# # ChangeLog for src/include in lemon-0.x # # Generated by Trac 1.2.3 # 12/30/24 17:45:13 Tue, 20 Apr 2004 12:10:36 GMT marci [353:eeae2f4a0d74] * src/include/smart_graph.h (modified) template first goes to comment... Sat, 17 Apr 2004 01:50:23 GMT Mihaly Barasz [346:538ff3ce9f68] * src/include/maps.h (modified) megsem volt bug Fri, 16 Apr 2004 23:00:09 GMT Mihaly Barasz [345:d8c452d54d37] * src/include/maps.h (modified) Misterious bug with StdMap::set (?) Fixed default contstructor. Fri, 16 Apr 2004 08:26:00 GMT marci [335:999eb3cd7b49] * src/include/dijkstra.h (modified) * src/work/list_graph.h (modified) * src/work/marci/graph_wrapper.h (modified) jflsjfljskf Thu, 15 Apr 2004 05:51:12 GMT Alpar Juttner [326:e2f00e438c31] * src/work/alpar/oldgraph.h (moved) Deprecated... Wed, 14 Apr 2004 12:24:55 GMT Alpar Juttner [321:048b965204b5] * src/include/skeletons/graph.h (modified) Some concerns about the copy constructors of graph.h Wed, 14 Apr 2004 11:48:46 GMT marci [320:190ecba15b33] * src/include/skeletons/graph.h (modified) constructor az elejere Mon, 05 Apr 2004 14:19:02 GMT marci [298:315d826faa8f] * src/include/skeletons/graph.h (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/bfs_iterator_1.h (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/edmonds_karp_1.h (modified) * src/work/marci/experiment/graph_wrapper_1.h (modified) graph_wrappers ... Mon, 05 Apr 2004 14:01:41 GMT Alpar Juttner [297:8b6ba518fc21] * src/include/bfs.h (deleted) It was there because of a mistake. Mon, 05 Apr 2004 13:55:55 GMT Alpar Juttner [296:09d6d48815a5] * src/include/dijkstra.h (modified) Swept out some deprecated comments Sat, 03 Apr 2004 20:33:05 GMT Mihaly Barasz [286:d3c4d99860a9] * src/include/maps.h (added) * src/include/skeletons/maps.h (modified) * src/work/klao/map_test.cc (modified) Miscellaneous maps, early version skeletons/maps.h: minor bug Sat, 03 Apr 2004 18:42:39 GMT Alpar Juttner [285:0bc5f7f66bfa] * src/include/smart_graph.h (modified) Many of the old stuffs has been finally removed. Sat, 03 Apr 2004 18:41:46 GMT Mihaly Barasz [284:2d4684f76aac] * src/include/skeletons/maps.h (modified) Superfluous parts removed Sat, 03 Apr 2004 18:21:25 GMT Mihaly Barasz [282:7f85e99502db] * doc/makefile (modified) * src/include/skeletons/maps.h (modified) Bit more elaborated map concepts Fri, 02 Apr 2004 14:53:05 GMT athos [276:b38f4cfa76cf] * src/include/dijkstra.h (modified) * src/work/athos/graph_wrapper.h (copied) * src/work/athos/suurballe.cc (added) * src/work/athos/suurballe.h (added) suurballe fordulo es segfaultolo(!) valtozata Thu, 01 Apr 2004 21:06:53 GMT Mihaly Barasz [274:28728f3945c5] * doc/Doxyfile (modified) * src/include/bin_heap.h (modified) * src/work/alpar/dijkstra/bin_heap.h (deleted) * src/work/bin_heap_demo.cc (modified) bin_heap merge-olva Mon, 29 Mar 2004 11:08:59 GMT Mihaly Barasz [258:94bafec4f56f] * src/include/bin_heap.h (moved) * src/include/dijkstra.h (modified) * src/work/alpar/dijkstra/bin_heap.h (moved) * src/work/alpar/dijkstra/dijkstra.cc (modified) * src/work/bin_heap_demo.cc (modified) * src/work/jacint/dijkstra.cc (modified) * src/work/jacint/prim.cc (modified) bin_heap.hh atnevezese Mon, 29 Mar 2004 10:25:23 GMT Alpar Juttner [257:7f832b4e5391] * src/include/dijkstra.h (modified) * src/work/alpar/dijkstra/dijkstra.cc (modified) * src/work/alpar/dijkstra/makefile (modified) Minor changes in #include's Mon, 29 Mar 2004 08:31:01 GMT Alpar Juttner [255:45107782cbca] * doc/Doxyfile (modified) * src/include/dijkstra.h (added) * src/include/fib_heap.h (added) * src/work/alpar/dijkstra/dijkstra.h (deleted) * src/work/alpar/dijkstra/fib_heap.h (deleted) dijkstra.h and fib_heap.h has moved to include. The versions of ... Mon, 29 Mar 2004 08:22:39 GMT Alpar Juttner [254:483ba4ffe90a] * src/include/skeletons/graph.h (moved) * src/include/skeletons/maps.h (moved) Mon, 29 Mar 2004 08:16:18 GMT Alpar Juttner [253:f45703336699] * doc/Doxyfile (modified) * src/include/invalid.h (moved) * src/include/smart_graph.h (moved) * src/work/alpar/graph.h (moved) Move invalid.h smart_graph.h maps.h emptygraph.h to include Fri, 26 Mar 2004 23:34:45 GMT Mihaly Barasz [252:35c2543f45fb] * doc/.keepme (deleted) * src/.keepme (deleted) * src/include/.keepme (deleted) * src/work/.cvsignore (deleted) * src/work/johanna/.cvsignore (deleted) * src/work/klao/.cvsignore (deleted) .keepme -k torolve .cvsignore -ok konvertalva Sat, 20 Mar 2004 20:08:24 GMT jacint [221:d8a67c5b26d1] * src/include/bin_heap.hh (modified) map.get(v) <- map[v] csere Sat, 20 Mar 2004 13:48:04 GMT Mihaly Barasz [214:44f01e580f16] * src/include/bin_heap.hh (modified) * src/work/bin_heap_demo.cc (modified) Feluton az uj map stilus fele. Nehany const javitas. Thu, 11 Mar 2004 19:24:28 GMT Mihaly Barasz [172:c645f4a2a6ae] * src/include/bin_heap.hh (modified) * src/work/bin_heap_demo.cc (modified) Uj kupac nevezektan Sun, 22 Feb 2004 12:43:48 GMT Alpar Juttner [114:bb07dd5b2d67] * src/include/bin_heap.hh (modified) marci ->hugo Tue, 10 Feb 2004 13:29:15 GMT Alpar Juttner [70:851ca9a60e90] * doc/etikol.texi (modified) * doc/flf-graph.texi (modified) * src/include/graph.h (modified) * src/work/alpar/gwrapper.h (modified) . Thu, 29 Jan 2004 17:47:41 GMT Mihaly Barasz [41:67f73b15855d] * src/include/bin_heap.hh (modified) bin_heap.hh: erase metodus empty szebben :) Tue, 27 Jan 2004 21:23:33 GMT Mihaly Barasz [39:28b0d751d29f] * src/include/bin_heap.hh (modified) * src/work/bin_heap_demo.cc (modified) Alap leiras a BinHeap -rol BinHeap::state() befejezese Tue, 27 Jan 2004 19:16:38 GMT Mihaly Barasz [37:e0e41f9e2be5] * src/include/bin_heap.hh (added) * src/work/bin_heap_demo.cc (added) Generikus binaris kupac implementacio. Alap demo file mukodesenek ... Tue, 16 Dec 2003 18:17:51 GMT Alpar Juttner [8:cd54905012bc] * src/include/bfs.h (modified) * src/include/graph.h (modified) * src/work/bfsdemo.cc (modified) * src/work/bfsdemo2.cc (modified) -New test: bfsdemo2.cc added - Graph class has a NodeMap and an ... Tue, 16 Dec 2003 16:19:08 GMT Alpar Juttner [6:b63d1bc367f7] * src/include/bfs.h (modified) * src/include/graph.h (modified) * src/work/bfsdemo.cc (modified) * src/work/bfsdemo2.cc (added) !!!Tests!!! Mon, 15 Dec 2003 17:46:22 GMT Alpar Juttner [5:f5852ebe00ca] * src/include/bfs.h (modified) . Sun, 14 Dec 2003 15:32:46 GMT Alpar Juttner [4:8009bb5ddd09] * src/include/bfs.h (modified) * src/work/bfsdemo.cc (modified) a 'bfs algorithm class' proposal added Sat, 13 Dec 2003 15:44:50 GMT Alpar Juttner [3:272a5677bd6d] * src/include/bfs.h (modified) * src/include/graph.h (modified) * src/include/oldgraph.h (modified) * src/work/bfsdemo.cc (added) * src/work/graphdemo.cc (modified) * src/work/makefile (modified) - Marci type iterator constructors - src/demo/bfsdemo.cc: demo for ... Thu, 11 Dec 2003 07:24:53 GMT Alpar Juttner [2:37117ebbabe2] * src/include/bfs.h (added) * src/include/graph.h (modified) * src/work/graphdemo.cc (modified) * src/work/makefile (modified) bfs Sat, 06 Dec 2003 19:32:27 GMT Alpar Juttner [1:207fb3c727cb] * src/include/graph.h (added) * src/include/oldgraph.h (added) * src/work/graphdemo.cc (added) * src/work/makefile (added) src/demo/graph.h: a proposal for a graph implementation ... Sat, 06 Dec 2003 19:14:54 GMT Alpar Juttner [0:d10681d156f9] * doc/.keepme (added) * src/.keepme (added) * src/include/.keepme (added) Initial revision