#include #include #include #include #include using namespace lemon; int main(int, char **) { typedef SmartGraph Graph; typedef Graph::Node Node; typedef Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt; Graph G; Node s, t; Graph::EdgeMap cap(G); readDimacsMaxFlow(std::cin, G, s, t, cap); Timer ts; bool error=false; std::cout << "\n Testing preflow.h on a graph with " << G.nodeNum() << " nodes and " << G.edgeNum() << " edges..." << std::endl; Graph::EdgeMap flow(G,0); Preflow preflow_test(G, s, t, cap, flow); std::cout << "\nCalling run() (flow must be constant zero)..."< mincut(G); preflow_test.minMinCut(mincut); int min_min_cut_value=0; Graph::NodeMap cut(G); preflow_test.minCut(cut); int min_cut_value=0; Graph::NodeMap maxcut(G); preflow_test.maxMinCut(maxcut); int max_min_cut_value=0; EdgeIt e; for(G.first(e); G.valid(e); G.next(e)) { int c=cap[e]; if (mincut[G.tail(e)] && !mincut[G.head(e)]) min_min_cut_value+=c; if (cut[G.tail(e)] && !cut[G.head(e)]) min_cut_value+=c; if (maxcut[G.tail(e)] && !maxcut[G.head(e)]) max_min_cut_value+=c; } std::cout << "\nChecking the result: " < preflow_test2(G, s, t, cap, flow); std::cout << "\n\nCalling preflow(GEN_FLOW) with the given maximum flow..."< mincut2(G); preflow_test.minMinCut(mincut2); int min_min_cut2_value=0; Graph::NodeMap cut2(G); preflow_test.minCut(cut2); int min_cut2_value=0; Graph::NodeMap maxcut2(G); preflow_test.maxMinCut(maxcut2); int max_min_cut2_value=0; for(G.first(e); G.valid(e); G.next(e)) { int c=cap[e]; if (mincut2[G.tail(e)] && !mincut2[G.head(e)]) min_min_cut2_value+=c; if (cut2[G.tail(e)] && !cut2[G.head(e)]) min_cut2_value+=c; if (maxcut2[G.tail(e)] && !maxcut2[G.head(e)]) max_min_cut2_value+=c; } std::cout << "\nThe given flow value is " << preflow_test2.flowValue(); if ( preflow_test2.flowValue() == min_cut2_value && min_cut2_value == min_min_cut2_value && min_min_cut2_value == max_min_cut2_value ) std::cout <<", which is equal to all three min cut values." < flow3(G,0); Preflow preflow_test3(G, s, t, cap, flow3); std::cout << "\n\nCalling preflowPhase0(PREFLOW) on the constant zero flow..."< actcut3(G); std::cout << "\nCalling actMinCut()..."< mincut3(G); preflow_test.minMinCut(mincut3); int min_min_cut3_value=0; Graph::NodeMap cut3(G); preflow_test.minCut(cut3); int min_cut3_value=0; Graph::NodeMap maxcut3(G); preflow_test.maxMinCut(maxcut3); int max_min_cut3_value=0; for(G.first(e); G.valid(e); G.next(e)) { int c=cap[e]; if (mincut3[G.tail(e)] && !mincut3[G.head(e)]) min_min_cut3_value+=c; if (cut3[G.tail(e)] && !cut3[G.head(e)]) min_cut3_value+=c; if (maxcut3[G.tail(e)] && !maxcut3[G.head(e)]) max_min_cut3_value+=c; if (actcut3[G.tail(e)] && !actcut3[G.head(e)]) act_min_cut3_value+=c; } std::cout << "\nThe min cut value given by actMinCut() after phase 0 is "<< act_min_cut3_value; if ( preflow_test3.flowValue() == min_cut3_value && min_cut3_value == min_min_cut3_value && min_min_cut3_value == max_min_cut3_value && max_min_cut3_value == act_min_cut3_value ) { std::cout << ", which is equal to the given flow value and to all three min cut values after phase 1." < flow4(G,0); Preflow preflow_test4(G, s, t, cap, flow4); std::cout << "\n\nCalling preflow(PREFLOW) with the constant 0 flow, the result is f..." < mincut4(G); preflow_test4.minMinCut(mincut4); int min_min_cut4_value=0; Graph::NodeMap cut4(G); preflow_test4.minCut(cut4); int min_cut4_value=0; Graph::NodeMap maxcut4(G); preflow_test4.maxMinCut(maxcut4); int max_min_cut4_value=0; for(G.first(e); G.valid(e); G.next(e)) { int c=cap[e]; if (mincut4[G.tail(e)] && !mincut4[G.head(e)]) min_min_cut4_value+=c; if (cut4[G.tail(e)] && !cut4[G.head(e)]) min_cut4_value+=c; if (maxcut4[G.tail(e)] && !maxcut4[G.head(e)]) max_min_cut4_value+=c; } std::cout << "\nThe given flow value is " << preflow_test4.flowValue(); if ( preflow_test4.flowValue() == min_cut4_value && min_cut4_value == min_min_cut4_value && min_min_cut4_value == max_min_cut4_value ) std::cout <<", which is equal to all three min cut values." < flow5(G,0); std::cout << "Resetting the stored flow to constant zero, by calling resetFlow..." < mincut5(G); preflow_test4.minMinCut(mincut5); int min_min_cut5_value=0; Graph::NodeMap cut5(G); preflow_test4.minCut(cut5); int min_cut5_value=0; Graph::NodeMap maxcut5(G); preflow_test4.maxMinCut(maxcut5); int max_min_cut5_value=0; for(G.first(e); G.valid(e); G.next(e)) { int c=cap[e]; if (mincut5[G.tail(e)] && !mincut5[G.head(e)]) min_min_cut5_value+=c; if (cut5[G.tail(e)] && !cut5[G.head(e)]) min_cut5_value+=c; if (maxcut5[G.tail(e)] && !maxcut5[G.head(e)]) max_min_cut5_value+=c; } std::cout << "\nThe given flow value is " << preflow_test4.flowValue(); if ( preflow_test4.flowValue() == min_cut5_value && min_cut5_value == min_min_cut5_value && min_min_cut5_value == max_min_cut5_value ) std::cout <<", which is equal to all three min cut values." <