# # ChangeLog for test in lemon-0.x # # Generated by Trac 1.2.3 # 07/28/24 12:26:59 Tue, 04 Jul 2006 11:58:39 GMT Akos Ladanyi [2649:68eaa3e9029d] * Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * demo/Makefile.am (modified) * doc/Doxyfile.in (modified) * doc/Makefile.am (modified) * doc/icons/geom/ftv2doc.png (added) * doc/icons/geom/ftv2folderclosed.png (added) * doc/icons/geom/ftv2folderopen.png (added) * doc/icons/geom/osszes.xcf (added) * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) The distcheck and doc targets should work now too. Tue, 04 Jul 2006 10:06:24 GMT Akos Ladanyi [2647:aa4a3a04fb4c] * Makefile.am (added) * benchmark/Makefile (added) * benchmark/Makefile.am (added) * bootstrap (added) * configure.ac (added) * demo/Makefile (added) * demo/Makefile.am (added) * doc/Doxyfile.in (added) * doc/Makefile (added) * doc/Makefile.am (added) * lemon/Makefile (added) * lemon/Makefile.am (added) * lemon/config.h.in (added) * lemon/lemon.pc.in (added) * m4/lx_check_cplex.m4 (added) * m4/lx_check_glpk.m4 (added) * test/Makefile (added) * test/Makefile.am (added) Copied the autotools files from trunk and commented them out so that ... Mon, 01 Jun 2009 16:53:59 GMT Peter Kovacs [2637:bafe730864da] * test/lp_test.cc (modified) Remove a faulty check from lp_test.cc Sun, 05 Oct 2008 13:46:07 GMT Peter Kovacs [2621:814ba94d9989] * test/min_cost_flow_test.cc (modified) Bug fix in min_cost_flow_test.cc Fri, 19 Sep 2008 15:14:41 GMT Balazs Dezso [2618:6aa6fcaeaea5] * lemon/bits/bezier.h (modified) * lemon/bits/traits.h (modified) * lemon/circulation.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_reader.h (modified) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/min_mean_cycle.h (modified) * lemon/preflow.h (modified) * lemon/random.h (modified) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) * tools/lgf-gen.cc (modified) G++-4.3 compatibility changes Tue, 08 Apr 2008 16:01:28 GMT Balazs Dezso [2605:852361980706] * lemon/config.h.in (modified) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.h (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.h (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.h (modified) * lemon/lp_soplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_soplex.h (modified) * test/lp_test.cc (modified) Bug fixes in LP solvers - the copyLp is clarified - newLp and ... Tue, 08 Apr 2008 15:16:16 GMT Balazs Dezso [2604:e4ec01f1a4cd] * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) Fix Makefile.am Thu, 20 Mar 2008 16:57:12 GMT Balazs Dezso [2597:91e2b6a4b96e] * test/random_test.cc (modified) Correcting broken repo Thu, 20 Mar 2008 16:25:47 GMT Balazs Dezso [2596:9c00e972cdfd] * lemon/random.h (modified) * test/random_test.cc (modified) Back porting commit 81563e019fa4 Fri, 29 Feb 2008 15:55:13 GMT Peter Kovacs [2586:37fb2c384c78] * lemon/suurballe.h (modified) * test/suurballe_test.cc (modified) Reimplemented Suurballe class. - The new version is the specialized ... Thu, 28 Feb 2008 02:58:26 GMT Peter Kovacs [2584:84ef3c5b3698] * test/min_cost_flow_test.cc (modified) * test/min_cost_flow_test.lgf (added) * test/min_cost_flow_test.net (added) Test file for the min cost flow algorithms. Fri, 08 Feb 2008 11:04:37 GMT Alpar Juttner [2571:f5c6e63f51d1] * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/lp_test.cc (modified) * test/mip_test.cc (modified) Hopefully fix all compilation errors. Fri, 08 Feb 2008 10:38:08 GMT Alpar Juttner [2569:12c2c5c4330b] * benchmark/bfs-bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/hcube.cc (modified) * benchmark/radix_sort-bench.cc (modified) * demo/descriptor_map_demo.cc (modified) * demo/eps_demo.cc (modified) * demo/graph_to_eps_demo.cc (modified) * demo/min_route.cc (modified) * demo/steiner_demo.cc (modified) * lemon/color.h (modified) * lemon/fib_heap.h (modified) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified) * lemon/graph_utils.h (modified) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/network_simplex.h (modified) * lemon/random.h (modified) * lemon/simann.h (modified) * test/all_pairs_shortest_path_test.cc (modified) * test/arborescence_test.cc (modified) * test/max_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/max_weighted_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/radix_sort_test.cc (modified) * tools/lgf-gen.cc (modified) #include -> #include Tue, 05 Feb 2008 12:45:23 GMT Peter Kovacs [2565:4f411276c767] * test/heap_test.cc (modified) Bug fix in heap_test.cc. Tue, 05 Feb 2008 11:10:08 GMT Peter Kovacs [2561:ec5c56f0501e] * test/dim_test.cc (modified) Translate Hungarian varible names and improve messages in dim_test.cc. Mon, 07 Jan 2008 13:09:48 GMT Alpar Juttner [2553:bfced05fa852] * benchmark/bench_tools.h (modified) * benchmark/bfs-bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/edge_lookup.cc (modified) * benchmark/graph-bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/hcube.cc (modified) * benchmark/min_cut.cc (modified) * benchmark/min_cut_graphs.h (modified) * benchmark/radix_sort-bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/random_bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/swap_bipartite_bench.cc (modified) * demo/arg_parser_demo.cc (modified) * demo/circulation_demo.cc (modified) * demo/coloring.cc (modified) * demo/csp_demo.cc (modified) * demo/descriptor_map_demo.cc (modified) * demo/dijkstra_demo.cc (modified) * demo/dim_to_dot.cc (modified) * demo/disjoint_paths_demo.cc (modified) * demo/eps_demo.cc (modified) * demo/graph_orientation.cc (modified) * demo/graph_to_eps_demo.cc (modified) * demo/grid_ugraph_demo.cc (modified) * demo/hello_lemon.cc (modified) * demo/hello_world.cc (modified) * demo/kruskal_demo.cc (modified) * demo/lp_demo.cc (modified) * demo/lp_maxflow_demo.cc (modified) * demo/maps_summary.cc (modified) * demo/min_route.cc (modified) * demo/mip_demo.cc (modified) * demo/reader_writer_demo.cc (modified) * demo/sat-2.cc (modified) * demo/sat.cc (modified) * demo/simann_maxcut_demo.cc (modified) * demo/steiner_demo.cc (modified) * demo/strongly_connected_orientation.cc (modified) * demo/sub_graph_adaptor_demo.cc (modified) * demo/tight_edge_filter_map.h (modified) * demo/topological_ordering.cc (modified) * demo/topology_demo.cc (modified) * doc/algorithms.dox (modified) * doc/basic_concepts.dox (modified) * doc/coding_style.dox (modified) * doc/developers.dox (modified) * doc/developers_interface.dox (modified) * doc/dirs.dox (modified) * doc/getstart.dox (modified) * doc/getting_started.dox (modified) * doc/graph-adaptors.dox (modified) * doc/graph_io.dox (modified) * doc/graph_orientation.dox (modified) * doc/graphs.dox (modified) * doc/groups.dox (modified) * doc/lemon_file_format.dox (modified) * doc/license.dox (modified) * doc/mainpage.dox (modified) * doc/maps.dox (modified) * doc/maps1.dox (modified) * doc/maps2.dox (modified) * doc/named-param.dox (modified) * doc/namespaces.dox (modified) * doc/quicktour.dox (modified) * doc/read_write_bg.dox (modified) * doc/template.h (modified) * doc/tutorial.dox (modified) * doc/ugraphs.dox (modified) * lemon/arg_parser.cc (modified) * lemon/arg_parser.h (modified) * lemon/attic/debug.h (modified) * lemon/base.cc (modified) * lemon/bellman_ford.h (modified) * lemon/bfs.h (modified) * lemon/bin_heap.h (modified) * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h (modified) * lemon/bits/array_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/base_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/bezier.h (modified) * lemon/bits/debug_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/default_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_adaptor_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/invalid.h (modified) * lemon/bits/item_reader.h (modified) * lemon/bits/item_writer.h (modified) * lemon/bits/lp_id.h (modified) * lemon/bits/map_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/mingw32_time.cc (modified) * lemon/bits/mingw32_time.h (modified) * lemon/bits/path_dump.h (modified) * lemon/bits/traits.h (modified) * lemon/bits/utility.h (modified) * lemon/bits/variant.h (modified) * lemon/bits/vector_map.h (modified) * lemon/bpugraph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/bucket_heap.h (modified) * lemon/capacity_scaling.h (modified) * lemon/circulation.h (modified) * lemon/color.cc (modified) * lemon/color.h (modified) * lemon/concept_check.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/bpugraph.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/graph.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/graph_components.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/heap.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/maps.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/matrix_maps.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/path.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/counter.h (modified) * lemon/csp.h (modified) * lemon/cycle_canceling.h (modified) * lemon/dag_shortest_path.h (modified) * lemon/dfs.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * lemon/dim2.h (modified) * lemon/dimacs.h (modified) * lemon/dinitz_sleator_tarjan.h (modified) * lemon/dist_log.h (modified) * lemon/dynamic_tree.h (modified) * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/edmonds_karp.h (modified) * lemon/elevator.h (modified) * lemon/eps.cc (modified) * lemon/eps.h (modified) * lemon/error.h (modified) * lemon/euler.h (modified) * lemon/fib_heap.h (modified) * lemon/floyd_warshall.h (modified) * lemon/fredman_tarjan.h (modified) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/goldberg_tarjan.h (modified) * lemon/gomory_hu_tree.h (modified) * lemon/graph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/graph_reader.h (modified) * lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified) * lemon/graph_utils.h (modified) * lemon/graph_writer.h (modified) * lemon/grid_ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/hao_orlin.h (modified) * lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified) * lemon/iterable_maps.h (modified) * lemon/johnson.h (modified) * lemon/kruskal.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_reader.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_writer.h (modified) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/lp.h (modified) * lemon/lp_base.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.h (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.h (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.h (modified) * lemon/lp_soplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_soplex.h (modified) * lemon/lp_utils.h (modified) * lemon/map_iterator.h (modified) * lemon/maps.h (modified) * lemon/matrix_maps.h (modified) * lemon/max_matching.h (modified) * lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h (modified) * lemon/min_cost_flow.h (modified) * lemon/min_cost_max_flow.h (modified) * lemon/min_mean_cycle.h (modified) * lemon/mip_cplex.cc (modified) * lemon/mip_cplex.h (modified) * lemon/mip_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/mip_glpk.h (modified) * lemon/nagamochi_ibaraki.h (modified) * lemon/nauty_reader.h (modified) * lemon/network_simplex.h (modified) * lemon/path.h (modified) * lemon/path_utils.h (modified) * lemon/planarity.h (modified) * lemon/polynomial.h (modified) * lemon/pr_bipartite_matching.h (modified) * lemon/preflow.h (modified) * lemon/prim.h (modified) * lemon/radix_heap.h (modified) * lemon/radix_sort.h (modified) * lemon/random.cc (modified) * lemon/random.h (modified) * lemon/refptr.h (modified) * lemon/simann.h (modified) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * lemon/ssp_min_cost_flow.h (modified) * lemon/static_graph.h (modified) * lemon/steiner.h (modified) * lemon/sub_graph.h (modified) * lemon/suurballe.h (modified) * lemon/tabu_search.h (modified) * lemon/time_measure.h (modified) * lemon/tolerance.h (modified) * lemon/topology.h (modified) * lemon/ugraph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/unionfind.h (modified) * lemon/vmap.h (modified) * scripts/update-copyright-header (modified) * test/all_pairs_shortest_path_test.cc (modified) * test/arborescence_test.cc (modified) * test/bfs_test.cc (modified) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/bpugraph_test.cc (modified) * test/counter_test.cc (modified) * test/dfs_test.cc (modified) * test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) * test/dim_test.cc (modified) * test/edge_set_test.cc (modified) * test/error_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_adaptor_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_copy_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_factory_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_test.h (modified) * test/graph_utils_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_utils_test.h (modified) * test/heap_test.cc (modified) * test/heap_test.h (modified) * test/kruskal_test.cc (modified) * test/lp_test.cc (modified) * test/map_test.h (modified) * test/maps_test.cc (modified) * test/matrix_maps_test.cc (modified) * test/max_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/max_weighted_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/min_cost_flow_test.cc (modified) * test/mip_test.cc (modified) * test/path_test.cc (modified) * test/polynomial_test.cc (modified) * test/preflow_test.cc (modified) * test/radix_sort_test.cc (modified) * test/random_test.cc (modified) * test/refptr_test.cc (modified) * test/simann_test.cc (modified) * test/suurballe_test.cc (modified) * test/test_tools.h (modified) * test/test_tools_fail.cc (modified) * test/test_tools_pass.cc (modified) * test/time_measure_test.cc (modified) * test/ugraph_test.cc (modified) * test/unionfind_test.cc (modified) * tools/dim_to_lgf.cc (modified) * tools/lgf-gen.cc (modified) Happy New Year to LEMON (+ better update-copyright-header script) Sat, 29 Dec 2007 15:11:41 GMT Balazs Dezso [2549:88b81ec599ed] * lemon/max_matching.h (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/max_weighted_matching_test.cc (added) Test program for max weighted matchings Fri, 30 Nov 2007 09:22:38 GMT Balazs Dezso [2529:93de38566e6c] * lemon/bin_heap.h (modified) * lemon/fib_heap.h (modified) * lemon/graph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/min_mean_cycle.h (modified) * lemon/topology.h (modified) * test/graph_adaptor_test.cc (modified) Minor changes Sat, 17 Nov 2007 20:58:11 GMT Balazs Dezso [2514:57143c09dc20] * benchmark/hcube.cc (modified) * demo/disjoint_paths_demo.cc (modified) * demo/sub_graph_adaptor_demo.cc (modified) * doc/groups.dox (modified) * doc/images/flow.eps (deleted) * doc/images/flow.png (deleted) * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/dinitz_sleator_tarjan.h (added) * lemon/dynamic_tree.h (added) * lemon/edmonds_karp.h (modified) * lemon/goldberg_tarjan.h (added) * lemon/preflow.h (modified) * test/preflow_test.cc (modified) Redesign the maximum flow algorithms Redesigned interface Preflow ... Tue, 30 Oct 2007 20:21:10 GMT Balazs Dezso [2505:1bb471764ab8] * lemon/max_matching.h (modified) * lemon/unionfind.h (modified) * test/max_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/unionfind_test.cc (modified) Redesign interface of MaxMatching and UnionFindEnum New class ... Mon, 01 Oct 2007 18:57:21 GMT Alpar Juttner [2483:bf6d7b624d5c] * lemon/random.h (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/random_test.cc (added) - Gamma distributon random variable. - Test file for random.h Tue, 21 Aug 2007 13:22:21 GMT Balazs Dezso [2463:19651a04d056] * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * lemon/pr_bipartite_matching.h (modified) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) Query functions: aMatching and bMatching Modified algorithm function ... Sat, 11 Aug 2007 16:34:41 GMT Balazs Dezso [2462:7a096a6bf53a] * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * lemon/pr_bipartite_matching.h (moved) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) Common interface for bipartite matchings Some useful query function ... Mon, 07 May 2007 18:19:55 GMT Balazs Dezso [2441:d8d6ab871608] * lemon/lp_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.h (modified) * lemon/mip_glpk.cc (modified) * test/mip_test.cc (modified) Conformity to new GLPK interface Hacking Mip without integer variables Thu, 19 Apr 2007 15:11:58 GMT Balazs Dezso [2424:95cd24940d00] * lemon/kruskal.h (modified) * test/kruskal_test.cc (modified) Redesigned Kruskal algorithm The interface of function type ... Sat, 03 Mar 2007 16:30:37 GMT Alpar Juttner [2391:14a343be7a5a] * LICENSE (modified) * benchmark/bench_tools.h (modified) * benchmark/bfs-bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/edge_lookup.cc (modified) * benchmark/graph-bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/hcube.cc (modified) * benchmark/min_cut.cc (modified) * benchmark/min_cut_graphs.h (modified) * benchmark/radix_sort-bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/random_bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/swap_bipartite_bench.cc (modified) * demo/arg_parser_demo.cc (modified) * demo/circulation_demo.cc (modified) * demo/coloring.cc (modified) * demo/csp_demo.cc (modified) * demo/descriptor_map_demo.cc (modified) * demo/dijkstra_demo.cc (modified) * demo/dim_to_dot.cc (modified) * demo/dim_to_lgf.cc (modified) * demo/disjoint_paths_demo.cc (modified) * demo/eps_demo.cc (modified) * demo/graph_orientation.cc (modified) * demo/graph_to_eps_demo.cc (modified) * demo/grid_ugraph_demo.cc (modified) * demo/hello_lemon.cc (modified) * demo/hello_world.cc (modified) * demo/kruskal_demo.cc (modified) * demo/lp_demo.cc (modified) * demo/lp_maxflow_demo.cc (modified) * demo/maps_summary.cc (modified) * demo/min_route.cc (modified) * demo/mip_demo.cc (modified) * demo/reader_writer_demo.cc (modified) * demo/simann_maxcut_demo.cc (modified) * demo/strongly_connected_orientation.cc (modified) * demo/sub_graph_adaptor_demo.cc (modified) * demo/tight_edge_filter_map.h (modified) * demo/topological_ordering.cc (modified) * demo/topology_demo.cc (modified) * doc/algorithms.dox (modified) * doc/basic_concepts.dox (modified) * doc/coding_style.dox (modified) * doc/developers_interface.dox (modified) * doc/dirs.dox (modified) * doc/getstart.dox (modified) * doc/getting_started.dox (modified) * doc/graph-adaptors.dox (modified) * doc/graph_io.dox (modified) * doc/graph_orientation.dox (modified) * doc/graphs.dox (modified) * doc/groups.dox (modified) * doc/lemon_file_format.dox (modified) * doc/license.dox (modified) * doc/mainpage.dox (modified) * doc/maps.dox (modified) * doc/maps1.dox (modified) * doc/maps2.dox (modified) * doc/named-param.dox (modified) * doc/namespaces.dox (modified) * doc/quicktour.dox (modified) * doc/read_write_bg.dox (modified) * doc/template.h (modified) * doc/tutorial.dox (modified) * doc/ugraphs.dox (modified) * lemon/arg_parser.cc (modified) * lemon/arg_parser.h (modified) * lemon/attic/debug.h (modified) * lemon/base.cc (modified) * lemon/bellman_ford.h (modified) * lemon/bfs.h (modified) * lemon/bin_heap.h (modified) * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h (modified) * lemon/bits/array_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/base_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/bezier.h (modified) * lemon/bits/debug_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/default_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_adaptor_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/invalid.h (modified) * lemon/bits/item_reader.h (modified) * lemon/bits/item_writer.h (modified) * lemon/bits/lp_id.h (modified) * lemon/bits/map_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/mingw32_time.cc (modified) * lemon/bits/mingw32_time.h (modified) * lemon/bits/path_dump.h (modified) * lemon/bits/traits.h (modified) * lemon/bits/utility.h (modified) * lemon/bits/variant.h (modified) * lemon/bits/vector_map.h (modified) * lemon/bp_matching.h (modified) * lemon/bpugraph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/bucket_heap.h (modified) * lemon/circulation.h (modified) * lemon/color.cc (modified) * lemon/color.h (modified) * lemon/concept_check.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/bpugraph.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/graph.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/graph_components.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/heap.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/maps.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/matrix_maps.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/path.h (modified) * lemon/concepts/ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/counter.h (modified) * lemon/csp.h (modified) * lemon/dag_shortest_path.h (modified) * lemon/dfs.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * lemon/dim2.h (modified) * lemon/dimacs.h (modified) * lemon/dist_log.h (modified) * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/edmonds_karp.h (modified) * lemon/elevator.h (modified) * lemon/eps.cc (modified) * lemon/eps.h (modified) * lemon/error.h (modified) * lemon/euler.h (modified) * lemon/fib_heap.h (modified) * lemon/floyd_warshall.h (modified) * lemon/fredman_tarjan.h (modified) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/graph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/graph_reader.h (modified) * lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified) * lemon/graph_utils.h (modified) * lemon/graph_writer.h (modified) * lemon/grid_ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/hao_orlin.h (modified) * lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified) * lemon/iterable_maps.h (modified) * lemon/johnson.h (modified) * lemon/kruskal.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_reader.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_writer.h (modified) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/lp.h (modified) * lemon/lp_base.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.h (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.h (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.h (modified) * lemon/lp_soplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_soplex.h (modified) * lemon/lp_utils.h (modified) * lemon/map_iterator.h (modified) * lemon/maps.h (modified) * lemon/matrix_maps.h (modified) * lemon/max_matching.h (modified) * lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h (modified) * lemon/mip_cplex.cc (modified) * lemon/mip_cplex.h (modified) * lemon/mip_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/mip_glpk.h (modified) * lemon/nagamochi_ibaraki.h (modified) * lemon/path.h (modified) * lemon/path_utils.h (modified) * lemon/polynomial.h (modified) * lemon/preflow.h (modified) * lemon/prim.h (modified) * lemon/radix_heap.h (modified) * lemon/radix_sort.h (modified) * lemon/random.cc (modified) * lemon/random.h (modified) * lemon/refptr.h (modified) * lemon/simann.h (modified) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * lemon/ssp_min_cost_flow.h (modified) * lemon/static_graph.h (modified) * lemon/steiner.h (modified) * lemon/sub_graph.h (modified) * lemon/suurballe.h (modified) * lemon/tabu_search.h (modified) * lemon/time_measure.h (modified) * lemon/tolerance.h (modified) * lemon/topology.h (modified) * lemon/ugraph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/unionfind.h (modified) * lemon/vmap.h (modified) * scripts/update-copyright-header (modified) * test/all_pairs_shortest_path_test.cc (modified) * test/arborescence_test.cc (modified) * test/bfs_test.cc (modified) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/bpugraph_test.cc (modified) * test/counter_test.cc (modified) * test/dfs_test.cc (modified) * test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) * test/dim_test.cc (modified) * test/edge_set_test.cc (modified) * test/error_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_adaptor_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_copy_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_factory_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_test.h (modified) * test/graph_utils_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_utils_test.h (modified) * test/heap_test.cc (modified) * test/heap_test.h (modified) * test/kruskal_test.cc (modified) * test/lp_test.cc (modified) * test/map_test.h (modified) * test/maps_test.cc (modified) * test/matrix_maps_test.cc (modified) * test/max_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/min_cost_flow_test.cc (modified) * test/mip_test.cc (modified) * test/path_test.cc (modified) * test/polynomial_test.cc (modified) * test/preflow_test.cc (modified) * test/radix_sort_test.cc (modified) * test/refptr_test.cc (modified) * test/simann_test.cc (modified) * test/suurballe_test.cc (modified) * test/test_tools.h (modified) * test/test_tools_fail.cc (modified) * test/test_tools_pass.cc (modified) * test/time_measure_test.cc (modified) * test/ugraph_test.cc (modified) * test/unionfind_test.cc (modified) * tools/lgf-gen.cc (modified) Happy New Year to all source files! Fri, 02 Mar 2007 18:04:28 GMT Balazs Dezso [2386:81b47fc5c444] * benchmark/bench_tools.h (modified) * benchmark/hcube.cc (modified) * benchmark/swap_bipartite_bench.cc (modified) * configure.ac (modified) * demo/descriptor_map_demo.cc (modified) * demo/simann_maxcut_demo.cc (modified) * lemon/bellman_ford.h (modified) * lemon/bfs.h (modified) * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h (modified) * lemon/bits/array_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/base_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/debug_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_adaptor_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/item_reader.h (modified) * lemon/bits/item_writer.h (modified) * lemon/bits/lp_id.h (modified) * lemon/bits/utility.h (modified) * lemon/bits/variant.h (modified) * lemon/bits/vector_map.h (modified) * lemon/bpugraph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/bucket_heap.h (modified) * lemon/csp.h (modified) * lemon/dfs.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/error.h (modified) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/graph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/graph_reader.h (modified) * lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified) * lemon/graph_utils.h (modified) * lemon/graph_writer.h (modified) * lemon/grid_ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/hao_orlin.h (modified) * lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified) * lemon/iterable_maps.h (modified) * lemon/johnson.h (modified) * lemon/kruskal.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_reader.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_writer.h (modified) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_soplex.cc (modified) * lemon/matrix_maps.h (modified) * lemon/max_matching.h (modified) * lemon/nagamochi_ibaraki.h (modified) * lemon/path.h (modified) * lemon/polynomial.h (modified) * lemon/preflow.h (modified) * lemon/radix_heap.h (modified) * lemon/radix_sort.h (modified) * lemon/random.h (modified) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * lemon/steiner.h (modified) * lemon/ugraph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/unionfind.h (modified) * test/all_pairs_shortest_path_test.cc (modified) * test/arborescence_test.cc (modified) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/lp_test.cc (modified) * test/map_test.h (modified) * test/max_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/mip_test.cc (modified) * test/radix_sort_test.cc (modified) Hard Warning checking - based on the remark of the ZIB user - we ... Mon, 19 Feb 2007 18:21:28 GMT Balazs Dezso [2369:6ae1a97055a2] * demo/lp_demo.cc (modified) * demo/lp_maxflow_demo.cc (modified) * demo/mip_demo.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_utils.h (modified) * test/lp_test.cc (modified) * test/mip_test.cc (modified) Naming convention changes setObj => obj is_min => isMin ... Thu, 15 Feb 2007 14:22:08 GMT Balazs Dezso [2363:2aabce558574] * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/bits/lp_id.h (added) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.h (modified) * lemon/lp_soplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_soplex.h (modified) * lemon/lp_utils.h (modified) * m4/lx_check_soplex.m4 (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/lp_test.cc (modified) Changes on the LP interface _FixId => LpId - handling of not ... Fri, 12 Jan 2007 16:29:06 GMT athos [2345:bfcaad2b84e8] * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.cc (modified) * test/lp_test.cc (modified) One important thing only: equality-type constraint can now be added ... Thu, 11 Jan 2007 22:08:18 GMT Balazs Dezso [2344:48ecc4feb42b] * test/graph_copy_test.cc (modified) Bug fix Mon, 08 Jan 2007 10:39:59 GMT Balazs Dezso [2335:27aa03cd3121] * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/bellman_ford.h (modified) * lemon/bfs.h (modified) * lemon/bits/path_dump.h (added) * lemon/concepts/path.h (modified) * lemon/dag_shortest_path.h (modified) * lemon/dfs.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * lemon/floyd_warshall.h (modified) * lemon/johnson.h (modified) * lemon/path.h (modified) * lemon/path_utils.h (added) * lemon/suurballe.h (modified) * test/all_pairs_shortest_path_test.cc (modified) * test/bfs_test.cc (modified) * test/dfs_test.cc (modified) * test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) * test/path_test.cc (modified) New path concept and path structures TODO: BellmanFord::negativeCycle() Thu, 07 Dec 2006 16:10:54 GMT athos [2328:b4931ae52069] * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.h (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.h (modified) * test/lp_test.cc (modified) Query functions have been implemented for GLPK (CPLEX breaks at the ... Mon, 04 Dec 2006 16:51:46 GMT athos [2325:d6ec469aa019] * test/lp_test.cc (modified) Oops. I did not mean to break the repository. Mon, 04 Dec 2006 16:48:13 GMT athos [2324:18fc834761d9] * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.h (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.h (modified) * test/lp_test.cc (modified) Some query functions got implemented, but only for GLPK. Wed, 29 Nov 2006 17:32:03 GMT Balazs Dezso [2314:dbbd5c514163] * test/lp_test.cc (modified) checking soplex Fri, 24 Nov 2006 14:24:43 GMT Balazs Dezso [2308:cddae1c4fee6] * lemon/kruskal.h (modified) * lemon/max_matching.h (modified) * lemon/unionfind.h (modified) * test/unionfind_test.cc (modified) Erasing unionfind Item template parameter Thu, 09 Nov 2006 00:23:26 GMT Alpar Juttner [2298:d77ddf9e592f] * test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) Test the automatic compilation checker 3/3: fix repo again Thu, 09 Nov 2006 00:19:53 GMT Alpar Juttner [2297:49c8d69c0640] * test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) Test the automatic compilation checker 2/3: wrong commit Thu, 09 Nov 2006 00:14:15 GMT Alpar Juttner [2296:02088c3c0d14] * test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) Test the automatic compilation checker 1/3 Fri, 03 Nov 2006 14:20:24 GMT Balazs Dezso [2290:f30867b359a8] * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/traits.h (modified) * lemon/graph_utils.h (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/graph_copy_test.cc (added) GraphCopy and UGraphCopy modifications Preliminary support for ... Mon, 30 Oct 2006 17:22:14 GMT Balazs Dezso [2276:1a8a66b6c6ce] * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/min_cost_flow.h (deleted) * lemon/ssp_min_cost_flow.h (added) * lemon/suurballe.h (modified) * test/min_cost_flow_test.cc (modified) Min cost flow is renamed to SspMinCostFlow Mon, 30 Oct 2006 12:07:52 GMT Balazs Dezso [2269:fb1c634fff29] * demo/coloring.cc (modified) * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * test/all_pairs_shortest_path_test.cc (modified) * test/heap_test.cc (modified) * test/heap_test.h (modified) Bug fix for removing heap Item from template parameter list Mon, 30 Oct 2006 11:32:19 GMT athos [2267:3575f17a6e7f] * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/mip_cplex.cc (modified) * lemon/mip_glpk.cc (modified) * test/mip_test.cc (modified) LEMON_INTEGER -> INT Fri, 27 Oct 2006 12:39:13 GMT athos [2264:90c66dc93ca4] * test/lp_test.cc (modified) A little test was born for Expr::simplify(). Tue, 24 Oct 2006 17:19:16 GMT Alpar Juttner [2260:4274224f8a7d] * Makefile.am (modified) * doc/graphs.dox (modified) * doc/groups.dox (modified) * doc/maps.dox (modified) * doc/namespaces.dox (modified) * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/bellman_ford.h (modified) * lemon/bfs.h (modified) * lemon/bits/array_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/base_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/debug_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/map_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/vector_map.h (modified) * lemon/color.h (modified) * lemon/concept/bpugraph.h (deleted) * lemon/concept/graph.h (deleted) * lemon/concept/graph_components.h (deleted) * lemon/concept/heap.h (deleted) * lemon/concept/maps.h (deleted) * lemon/concept/matrix_maps.h (deleted) * lemon/concept/path.h (deleted) * lemon/concept/ugraph.h (deleted) * lemon/concepts/bpugraph.h (added) * lemon/concepts/graph.h (added) * lemon/concepts/graph_components.h (added) * lemon/concepts/heap.h (added) * lemon/concepts/maps.h (added) * lemon/concepts/matrix_maps.h (added) * lemon/concepts/path.h (added) * lemon/concepts/ugraph.h (added) * lemon/dag_shortest_path.h (modified) * lemon/dfs.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/floyd_warshall.h (modified) * lemon/fredman_tarjan.h (modified) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/graph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/grid_ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified) * lemon/johnson.h (modified) * lemon/kruskal.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_reader.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_writer.h (modified) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/maps.h (modified) * lemon/matrix_maps.h (modified) * lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h (modified) * lemon/min_cut.h (modified) * lemon/prim.h (modified) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * lemon/topology.h (modified) * lemon/vmap.h (modified) * test/bfs_test.cc (modified) * test/bpugraph_test.cc (modified) * test/dfs_test.cc (modified) * test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) * test/edge_set_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_adaptor_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_factory_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_test.cc (modified) * test/heap_test.cc (modified) * test/kruskal_test.cc (modified) * test/maps_test.cc (modified) * test/matrix_maps_test.cc (modified) * test/path_test.cc (modified) * test/preflow_test.cc (modified) * test/test_tools.h (modified) * test/ugraph_test.cc (modified) concept -> concepts (namespace & directory) Tue, 17 Oct 2006 10:50:57 GMT Balazs Dezso [2247:269a0dcee70b] * lemon/concept/path.h (modified) * lemon/path.h (modified) * test/bfs_test.cc (modified) * test/dfs_test.cc (modified) * test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) * test/path_test.cc (modified) Update the Path concept Concept check for paths DirPath renamed to ... Tue, 17 Oct 2006 10:31:20 GMT Alpar Juttner [2243:5deb7b22a0ec] * lemon/time_measure.h (modified) * test/time_measure_test.cc (modified) Change for better measurement very fast operations (enable a higher ... Sat, 14 Oct 2006 15:26:05 GMT Balazs Dezso [2242:16523135943d] * benchmark/edge_lookup.cc (modified) * benchmark/radix_sort-bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/swap_bipartite_bench.cc (modified) * demo/descriptor_map_demo.cc (modified) * demo/simann_maxcut_demo.cc (modified) * demo/topology_demo.cc (modified) * lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified) * lemon/random.h (modified) * lemon/simann.h (modified) * test/all_pairs_shortest_path_test.cc (modified) * test/arborescence_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_utils_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_utils_test.h (modified) * test/heap_test.h (modified) * test/matrix_maps_test.cc (modified) * test/radix_sort_test.cc (modified) * test/simann_test.cc (modified) * test/test_tools.h (modified) New random interface Switching to the new interface Thu, 12 Oct 2006 10:53:49 GMT Alpar Juttner [2236:9f329faa4aee] * test/graph_utils_test.cc (modified) EdgeLookUp and AllEdgeLookUp tests added. Tue, 03 Oct 2006 11:46:39 GMT Balazs Dezso [2231:06faf3f06d67] * lemon/bits/base_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_adaptor_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bpugraph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/concept/bpugraph.h (modified) * lemon/concept/graph.h (modified) * lemon/concept/graph_components.h (modified) * lemon/concept/ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/bpugraph_test.cc (added) * test/graph_adaptor_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_test.cc (modified) * test/ugraph_test.cc (modified) Some rearrangement of concepts and extenders BpUGraph concepts and ... Mon, 02 Oct 2006 16:11:00 GMT Balazs Dezso [2229:4dbb6dd2dd4b] * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/bits/mingw32_rand.cc (deleted) * lemon/bits/mingw32_rand.h (deleted) * lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified) * lemon/random.cc (added) * lemon/random.h (added) * lemon/simann.h (modified) * test/graph_utils_test.h (modified) * test/heap_test.h (modified) * test/test_tools.h (modified) Mersenne Twister random number generator The code is based on the ... Mon, 02 Oct 2006 12:09:32 GMT Balazs Dezso [2227:809b18050520] * test/mip_test.cc (modified) include just the existing solvers Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:20:22 GMT athos [2221:c7261e981330] * lemon/lp.h (modified) * test/mip_test.cc (modified) Minor changes. Thu, 21 Sep 2006 14:46:28 GMT athos [2218:50f1a780a5ff] * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/lp.h (modified) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.h (modified) * lemon/mip_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/mip_glpk.h (modified) * test/mip_test.cc (modified) Interface to the cplex MIP solver: it is little, a bit sour but it is ... Fri, 08 Sep 2006 15:51:32 GMT athos [2213:2c094dfa176d] * lemon/mip_glpk.cc (modified) * test/mip_test.cc (modified) Some corrections. Fri, 08 Sep 2006 08:55:07 GMT Balazs Dezso [2212:0ad3835449f8] * lemon/dim2.h (modified) * test/dim_test.cc (modified) Some small improvments size() and subscription operators ... Thu, 07 Sep 2006 13:27:16 GMT Alpar Juttner [2207:75a29ac69c19] * benchmark/swap_bipartite_bench.cc (modified) * demo/coloring.cc (modified) * demo/descriptor_map_demo.cc (modified) * demo/disjoint_paths_demo.cc (modified) * demo/graph_orientation.cc (modified) * demo/graph_to_eps_demo.cc (modified) * demo/grid_ugraph_demo.cc (modified) * demo/min_route.cc (modified) * demo/strongly_connected_orientation.cc (modified) * demo/topology_demo.cc (modified) * lemon.spec.in (modified) * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/bits/bezier.h (modified) * lemon/dim2.h (moved) * lemon/eps.cc (modified) * lemon/eps.h (modified) * lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified) * lemon/grid_ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_reader.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_writer.h (modified) * lemon/polynomial.h (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/dim_test.cc (moved) * test/polynomial_test.cc (modified) xy -> dim2::Point Wed, 06 Sep 2006 11:17:12 GMT Balazs Dezso [2205:c20b0eb92a33] * lemon/kruskal.h (modified) * lemon/max_matching.h (modified) * lemon/unionfind.h (modified) * test/unionfind_test.cc (modified) UnionFind Changing the representation of the union-find it has the ... Wed, 06 Sep 2006 09:54:46 GMT Balazs Dezso [2198:416b0c06b5c8] * test/test_tools.h (modified) Using abort() instead of exit(1) If a program is aborted then the ... Wed, 06 Sep 2006 08:36:52 GMT Alpar Juttner [2197:921923afd57a] * test/Makefile.am (modified) Disable mip_test when no LP solver is available. Mon, 14 Aug 2006 16:08:28 GMT Balazs Dezso [2180:d5544c9409e4] * test/arborescence_test.cc (modified) Omit warning Using check instead of the LEMON_ASSERT Using fixed graph Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:11:54 GMT athos [2149:b437bdee6fd0] * lemon/mip_glpk.cc (modified) * test/mip_test.cc (modified) Some tests added to the test file mip_test.cc. One problem is the ... Mon, 17 Jul 2006 09:31:41 GMT athos [2147:63d293ff1bef] * demo/Makefile.am (modified) * test/mip_test.cc (copied) mip_test file went to mip_demo. Mon, 17 Jul 2006 09:16:00 GMT athos [2146:5fcb6598276d] * demo/mip_demo.cc (added) * demo/mip_test.cc (deleted) * test/mip_test.cc (deleted) Still not final. Mon, 17 Jul 2006 09:00:21 GMT athos [2144:cd8897f67c26] * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/lp.h (modified) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.h (modified) * lemon/mip_glpk.cc (added) * lemon/mip_glpk.h (added) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/mip_test.cc (added) MIP support added (by Jano, the Great). Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:25:26 GMT Balazs Dezso [2137:54043fa66bce] * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) Using fixed bipartite graph Wed, 12 Jul 2006 11:40:52 GMT Alpar Juttner [2135:15355b98fb84] * test/bfs_test.cc (modified) * test/dfs_test.cc (modified) * test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) * test/kruskal_test.cc (modified) Must have been changed because of the private copy constructor. Mon, 10 Jul 2006 19:04:17 GMT Balazs Dezso [2121:09a07a851506] * lemon/concept/graph.h (modified) * lemon/concept/graph_component.h (modified) * lemon/concept/ugraph.h (modified) * test/graph_test.cc (modified) * test/ugraph_test.cc (modified) Modifications in the Graph Component concepts Tue, 04 Jul 2006 19:06:47 GMT Akos Ladanyi [2119:4cf25c61ea65] * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * demo/Makefile.am (modified) * doc/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) Distribute Makefiles. Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:15:45 GMT Balazs Dezso [2116:b6a68c15a6a3] * demo/coloring.cc (modified) * demo/strongly_connected_orientation.cc (modified) * demo/topology_demo.cc (modified) * doc/graphs.dox (modified) * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/bits/bpugraph_extender.h (deleted) * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/ugraph_extender.h (deleted) * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/full_bpugraph.h (deleted) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/full_ugraph.h (deleted) * lemon/grid_ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/list_bpugraph.h (deleted) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/list_ugraph.h (deleted) * lemon/min_cut.h (modified) * lemon/smart_bpugraph.h (deleted) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * lemon/smart_ugraph.h (deleted) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/max_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/ugraph_test.cc (modified) Revert splitted files Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:14:36 GMT Balazs Dezso [2115:4cd528a30ec1] * demo/coloring.cc (modified) * demo/strongly_connected_orientation.cc (modified) * demo/topology_demo.cc (modified) * doc/graphs.dox (modified) * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/bits/bpugraph_extender.h (added) * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/ugraph_extender.h (added) * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/full_bpugraph.h (added) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/full_ugraph.h (added) * lemon/grid_ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/list_bpugraph.h (copied) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/list_ugraph.h (copied) * lemon/min_cut.h (modified) * lemon/smart_bpugraph.h (added) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * lemon/smart_ugraph.h (added) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/max_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/ugraph_test.cc (modified) Splitted graph files Wed, 28 Jun 2006 15:06:24 GMT Balazs Dezso [2111:ea1fa1bc3f6d] * doc/graphs.dox (modified) * lemon/bellman_ford.h (modified) * lemon/concept/bpugraph.h (modified) * lemon/concept/graph.h (modified) * lemon/concept/graph_component.h (modified) * lemon/concept/ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/dag_shortest_path.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/floyd_warshall.h (modified) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/graph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified) * lemon/johnson.h (modified) * lemon/kruskal.h (modified) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h (modified) * lemon/min_cut.h (modified) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * lemon/topology.h (modified) * test/bfs_test.cc (modified) * test/dfs_test.cc (modified) * test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) * test/edge_set_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_adaptor_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_factory_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_test.cc (modified) * test/kruskal_test.cc (modified) * test/preflow_test.cc (modified) * test/ugraph_test.cc (modified) Removing concepts for extendable and erasable graphs Renaming ... Thu, 22 Jun 2006 18:20:25 GMT Akos Ladanyi [2108:f2c532541730] * Makefile.am (modified) * benchmark/Makefile (added) * benchmark/Makefile.am (modified) * configure.ac (modified) * demo/Makefile (added) * demo/Makefile.am (modified) * doc/Makefile (added) * doc/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/Makefile (added) * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * test/Makefile (added) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/heap_test.cc (modified) * test/preflow_test.cc (modified) Single makefile. Tue, 16 May 2006 16:59:57 GMT Alpar Juttner [2086:3fc072264f77] * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/polynomial.h (added) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/polynomial_test.cc (added) Polinomial template class Tue, 18 Apr 2006 07:01:55 GMT Balazs Dezso [2058:0b1fc1566fdb] * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) Refinements in bipartite matching algorithms Fri, 14 Apr 2006 18:07:33 GMT Balazs Dezso [2051:08652c1763f6] * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (modified) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (modified) MaxWeightedBipartiteMatching MinCostMaxBipartiteMatching Both ... Fri, 07 Apr 2006 09:51:23 GMT Balazs Dezso [2040:c7bd55c0d820] * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/bipartite_matching.h (added) * lemon/bpugraph_adaptor.h (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/bipartite_matching_test.cc (added) Bipartite Graph Max Cardinality Matching (Hopcroft-Karp) Test for it ... Thu, 06 Apr 2006 09:33:29 GMT Balazs Dezso [2039:dacc4ce9474d] * lemon/bits/traits.h (modified) * lemon/matrix_maps.h (modified) * test/matrix_maps_test.cc (modified) Commiting The DynamicAsymMatrixMap from Nagy Jano + MatrixMapTraits Tue, 04 Apr 2006 17:45:35 GMT Balazs Dezso [2038:33db14058543] * demo/coloring.cc (modified) * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/bucket_heap.h (added) * lemon/linear_heap.h (deleted) * lemon/min_cut.h (modified) * lemon/topology.h (modified) * test/heap_test.cc (modified) LinearHeap is renamed to BucketHeap which is more conform and widely ... Mon, 03 Apr 2006 16:03:37 GMT Balazs Dezso [2032:18c08f9129e4] * lemon/maps.h (modified) * test/maps_test.cc (modified) Writeable extension of some maps Fri, 31 Mar 2006 11:10:44 GMT Balazs Dezso [2025:93fcadf94ab0] * lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/arborescence_test.cc (added) Bugfix in the minimum cost arborescence algorithm Dual solution ... Wed, 15 Mar 2006 09:44:17 GMT Alpar Juttner [2006:00d59f733817] * doc/groups.dox (modified) * lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h (modified) * lemon/graph_utils.h (modified) * lemon/sub_graph.h (modified) * lemon/unionfind.h (modified) * lemon/xy.h (modified) * test/xy_test.cc (modified) Spellcheck Fri, 10 Mar 2006 19:34:47 GMT Mihaly Barasz [2005:84ec2948eb1f] * test/unionfind_test.cc (modified) unionfind_test: double erase is not supported anymore Mon, 06 Mar 2006 17:32:35 GMT Balazs Dezso [2000:ebcc93ead7da] * lemon/lemon_reader.h (modified) * test/dijkstra_test.lgf (modified) Checking missing section reader Wed, 01 Mar 2006 13:19:28 GMT Balazs Dezso [1993:2115143eceea] * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/base.cc (modified) * lemon/bellman_ford.h (modified) * lemon/bfs.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/invalid.h (added) * lemon/bits/map_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/static_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/traits.h (added) * lemon/bits/utility.h (added) * lemon/bits/vector_map.h (modified) * lemon/color.h (modified) * lemon/concept/bpugraph.h (modified) * lemon/concept/graph.h (modified) * lemon/concept/graph_component.h (modified) * lemon/concept/heap.h (modified) * lemon/concept/maps.h (modified) * lemon/concept/matrix_maps.h (modified) * lemon/concept/path.h (modified) * lemon/concept/ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/dag_shortest_path.h (modified) * lemon/dfs.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * lemon/dimacs.h (modified) * lemon/euler.h (modified) * lemon/floyd_warshall.h (modified) * lemon/fredman_tarjan.h (modified) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/graph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified) * lemon/graph_utils.h (modified) * lemon/grid_ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified) * lemon/invalid.h (deleted) * lemon/iterable_maps.h (modified) * lemon/johnson.h (modified) * lemon/kruskal.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_reader.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_writer.h (modified) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/map_iterator.h (modified) * lemon/maps.h (modified) * lemon/matrix_maps.h (modified) * lemon/max_matching.h (modified) * lemon/min_cut.h (modified) * lemon/path.h (modified) * lemon/preflow.h (modified) * lemon/prim.h (modified) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * lemon/traits.h (deleted) * lemon/ugraph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/unionfind.h (modified) * lemon/utility.h (deleted) * lemon/xy.h (modified) * test/max_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/test_tools.h (modified) utility, invalid and traits moved to bits Wed, 01 Mar 2006 10:25:30 GMT Balazs Dezso [1991:d7442141d9ef] * lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/graph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/ugraph_adaptor.h (modified) * test/graph_adaptor_test.cc (modified) The graph adadptors can be alteration observed. In most cases it ... Wed, 01 Mar 2006 10:17:25 GMT Balazs Dezso [1990:15fb7a4ea6be] * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/graph_utils.h (modified) * lemon/iterable_maps.h (modified) * lemon/sub_graph.h (modified) * test/edge_set_test.cc (modified) Some classes assumed that the GraphMaps should be inherited from an ... Thu, 23 Feb 2006 08:55:54 GMT Balazs Dezso [1980:a954b780e3ab] * lemon/concept/ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/graph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/ugraph_adaptor.h (modified) * test/graph_adaptor_test.cc (modified) Renaming to be convient to the naming of the adaptors Concept ... Wed, 22 Feb 2006 18:26:56 GMT Balazs Dezso [1979:c2992fd74dad] * demo/Makefile.am (modified) * demo/grid_graph_demo.cc (deleted) * demo/grid_graph_demo.in (deleted) * demo/grid_ugraph_demo.cc (added) * demo/grid_ugraph_demo.in (added) * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h (modified) * lemon/bits/clearable_graph_extender.h (deleted) * lemon/bits/default_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h (added) * lemon/bits/erasable_graph_extender.h (deleted) * lemon/bits/extendable_graph_extender.h (deleted) * lemon/bits/graph_adaptor_extender.h (added) * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/iterable_graph_extender.h (deleted) * lemon/bits/static_map.h (modified) * lemon/concept/bpugraph.h (modified) * lemon/concept/graph.h (modified) * lemon/concept/ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/euler.h (modified) * lemon/fredman_tarjan.h (modified) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/graph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/grid_graph.h (deleted) * lemon/grid_ugraph.h (added) * lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified) * lemon/kruskal.h (modified) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/prim.h (modified) * lemon/radix_sort.h (modified) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * lemon/sub_graph.h (modified) * lemon/topology.h (modified) * lemon/traits.h (modified) * lemon/ugraph_adaptor.h (added) * test/graph_adaptor_test.cc (modified) * test/ugraph_test.cc (modified) Mergeing extendermerge branch Changes: the extender system ... Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:37:00 GMT Alpar Juttner [1977:8ef02f0c4245] * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/refptr.h (added) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/refptr_test.cc (added) RefPtr: a reference counted pointer class Mon, 20 Feb 2006 06:42:29 GMT Alpar Juttner [1972:487a868e30e5] * test/time_measure_test.cc (modified) Dewarningification Mon, 06 Feb 2006 16:58:39 GMT Balazs Dezso [1962:c1c3a0fae8a1] * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/edge_set_test.cc (added) Bug fixes in ListEdgeSet Added SmartEdgeSet Mon, 06 Feb 2006 09:11:53 GMT Alpar Juttner [1960:a60b681d0825] * lemon/time_measure.h (modified) * test/time_measure_test.cc (modified) - Increased max. number of iteration - Better tests. Fri, 03 Feb 2006 16:40:16 GMT Alpar Juttner [1956:a055123339d5] * benchmark/bench_tools.h (modified) * benchmark/bfs-bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/graph-bench.cc (modified) * benchmark/hcube.cc (modified) * benchmark/radix_sort-bench.cc (modified) * demo/coloring.cc (modified) * demo/descriptor_map_demo.cc (modified) * demo/dijkstra_demo.cc (modified) * demo/dim_to_dot.cc (modified) * demo/dim_to_lgf.cc (modified) * demo/graph_orientation.cc (modified) * demo/graph_to_eps_demo.cc (modified) * demo/grid_graph_demo.cc (modified) * demo/hello_lemon.cc (modified) * demo/kruskal_demo.cc (modified) * demo/lp_demo.cc (modified) * demo/lp_maxflow_demo.cc (modified) * demo/min_route.cc (modified) * demo/reader_writer_demo.cc (modified) * demo/simann_maxcut_demo.cc (modified) * demo/sub_graph_adaptor_demo.cc (modified) * demo/tight_edge_filter_map.h (modified) * demo/topology_demo.cc (modified) * lemon/attic/debug.h (modified) * lemon/base.cc (modified) * lemon/bellman_ford.h (modified) * lemon/bezier.h (modified) * lemon/bfs.h (modified) * lemon/bin_heap.h (modified) * lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h (modified) * lemon/bits/array_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/clearable_graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/default_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/erasable_graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/extendable_graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/item_reader.h (modified) * lemon/bits/item_writer.h (modified) * lemon/bits/iterable_graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/map_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/static_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/vector_map.h (modified) * lemon/concept/bpugraph.h (modified) * lemon/concept/graph.h (modified) * lemon/concept/graph_component.h (modified) * lemon/concept/heap.h (modified) * lemon/concept/maps.h (modified) * lemon/concept/matrix_maps.h (modified) * lemon/concept/path.h (modified) * lemon/concept/ugraph.h (modified) * lemon/concept_check.h (modified) * lemon/counter.h (modified) * lemon/dag_shortest_path.h (modified) * lemon/dfs.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * lemon/dimacs.h (modified) * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/error.h (modified) * lemon/euler.h (modified) * lemon/fib_heap.h (modified) * lemon/floyd_warshall.h (modified) * lemon/fredman_tarjan.h (modified) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/graph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/graph_reader.h (modified) * lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified) * lemon/graph_utils.h (modified) * lemon/graph_writer.h (modified) * lemon/grid_graph.h (modified) * lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified) * lemon/invalid.h (modified) * lemon/iterable_maps.h (modified) * lemon/johnson.h (modified) * lemon/kruskal.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_reader.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_writer.h (modified) * lemon/linear_heap.h (modified) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/lp.h (modified) * lemon/lp_base.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.h (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.h (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.h (modified) * lemon/map_iterator.h (modified) * lemon/maps.h (modified) * lemon/matrix_maps.h (modified) * lemon/max_matching.h (modified) * lemon/min_cost_flow.h (modified) * lemon/path.h (modified) * lemon/preflow.h (modified) * lemon/prim.h (modified) * lemon/radix_heap.h (modified) * lemon/radix_sort.h (modified) * lemon/simann.h (modified) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * lemon/sub_graph.h (modified) * lemon/suurballe.h (modified) * lemon/time_measure.h (modified) * lemon/tolerance.h (modified) * lemon/topology.h (modified) * lemon/traits.h (modified) * lemon/unionfind.h (modified) * lemon/utility.h (modified) * lemon/xy.h (modified) * test/all_pairs_shortest_path_test.cc (modified) * test/bfs_test.cc (modified) * test/counter_test.cc (modified) * test/dfs_test.cc (modified) * test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) * test/error_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_adaptor_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_factory_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_test.h (modified) * test/graph_utils_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_utils_test.h (modified) * test/heap_test.cc (modified) * test/heap_test.h (modified) * test/kruskal_test.cc (modified) * test/lp_test.cc (modified) * test/map_test.h (modified) * test/maps_test.cc (modified) * test/matrix_maps_test.cc (modified) * test/max_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/min_cost_flow_test.cc (modified) * test/path_test.cc (modified) * test/preflow_test.cc (modified) * test/radix_sort_test.cc (modified) * test/simann_test.cc (modified) * test/suurballe_test.cc (modified) * test/test_tools.h (modified) * test/test_tools_fail.cc (modified) * test/test_tools_pass.cc (modified) * test/time_measure_test.cc (modified) * test/ugraph_test.cc (modified) * test/unionfind_test.cc (modified) * test/xy_test.cc (modified) Unified copyright notices Sun, 29 Jan 2006 22:10:06 GMT Akos Ladanyi [1921:fb4a2a84d363] * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/simann_test.cc (added) test for simann Thu, 26 Jan 2006 15:42:13 GMT Mihaly Barasz [1909:2d806130e700] * demo/coloring.cc (modified) * demo/coloring.lgf (modified) * demo/partitions.lgf (modified) * demo/topology_demo.cc (modified) * demo/undir_components.lgf (modified) * doc/Makefile.am (modified) * doc/graph_io.dox (modified) * doc/undir_graphs.dox (modified) * lemon/Makefile.am (modified) * lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h (modified) * lemon/bits/clearable_graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/default_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/erasable_graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/extendable_graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/iterable_graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/static_map.h (modified) * lemon/concept/graph.h (modified) * lemon/concept/graph_component.h (modified) * lemon/concept/ugraph.h (moved) * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/euler.h (modified) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/graph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/graph_reader.h (modified) * lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified) * lemon/graph_utils.h (modified) * lemon/graph_writer.h (modified) * lemon/grid_graph.h (modified) * lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified) * lemon/kruskal.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_reader.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_writer.h (modified) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/max_matching.h (modified) * lemon/path.h (modified) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * lemon/sub_graph.h (modified) * lemon/topology.h (modified) * lemon/traits.h (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/graph_adaptor_test.cc (modified) * test/max_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/path_test.cc (modified) * test/test_tools.h (modified) * test/ugraph_test.cc (moved) Undir -> U transition Tue, 24 Jan 2006 16:07:38 GMT Balazs Dezso [1901:723b2b81d900] * demo/coloring.lgf (modified) * demo/dir_components.lgf (modified) * demo/graph_orientation.cc (modified) * demo/graph_orientation.lgf (modified) * demo/partitions.lgf (modified) * demo/route.lgf (modified) * demo/sample.lgf (modified) * demo/sub_gad_input.lgf (modified) * demo/undir_components.lgf (modified) * doc/graph_io.dox (modified) * gui/graphocska.lgf (modified) * lemon/graph_reader.h (modified) * lemon/graph_writer.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_reader.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_writer.h (modified) * test/Makefile.am (modified) * test/dijkstra_test.lgf (modified) Lemon Graph Format uses label instead of id named map. Sat, 14 Jan 2006 08:44:59 GMT Alpar Juttner [1895:5b01801efbc0] * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.h (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.h (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.h (modified) * test/lp_test.cc (modified) - colName() added (untested on CPLEX) - possibility to set ... Wed, 04 Jan 2006 13:31:59 GMT Alpar Juttner [1875:98698b69a902] * LICENSE (modified) * demo/coloring.cc (modified) * demo/descriptor_map_demo.cc (modified) * demo/dijkstra_demo.cc (modified) * demo/dim_to_dot.cc (modified) * demo/dim_to_lgf.cc (modified) * demo/graph_orientation.cc (modified) * demo/graph_to_eps_demo.cc (modified) * demo/grid_graph_demo.cc (modified) * demo/hello_lemon.cc (modified) * demo/kruskal_demo.cc (modified) * demo/lp_demo.cc (modified) * demo/lp_maxflow_demo.cc (modified) * demo/min_route.cc (modified) * demo/reader_writer_demo.cc (modified) * demo/sub_graph_adaptor_demo.cc (modified) * demo/tight_edge_filter_map.h (modified) * demo/topology_demo.cc (modified) * doc/template.h (modified) * gui/xml.h (modified) * lemon/attic/debug.h (modified) * lemon/base.cc (modified) * lemon/bellman_ford.h (modified) * lemon/bezier.h (modified) * lemon/bfs.h (modified) * lemon/bin_heap.h (modified) * lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h (modified) * lemon/bits/array_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/default_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/item_reader.h (modified) * lemon/bits/item_writer.h (modified) * lemon/bits/map_extender.h (modified) * lemon/bits/static_map.h (modified) * lemon/bits/vector_map.h (modified) * lemon/concept/graph.h (modified) * lemon/concept/graph_component.h (modified) * lemon/concept/heap.h (modified) * lemon/concept/maps.h (modified) * lemon/concept/matrix_maps.h (modified) * lemon/concept/path.h (modified) * lemon/concept/undir_graph.h (modified) * lemon/counter.h (modified) * lemon/dfs.h (modified) * lemon/dijkstra.h (modified) * lemon/dimacs.h (modified) * lemon/edge_set.h (modified) * lemon/error.h (modified) * lemon/euler.h (modified) * lemon/fib_heap.h (modified) * lemon/floyd_warshall.h (modified) * lemon/full_graph.h (modified) * lemon/graph_adaptor.h (modified) * lemon/graph_reader.h (modified) * lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified) * lemon/graph_utils.h (modified) * lemon/graph_writer.h (modified) * lemon/grid_graph.h (modified) * lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified) * lemon/invalid.h (modified) * lemon/iterable_maps.h (modified) * lemon/johnson.h (modified) * lemon/kruskal.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_reader.h (modified) * lemon/lemon_writer.h (modified) * lemon/linear_heap.h (modified) * lemon/list_graph.h (modified) * lemon/lp.h (modified) * lemon/lp_base.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_base.h (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_cplex.h (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_glpk.h (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.cc (modified) * lemon/lp_skeleton.h (modified) * lemon/map_iterator.h (modified) * lemon/maps.h (modified) * lemon/matrix_maps.h (modified) * lemon/max_matching.h (modified) * lemon/min_cost_flow.h (modified) * lemon/path.h (modified) * lemon/preflow.h (modified) * lemon/radix_heap.h (modified) * lemon/radix_sort.h (modified) * lemon/smart_graph.h (modified) * lemon/sub_graph.h (modified) * lemon/suurballe.h (modified) * lemon/time_measure.h (modified) * lemon/tolerance.h (modified) * lemon/topology.h (modified) * lemon/traits.h (modified) * lemon/unionfind.h (modified) * lemon/utility.h (modified) * lemon/xy.h (modified) * test/bfs_test.cc (modified) * test/counter_test.cc (modified) * test/dfs_test.cc (modified) * test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified) * test/error_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_adaptor_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_factory_test.cc (modified) * test/graph_test.h (modified) * test/graph_utils_test.h (modified) * test/kruskal_test.cc (modified) * test/map_test.h (modified) * test/max_matching_test.cc (modified) * test/min_cost_flow_test.cc (modified) * test/path_test.cc (modified) * test/preflow_test.cc (modified) * test/suurballe_test.cc (modified) * test/test_tools.h (modified) * test/test_tools_fail.cc (modified) * test/test_tools_pass.cc (modified) * test/time_measure_test.cc (modified) * test/unionfind_test.cc (modified) * test/xy_test.cc (modified) Happy new year to LEMON