/*! \page maps How to write maps \section read-maps Readable Maps It is quite easy to write your own readmap for the edges or nodes of a graph. You can find some example below. This simple map assigns \f$\pi\f$ to each edge. \code struct MyMap { typedef double ValueType; double operator[](Graph::EdgeIt e) const { return M_PI;} }; \endcode Here is a more complex example. It provides a length function which is obtained from a base length function modified by a potential difference. \todo Please improve on the english. \code class MyLengthMap { const Graph::EdgeMap &ol; const Graph::NodeMap &pot; public: typedef double ValueType; double operator[](Graph::EdgeIt e) const { return ol.get(e)-pot.get(v)-pot.get(u); } MyComplexMap(const Graph::EdgeMap &o,const Graph::NodeMap &p) : ol(o), pot(p); }; \endcode \todo Don't we need \e to \e require a 'typedef xxx KeyType' tag, as well? */