#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace marci; int main (int, char*[]) { typedef list_graph::node_iterator node_iterator; typedef list_graph::edge_iterator edge_iterator; typedef list_graph::each_node_iterator each_node_iterator; typedef list_graph::each_edge_iterator each_edge_iterator; typedef list_graph::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator; typedef list_graph::in_edge_iterator in_edge_iterator; typedef list_graph::sym_edge_iterator sym_edge_iterator; list_graph G; std::vector vector_of_node_iterators; for(int i=0; i!=8; ++i) vector_of_node_iterators.push_back(G.add_node()); for(int i=0; i!=8; ++i) for(int j=0; j!=8; ++j) { if ((ij is arc iff i" << G.id(G.head(j)) << ") "; } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout<< " "; for(out_edge_iterator j=G.first_out_edge(i); j.valid(); ++j) { std::cout << G.a_node(j) << "->" << G.b_node(j) << " "; } std::cout<" << G.b_node(j) << " "; } std::cout<" << G.b_node(j) << " "; } std::cout< my_property_vector(G); each_node_iterator v; G.get_first(v); my_property_vector.put(v, 42); my_property_vector.put(++G.first_node(), 314); my_property_vector.put(++++G.first_node(), 1956); my_property_vector.put(vector_of_node_iterators[3], 1989); my_property_vector.put(vector_of_node_iterators[4], 2003); my_property_vector.put(vector_of_node_iterators[7], 1978); std::cout << "some node property values..." << std::endl; for(each_node_iterator i=G.first_node(); i.valid(); ++i) { std::cout << my_property_vector.get(i) << std::endl; } int _i=1; int _ii=1; edge_property_vector my_edge_property(G); for(each_edge_iterator i=G.first_edge(); i.valid(); ++i) { my_edge_property.put(i, _i); _i*=_ii; ++_ii; } std::cout << "node and edge property values on the tails and heads of edges..." << std::endl; for(each_edge_iterator j=G.first_edge(); j.valid(); ++j) { std::cout << my_property_vector.get(G.tail(j)) << "--" << my_edge_property.get(j) << "-->" << my_property_vector.get(G.head(j)) << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; //std::cout << "the same for inedges of the nodes..." << std::endl; //k=0; //for(each_node_iterator i=G.first_node(); i.valid(); ++i) { // for(in_edge_iterator j=G.first_in_edge(i); j.valid(); ++j) { // std::cout << my_property_vector.get(G.tail(j)) << "-->" << my_property_vector.get(G.head(j)) << " "; // } // std::cout << std::endl; //} std::cout << "bfs from the first node" << std::endl; bfs bfs_test(G, G.first_node()); bfs_test.run(); std::cout << "reached: "; for(each_node_iterator i=G.first_node(); i.valid(); ++i) { std::cout << bfs_test.reached.get(i) << " "; } std::cout< node_name(flow_test); node_name.put(s, "s"); node_name.put(v1, "v1"); node_name.put(v2, "v2"); node_name.put(v3, "v3"); node_name.put(v4, "v4"); node_name.put(t, "t"); edge_iterator s_v1=flow_test.add_edge(s, v1); edge_iterator s_v2=flow_test.add_edge(s, v2); edge_iterator v1_v2=flow_test.add_edge(v1, v2); edge_iterator v2_v1=flow_test.add_edge(v2, v1); edge_iterator v1_v3=flow_test.add_edge(v1, v3); edge_iterator v3_v2=flow_test.add_edge(v3, v2); edge_iterator v2_v4=flow_test.add_edge(v2, v4); edge_iterator v4_v3=flow_test.add_edge(v4, v3); edge_iterator v3_t=flow_test.add_edge(v3, t); edge_iterator v4_t=flow_test.add_edge(v4, t); edge_property_vector cap(flow_test); cap.put(s_v1, 16); cap.put(s_v2, 13); cap.put(v1_v2, 10); cap.put(v2_v1, 4); cap.put(v1_v3, 12); cap.put(v3_v2, 9); cap.put(v2_v4, 14); cap.put(v4_v3, 7); cap.put(v3_t, 20); cap.put(v4_t, 4); std::cout << "on directed graph graph" << std::endl; //<< flow_test; std::cout << "names and capacity values" << std::endl; for(each_node_iterator i=flow_test.first_node(); i.valid(); ++i) { std::cout << node_name.get(i) << ": "; std::cout << "out edges: "; for(out_edge_iterator j=flow_test.first_out_edge(i); j.valid(); ++j) std::cout << node_name.get(flow_test.tail(j)) << "-"<< cap.get(j) << "->" << node_name.get(flow_test.head(j)) << " "; std::cout << "in edges: "; for(in_edge_iterator j=flow_test.first_in_edge(i); j.valid(); ++j) std::cout << node_name.get(flow_test.tail(j)) << "-"<< cap.get(j) << "->" << node_name.get(flow_test.head(j)) << " "; std::cout << std::endl; } //for(each_node_iterator i=flow_test.first_node(); i.valid(); ++i) { // std::cout << i << " "; //} max_flow_type max_flow_test(flow_test, s, t, cap); max_flow_test.run(); return 0; }