21 years |
marci |
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
max_flow.h (wich doesn't use STL
- max_flow.h (which doesn't use STL …
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
21 years |
jacint |
trying if without stl stack we are faster
21 years |
jacint |
without stl stack we are faster
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
21 years |
marci |
max_flow.h bug correction
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
the same
21 years |
marci |
for_each_macros.h in include
21 years |
marci |
undir -> dir in docs
21 years |
jacint |
Almost full documentation added, NO_FLOW incorporated, Phase0(1) …
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
marci |
docs, max_flow improvments
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
bfs_iterator -> bfs_dfs.h, some docs
21 years |
marci |
complete graphs
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
jacint |
felkesz tesztprogi
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
jacint |
leda-hugo matching alg osszehasonlito
21 years |
marci |
random graph, random bipartite graph in jacint/graph_gen.h
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
#include <hugo/ > modifications
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
jacint |
Contains Edmonds' matching algorithm in a plain and in a heuristical form.
21 years |
jacint |
tests max_matching.h
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
jacint |
primitive random graph generator
21 years |
marci |
matching, flows
21 years |
jacint |
Felkesz kod!
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
some documentation
21 years |
marci |
Some docu in MaxFlow? class, jacint/max_flow.h
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
preflow.f -> max_flow.h
21 years |
marci |
preflow, maxflow
21 years |
marci |
preflow, maxflow
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
jacint |
Comparison == changed to <=
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
nem irunk olyat hogy "void resetTarget(const Node _t) {t=_t;}" mert az …
21 years |
marci |
preflow, maxflow comp
21 years |
marci |
mods implied by preflow mods
21 years |
marci |
makefile: nem veletlenul commit-oltam
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
jacint |
Changes in the interface and new test program added.
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
marci |
makefile improvement in work/jacint
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
jacint |
Testing preprocess.
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
jacint mindig modosit, es ezert nekunk is kell
21 years |
marci |
modifications for better compatibility with gcc 3.4.0
21 years |
jacint |
ResGraphWrapper? running time comparison test.
21 years |
marci |
preflow mods
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
marci |
In the resgraphwrapper interface, and in the constructor,
the order of …
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
const Graph&, const CapMap?& in preflow constructor
21 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
bin_heap.hh atnevezese
21 years |
jacint |
state_enum change
21 years |
jacint |
* empty log message *
21 years |
jacint |
* empty log message *
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Several bugfixes
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
towards on ListGraph?, SmartGraph? compatibility
21 years |
jacint |
* empty log message *
21 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
hurokeles bug
21 years |
jacint |
* empty log message *
21 years |
jacint |
* empty log message *
21 years |
jacint |
* empty log message *
21 years |
jacint |
* empty log message *
21 years |
jacint |
* empty log message *
21 years |
jacint |
* empty log message *
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
jacint |
* empty log message *
21 years |
jacint |
Alpar SmartGraph?-janak atirasa
21 years |
jacint |
* empty log message *
21 years |
jacint |
* empty log message *
21 years |
jacint |
* empty log message *
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
jacint |
Flows with test files. The best is preflow.h
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
marci -> hugo replacements
resize -> update replacements
21 years |
jacint |
The best etik-ol flow alg so far.
21 years |
jacint |
another heuristic
21 years |
jacint |
egyfajta preflow
21 years |
jacint |
javitott valtozat
21 years |
jacint |
fast version
21 years |
jacint |
* empty log message *
21 years |
jacint |
after debugging