/* glplib02.c (64-bit arithmetic) */ /*********************************************************************** * This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit). * * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, * 2009, 2010, 2011 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied Informatics, * Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights reserved. * E-mail: . * * GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GLPK. If not, see . ***********************************************************************/ #include "glpenv.h" #include "glplib.h" /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * xlset - expand integer to long integer * * SYNOPSIS * * #include "glplib.h" * glp_long xlset(int x); * * RETURNS * * The routine xlset returns x expanded to long integer. */ glp_long xlset(int x) { glp_long t; t.lo = x, t.hi = (x >= 0 ? 0 : -1); return t; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * xlneg - negate long integer * * SYNOPSIS * * #include "glplib.h" * glp_long xlneg(glp_long x); * * RETURNS * * The routine xlneg returns the difference 0 - x. */ glp_long xlneg(glp_long x) { if (x.lo) x.lo = - x.lo, x.hi = ~x.hi; else x.hi = - x.hi; return x; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * xladd - add long integers * * SYNOPSIS * * #include "glplib.h" * glp_long xladd(glp_long x, glp_long y); * * RETURNS * * The routine xladd returns the sum x + y. */ glp_long xladd(glp_long x, glp_long y) { if ((unsigned int)x.lo <= 0xFFFFFFFF - (unsigned int)y.lo) x.lo += y.lo, x.hi += y.hi; else x.lo += y.lo, x.hi += y.hi + 1; return x; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * xlsub - subtract long integers * * SYNOPSIS * * #include "glplib.h" * glp_long xlsub(glp_long x, glp_long y); * * RETURNS * * The routine xlsub returns the difference x - y. */ glp_long xlsub(glp_long x, glp_long y) { return xladd(x, xlneg(y)); } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * xlcmp - compare long integers * * SYNOPSIS * * #include "glplib.h" * int xlcmp(glp_long x, glp_long y); * * RETURNS * * The routine xlcmp returns the sign of the difference x - y. */ int xlcmp(glp_long x, glp_long y) { if (x.hi >= 0 && y.hi < 0) return +1; if (x.hi < 0 && y.hi >= 0) return -1; if ((unsigned int)x.hi < (unsigned int)y.hi) return -1; if ((unsigned int)x.hi > (unsigned int)y.hi) return +1; if ((unsigned int)x.lo < (unsigned int)y.lo) return -1; if ((unsigned int)x.lo > (unsigned int)y.lo) return +1; return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * xlmul - multiply long integers * * SYNOPSIS * * #include "glplib.h" * glp_long xlmul(glp_long x, glp_long y); * * RETURNS * * The routine xlmul returns the product x * y. */ glp_long xlmul(glp_long x, glp_long y) { unsigned short xx[8], yy[4]; xx[4] = (unsigned short)x.lo; xx[5] = (unsigned short)(x.lo >> 16); xx[6] = (unsigned short)x.hi; xx[7] = (unsigned short)(x.hi >> 16); yy[0] = (unsigned short)y.lo; yy[1] = (unsigned short)(y.lo >> 16); yy[2] = (unsigned short)y.hi; yy[3] = (unsigned short)(y.hi >> 16); bigmul(4, 4, xx, yy); x.lo = (unsigned int)xx[0] | ((unsigned int)xx[1] << 16); x.hi = (unsigned int)xx[2] | ((unsigned int)xx[3] << 16); return x; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * xldiv - divide long integers * * SYNOPSIS * * #include "glplib.h" * glp_ldiv xldiv(glp_long x, glp_long y); * * RETURNS * * The routine xldiv returns a structure of type glp_ldiv containing * members quot (the quotient) and rem (the remainder), both of type * glp_long. */ glp_ldiv xldiv(glp_long x, glp_long y) { glp_ldiv t; int m, sx, sy; unsigned short xx[8], yy[4]; /* sx := sign(x) */ sx = (x.hi < 0); /* sy := sign(y) */ sy = (y.hi < 0); /* x := |x| */ if (sx) x = xlneg(x); /* y := |y| */ if (sy) y = xlneg(y); /* compute x div y and x mod y */ xx[0] = (unsigned short)x.lo; xx[1] = (unsigned short)(x.lo >> 16); xx[2] = (unsigned short)x.hi; xx[3] = (unsigned short)(x.hi >> 16); yy[0] = (unsigned short)y.lo; yy[1] = (unsigned short)(y.lo >> 16); yy[2] = (unsigned short)y.hi; yy[3] = (unsigned short)(y.hi >> 16); if (yy[3]) m = 4; else if (yy[2]) m = 3; else if (yy[1]) m = 2; else if (yy[0]) m = 1; else xerror("xldiv: divide by zero\n"); bigdiv(4 - m, m, xx, yy); /* remainder in x[0], x[1], ..., x[m-1] */ t.rem.lo = (unsigned int)xx[0], t.rem.hi = 0; if (m >= 2) t.rem.lo |= (unsigned int)xx[1] << 16; if (m >= 3) t.rem.hi = (unsigned int)xx[2]; if (m >= 4) t.rem.hi |= (unsigned int)xx[3] << 16; if (sx) t.rem = xlneg(t.rem); /* quotient in x[m], x[m+1], ..., x[4] */ t.quot.lo = (unsigned int)xx[m], t.quot.hi = 0; if (m <= 3) t.quot.lo |= (unsigned int)xx[m+1] << 16; if (m <= 2) t.quot.hi = (unsigned int)xx[m+2]; if (m <= 1) t.quot.hi |= (unsigned int)xx[m+3] << 16; if (sx ^ sy) t.quot = xlneg(t.quot); return t; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * xltod - convert long integer to double * * SYNOPSIS * * #include "glplib.h" * double xltod(glp_long x); * * RETURNS * * The routine xltod returns x converted to double. */ double xltod(glp_long x) { double s, z; if (x.hi >= 0) s = +1.0; else s = -1.0, x = xlneg(x); if (x.hi >= 0) z = 4294967296.0 * (double)x.hi + (double)(unsigned int)x.lo; else { xassert(x.hi == 0x80000000 && x.lo == 0x00000000); z = 9223372036854775808.0; /* 2^63 */ } return s * z; } char *xltoa(glp_long x, char *s) { /* convert long integer to character string */ static const char *d = "0123456789"; glp_ldiv t; int neg, len; if (x.hi >= 0) neg = 0; else neg = 1, x = xlneg(x); if (x.hi >= 0) { len = 0; while (!(x.hi == 0 && x.lo == 0)) { t = xldiv(x, xlset(10)); xassert(0 <= t.rem.lo && t.rem.lo <= 9); s[len++] = d[t.rem.lo]; x = t.quot; } if (len == 0) s[len++] = d[0]; if (neg) s[len++] = '-'; s[len] = '\0'; strrev(s); } else strcpy(s, "-9223372036854775808"); /* -2^63 */ return s; } /**********************************************************************/ #if 0 #include "glprng.h" #define N_TEST 1000000 /* number of tests */ static glp_long myrand(RNG *rand) { glp_long x; int k; k = rng_unif_rand(rand, 4); xassert(0 <= k && k <= 3); x.lo = rng_unif_rand(rand, 65536); if (k == 1 || k == 3) { x.lo <<= 16; x.lo += rng_unif_rand(rand, 65536); } if (k <= 1) x.hi = 0; else x.hi = rng_unif_rand(rand, 65536); if (k == 3) { x.hi <<= 16; x.hi += rng_unif_rand(rand, 65536); } if (rng_unif_rand(rand, 2)) x = xlneg(x); return x; } int main(void) { RNG *rand; glp_long x, y; glp_ldiv z; int test; rand = rng_create_rand(); for (test = 1; test <= N_TEST; test++) { x = myrand(rand); y = myrand(rand); if (y.lo == 0 && y.hi == 0) y.lo = 1; /* z.quot := x div y, z.rem := x mod y */ z = xldiv(x, y); /* x must be equal to y * z.quot + z.rem */ xassert(xlcmp(x, xladd(xlmul(y, z.quot), z.rem)) == 0); } xprintf("%d tests successfully passed\n", N_TEST); rng_delete_rand(rand); return 0; } #endif /* eof */