19 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
- use Gtk::Dialog to set the new values of edge and node maps
- …
19 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
- id maps are not editable
- handle exceptions thrown by the file …
20 years |
Alpar Juttner |
math.h -> cmath
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Alpar had the key, focus can be set in the window class. But it is not …
20 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
added support for saving files
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
cout->cerr, node radius and edge width is now scaled, maps are …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Redundant functions from main_win disappeared, entry is now bigger, …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
EdgeMap? and NodeMap? creation is done, at last. Bach 4ever.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
There were bugs, created yesterday, and there is still one. (I hope …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Edge and nodemap edition is done.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
EdgeMapEditor? is on its way, but it is far not yet ready.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Editors are based.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Uh, long comment arrives... Zoom update does not happen after …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Function names are corrected according to naming conventions.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
NodeMap? values are now visualizable. Todo: default map-values
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
File graph_displayer is split in functional parts.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
A bug, explored by Alpar is corrected, but with value-checking, and …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Previous commit was also mine, but I forgot to say, that it was my …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Very small bug is corrected: if node creator tool is active, the small …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
First of all: revision 1981 is mine, what is important me because I …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Little red arrows appear in breakpoints of edges.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Broken edges are appearing.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
At last, the most simple task, the graph-item deletion is solved…
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Sorry, the previous commit was uncorrect. Erasing is now possible on …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Erasing from graph would be possible, if erasing from graph would be …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Known bugs are eliminated from gui, and new ones are created by …
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Edge creation is available.
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Hopefully, node creation works well, after a small structural …
20 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
zooming should really work now
20 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
20 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
- added toolbar
- added ScrolledWindow? for the canvas
- zooming
20 years |
Hegyi Péter |
Small documentation is added to GUI
20 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
trunk/src/* move to trunk/