// -*- C++ -*- #ifndef HUGO_AUGMENTING_FLOW_H #define HUGO_AUGMENTING_FLOW_H #include //#include //#include #include #include #include #include #include /// \file /// \brief Maximum flow algorithms. /// \ingroup galgs namespace hugo { /// \brief A map for filtering the edge-set to those edges /// which are tight w.r.t. some node_potential map and /// edge_distance map. /// /// A node-map node_potential is said to be a potential w.r.t. /// an edge-map edge_distance /// if and only if for each edge e, node_potential[g.head(e)] /// <= edge_distance[e]+node_potential[g.tail(e)] /// (or the reverse inequality holds for each edge). /// An edge is said to be tight if this inequality holds with equality, /// and the map returns true exactly for those edges. /// To avoid rounding errors, it is recommended to use this class with exact /// types, e.g. with int. template class TightEdgeFilterMap { protected: const Graph* g; NodePotentialMap* node_potential; EdgeDistanceMap* edge_distance; public: TightEdgeFilterMap(Graph& _g, NodePotentialMap& _node_potential, EdgeDistanceMap& _edge_distance) : g(&_g), node_potential(&_node_potential), edge_distance(&_edge_distance) { } // void set(const typename Graph::Node& n, int a) { // pot->set(n, a); // } // int operator[](const typename Graph::Node& n) const { // return (*node_potential)[n]; // } bool operator[](const typename Graph::Edge& e) const { return ((*node_potential)[g->head(e)] == (*edge_distance)[e]+(*node_potential)[g->tail(e)]); } }; /// \addtogroup galgs /// @{ /// Class for augmenting path flow algorithms. /// This class provides various algorithms for finding a flow of /// maximum value in a directed graph. The \e source node, the \e /// target node, the \e capacity of the edges and the \e starting \e /// flow value of the edges should be passed to the algorithm through the /// constructor. // /// It is possible to change these quantities using the // /// functions \ref resetSource, \ref resetTarget, \ref resetCap and // /// \ref resetFlow. Before any subsequent runs of any algorithm of // /// the class \ref resetFlow should be called. /// After running an algorithm of the class, the actual flow value /// can be obtained by calling \ref flowValue(). The minimum /// value cut can be written into a \c node map of \c bools by /// calling \ref minCut. (\ref minMinCut and \ref maxMinCut writes /// the inclusionwise minimum and maximum of the minimum value /// cuts, resp.) ///\param Graph The directed graph type the algorithm runs on. ///\param Num The number type of the capacities and the flow values. ///\param CapMap The capacity map type. ///\param FlowMap The flow map type. ///\author Marton Makai template , typename FlowMap=typename Graph::template EdgeMap > class AugmentingFlow { protected: typedef typename Graph::Node Node; typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt; typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt; typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt; typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt; const Graph* g; Node s; Node t; const CapMap* capacity; FlowMap* flow; // int n; //the number of nodes of G typedef ResGraphWrapper ResGW; //typedef ExpResGraphWrapper ResGW; typedef typename ResGW::OutEdgeIt ResGWOutEdgeIt; typedef typename ResGW::Edge ResGWEdge; //typedef typename ResGW::template NodeMap ReachedMap; typedef typename Graph::template NodeMap ReachedMap; //level works as a bool map in augmenting path algorithms and is //used by bfs for storing reached information. In preflow, it //shows the levels of nodes. ReachedMap level; public: ///Indicates the property of the starting flow. ///Indicates the property of the starting flow. The meanings are as follows: ///- \c ZERO_FLOW: constant zero flow ///- \c GEN_FLOW: any flow, i.e. the sum of the in-flows equals to ///the sum of the out-flows in every node except the \e source and ///the \e target. ///- \c PRE_FLOW: any preflow, i.e. the sum of the in-flows is at ///least the sum of the out-flows in every node except the \e source. ///- \c NO_FLOW: indicates an unspecified edge map. \ref flow will be ///set to the constant zero flow in the beginning of the algorithm in this case. enum FlowEnum{ ZERO_FLOW, GEN_FLOW, PRE_FLOW, NO_FLOW }; enum StatusEnum { AFTER_NOTHING, AFTER_AUGMENTING, AFTER_FAST_AUGMENTING, AFTER_PRE_FLOW_PHASE_1, AFTER_PRE_FLOW_PHASE_2 }; /// Don not needle this flag only if necessary. StatusEnum status; int number_of_augmentations; template class TrickyReachedMap { protected: IntMap* map; int* number_of_augmentations; public: TrickyReachedMap(IntMap& _map, int& _number_of_augmentations) : map(&_map), number_of_augmentations(&_number_of_augmentations) { } void set(const Node& n, bool b) { if (b) map->set(n, *number_of_augmentations); else map->set(n, *number_of_augmentations-1); } bool operator[](const Node& n) const { return (*map)[n]==*number_of_augmentations; } }; AugmentingFlow(const Graph& _G, Node _s, Node _t, const CapMap& _capacity, FlowMap& _flow) : g(&_G), s(_s), t(_t), capacity(&_capacity), flow(&_flow), //n(_G.nodeNum()), level(_G), //excess(_G,0), status(AFTER_NOTHING), number_of_augmentations(0) { } /// Starting from a flow, this method searches for an augmenting path /// according to the Edmonds-Karp algorithm /// and augments the flow on if any. /// The return value shows if the augmentation was succesful. bool augmentOnShortestPath(); bool augmentOnShortestPath2(); /// Starting from a flow, this method searches for an augmenting blocking /// flow according to Dinits' algorithm and augments the flow on if any. /// The blocking flow is computed in a physically constructed /// residual graph of type \c Mutablegraph. /// The return value show sif the augmentation was succesful. template bool augmentOnBlockingFlow(); /// The same as \c augmentOnBlockingFlow but the /// residual graph is not constructed physically. /// The return value shows if the augmentation was succesful. bool augmentOnBlockingFlow2(); template void actMinCut(_CutMap& M) const { NodeIt v; switch (status) { case AFTER_PRE_FLOW_PHASE_1: // std::cout << "AFTER_PRE_FLOW_PHASE_1" << std::endl; // for(g->first(v); g->valid(v); g->next(v)) { // if (level[v] < n) { // M.set(v, false); // } else { // M.set(v, true); // } // } break; case AFTER_PRE_FLOW_PHASE_2: // std::cout << "AFTER_PRE_FLOW_PHASE_2" << std::endl; break; case AFTER_NOTHING: // std::cout << "AFTER_NOTHING" << std::endl; minMinCut(M); break; case AFTER_AUGMENTING: // std::cout << "AFTER_AUGMENTING" << std::endl; for(g->first(v); v!=INVALID; ++v) { if (level[v]) { M.set(v, true); } else { M.set(v, false); } } break; case AFTER_FAST_AUGMENTING: // std::cout << "AFTER_FAST_AUGMENTING" << std::endl; for(g->first(v); v!=INVALID; ++v) { if (level[v]==number_of_augmentations) { M.set(v, true); } else { M.set(v, false); } } break; } } template void minMinCut(_CutMap& M) const { std::queue queue; M.set(s,true); queue.push(s); while (!queue.empty()) { Node w=queue.front(); queue.pop(); OutEdgeIt e; for(g->first(e,w) ; e!=INVALID; ++e) { Node v=g->head(e); if (!M[v] && (*flow)[e] < (*capacity)[e] ) { queue.push(v); M.set(v, true); } } InEdgeIt f; for(g->first(f,w) ; f!=INVALID; ++f) { Node v=g->tail(f); if (!M[v] && (*flow)[f] > 0 ) { queue.push(v); M.set(v, true); } } } } template void minMinCut2(_CutMap& M) const { ResGW res_graph(*g, *capacity, *flow); BfsIterator bfs(res_graph, M); bfs.pushAndSetReached(s); while (!bfs.finished()) ++bfs; } Num flowValue() const { Num a=0; for (InEdgeIt e(*g, t); e!=INVALID; ++e) a+=(*flow)[e]; for (OutEdgeIt e(*g, t); e!=INVALID; ++e) a-=(*flow)[e]; return a; //marci figyu: excess[t] epp ezt adja preflow 1. fazisa utan } }; template bool AugmentingFlow::augmentOnShortestPath() { ResGW res_graph(*g, *capacity, *flow); bool _augment=false; //ReachedMap level(res_graph); for (typename Graph::NodeIt n(*g); n!=INVALID; ++n) level.set(n, 0); BfsIterator bfs(res_graph, level); bfs.pushAndSetReached(s); typename ResGW::template NodeMap pred(res_graph); pred.set(s, INVALID); typename ResGW::template NodeMap free(res_graph); //searching for augmenting path while ( !bfs.finished() ) { ResGWEdge e=bfs; if (e!=INVALID && bfs.isBNodeNewlyReached()) { Node v=res_graph.tail(e); Node w=res_graph.head(e); pred.set(w, e); if (pred[v]!=INVALID) { free.set(w, std::min(free[v], res_graph.resCap(e))); } else { free.set(w, res_graph.resCap(e)); } if (res_graph.head(e)==t) { _augment=true; break; } } ++bfs; } //end of searching augmenting path if (_augment) { Node n=t; Num augment_value=free[t]; while (pred[n]!=INVALID) { ResGWEdge e=pred[n]; res_graph.augment(e, augment_value); n=res_graph.tail(e); } } status=AFTER_AUGMENTING; return _augment; } template bool AugmentingFlow::augmentOnShortestPath2() { ResGW res_graph(*g, *capacity, *flow); bool _augment=false; if (status!=AFTER_FAST_AUGMENTING) { for (typename Graph::NodeIt n(*g); n!=INVALID; ++n) level.set(n, 0); number_of_augmentations=1; } else { ++number_of_augmentations; } TrickyReachedMap tricky_reached_map(level, number_of_augmentations); //ReachedMap level(res_graph); // FOR_EACH_LOC(typename Graph::NodeIt, e, *g) level.set(e, 0); BfsIterator > bfs(res_graph, tricky_reached_map); bfs.pushAndSetReached(s); typename ResGW::template NodeMap pred(res_graph); pred.set(s, INVALID); typename ResGW::template NodeMap free(res_graph); //searching for augmenting path while ( !bfs.finished() ) { ResGWEdge e=bfs; if (e!=INVALID && bfs.isBNodeNewlyReached()) { Node v=res_graph.tail(e); Node w=res_graph.head(e); pred.set(w, e); if (pred[v]!=INVALID) { free.set(w, std::min(free[v], res_graph.resCap(e))); } else { free.set(w, res_graph.resCap(e)); } if (res_graph.head(e)==t) { _augment=true; break; } } ++bfs; } //end of searching augmenting path if (_augment) { Node n=t; Num augment_value=free[t]; while (pred[n]!=INVALID) { ResGWEdge e=pred[n]; res_graph.augment(e, augment_value); n=res_graph.tail(e); } } status=AFTER_FAST_AUGMENTING; return _augment; } template template bool AugmentingFlow::augmentOnBlockingFlow() { typedef MutableGraph MG; bool _augment=false; ResGW res_graph(*g, *capacity, *flow); //bfs for distances on the residual graph //ReachedMap level(res_graph); for (typename Graph::NodeIt n(*g); n!=INVALID; ++n) level.set(n, 0); BfsIterator bfs(res_graph, level); bfs.pushAndSetReached(s); typename ResGW::template NodeMap dist(res_graph); //filled up with 0's //F will contain the physical copy of the residual graph //with the set of edges which are on shortest paths MG F; typename ResGW::template NodeMap res_graph_to_F(res_graph); { typename ResGW::NodeIt n; for(res_graph.first(n); n!=INVALID; ++n) res_graph_to_F.set(n, F.addNode()); } typename MG::Node sF=res_graph_to_F[s]; typename MG::Node tF=res_graph_to_F[t]; typename MG::template EdgeMap original_edge(F); typename MG::template EdgeMap residual_capacity(F); while ( !bfs.finished() ) { ResGWEdge e=bfs; if (e!=INVALID) { if (bfs.isBNodeNewlyReached()) { dist.set(res_graph.head(e), dist[res_graph.tail(e)]+1); typename MG::Edge f=F.addEdge(res_graph_to_F[res_graph.tail(e)], res_graph_to_F[res_graph.head(e)]); //original_edge.update(); original_edge.set(f, e); //residual_capacity.update(); residual_capacity.set(f, res_graph.resCap(e)); } else { if (dist[res_graph.head(e)]==(dist[res_graph.tail(e)]+1)) { typename MG::Edge f=F.addEdge(res_graph_to_F[res_graph.tail(e)], res_graph_to_F[res_graph.head(e)]); //original_edge.update(); original_edge.set(f, e); //residual_capacity.update(); residual_capacity.set(f, res_graph.resCap(e)); } } } ++bfs; } //computing distances from s in the residual graph bool __augment=true; while (__augment) { __augment=false; //computing blocking flow with dfs DfsIterator< MG, typename MG::template NodeMap > dfs(F); typename MG::template NodeMap pred(F); pred.set(sF, INVALID); //invalid iterators for sources typename MG::template NodeMap free(F); dfs.pushAndSetReached(sF); while (!dfs.finished()) { ++dfs; if (typename MG::Edge(dfs)!=INVALID) { if (dfs.isBNodeNewlyReached()) { typename MG::Node v=F.tail(dfs); typename MG::Node w=F.head(dfs); pred.set(w, dfs); if (pred[v]!=INVALID) { free.set(w, std::min(free[v], residual_capacity[dfs])); } else { free.set(w, residual_capacity[dfs]); } if (w==tF) { __augment=true; _augment=true; break; } } else { F.erase(typename MG::Edge(dfs)); } } } if (__augment) { typename MG::Node n=tF; Num augment_value=free[tF]; while (pred[n]!=INVALID) { typename MG::Edge e=pred[n]; res_graph.augment(original_edge[e], augment_value); n=F.tail(e); if (residual_capacity[e]==augment_value) F.erase(e); else residual_capacity.set(e, residual_capacity[e]-augment_value); } } } status=AFTER_AUGMENTING; return _augment; } /// Blocking flow augmentation without constructing the layered /// graph physically in which the blocking flow is computed. template bool AugmentingFlow::augmentOnBlockingFlow2() { bool _augment=false; ResGW res_graph(*g, *capacity, *flow); //Potential map, for distances from s typename ResGW::template NodeMap potential(res_graph, 0); typedef ConstMap Const1Map; Const1Map const_1_map(1); TightEdgeFilterMap, Const1Map> tight_edge_filter(res_graph, potential, const_1_map); for (typename Graph::NodeIt n(*g); n!=INVALID; ++n) level.set(n, 0); BfsIterator bfs(res_graph, level); bfs.pushAndSetReached(s); //computing distances from s in the residual graph while ( !bfs.finished() ) { ResGWEdge e=bfs; if (e!=INVALID && bfs.isBNodeNewlyReached()) potential.set(res_graph.head(e), potential[res_graph.tail(e)]+1); ++bfs; } //Subgraph containing the edges on some shortest paths //(i.e. tight edges) ConstMap true_map(true); typedef SubGraphWrapper, TightEdgeFilterMap, Const1Map> > FilterResGW; FilterResGW filter_res_graph(res_graph, true_map, tight_edge_filter); //Subgraph, which is able to delete edges which are already //met by the dfs typename FilterResGW::template NodeMap first_out_edges(filter_res_graph); for (typename FilterResGW::NodeIt v(filter_res_graph); v!=INVALID; ++v) first_out_edges.set (v, typename FilterResGW::OutEdgeIt(filter_res_graph, v)); typedef ErasingFirstGraphWrapper > ErasingResGW; ErasingResGW erasing_res_graph(filter_res_graph, first_out_edges); bool __augment=true; while (__augment) { __augment=false; //computing blocking flow with dfs DfsIterator< ErasingResGW, typename ErasingResGW::template NodeMap > dfs(erasing_res_graph); typename ErasingResGW:: template NodeMap pred(erasing_res_graph); pred.set(s, INVALID); //invalid iterators for sources typename ErasingResGW::template NodeMap free1(erasing_res_graph); dfs.pushAndSetReached /// \bug hugo 0.2 (typename ErasingResGW::Node (typename FilterResGW::Node (typename ResGW::Node(s) ) ) ); while (!dfs.finished()) { ++dfs; if (typename ErasingResGW::Edge(dfs)!=INVALID) { if (dfs.isBNodeNewlyReached()) { typename ErasingResGW::Node v=erasing_res_graph.tail(dfs); typename ErasingResGW::Node w=erasing_res_graph.head(dfs); pred.set(w, typename ErasingResGW::Edge(dfs)); if (pred[v]!=INVALID) { free1.set (w, std::min(free1[v], res_graph.resCap (typename ErasingResGW::Edge(dfs)))); } else { free1.set (w, res_graph.resCap (typename ErasingResGW::Edge(dfs))); } if (w==t) { __augment=true; _augment=true; break; } } else { erasing_res_graph.erase(dfs); } } } if (__augment) { typename ErasingResGW::Node n=typename FilterResGW::Node(typename ResGW::Node(t)); Num augment_value=free1[n]; while (pred[n]!=INVALID) { typename ErasingResGW::Edge e=pred[n]; res_graph.augment(e, augment_value); n=erasing_res_graph.tail(e); if (res_graph.resCap(e)==0) erasing_res_graph.erase(e); } } } //while (__augment) status=AFTER_AUGMENTING; return _augment; } } //namespace hugo #endif //HUGO_AUGMENTING_FLOW_H