19 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
placement of the coordinates caption now takes into account the node radius
19 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
Display the node's coordinates while moving it.
19 years |
Alpar Juttner |
No comment.
19 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
- use Gtk::Dialog to set the new values of edge and node maps
- …
19 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
19 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
- handle the case when there is no id map in the edgeset section
- do …
19 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
- id maps are not editable
- handle exceptions thrown by the file …
19 years |
Alpar Juttner |
- The number of gcc-4.0 warnings has significantly decreases.
- Some …
19 years |
Alpar Juttner |
math.h -> cmath
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Alpar had the key, focus can be set in the window class. But it is not …
20 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
added support for saving files
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
cout->cerr, node radius and edge width is now scaled, maps are …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Redundant functions from main_win disappeared, entry is now bigger, …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
No maps with the same name can be added.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Sorry for the previous commit, it was not ready yet, but that damned …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Documentation was added to GUI.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
EdgeMap? and NodeMap? creation is done, at last. Bach 4ever.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
creates one new edgemap
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Continuing adding new maps.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Initializing adding new maps.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Edge and nodemap edition is done.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
EdgeMapEditor? is on its way, but it is far not yet ready.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Developing of edgemap editing is started.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Editors are based.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Uh, long comment arrives... Zoom update does not happen after …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Function names are corrected according to naming conventions.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
NodeMap? values are now visualizable. Todo: default map-values
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
File graph_displayer is split in functional parts.