COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Changeset 324:e05633b02e40 in lemon-main for scripts

10/19/08 16:19:32 (16 years ago)
Balazs Dezso <deba@…>
325:0fbbb4bc42dd, 328:cdbff91c2166

Improved unifier and checker script

  • Unify and check modes
  • Several file listing modes
1 edited


  • scripts/

    r208 r324  
    44HGROOT=`hg root`
    6 function update_header() {
     6# file enumaration modes
     8function all_files() {
     9    hg status -a -m -c |
     10    cut -d ' ' -f 2 | grep -E '(\.(cc|h|dox)$|Makefile\.am$)' |
     11    while read file; do echo $HGROOT/$file; done
     14function modified_files() {
     15    hg status -a -m |
     16    cut -d ' ' -f 2 | grep -E  '(\.(cc|h|dox)$|Makefile\.am$)' |
     17    while read file; do echo $HGROOT/$file; done
     20function changed_files() {
     21    {
     22        if [ -n "$HG_PARENT1" ]
     23        then
     24            hg status --rev $HG_PARENT1:$HG_NODE -a -m
     25        fi
     26        if [ -n "$HG_PARENT2" ]
     27        then
     28            hg status --rev $HG_PARENT2:$HG_NODE -a -m
     29        fi
     30    } | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | grep -E '(\.(cc|h|dox)$|Makefile\.am$)' |
     31    sort | uniq |
     32    while read file; do echo $HGROOT/$file; done
     35function given_files() {
     36    for file in $GIVEN_FILES
     37    do
     38        echo $file
     39    done
     42# actions
     44function update_action() {
     45    if ! diff -q $1 $2 >/dev/null
     46    then
     47        echo -n " [$3 updated]"
     48        rm $2
     49        mv $1 $2
     50        CHANGED=YES
     51    fi
     54function update_warning() {
     55    echo -n " [$2 warning]"
     56    WARNED=YES
     59function update_init() {
     60    echo Update source files...
     61    TOTAL_FILES=0
     62    CHANGED_FILES=0
     63    WARNED_FILES=0
     66function update_done() {
     67    echo $CHANGED_FILES out of $TOTAL_FILES files has been changed.
     68    echo $WARNED_FILES out of $TOTAL_FILES files has been warned.
     71function update_begin() {
     72    ((TOTAL_FILES++))
     73    CHANGED=NO
     74    WARNED=NO
     77function update_end() {
     78    if [ $CHANGED == YES ]
     79    then
     80        ((++CHANGED_FILES))
     81    fi
     82    if [ $WARNED == YES ]
     83    then
     84        ((++WARNED_FILES))
     85    fi
     88function check_action() {
     89    if ! diff -q $1 $2 >/dev/null
     90    then
     91        echo -n " [$3 failed]"
     92        FAILED=YES
     93    fi
     96function check_warning() {
     97    echo -n " [$2 warning]"
     98    WARNED=YES
     101function check_init() {
     102    echo Check source files...
     103    FAILED_FILES=0
     104    WARNED_FILES=0
     105    TOTAL_FILES=0
     108function check_done() {
     109    echo $FAILED_FILES out of $TOTAL_FILES files has been failed.
     110    echo $WARNED_FILES out of $TOTAL_FILES files has been warned.
     112    if [ $FAILED_FILES -gt 0 ]
     113    then
     114        return 1
     115    elif [ $WARNED_FILES -gt 0 ]
     116    then
     117        if [ "$WARNING" == 'INTERACTIVE' ]
     118        then
     119            echo -n "Assume as normal behaviour? (yes/no) "
     120            while read answer
     121            do
     122                if [ "$answer" == 'yes' ]
     123                then
     124                    return 0
     125                elif [ "$answer" == 'no' ]
     126                then
     127                    return 1
     128                fi
     129                echo -n "Assume as normal behaviour? (yes/no) "             
     130            done
     131        elif [ "$WARNING" == 'WERROR' ]
     132        then
     133            return 1
     134        fi
     135    fi
     138function check_begin() {
     139    ((TOTAL_FILES++))
     140    FAILED=NO
     141    WARNED=NO
     144function check_end() {
     145    if [ $FAILED == YES ]
     146    then
     147        ((++FAILED_FILES))
     148    fi
     149    if [ $WARNED == YES ]
     150    then
     151        ((++WARNED_FILES))
     152    fi
     157# checks
     159function header_check() {
     160    if echo $1 | grep -q -E 'Makefile\.am$'
     161    then
     162        return
     163    fi
    7165    TMP_FILE=`mktemp`
    8     FILE_NAME=$1
    10167    (echo "/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
    26183 */
    28         awk 'BEGIN { pm=0; }
     185    awk 'BEGIN { pm=0; }
    29186     pm==3 { print }
    30187     /\/\* / && pm==0 { pm=1;}
    32189     /\*\// && pm==1 { pm=2;}
    33190    ' $1
    34         ) >$TMP_FILE
    36     HEADER_CH=`diff -q $TMP_FILE $FILE_NAME >/dev/null&&echo NO||echo YES`
    38     rm $FILE_NAME
    39     mv $TMP_FILE $FILE_NAME
    40 }
    42 function update_tabs() {
     191    ) >$TMP_FILE
     193    "$ACTION"_action "$TMP_FILE" "$1" header
     196function tabs_check() {
     197    if echo $1 | grep -q -v -E 'Makefile\.am$'
     198    then
     199        OLD_PATTERN=$(echo -e '\t')
     200        NEW_PATTERN='        '
     201    else
     202        OLD_PATTERN='        '
     203        NEW_PATTERN=$(echo -e '\t')
     204    fi
    43205    TMP_FILE=`mktemp`
    44     FILE_NAME=$1
    46     cat $1 |
    47     sed -e 's/\t/        /g' >$TMP_FILE
    49     TABS_CH=`diff -q $TMP_FILE $FILE_NAME >/dev/null&&echo NO||echo YES`
    51     rm $FILE_NAME
    52     mv $TMP_FILE $FILE_NAME
    53 }
    55 function remove_trailing_space() {
     206    cat $1 | sed -e "s/$OLD_PATTERN/$NEW_PATTERN/g" >$TMP_FILE
     208    "$ACTION"_action "$TMP_FILE" "$1" 'tabs'
     211function spaces_check() {
    56212    TMP_FILE=`mktemp`
    57     FILE_NAME=$1
    59     cat $1 |
    60     sed -e 's/ \+$//g' >$TMP_FILE
    62     SPACES_CH=`diff -q $TMP_FILE $FILE_NAME >/dev/null&&echo NO||echo YES`
    64     rm $FILE_NAME
    65     mv $TMP_FILE $FILE_NAME
    66 }
    68 function long_line_test() {
    69     cat $1 |grep -q -E '.{81,}'
    70 }
    72 function update_file() {
    73     echo -n '    update' $i ...
    75     update_header $1
    76     update_tabs $1
    77     remove_trailing_space $1
    79     CHANGED=NO;
    80     if [[ $HEADER_CH = YES ]];
    81     then
    82         echo -n '  [header updated]'
    83         CHANGED=YES;
    84     fi
    85     if [[ $TABS_CH = YES ]];
    86     then
    87         echo -n ' [tabs removed]'
    88         CHANGED=YES;
    89     fi
    90     if [[ $SPACES_CH = YES ]];
    91     then
    92         echo -n ' [trailing spaces removed]'
    93         CHANGED=YES;
    94     fi
    95     if long_line_test $1 ;
    96     then
    97         echo -n ' [LONG LINES]'
    98         ((LONG_LINE_FILES++))
    99     fi
     213    cat $1 | sed -e 's/ \+$//g' >$TMP_FILE
     215    "$ACTION"_action "$TMP_FILE" "$1" 'spaces'
     218function long_lines_check() {
     219    if cat $1 | grep -q -E '.{81,}'
     220    then
     221        "$ACTION"_warning $1 'long lines'
     222    fi
     225# process the file
     227function process_file() {
     228    echo -n "    $ACTION " $1...
     230    CHECKING="header tabs spaces long_lines"
     232    "$ACTION"_begin $1
     233    for check in $CHECKING
     234    do
     235        "$check"_check $1
     236    done
     237    "$ACTION"_end $1
    100238    echo
    101     if [[ $CHANGED = YES ]];
    102     then
    103         ((CHANGED_FILES++))
    104     fi
    105 }
    108 TOTAL_FILES=0
    110 if [ $# == 0 ]; then
    111     echo Update all source files...
    112     for i in `hg manifest|grep -E  '\.(cc|h|dox)$'`
     241function process_all {
     242    "$ACTION"_init
     243    while read file
    113244    do
    114         update_file $HGROOT/$i
    115         ((TOTAL_FILES++))
    116     done
    117     echo '  done.'
    118 else
    119     for i in $*
    120     do
    121         update_file $i
    122         ((TOTAL_FILES++))
    123     done
     245        process_file $file
     246    done < <($FILES)
     247    "$ACTION"_done
     250while [ $# -gt 0 ]
     253    if [ "$1" == '--help' ] || [ "$1" == '-h' ]
     254    then
     255        echo -n \
     257  $0 [OPTIONS] [files]
     259  --dry-run|-n
     260     Check the given files, but do not modify them.
     261  --interactive|-i
     262     If --dry-run is specified and files are warned then a message is
     263     prompted whether the warnings should be turned to errors.
     264  --werror|-w
     265     If --dry-run is specified and the warnings are turned to errors.
     266  --all|-a
     267     All files in the repository will be checked.
     268  --modified|-m
     269     Check only the modified source files. This option is proper to
     270     use before a commit. E.g. all files which are modified or added
     271     into the repository will be updated.
     272  --changed|-c
     273     Check only the changed source files compared to the parent(s) of
     274     the current hg node.  This option is proper to use as hg hook
     275     script. E.g. to check all your commited source files with this
     276     script add the following section to the appropriate .hg/hgrc
     277     file.
     279       [hooks]
     280       pretxncommit.checksources = scripts/ -c -n -i
     282  --help|-h
     283     Print this help message.
     284  files
     285     The files to check/unify. If no file names are given, the
     286     modified source will be checked/unified
     289        exit 0
     290    elif [ "$1" == '--dry-run' ] || [ "$1" == '-n' ]
     291    then
     292        [ -n "$ACTION" ] && echo "Invalid option $1" >&2 && exit 1
     293        ACTION=check
     294    elif [ "$1" == "--all" ] || [ "$1" == '-a' ]
     295    then
     296        [ -n "$FILES" ] && echo "Invalid option $1" >&2 && exit 1
     297        FILES=all_files
     298    elif [ "$1" == "--changed" ] || [ "$1" == '-c' ]
     299    then
     300        [ -n "$FILES" ] && echo "Invalid option $1" >&2 && exit 1
     301        FILES=changed_files
     302    elif [ "$1" == "--modified" ] || [ "$1" == '-m' ]
     303    then
     304        [ -n "$FILES" ] && echo "Invalid option $1" >&2 && exit 1
     305        FILES=modified_files
     306    elif [ "$1" == "--interactive" ] || [ "$1" == "-i" ]
     307    then
     308        [ -n "$WARNING" ] && echo "Invalid option $1" >&2 && exit 1
     309        WARNING='INTERACTIVE'
     310    elif [ "$1" == "--werror" ] || [ "$1" == "-w" ]
     311    then
     312        [ -n "$WARNING" ] && echo "Invalid option $1" >&2 && exit 1
     313        WARNING='WERROR'
     314    elif [ $(echo $1 | cut -c 1) == '-' ]
     315    then
     316        echo "Invalid option $1" >&2 && exit 1
     317    else
     318        [ -n "$FILES" ] && echo "Invalid option $1" >&2 && exit 1
     319        GIVEN_FILES=$@
     320        FILES=given_files
     321        break
     322    fi
     324    shift
     327if [ -z $FILES ]
     329    FILES=modified_files
    125 echo $CHANGED_FILES out of $TOTAL_FILES files has been changed.
    126 if [[ $LONG_LINE_FILES -gt 1 ]]; then
    127     echo
    128     echo WARNING: $LONG_LINE_FILES files contains long lines!   
    129     echo
    130 elif [[ $LONG_LINE_FILES -gt 0 ]]; then
    131     echo
    132     echo WARNING: a file contains long lines!
    133     echo
     332if [ -z $ACTION ]
     334    ACTION=update
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