COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Changeset 2117:96efb4fa0736 in lemon-0.x

07/04/06 19:49:01 (19 years ago)
Alpar Juttner
  • Revised "Concepts" group documentation
  • Other minor doc improvements
3 edited


  • doc/groups.dox

    r2084 r2117  
    2626Alteration of standard containers need a very limited number of
    2727operations, these together satisfy the everyday requirements.
    28 In the case of graph strutures, different operations are needed which do
     28In the case of graph structures, different operations are needed which do
    2929not alter the physical graph, but gives another view. If some nodes or
    3030edges have to be hidden or the reverse oriented graph have to be used, then
    31 this is the case. It also may happen that in a flow implemenation
     31this is the case. It also may happen that in a flow implementation
    3232the residual graph can be accessed by another algorithm, or a node-set
    3333is to be shrunk for another algorithm.
    4646\brief Graph types between real graphs and graph adaptors.
    48 Graph types between real graphs and graph adaptors. These classes
    49 wrap graphs to give new functionality as the adaptors do it. But the
    50 other way they are not light-weigth structures as the adaptors.
     48Graph types between real graphs and graph adaptors. These classes wrap
     49graphs to give new functionality as the adaptors do it. On the other
     50hand they are not light-weight structures as the adaptors.
    7979Most of them are \ref lemon::concept::ReadMap "ReadMap"s. They can
    80 make arithmetic oprerations between one or two maps (negation, scaling,
     80make arithmetic operations between one or two maps (negation, scaling,
    8181addition, multiplication etc.) or e.g. convert a map to another one
    8282of different Value type.
    186186@defgroup spantree Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Algorithms
    187187@ingroup algs
    188 \brief This group containes the algorithms for finding a minimum cost spanning
     188\brief This group contains the algorithms for finding a minimum cost spanning
    189189tree in a graph
    191 This group containes the algorithms for finding a minimum cost spanning
     191This group contains the algorithms for finding a minimum cost spanning
    192192tree in a graph
    233233Here you can find tools for importing and exporting graphs
    234234and graph related data. Now it supports the LEMON format, the
    235 dimacs format and the encapsulated postscript format.
     235\c DIMACS format and the encapsulated postscript format.
    269269@defgroup eps_io Postscript exporting
    270270@ingroup io_group
    271 \brief General EPS drawer and graph exporter
    273 This group contains general EPS drawing methods and special
     271\brief General \c EPS drawer and graph exporter
     273This group contains general \c EPS drawing methods and special
    274274graph exporting tools.
    287287classes implemented in LEMON.
    289 One aim of these classes is to make it easier to check if a certain
    290 class or template function is correctly implemented.
    292 The other (sometimes even more important) aim is to document the concepts.
     289The purpose of the classes in this group is fourfold.
     291- These classes contain the documentations of the concepts. In order
     292  to avoid document multiplications, an implementation of a concept
     293  simply refers to the corresponding concept class.
     295- These classes declare every functions, <tt>typedef<tt>s etc. an
     296  implementation of the concepts should provide, however completely
     297  without implementations and real data structures behind the
     298  interface. On the other hand they should provide nothing else. All
     299  the algorithms working on a data structure meeting a certain concept
     300  should compile with these classes. (Though it will not run properly,
     301  of course.) In this way it is easily to check if an algorithm
     302  doesn't use any extra feature of a certain implementation.
     304- The concept descriptor classes also provide a <em>checker class<em>
     305  that makes it possible check whether a certain implementation of a
     306  concept indeed provides all the required features.
     308- Finally, They can serve as a skeleton of a new implementation of a concept.
  • lemon/concept/graph.h

    r2111 r2117  
    6060    /// @{
    62     /// An empty graph class.
    64     /// This class provides all the common features of a graph structure,
    65     /// however completely without implementations and real data structures
    66     /// behind the interface.
    67     /// All graph algorithms should compile with this class, but it will not
    68     /// run properly, of course.
     62    /// The directed graph concept
     64    /// This class describes the \ref concept "concept" of the
     65    /// immutable directed graphs.
    6966    ///
    70     /// It can be used for checking the interface compatibility,
    71     /// or it can serve as a skeleton of a new graph structure.
    72     ///
    73     /// Also, you will find here the full documentation of a certain graph
    74     /// feature, the documentation of a real graph imlementation
    75     /// like @ref ListGraph or
    76     /// @ref SmartGraph will just refer to this structure.
     67    /// Note that actual graph implementation like @ref ListGraph or
     68    /// @ref SmartGraph may have several additional functionality.
    7769    ///
    78     /// \todo A pages describing the concept of concept description would
    79     /// be nice.
     70    /// \sa concept
    8071    class Graph {
    8172    public:
  • lemon/list_graph.h

    r2116 r2117  
    315315  ///A list graph class.
    317   ///This is a simple and fast erasable graph implementation.
     317  ///This is a simple and fast graph implementation.
    318318  ///
    319   ///It conforms to the \ref concept::Graph "Graph" concept and it
     319  ///It conforms to the \ref concept::Graph "Graph concept" and it
    320320  ///also provides several additional useful extra functionalities.
    321321  ///The most of the member functions and nested classes are
    718718  ///An undirected list graph class.
    720   ///This is a simple and fast erasable undirected graph implementation.
     720  ///This is a simple and fast undirected graph implementation.
    721721  ///
    722722  ///It conforms to the
    723   ///\ref concept::UGraph "UGraph" concept.
     723  ///\ref concept::UGraph "UGraph concept".
    724724  ///
    725725  ///\sa concept::UGraph.
    11461146  ///
    11471147  /// This is a bipartite undirected graph implementation.
    1148   /// It is conforms to the \ref concept::ErasableBpUGraph "ErasableBpUGraph"
    1149   /// concept.
     1148  /// It is conforms to the \ref concept::BpUGraph "BpUGraph concept".
    11501149  /// \sa concept::BpUGraph.
    11511150  ///
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