile SmartGraph template void checkCompile(SmartGraph &); //Compile SymSmartGraph template void checkCompile(SymSmartGraph &); //Compile ListGraph template void checkCompile(ListGraph &); template void checkCompileErase(ListGraph &); template void checkCompileFindEdge(ListGraph &); //Compile SymListGraph template void checkCompile(SymListGraph &); template void checkCompileErase(SymListGraph &); template void checkCompileFindEdge(SymListGraph &); //Compile FullGraph template void checkCompileStaticGraph(FullGraph &); template void checkCompileFindEdge(FullGraph &); //Compile EdgeSet template void checkCompile >(EdgeSet &); template void checkCompileEraseEdge >(EdgeSet &); template void checkCompileFindEdge >(EdgeSet &); //Compile EdgeSet template void checkCompile >(EdgeSet &); template void checkCompileEraseEdge >(EdgeSet &); template void checkCompileFindEdge >(EdgeSet &); int main() { { SmartGraph G; addPetersen(G); bidirPetersen(G); checkPetersen(G); } { ListGraph G; addPetersen(G); bidirPetersen(G); checkPetersen(G); } { SymSmartGraph G; addPetersen(G); checkPetersen(G); } { SymListGraph G; addPetersen(G); checkPetersen(G); } ///\file ///\todo map tests. ///\todo copy constr tests. std::cout << __FILE__ ": All tests passed.\n"; return 0; }