COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Changeset 825:75e6020b19b1 in lemon-main

02/12/10 11:00:20 (15 years ago)
Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…>

Add doc for the traits class parameters (#315)

12 edited


  • lemon/bellman_ford.h

    r804 r825  
    172172  /// the lengths of the arcs. The default map type is
    173173  /// \ref concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "GR::ArcMap<int>".
     174  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     175  /// algorithm. By default, it is \ref BellmanFordDefaultTraits
     176  /// "BellmanFordDefaultTraits<GR, LEN>".
     177  /// In most cases, this parameter should not be set directly,
     178  /// consider to use the named template parameters instead.
    174179#ifdef DOXYGEN
    175180  template <typename GR, typename LEN, typename TR>
    934939  /// This class should only be used through the \ref bellmanFord()
    935940  /// function, which makes it easier to use the algorithm.
     941  ///
     942  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     943  /// algorithm.
    936944  template<class TR>
    937945  class BellmanFordWizard : public TR {
  • lemon/bfs.h

    r788 r825  
    122122  ///\tparam GR The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on.
    123123  ///The default type is \ref ListDigraph.
     124  ///\tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     125  ///algorithm. By default, it is \ref BfsDefaultTraits
     126  ///"BfsDefaultTraits<GR>".
     127  ///In most cases, this parameter should not be set directly,
     128  ///consider to use the named template parameters instead.
    124129#ifdef DOXYGEN
    125130  template <typename GR,
    958963  /// This class should only be used through the \ref bfs() function,
    959964  /// which makes it easier to use the algorithm.
     965  ///
     966  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     967  /// algorithm.
    960968  template<class TR>
    961969  class BfsWizard : public TR
    12961304  /// does not observe the BFS events. If you want to observe the BFS
    12971305  /// events, you should implement your own visitor class.
    1298   /// \tparam TR Traits class to set various data types used by the
    1299   /// algorithm. The default traits class is
    1300   /// \ref BfsVisitDefaultTraits "BfsVisitDefaultTraits<GR>".
    1301   /// See \ref BfsVisitDefaultTraits for the documentation of
    1302   /// a BFS visit traits class.
     1306  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     1307  /// algorithm. By default, it is \ref BfsVisitDefaultTraits
     1308  /// "BfsVisitDefaultTraits<GR>".
     1309  /// In most cases, this parameter should not be set directly,
     1310  /// consider to use the named template parameters instead.
    13031311#ifdef DOXYGEN
    13041312  template <typename GR, typename VS, typename TR>
  • lemon/capacity_scaling.h

    r821 r825  
    7878  /// \tparam GR The digraph type the algorithm runs on.
    7979  /// \tparam V The number type used for flow amounts, capacity bounds
    80   /// and supply values in the algorithm. By default it is \c int.
     80  /// and supply values in the algorithm. By default, it is \c int.
    8181  /// \tparam C The number type used for costs and potentials in the
    82   /// algorithm. By default it is the same as \c V.
     82  /// algorithm. By default, it is the same as \c V.
     83  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     84  /// algorithm. By default, it is \ref CapacityScalingDefaultTraits
     85  /// "CapacityScalingDefaultTraits<GR, V, C>".
     86  /// In most cases, this parameter should not be set directly,
     87  /// consider to use the named template parameters instead.
    8388  ///
    8489  /// \warning Both number types must be signed and all input data must
  • lemon/circulation.h

    r786 r825  
    174174     \tparam SM The type of the supply map. The default map type is
    175175     \ref concepts::Digraph::NodeMap "GR::NodeMap<UM::Value>".
     176     \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     177     algorithm. By default, it is \ref CirculationDefaultTraits
     178     "CirculationDefaultTraits<GR, LM, UM, SM>".
     179     In most cases, this parameter should not be set directly,
     180     consider to use the named template parameters instead.
    176181  */
    177182#ifdef DOXYGEN
  • lemon/cost_scaling.h

    r821 r825  
    105105  /// \tparam GR The digraph type the algorithm runs on.
    106106  /// \tparam V The number type used for flow amounts, capacity bounds
    107   /// and supply values in the algorithm. By default it is \c int.
     107  /// and supply values in the algorithm. By default, it is \c int.
    108108  /// \tparam C The number type used for costs and potentials in the
    109   /// algorithm. By default it is the same as \c V.
     109  /// algorithm. By default, it is the same as \c V.
     110  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     111  /// algorithm. By default, it is \ref CostScalingDefaultTraits
     112  /// "CostScalingDefaultTraits<GR, V, C>".
     113  /// In most cases, this parameter should not be set directly,
     114  /// consider to use the named template parameters instead.
    110115  ///
    111116  /// \warning Both number types must be signed and all input data must
    137142    ///
    138143    /// The large cost type used for internal computations.
    139     /// Using the \ref CostScalingDefaultTraits "default traits class",
    140     /// it is \c long \c long if the \c Cost type is integer,
     144    /// By default, it is \c long \c long if the \c Cost type is integer,
    141145    /// otherwise it is \c double.
    142146    typedef typename TR::LargeCost LargeCost;
  • lemon/dfs.h

    r788 r825  
    122122  ///\tparam GR The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on.
    123123  ///The default type is \ref ListDigraph.
     124  ///\tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     125  ///algorithm. By default, it is \ref DfsDefaultTraits
     126  ///"DfsDefaultTraits<GR>".
     127  ///In most cases, this parameter should not be set directly,
     128  ///consider to use the named template parameters instead.
    124129#ifdef DOXYGEN
    125130  template <typename GR,
    888893  /// This class should only be used through the \ref dfs() function,
    889894  /// which makes it easier to use the algorithm.
     895  ///
     896  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     897  /// algorithm.
    890898  template<class TR>
    891899  class DfsWizard : public TR
    12381246  /// does not observe the DFS events. If you want to observe the DFS
    12391247  /// events, you should implement your own visitor class.
    1240   /// \tparam TR Traits class to set various data types used by the
    1241   /// algorithm. The default traits class is
    1242   /// \ref DfsVisitDefaultTraits "DfsVisitDefaultTraits<GR>".
    1243   /// See \ref DfsVisitDefaultTraits for the documentation of
    1244   /// a DFS visit traits class.
     1248  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     1249  /// algorithm. By default, it is \ref DfsVisitDefaultTraits
     1250  /// "DfsVisitDefaultTraits<GR>".
     1251  /// In most cases, this parameter should not be set directly,
     1252  /// consider to use the named template parameters instead.
    12451253#ifdef DOXYGEN
    12461254  template <typename GR, typename VS, typename TR>
  • lemon/dijkstra.h

    r788 r825  
    193193  ///it is necessary. The default map type is \ref
    194194  ///concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "GR::ArcMap<int>".
     195  ///\tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     196  ///algorithm. By default, it is \ref DijkstraDefaultTraits
     197  ///"DijkstraDefaultTraits<GR, LEN>".
     198  ///In most cases, this parameter should not be set directly,
     199  ///consider to use the named template parameters instead.
    195200#ifdef DOXYGEN
    196201  template <typename GR, typename LEN, typename TR>
    10931098  /// This class should only be used through the \ref dijkstra() function,
    10941099  /// which makes it easier to use the algorithm.
     1100  ///
     1101  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     1102  /// algorithm.
    10951103  template<class TR>
    10961104  class DijkstraWizard : public TR
  • lemon/hartmann_orlin.h

    r795 r825  
    107107  /// \tparam LEN The type of the length map. The default
    108108  /// map type is \ref concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "GR::ArcMap<int>".
     109  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     110  /// algorithm. By default, it is \ref HartmannOrlinDefaultTraits
     111  /// "HartmannOrlinDefaultTraits<GR, LEN>".
     112  /// In most cases, this parameter should not be set directly,
     113  /// consider to use the named template parameters instead.
    109114#ifdef DOXYGEN
    110115  template <typename GR, typename LEN, typename TR>
    128133    ///
    129134    /// The large value type used for internal computations.
    130     /// Using the \ref HartmannOrlinDefaultTraits "default traits class",
    131     /// it is \c long \c long if the \c Value type is integer,
     135    /// By default, it is \c long \c long if the \c Value type is integer,
    132136    /// otherwise it is \c double.
    133137    typedef typename TR::LargeValue LargeValue;
  • lemon/howard.h

    r771 r825  
    107107  /// \tparam LEN The type of the length map. The default
    108108  /// map type is \ref concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "GR::ArcMap<int>".
     109  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     110  /// algorithm. By default, it is \ref HowardDefaultTraits
     111  /// "HowardDefaultTraits<GR, LEN>".
     112  /// In most cases, this parameter should not be set directly,
     113  /// consider to use the named template parameters instead.
    109114#ifdef DOXYGEN
    110115  template <typename GR, typename LEN, typename TR>
    128133    ///
    129134    /// The large value type used for internal computations.
    130     /// Using the \ref HowardDefaultTraits "default traits class",
    131     /// it is \c long \c long if the \c Value type is integer,
     135    /// By default, it is \c long \c long if the \c Value type is integer,
    132136    /// otherwise it is \c double.
    133137    typedef typename TR::LargeValue LargeValue;
  • lemon/karp.h

    r772 r825  
    105105  /// \tparam LEN The type of the length map. The default
    106106  /// map type is \ref concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "GR::ArcMap<int>".
     107  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     108  /// algorithm. By default, it is \ref KarpDefaultTraits
     109  /// "KarpDefaultTraits<GR, LEN>".
     110  /// In most cases, this parameter should not be set directly,
     111  /// consider to use the named template parameters instead.
    107112#ifdef DOXYGEN
    108113  template <typename GR, typename LEN, typename TR>
    126131    ///
    127132    /// The large value type used for internal computations.
    128     /// Using the \ref KarpDefaultTraits "default traits class",
    129     /// it is \c long \c long if the \c Value type is integer,
     133    /// By default, it is \c long \c long if the \c Value type is integer,
    130134    /// otherwise it is \c double.
    131135    typedef typename TR::LargeValue LargeValue;
  • lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h

    r713 r825  
    113113  /// it is necessary. The default map type is \ref
    114114  /// concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "Digraph::ArcMap<int>".
    115   /// \param TR Traits class to set various data types used
    116   /// by the algorithm. The default traits class is
    117   /// \ref MinCostArborescenceDefaultTraits
     115  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     116  /// algorithm. By default, it is \ref MinCostArborescenceDefaultTraits
    118117  /// "MinCostArborescenceDefaultTraits<GR, CM>".
     118  /// In most cases, this parameter should not be set directly,
     119  /// consider to use the named template parameters instead.
    119120#ifndef DOXYGEN
    120121  template <typename GR,
    123124              MinCostArborescenceDefaultTraits<GR, CM> >
    125   template <typename GR, typename CM, typedef TR>
     126  template <typename GR, typename CM, typename TR>
    127128  class MinCostArborescence {
  • lemon/preflow.h

    r823 r825  
    120120  /// \tparam CAP The type of the capacity map. The default map
    121121  /// type is \ref concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "GR::ArcMap<int>".
     122  /// \tparam TR The traits class that defines various types used by the
     123  /// algorithm. By default, it is \ref PreflowDefaultTraits
     124  /// "PreflowDefaultTraits<GR, CAP>".
     125  /// In most cases, this parameter should not be set directly,
     126  /// consider to use the named template parameters instead.
    122127#ifdef DOXYGEN
    123128  template <typename GR, typename CAP, typename TR>
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