COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Changes in / [694:71939d63ae77:695:8dae88c5943e] in lemon-1.2

10 edited


  • lemon/

    r681 r686  
    9393        lemon/lp_base.h \
    9494        lemon/lp_skeleton.h \
    95         lemon/list_graph.h \
    9695        lemon/maps.h \
    9796        lemon/matching.h \
  • lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h

    r617 r685  
    539539    public:
    540       ArcMap(const Graph& _g)
     540      explicit ArcMap(const Graph& _g)
    541541        : Parent(_g) {}
    542542      ArcMap(const Graph& _g, const _Value& _v)
    563563    public:
    564       EdgeMap(const Graph& _g)
     564      explicit EdgeMap(const Graph& _g)
    565565        : Parent(_g) {}
  • lemon/bits/graph_extender.h

    r617 r685  
    606606    public:
    607       NodeMap(const Graph& graph)
     607      explicit NodeMap(const Graph& graph)
    608608        : Parent(graph) {}
    609609      NodeMap(const Graph& graph, const _Value& value)
    630630    public:
    631       ArcMap(const Graph& graph)
     631      explicit ArcMap(const Graph& graph)
    632632        : Parent(graph) {}
    633633      ArcMap(const Graph& graph, const _Value& value)
    654654    public:
    655       EdgeMap(const Graph& graph)
     655      explicit EdgeMap(const Graph& graph)
    656656        : Parent(graph) {}
  • lemon/circulation.h

    r641 r689  
    451451    }
    453     /// \brief Sets the tolerance used by algorithm.
    454     ///
    455     /// Sets the tolerance used by algorithm.
    456     Circulation& tolerance(const Tolerance& tolerance) const {
     453    /// \brief Sets the tolerance used by the algorithm.
     454    ///
     455    /// Sets the tolerance object used by the algorithm.
     456    /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
     457    Circulation& tolerance(const Tolerance& tolerance) {
    457458      _tol = tolerance;
    458459      return *this;
    461462    /// \brief Returns a const reference to the tolerance.
    462463    ///
    463     /// Returns a const reference to the tolerance.
     464    /// Returns a const reference to the tolerance object used by
     465    /// the algorithm.
    464466    const Tolerance& tolerance() const {
    465       return tolerance;
     467      return _tol;
    466468    }
  • lemon/maps.h

    r694 r695  
    19031903  /// This class provides simple invertable graph maps.
    1904   /// It wraps an arbitrary \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap "ReadWriteMap"
    1905   /// and if a key is set to a new value then store it
    1906   /// in the inverse map.
     1904  /// It wraps a standard graph map (\c NodeMap, \c ArcMap or \c EdgeMap)
     1905  /// and if a key is set to a new value, then stores it in the inverse map.
    19071906  /// The values of the map can be accessed
    19081907  /// with stl compatible forward iterator.
    19091908  ///
    19101909  /// This type is not reference map, so it cannot be modified with
    1911   /// the subscription operator.
     1910  /// the subscript operator.
    19121911  ///
    19131912  /// \tparam GR The graph type.
    19251924      template Map<V>::Type Map;
    1927     typedef std::map<V, K> Container;
     1926    typedef std::multimap<V, K> Container;
    19281927    Container _inv_map;
    19501949    /// iterator on the values of the map. The values can
    19511950    /// be accessed in the <tt>[beginValue, endValue)</tt> range.
     1951    /// They are considered with multiplicity, so each value is
     1952    /// traversed for each item it is assigned to.
    19521953    class ValueIterator
    19531954      : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, Value> {
    20022003    void set(const Key& key, const Value& val) {
    20032004      Value oldval = Map::operator[](key);
    2004       typename Container::iterator it = _inv_map.find(oldval);
    2005       if (it != _inv_map.end() && it->second == key) {
    2006         _inv_map.erase(it);
     2005      typename Container::iterator it;
     2006      for (it = _inv_map.equal_range(oldval).first;
     2007           it != _inv_map.equal_range(oldval).second; ++it) {
     2008        if (it->second == key) {
     2009          _inv_map.erase(it);
     2010          break;
     2011        }
    20072012      }
    20082013      _inv_map.insert(std::make_pair(val, key));
    20182023    }
    2020     /// \brief Gives back the item by its value.
    2021     ///
    2022     /// Gives back the item by its value.
    2023     Key operator()(const Value& key) const {
    2024       typename Container::const_iterator it = _inv_map.find(key);
     2025    /// \brief Gives back an item by its value.
     2026    ///
     2027    /// This function gives back an item that is assigned to
     2028    /// the given value or \c INVALID if no such item exists.
     2029    /// If there are more items with the same associated value,
     2030    /// only one of them is returned.
     2031    Key operator()(const Value& val) const {
     2032      typename Container::const_iterator it = _inv_map.find(val);
    20252033      return it != _inv_map.end() ? it->second : INVALID;
    20262034    }
    20342042    virtual void erase(const Key& key) {
    20352043      Value val = Map::operator[](key);
    2036       typename Container::iterator it = _inv_map.find(val);
    2037       if (it != _inv_map.end() && it->second == key) {
    2038         _inv_map.erase(it);
     2044      typename Container::iterator it;
     2045      for (it = _inv_map.equal_range(val).first;
     2046           it != _inv_map.equal_range(val).second; ++it) {
     2047        if (it->second == key) {
     2048          _inv_map.erase(it);
     2049          break;
     2050        }
    20392051      }
    20402052      Map::erase(key);
    20482060      for (int i = 0; i < int(keys.size()); ++i) {
    20492061        Value val = Map::operator[](keys[i]);
    2050         typename Container::iterator it = _inv_map.find(val);
    2051         if (it != _inv_map.end() && it->second == keys[i]) {
    2052           _inv_map.erase(it);
     2062        typename Container::iterator it;
     2063        for (it = _inv_map.equal_range(val).first;
     2064             it != _inv_map.equal_range(val).second; ++it) {
     2065          if (it->second == keys[i]) {
     2066            _inv_map.erase(it);
     2067            break;
     2068          }
    20532069        }
    20542070      }
    20862102      /// \brief Subscript operator.
    20872103      ///
    2088       /// Subscript operator. It gives back the item
    2089       /// that was last assigned to the given value.
     2104      /// Subscript operator. It gives back an item
     2105      /// that is assigned to the given value or \c INVALID
     2106      /// if no such item exists.
    20902107      Value operator[](const Key& key) const {
    20912108        return _inverted(key);
    23212338  ///
    23222339  /// This type is a reference map, so it can be modified with the
    2323   /// subscription operator.
     2340  /// subscript operator.
    23242341  ///
    23252342  /// \tparam GR The graph type.
    26882705  ///
    26892706  /// This type is a reference map, so it can be modified with the
    2690   /// subscription operator.
     2707  /// subscript operator.
    26912708  ///
    26922709  /// \note The size of the data structure depends on the largest
    29792996  ///
    29802997  /// This type is not reference map, so it cannot be modified with
    2981   /// the subscription operator.
     2998  /// the subscript operator.
    29822999  ///
    29833000  /// \tparam GR The graph type.
  • lemon/preflow.h

    r641 r689  
    9898  /// "flow of maximum value" in a digraph.
    9999  /// The preflow algorithms are the fastest known maximum
    100   /// flow algorithms. The current implementation use a mixture of the
     100  /// flow algorithms. The current implementation uses a mixture of the
    101101  /// \e "highest label" and the \e "bound decrease" heuristics.
    102102  /// The worst case time complexity of the algorithm is \f$O(n^2\sqrt{e})\f$.
    372372    }
    374     /// \brief Sets the tolerance used by algorithm.
    375     ///
    376     /// Sets the tolerance used by algorithm.
    377     Preflow& tolerance(const Tolerance& tolerance) const {
     374    /// \brief Sets the tolerance used by the algorithm.
     375    ///
     376    /// Sets the tolerance object used by the algorithm.
     377    /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
     378    Preflow& tolerance(const Tolerance& tolerance) {
    378379      _tolerance = tolerance;
    379380      return *this;
    382383    /// \brief Returns a const reference to the tolerance.
    383384    ///
    384     /// Returns a const reference to the tolerance.
     385    /// Returns a const reference to the tolerance object used by
     386    /// the algorithm.
    385387    const Tolerance& tolerance() const {
    386       return tolerance;
     388      return _tolerance;
    387389    }
  • test/

    r611 r689  
    8888    .supplyMap(supply)
    8989    .flowMap(flow);
     91  const CirculationType::Elevator& elev = const_circ_test.elevator();
     92  circ_test.elevator(const_cast<CirculationType::Elevator&>(elev));
     93  CirculationType::Tolerance tol = const_circ_test.tolerance();
     94  circ_test.tolerance(tol);
    9196  circ_test.init();
  • test/

    r694 r695  
    351351  }
     353  // CrossRefMap
     354  {
     355    typedef SmartDigraph Graph;
     356    DIGRAPH_TYPEDEFS(Graph);
     358    checkConcept<ReadWriteMap<Node, int>,
     359                 CrossRefMap<Graph, Node, int> >();
     361    Graph gr;
     362    typedef CrossRefMap<Graph, Node, char> CRMap;
     363    typedef CRMap::ValueIterator ValueIt;
     364    CRMap map(gr);
     366    Node n0 = gr.addNode();
     367    Node n1 = gr.addNode();
     368    Node n2 = gr.addNode();
     370    map.set(n0, 'A');
     371    map.set(n1, 'B');
     372    map.set(n2, 'C');
     373    map.set(n2, 'A');
     374    map.set(n0, 'C');
     376    check(map[n0] == 'C' && map[n1] == 'B' && map[n2] == 'A',
     377          "Wrong CrossRefMap");
     378    check(map('A') == n2 && map.inverse()['A'] == n2, "Wrong CrossRefMap");
     379    check(map('B') == n1 && map.inverse()['B'] == n1, "Wrong CrossRefMap");
     380    check(map('C') == n0 && map.inverse()['C'] == n0, "Wrong CrossRefMap");
     382    ValueIt it = map.beginValue();
     383    check(*it++ == 'A' && *it++ == 'B' && *it++ == 'C' &&
     384          it == map.endValue(), "Wrong value iterator");
     385  }
    353387  // Iterable bool map
    354388  {
  • test/

    r585 r689  
    9595  PreflowType preflow_test(g, cap, n, n);
    9696  const PreflowType& const_preflow_test = preflow_test;
     98  const PreflowType::Elevator& elev = const_preflow_test.elevator();
     99  preflow_test.elevator(const_cast<PreflowType::Elevator&>(elev));
     100  PreflowType::Tolerance tol = const_preflow_test.tolerance();
     101  preflow_test.tolerance(tol);
    98103  preflow_test
  • tools/

    r574 r691  
    3636        -e "s/Edge\>/_Ar_c_label_/g"\
    3737        -e "s/\<edge\>/_ar_c_label_/g"\
    38         -e "s/_edge\>/_ar_c_label_/g"\
     38        -e "s/_edge\>/__ar_c_label_/g"\
    3939        -e "s/Edges\>/_Ar_c_label_s/g"\
    4040        -e "s/\<edges\>/_ar_c_label_s/g"\
    41         -e "s/_edges\>/_ar_c_label_s/g"\
     41        -e "s/_edges\>/__ar_c_label_s/g"\
    4242        -e "s/\([Ee]\)dge\([a-z]\)/_\1d_ge_label_\2/g"\
    4343        -e "s/\([a-z]\)edge/\1_ed_ge_label_/g"\
    6969        -e "s/_GR_APH_TY_PEDE_FS_label_/GRAPH_TYPEDEFS/g"\
    7070        -e "s/_DIGR_APH_TY_PEDE_FS_label_/DIGRAPH_TYPEDEFS/g"\
     71        -e "s/\<digraph_adaptor\.h\>/adaptors.h/g"\
     72        -e "s/\<digraph_utils\.h\>/core.h/g"\
     73        -e "s/\<digraph_reader\.h\>/lgf_reader.h/g"\
     74        -e "s/\<digraph_writer\.h\>/lgf_writer.h/g"\
     75        -e "s/\<topology\.h\>/connectivity.h/g"\
    7176        -e "s/DigraphToEps/GraphToEps/g"\
    7277        -e "s/digraphToEps/graphToEps/g"\
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