// -*- mode:C++ -*- #include #include #include #include using namespace lemon; struct _BFS_DEFAULT_VIS {}; struct _BFS_CUSTOM_VIS {}; class _Bfs_Traits { typedef ListGraph Graph; } template class _Bfs { public: typedef typename T::Graph Graph; typedef typename T::Reached Reached; typedef typename T::PredNode PredNode; typedef typename T::PredEdge PredEdge; typedef typename T::Priority Priority; typedef typename T::DefaultReachedTag DefaultReachedTag; typedef typename Graph::Node Node; typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt; const Graph &_graph; Node _source; Reached *_visited; PredNode _predNode; PredEdge _predEdge; Priority _priority; _Bfs(const Graph &g, Node s, Reached *v, PredNode &pn, PredEdge &pe, Priority &pr) :_graph(g), _source(s), _visited(v), _predNode(pn), _predEdge(pe), _priority(pr) { } int run(const _Bfs_CUSTOM_VIS &) { using namespace std; int N=_graph.nodeNum(); vector Q(N); int Qh=0; int Qt=0; for(typename Graph::NodeIt n(_graph);n!=INVALID;++n) _visited->set(n,false); Q[Qh++]=_source; _visited->set(_source,true); do { Node m; Node n=Q[Qt++]; for(OutEdgeIt e(_graph,n);e!=INVALID;++e) if(!(*_visited)[m=_graph.target(e)]) { Q[Qh++]=m; _visited->set(m,true); _predNode.set(m,n); _predEdge.set(m,e); } } while(Qt!=Qh); return 1; //Why return 1? } int run(const _BFS_DEFAULT_VIS &) { _visited= new Reached(_graph); int r = run(_BFS_CUSTOM_VIS()); delete _visited; return r; } int run() { return run(DefaultReachedTag());} template _Bfs setVisitMap(T &t) { return _Bfs (_graph,_source,&t,_predNode,_predEdge,_priority); } template _Bfs setPredNodeMap(T &t) { return _BFS (_graph,_source, _visited, t,_predEdge,_priority); } template _BFS setPredEdgeMap(T &t) { return _BFS (_graph,_source, _visited, _predNode,t,_priority); } _Bfs setNothing() { return _Bfs (_graph,_source, _visited, _predNode,_predEdge,_priority); } }; template _Bfs, _BFS_DEFAULT_VIS, NullMap, NullMap, NullMap > bfs(const G &g,typename G::Node s) { // typename G::template NodeMap v(g); return _Bfs < G, typename G::template NodeMap, _BFS_DEFAULT_VIS, NullMap, NullMap, NullMap > (g,s, (typename G::template NodeMap*)(NULL), *((NullMap*)(NULL)), *((NullMap *)(NULL)), *((NullMap *)(NULL)) ); } class MyReachedMap : public SmartGraph::NodeMap { const SmartGraph &_G; public: MyReachedMap(const SmartGraph &G) : SmartGraph::NodeMap(G), _G(G) {} void set(SmartGraph::Node n,bool b) { SmartGraph::NodeMap::set(n,b); if(b) std::cout << _G.id(n) << std::endl; } }; int main() { SmartGraph G; SmartGraph::Node s=G.addNode(); SmartGraph::Node n1=G.addNode(); SmartGraph::Node n2=G.addNode(); SmartGraph::Node n3=G.addNode(); SmartGraph::Node n4=G.addNode(); SmartGraph::Node n5=G.addNode(); SmartGraph::Node n6=G.addNode(); SmartGraph::Node n7=G.addNode(); G.addEdge(s,n1);G.addEdge(s,n3);G.addEdge(n1,n2);G.addEdge(n1,n3); G.addEdge(s,n4);G.addEdge(n4,n7);G.addEdge(n7,n6);G.addEdge(n4,n5); G.addEdge(n7,n2);G.addEdge(n6,n3);G.addEdge(n4,s);G.addEdge(n1,s); SmartGraph::NodeMap m(G); SmartGraph::NodeMap em(G); MyReachedMap vm(G); //Runs BFS on graph 'G' from node 's'. //(It practically does nothing, for it throws away its result.) bfs(G,s).run(); //Runs BFS on graph 'G' from node 's'. Puts the predessor nodes to 'm'. bfs(G,s).setPredNodeMap(m).run(); //Runs BFS on graph 'G' from node 's'. //Puts the predessor nodes to 'm' and the edges of the bfs tree to 'em'. bfs(G,s).setPredNodeMap(m).setPredEdgeMap(em).run(); //Runs BFS on graph 'G' from node 's'. //It uses a scpecial 'visited map' that prints out the reached nodes. bfs(G,s).setVisitMap(vm).run(); }