COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

1 edited


  • lemon/bin_heap.h

    r683 r584  
    3434  ///\brief A Binary Heap implementation.
    3535  ///
    36   ///This class implements the \e binary \e heap data structure.
    37   ///
     36  ///This class implements the \e binary \e heap data structure. 
     37  /// 
    3838  ///A \e heap is a data structure for storing items with specified values
    3939  ///called \e priorities in such a way that finding the item with minimum
    40   ///priority is efficient. \c CMP specifies the ordering of the priorities.
     40  ///priority is efficient. \c Comp specifies the ordering of the priorities.
    4141  ///In a heap one can change the priority of an item, add or erase an
    4242  ///item, etc.
    4545  ///\tparam IM A read and writable item map with int values, used internally
    4646  ///to handle the cross references.
    47   ///\tparam CMP A functor class for the ordering of the priorities.
     47  ///\tparam Comp A functor class for the ordering of the priorities.
    4848  ///The default is \c std::less<PR>.
    4949  ///
    5050  ///\sa FibHeap
    5151  ///\sa Dijkstra
    52   template <typename PR, typename IM, typename CMP = std::less<PR> >
     52  template <typename PR, typename IM, typename Comp = std::less<PR> >
    5353  class BinHeap {
    6363    typedef std::pair<Item,Prio> Pair;
    6464    ///\e
    65     typedef CMP Compare;
     65    typedef Comp Compare;
    6767    /// \brief Type to represent the items states.
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