Changeset 762:ece80147fb08 in lemon
- Timestamp:
- 09/25/09 09:06:32 (15 years ago)
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- Parents:
- 761:98a30824fe36 (diff), 759:6d5f547e5bfb (diff)
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r757 r762 281 281 282 282 /** 283 @defgroup geomdat Geometric Data Structures 284 @ingroup auxdat 285 \brief Geometric data structures implemented in LEMON. 286 287 This group contains geometric data structures implemented in LEMON. 288 289 - \ref lemon::dim2::Point "dim2::Point" implements a two dimensional 290 vector with the usual operations. 291 - \ref lemon::dim2::Box "dim2::Box" can be used to determine the 292 rectangular bounding box of a set of \ref lemon::dim2::Point 293 "dim2::Point"'s. 294 */ 295 296 /** 297 @defgroup matrices Matrices 298 @ingroup auxdat 299 \brief Two dimensional data storages implemented in LEMON. 300 301 This group contains two dimensional data storages implemented in LEMON. 302 */ 303 304 /** 283 305 @defgroup algs Algorithms 284 306 \brief This group contains the several algorithms … … 320 342 321 343 /** 344 @defgroup spantree Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms 345 @ingroup algs 346 \brief Algorithms for finding minimum cost spanning trees and arborescences. 347 348 This group contains the algorithms for finding minimum cost spanning 349 trees and arborescences. 350 */ 351 352 /** 322 353 @defgroup max_flow Maximum Flow Algorithms 323 354 @ingroup algs … … 397 428 398 429 \f[ \min_{X \subset V, X\not\in \{\emptyset, V\}} 399 \sum_{uv\in A ,u\in X, v\not\in X}cap(uv) \f]430 \sum_{uv\in A: u\in X, v\not\in X}cap(uv) \f] 400 431 401 432 LEMON contains several algorithms related to minimum cut problems: … … 410 441 If you want to find minimum cut just between two distinict nodes, 411 442 see the \ref max_flow "maximum flow problem". 412 */413 414 /**415 @defgroup graph_properties Connectivity and Other Graph Properties416 @ingroup algs417 \brief Algorithms for discovering the graph properties418 419 This group contains the algorithms for discovering the graph properties420 like connectivity, bipartiteness, euler property, simplicity etc.421 422 \image html edge_biconnected_components.png423 \image latex edge_biconnected_components.eps "bi-edge-connected components" width=\textwidth424 */425 426 /**427 @defgroup planar Planarity Embedding and Drawing428 @ingroup algs429 \brief Algorithms for planarity checking, embedding and drawing430 431 This group contains the algorithms for planarity checking,432 embedding and drawing.433 434 \image html planar.png435 \image latex planar.eps "Plane graph" width=\textwidth436 443 */ 437 444 … … 477 484 478 485 /** 479 @defgroup spantree Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms 480 @ingroup algs 481 \brief Algorithms for finding minimum cost spanning trees and arborescences. 482 483 This group contains the algorithms for finding minimum cost spanning 484 trees and arborescences. 486 @defgroup graph_properties Connectivity and Other Graph Properties 487 @ingroup algs 488 \brief Algorithms for discovering the graph properties 489 490 This group contains the algorithms for discovering the graph properties 491 like connectivity, bipartiteness, euler property, simplicity etc. 492 493 \image html connected_components.png 494 \image latex connected_components.eps "Connected components" width=\textwidth 495 */ 496 497 /** 498 @defgroup planar Planarity Embedding and Drawing 499 @ingroup algs 500 \brief Algorithms for planarity checking, embedding and drawing 501 502 This group contains the algorithms for planarity checking, 503 embedding and drawing. 504 505 \image html planar.png 506 \image latex planar.eps "Plane graph" width=\textwidth 507 */ 508 509 /** 510 @defgroup approx Approximation Algorithms 511 @ingroup algs 512 \brief Approximation algorithms. 513 514 This group contains the approximation and heuristic algorithms 515 implemented in LEMON. 485 516 */ 486 517 … … 492 523 This group contains some algorithms implemented in LEMON 493 524 in order to make it easier to implement complex algorithms. 494 */495 496 /**497 @defgroup approx Approximation Algorithms498 @ingroup algs499 \brief Approximation algorithms.500 501 This group contains the approximation and heuristic algorithms502 implemented in LEMON.503 525 */ 504 526 … … 609 631 610 632 /** 611 @defgroup dimacs_group DIMACS format633 @defgroup dimacs_group DIMACS Format 612 634 @ingroup io_group 613 635 \brief Read and write files in DIMACS format … … 671 693 672 694 /** 695 @defgroup tools Standalone Utility Applications 696 697 Some utility applications are listed here. 698 699 The standard compilation procedure (<tt>./configure;make</tt>) will compile 700 them, as well. 701 */ 702 703 /** 673 704 \anchor demoprograms 674 705 … … 682 713 */ 683 714 684 /**685 @defgroup tools Standalone Utility Applications686 687 Some utility applications are listed here.688 689 The standard compilation procedure (<tt>./configure;make</tt>) will compile690 them, as well.691 */692 693 715 } -
r761 r762 239 239 any kind of path structure. 240 240 241 \sa lemon::concepts::Path 241 \sa \ref concepts::Path "Path concept" 242 */ 243 244 /** 245 @defgroup heaps Heap Structures 246 @ingroup datas 247 \brief %Heap structures implemented in LEMON. 248 249 This group contains the heap structures implemented in LEMON. 250 251 LEMON provides several heap classes. They are efficient implementations 252 of the abstract data type \e priority \e queue. They store items with 253 specified values called \e priorities in such a way that finding and 254 removing the item with minimum priority are efficient. 255 The basic operations are adding and erasing items, changing the priority 256 of an item, etc. 257 258 Heaps are crucial in several algorithms, such as Dijkstra and Prim. 259 The heap implementations have the same interface, thus any of them can be 260 used easily in such algorithms. 261 262 \sa \ref concepts::Heap "Heap concept" 263 */ 264 265 /** 266 @defgroup matrices Matrices 267 @ingroup datas 268 \brief Two dimensional data storages implemented in LEMON. 269 270 This group contains two dimensional data storages implemented in LEMON. 242 271 */ 243 272 -
r736 r762 73 73 /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap "ReadWriteMap" 74 74 /// concept. 75 #ifdef DOXYGEN 76 typedef GR::ArcMap<Value> FlowMap; 77 #else 75 78 typedef typename Digraph::template ArcMap<Value> FlowMap; 79 #endif 76 80 77 81 /// \brief Instantiates a FlowMap. … … 88 92 /// The elevator type used by the algorithm. 89 93 /// 90 /// \sa Elevator 91 /// \sa LinkedElevator 94 /// \sa Elevator, LinkedElevator 95 #ifdef DOXYGEN 96 typedef lemon::Elevator<GR, GR::Node> Elevator; 97 #else 92 98 typedef lemon::Elevator<Digraph, typename Digraph::Node> Elevator; 99 #endif 93 100 94 101 /// \brief Instantiates an Elevator. … … 470 477 /// \name Execution Control 471 478 /// The simplest way to execute the algorithm is to call \ref run().\n 472 /// If you need morecontrol on the initial solution or the execution,473 /// first you have to call one of the \ref init() functions, then479 /// If you need better control on the initial solution or the execution, 480 /// you have to call one of the \ref init() functions first, then 474 481 /// the \ref start() function. 475 482 -
r760 r762 458 458 } 459 459 460 /// \brief Sets the tolerance used by algorithm. 461 /// 462 /// Sets the tolerance used by algorithm. 463 Circulation& tolerance(const Tolerance& tolerance) const { 460 /// \brief Sets the tolerance used by the algorithm. 461 /// 462 /// Sets the tolerance object used by the algorithm. 463 /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt> 464 Circulation& tolerance(const Tolerance& tolerance) { 464 465 _tol = tolerance; 465 466 return *this; … … 468 469 /// \brief Returns a const reference to the tolerance. 469 470 /// 470 /// Returns a const reference to the tolerance. 471 /// Returns a const reference to the tolerance object used by 472 /// the algorithm. 471 473 const Tolerance& tolerance() const { 472 return tolerance;474 return _tol; 473 475 } 474 476 -
r736 r762 53 53 /// The type of the map that stores the flow values. 54 54 /// It must meet the \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap "ReadWriteMap" concept. 55 #ifdef DOXYGEN 56 typedef GR::ArcMap<Value> FlowMap; 57 #else 55 58 typedef typename Digraph::template ArcMap<Value> FlowMap; 59 #endif 56 60 57 61 /// \brief Instantiates a FlowMap. … … 68 72 /// The elevator type used by Preflow algorithm. 69 73 /// 70 /// \sa Elevator 71 /// \sa LinkedElevator 72 typedef LinkedElevator<Digraph, typename Digraph::Node> Elevator; 74 /// \sa Elevator, LinkedElevator 75 #ifdef DOXYGEN 76 typedef lemon::Elevator<GR, GR::Node> Elevator; 77 #else 78 typedef lemon::Elevator<Digraph, typename Digraph::Node> Elevator; 79 #endif 73 80 74 81 /// \brief Instantiates an Elevator. … … 392 399 /// The simplest way to execute the preflow algorithm is to use 393 400 /// \ref run() or \ref runMinCut().\n 394 /// If you need morecontrol on the initial solution or the execution,395 /// first you have to call one of the \ref init() functions, then401 /// If you need better control on the initial solution or the execution, 402 /// you have to call one of the \ref init() functions first, then 396 403 /// \ref startFirstPhase() and if you need it \ref startSecondPhase(). 397 404 -
r760 r762 105 105 /// "flow of maximum value" in a digraph. 106 106 /// The preflow algorithms are the fastest known maximum 107 /// flow algorithms. The current implementation use a mixture of the107 /// flow algorithms. The current implementation uses a mixture of the 108 108 /// \e "highest label" and the \e "bound decrease" heuristics. 109 109 /// The worst case time complexity of the algorithm is \f$O(n^2\sqrt{e})\f$. … … 379 379 } 380 380 381 /// \brief Sets the tolerance used by algorithm. 382 /// 383 /// Sets the tolerance used by algorithm. 384 Preflow& tolerance(const Tolerance& tolerance) const { 381 /// \brief Sets the tolerance used by the algorithm. 382 /// 383 /// Sets the tolerance object used by the algorithm. 384 /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt> 385 Preflow& tolerance(const Tolerance& tolerance) { 385 386 _tolerance = tolerance; 386 387 return *this; … … 389 390 /// \brief Returns a const reference to the tolerance. 390 391 /// 391 /// Returns a const reference to the tolerance. 392 /// Returns a const reference to the tolerance object used by 393 /// the algorithm. 392 394 const Tolerance& tolerance() const { 393 return tolerance;395 return _tolerance; 394 396 } 395 397
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