/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library. * * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES). * * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file. * * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind, * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any * purpose. * */ namespace lemon { /** [PAGE]sec_graph_structures[PAGE] Graph Structures The implementation of combinatorial algorithms heavily relies on efficient graph structures. Diverse applications require the usage of different physical graph storages. In \ref sec_basics, we have introduced a general digraph structure, \ref ListDigraph. Apart from this class, LEMON provides several other classes for handling directed and undirected graphs to meet the diverging requirements of the possible users. In order to save on running time or on memory usage, some structures may fail to support some graph features like node or arc/edge deletion. You are free to use the graph structure that fit your requirements the best, since most graph algorithms and auxiliary data structures can be used with any of them. [SEC]sec_graph_concepts[SEC] Graph Concepts In LEMON, there are various graph types, which are rather different, but they all conform to the corresponding \ref graph_concepts "graph concept", which defines the common part of the graph interfaces. The \ref concepts::Digraph "Digraph concept" describes the common interface of directed graphs (without any sensible implementation), while the \ref concepts::Graph "Graph concept" describes the undirected graphs. Any generic graph algorithm should only exploit the features of the corresponding graph concept. (It should compile with the \ref concepts::Digraph "Digraph" or \ref concepts::Graph "Graph" type, but it will not run properly, of course.) The graph %concepts define the member classes for the iterators and maps along with some useful basic functions for obtaining the identifiers of the items, the end nodes of the arcs (or edges) and their iterators, etc. An actual graph implementation may have various additional functionalities according to its purpose. [SEC]sec_digraph_types[SEC] Digraph Structures The already used \ref ListDigraph class is the most versatile directed graph structure. Apart from the general digraph functionalities, it provides operations for adding and removing nodes and arcs, changing the source or target node of an arc, and contracting and splitting nodes or arcs. \ref SmartDigraph is another general digraph implementation, which is significantly more efficient (both in terms of space and time), but it provides less functionality. For example, nodes and arcs cannot be removed from it. \ref FullDigraph is an efficient implementation of a directed full graph. This structure is completely static, so you can neither add nor delete arcs or nodes, and the class needs constant space in memory. [SEC]sec_undir_graphs[SEC] Undirected Graphs LEMON also provides undirected graph structures. For example, \ref ListGraph and \ref SmartGraph are the undirected versions of \ref ListDigraph and \ref SmartDigraph, respectively. They provide similar features to the digraph structures. The \ref concepts::Graph "undirected graphs" also fulfill the concept of \ref concepts::Digraph "directed graphs", in such a way that each undirected \e edge of a graph can also be regarded as two oppositely directed \e arcs. As a result, all directed graph algorithms automatically run on undirected graphs, as well. Undirected graphs provide an \c Edge type for the \e undirected \e edges and an \c Arc type for the \e directed \e arcs. The \c Arc type is convertible to \c Edge (or inherited from it), thus the corresponding edge can always be obtained from an arc. Only nodes and edges can be added to or removed from an undirected graph and the corresponding arcs are added or removed automatically (there are twice as many arcs as edges) For example, \code ListGraph g; ListGraph::Node a = g.addNode(); ListGraph::Node b = g.addNode(); ListGraph::Node c = g.addNode(); ListGraph::Edge e = g.addEdge(a,b); g.addEdge(b,c); g.addEdge(c,a); \endcode Each edge has an inherent orientation, thus it can be defined whether an arc is forward or backward oriented in an undirected graph with respect to this default oriantation of the represented edge. The direction of an arc can be obtained and set using the functions \ref concepts::Graph::direction() "direction()" and \ref concepts::Graph::direct() "direct()", respectively. For example, \code ListGraph::Arc a1 = g.direct(e, true); // a1 is the forward arc ListGraph::Arc a2 = g.direct(e, false); // a2 is the backward arc if (a2 == g.oppositeArc(a1)) std::cout << "a2 is the opposite of a1" << std::endl; \endcode The end nodes of an edge can be obtained using the functions \ref concepts::Graph::source() "u()" and \ref concepts::Graph::target() "v()", while the \ref concepts::Graph::source() "source()" and \ref concepts::Graph::target() "target()" can be used for arcs. \code std::cout << "Edge " << g.id(e) << " connects node " << g.id(g.u(e)) << " and node " << g.id(g.v(e)) << std::endl; std::cout << "Arc " << g.id(a2) << " goes from node " << g.id(g.source(a2)) << " to node " << g.id(g.target(a2)) << std::endl; \endcode Similarly to the digraphs, the undirected graphs also provide iterators \ref concepts::Graph::NodeIt "NodeIt", \ref concepts::Graph::ArcIt "ArcIt", \ref concepts::Graph::OutArcIt "OutArcIt" and \ref concepts::Graph::InArcIt "InArcIt", which can be used the same way. However, they also have iterator classes for edges. \ref concepts::Graph::EdgeIt "EdgeIt" traverses all edges in the graph and \ref concepts::Graph::IncEdgeIt "IncEdgeIt" lists the incident edges of a certain node. For example, the degree of each node can be computed and stored in a node map like this: \code ListGraph::NodeMap deg(g, 0); for (ListGraph::NodeIt n(g); n != INVALID; ++n) { for (ListGraph::IncEdgeIt e(g, n); e != INVALID; ++e) { deg[n]++; } } \endcode In an undirected graph, both \ref concepts::Graph::OutArcIt "OutArcIt" and \ref concepts::Graph::InArcIt "InArcIt" iterates on the same \e edges but with opposite direction. They are convertible to both \c Arc and \c Edge types. \ref concepts::Graph::IncEdgeIt "IncEdgeIt" also iterates on these edges, but it is not convertible to \c Arc, only to \c Edge. Apart from the node and arc maps, an undirected graph also defines a template member class for constructing edge maps. These maps can be used in conjunction with both edges and arcs. For example, \code ListGraph::EdgeMap cost(g); cost[e] = 10; std::cout << cost[e] << std::endl; std::cout << cost[a1] << ", " << cost[a2] << std::endl; ListGraph::ArcMap arc_cost(g); arc_cost[a1] = cost[a1]; arc_cost[a2] = 2 * cost[a2]; // std::cout << arc_cost[e] << std::endl; // this is not valid std::cout << arc_cost[a1] << ", " << arc_cost[a2] << std::endl; \endcode [SEC]sec_special_graphs[SEC] Special Graph Structures In addition to the general undirected classes \ref ListGraph and \ref SmartGraph, LEMON also provides special purpose graph types for handling \ref FullGraph "full graphs", \ref GridGraph "grid graphs" and \ref HypercubeGraph "hypercube graphs". They all static structures, i.e. they do not allow distinct item additions or deletions, the graph has to be built at once. [TRAILER] */ }