20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Correct MapBase? usage.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
XY reading is being wrote.
20 years |
marci |
latex documentation for TightEdgeFilterMap?, including amsmath and …
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Minor improvements
20 years |
zsuzska |
some small corrections in docs
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- Better (but still incomplete) doc
- lp_test runs correctly
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- Non-template expressions and constraints (lin_expr.h isn't used)
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Some bug fix
20 years |
jacint |
bugfixes in doc
20 years |
marci |
bug fix in SubBidirGraphWrapper::firstIn(Edge&,const Node&), due to …
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Use the standard idMap
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
First version of iterable maps.
20 years |
zsuzska |
corrections in docs
20 years |
zsuzska |
zsuzska's own work directory
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Constraints (expressions containing <= or >=) can be passed to …
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- LpGlpk? added to the makefile
- missing const_cast<>() added
- prop …
20 years |
athos |
This was a bug, I guess
20 years |
athos |
Low level interface for GLPK (Marci után szabadon)
20 years |
athos |
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- Largely extended linear expressions
- Better docs
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- setRow() added
- more docs
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- several missing 'const' added
- value of xy is undefined by default
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- src/lemon/utility.h: dummy<> template added
- LpSolverBase::INF is …
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- lp_solver_skeleton.h/cc: skeleton for actual lp implenetations
- …
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- simple makefile added
- _FixId class added (more clarification …
20 years |
marci |
20 years |
athos |
Bug fix (thanks to Misi).
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
"unused parameter" warning solved
20 years |
athos |
An alternative of lp_base.h.
20 years |
athos |
Bug fix in lp_base.h.
20 years |
athos |
20 years |
athos |
Csak a te kedvedert.
20 years |
athos |
20 years |
athos |
20 years |
athos |
Ami félig van kész, ma már félig marad…
20 years |
marci |
small improvment in documentation
20 years |
athos |
Modified a bit.
20 years |
athos |
Copied only so far.
20 years |
marci |
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
(correctly) ignore distro files.
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Constructor of IdMap?<G,I>::InverseMap? made public
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Some more MS VC++ compatibility changes (suggested by Janos Tapolcai)
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
For cygwin compatibility.
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Several changes in order to compile with gcc-3.4
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Several serious bugs fixed
20 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
svn:ignore *.exe (for ms systems)
20 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
svn:ignore fix
20 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
Fixes for MS VC++ (contributed by Janos Tapolcai)
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Bugfix, thanks to Janos.
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
A strange compilation failure (under cygwin) is fixed.
Version 0.3 …
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- A primitive function type interface for Preflow.
- A compilation bug …
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Minor changes for educational purposes.
(Much more would be necessary...)
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Magic anyangle is Faster, harder, Blumchen
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Magic triangle is a bit more DONE, and is already not only a triangle.
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
MapFunctor? is made an STL standard compliant functor.
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
The first step toward function type interface to Preflow alg:
- Naming …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Magic triangle is READY.
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- Add compilation tests for the function type interface of …
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
ForkMap? and CombineMap? added.
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- Several updates and clarifications on dijkstra.h
- bfs.h and dfs.h …
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Missing header file added
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Missing input file added
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- '.lgf' could be the standard 'lemon graph format' extension.
- …
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Changing exception names.
Compile sentry fix.
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Solve conflict.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
i am getting familiar with gtkmm and gnomecanvasmm
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Bug fix.
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
work modifications
20 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
Fix a bug noticed by deba.
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Easy input-output function for common graphs.
Modified Exception …
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
ExceptionMember? helper class.
Modified DataFormatError?
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Increase test
Changing test graph
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Bug fix in radix heap.
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Minor doc changes
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Nothing special
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- rot90() and rot270() added to xy.h
- graph_to_eps.h's own rot() …
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Bugfix in DijkstraWizard?
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Doc improvements
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Missing #ifndef-#define
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Bugfix in BidirGraphWrapper?
20 years |
marci |
let's remember: the boss said that we have to test even the …
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- Bugfix in setting the previous Node
- Bugfix in DijkstraWizard? …
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
The source node is reported to be reaches but it has no previous node/edge.
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Change test to be up to date.
Deprecated test, it should be used …
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Bug fix, and g++ 3.4 compatibility changes.
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Adding GraphEdgeSet? and GraphNodeSet? classes to graph_utils.h.
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Correcting explicit declaration.
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Bug fix
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Bug fix
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Fix documentation.
Temporarly removing the exception handling.
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
concept and checking functions for heaps
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Radix heap_implementation
20 years |
Balazs Dezso |
make constructors explicit
20 years |
athos |
Corrected an error (dicussed with marci)
20 years |
athos |
Some more documentation (sorry, I forgot to check the doxygen.log and …
20 years |
athos |
Added two demo programs: of course they are not considered to be …
20 years |
athos |
Some work has been done in the quicktour.
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Better color to bw conversion
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Changing to gtk-mm