# ChangeLog for tools in lemon-main
# Generated by Trac 1.2.3
# 03/14/25 15:43:41

Fri, 17 Apr 2009 07:58:50 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [594:d657c71db7db]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/matching.h (moved)
	* test/CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/matching_test.cc (moved)
	* tools/dimacs-solver.cc (modified)

	Rename max_matching.h to matching.h (#265)

Wed, 15 Apr 2009 00:04:37 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [584:33c6b6e755cd]
	* lemon/bin_heap.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/graph_components.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/heap.h (modified)
	* lemon/dfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/dijkstra.h (modified)
	* lemon/dimacs.h (modified)
	* lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified)
	* lemon/kruskal.h (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_reader.h (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_writer.h (modified)
	* lemon/lp_base.h (modified)
	* lemon/maps.h (modified)
	* lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h (modified)
	* lemon/random.h (modified)
	* lemon/suurballe.h (modified)
	* lemon/time_measure.h (modified)
	* tools/dimacs-solver.cc (modified)
	* tools/dimacs-to-lgf.cc (modified)
	* tools/lgf-gen.cc (modified)

	Small doc improvements (#263)

Wed, 08 Apr 2009 08:42:00 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [574:003367ffe66e]
	* tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh (modified)

	Add RangeIdMap, CrossRefMap to the rename script (#160)

Mon, 06 Apr 2009 17:51:04 GMT Akos Ladanyi <ladanyi@…> [570:ab6da8cf5ab2]
	* tools/lgf-gen.cc (modified)

	Fix compilation with MSVC (#259)

Mon, 06 Apr 2009 17:51:54 GMT Akos Ladanyi <ladanyi@…> [569:24682336c38e]
	* tools/dimacs-solver.cc (modified)

	Fix compilation with MSVC (#258)

Mon, 30 Mar 2009 15:46:37 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [561:6e0525ec5355]
	* lemon/dimacs.h (modified)
	* tools/dimacs-solver.cc (modified)
	* tools/dimacs-to-lgf.cc (modified)

	Accept negative values as unbounded capacity in dimacs readers (#243) ...

Fri, 27 Mar 2009 06:24:52 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [555:b779c4dc7496]
	* tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh (modified)

	Fix and extend the migration script (#245)

Mon, 16 Mar 2009 13:51:32 GMT Akos Ladanyi <ladanyi@…> [549:ba659d676331]
	* CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* demo/CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* doc/CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* lemon/CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* test/CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* tools/CMakeLists.txt (modified)

	Make it possible to use LEMON as a CMake subproject (#240)

Mon, 23 Feb 2009 13:51:10 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [532:997a75bac45a]
	* tools/dimacs-solver.cc (modified)

	Small improvements in DIMACS solver (#226)

Mon, 23 Feb 2009 11:52:45 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [527:c458e02723b1]
	* CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* tools/CMakeLists.txt (added)

	CMAKE builds the tools/ dir, too (#228)

Mon, 23 Feb 2009 11:49:57 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [526:28b154307c0d]
	* tools/Makefile.am (modified)
	* tools/dimacs-solver.cc (copied)

	DIMACS solver utility (#226)

Mon, 23 Feb 2009 11:31:22 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [524:06e0fb20a97c]
	* tools/lgf-gen.cc (modified)

	Option for lgf-gen to draw the edges only

Mon, 23 Feb 2009 11:30:15 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [523:d9e43511d11c]
	* tools/Makefile.am (modified)
	* tools/lgf-gen.cc (added)

	Port lgf-gen from SVN -r3512 (#45)

	 - apply the migrate script
	 - ...

Mon, 12 Jan 2009 08:53:12 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [466:4f1431aeef42]
	* tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh (modified)

	Rename graph adaptors with the migration script (#67)

Wed, 31 Dec 2008 23:00:00 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [440:88ed40ad0d4f]
	* LICENSE (modified)
	* demo/arg_parser_demo.cc (modified)
	* demo/graph_to_eps_demo.cc (modified)
	* demo/lgf_demo.cc (modified)
	* doc/coding_style.dox (modified)
	* doc/dirs.dox (modified)
	* doc/groups.dox (modified)
	* doc/lgf.dox (modified)
	* doc/license.dox (modified)
	* doc/mainpage.dox (modified)
	* doc/migration.dox (modified)
	* doc/named-param.dox (modified)
	* doc/namespaces.dox (modified)
	* doc/template.h (modified)
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/adaptors.h (modified)
	* lemon/arg_parser.cc (modified)
	* lemon/arg_parser.h (modified)
	* lemon/assert.h (modified)
	* lemon/base.cc (modified)
	* lemon/bfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/bin_heap.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/array_map.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/base_extender.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/bezier.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/default_map.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/enable_if.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/graph_adaptor_extender.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/map_extender.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/path_dump.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/traits.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/variant.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/vector_map.h (modified)
	* lemon/circulation.h (modified)
	* lemon/color.cc (modified)
	* lemon/color.h (modified)
	* lemon/concept_check.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/digraph.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/graph_components.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/heap.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/maps.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/path.h (modified)
	* lemon/connectivity.h (modified)
	* lemon/core.h (modified)
	* lemon/counter.h (modified)
	* lemon/dfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/dijkstra.h (modified)
	* lemon/dim2.h (modified)
	* lemon/dimacs.h (modified)
	* lemon/elevator.h (modified)
	* lemon/error.h (modified)
	* lemon/full_graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified)
	* lemon/grid_graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/hao_orlin.h (modified)
	* lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/kruskal.h (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_reader.h (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_writer.h (modified)
	* lemon/list_graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/maps.h (modified)
	* lemon/math.h (modified)
	* lemon/max_matching.h (modified)
	* lemon/nauty_reader.h (modified)
	* lemon/path.h (modified)
	* lemon/preflow.h (modified)
	* lemon/random.cc (modified)
	* lemon/random.h (modified)
	* lemon/smart_graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/suurballe.h (modified)
	* lemon/time_measure.h (modified)
	* lemon/tolerance.h (modified)
	* lemon/unionfind.h (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/bfs_test.cc (modified)
	* test/circulation_test.cc (modified)
	* test/counter_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dfs_test.cc (modified)
	* test/digraph_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dim_test.cc (modified)
	* test/error_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_adaptor_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_copy_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_test.h (modified)
	* test/graph_utils_test.cc (modified)
	* test/hao_orlin_test.cc (modified)
	* test/heap_test.cc (modified)
	* test/kruskal_test.cc (modified)
	* test/maps_test.cc (modified)
	* test/max_matching_test.cc (modified)
	* test/path_test.cc (modified)
	* test/preflow_test.cc (modified)
	* test/random_test.cc (modified)
	* test/suurballe_test.cc (modified)
	* test/test_tools.h (modified)
	* test/test_tools_fail.cc (modified)
	* test/test_tools_pass.cc (modified)
	* test/time_measure_test.cc (modified)
	* test/unionfind_test.cc (modified)
	* tools/dimacs-to-lgf.cc (modified)

	Happy New Year again
	 - update the copyright headers + run the ...

Fri, 28 Nov 2008 06:38:20 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [387:24a2c6ee6cb0]
	* lemon/dimacs.h (modified)
	* tools/dimacs-to-lgf.cc (modified)

	Refactoring of DIMACS tools

Thu, 27 Nov 2008 22:05:35 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [386:9d1faab5e0f1]
	* lemon/dimacs.h (modified)
	* tools/dimacs-to-lgf.cc (modified)

	Give different names to the different DIMACS readers

Thu, 27 Nov 2008 22:04:46 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [385:50d96f2166d7]
	* .hgignore (modified)
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/dimacs.h (added)
	* tools/Makefile.am (modified)
	* tools/dimacs-to-lgf.cc (added)

	Port DIMACS tools from svn -r3516

	 - apply migrate script ...

Thu, 06 Nov 2008 14:40:32 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [366:efbd0ab50a77]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh (modified)
	* tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh (modified)


Thu, 06 Nov 2008 14:16:37 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [365:a12eef1f82b2]
	* lemon/hypercube_graph.h (modified)
	* test/digraph_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_test.cc (modified)
	* tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh (modified)

	Rework hypercube graph implementation to be undirected (#57)

Tue, 04 Nov 2008 20:25:15 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [359:0eec1736ff1d]
	* lemon/nauty_reader.h (modified)
	* tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh (modified)

	Rename readNauty() to readNautyGraph() (#55)

Tue, 28 Oct 2008 20:35:06 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [344:236b1902e5cc]
	* tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh (modified)

	More improvement in the migration script

	 - Rename ...

Tue, 28 Oct 2008 17:33:51 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [343:956a29f30887]
	* doc/migration.dox (modified)
	* tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh (modified)

	Improve the migration script and guide (#166)

	 - Safer replacement ...

Sat, 18 Oct 2008 09:46:25 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [323:94b832d461f7]
	* tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh (modified)

	Improve the 0.x->1.x converter script (ticket #157)

	 - Support ...

Thu, 09 Oct 2008 11:01:40 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [310:a9e8f310507f]
	* Makefile.am (modified)
	* README (modified)
	* benchmark/Makefile.am (deleted)
	* configure.ac (modified)
	* tools/Makefile.am (modified)
	* tools/lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh (moved)

	Repository reorganization

	 - lemon-0.x-to-1.x.sh moved to tools/ ...

Tue, 22 Apr 2008 20:39:57 GMT Akos Ladanyi <ladanyi@…> [146:4b42aa24ce12]
	* Makefile.am (modified)
	* benchmark/Makefile.am (modified)
	* demo/Makefile.am (modified)
	* doc/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* tools/Makefile.am (modified)

	Makefile cleanup (see ticket #87)

Tue, 22 Apr 2008 16:52:01 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [145:95d905b6e33d]
	* benchmark/Makefile (deleted)
	* demo/Makefile (deleted)
	* doc/Makefile (deleted)
	* lemon/Makefile (deleted)
	* test/Makefile (deleted)
	* tools/Makefile (deleted)


Sun, 13 Apr 2008 11:22:52 GMT Akos Ladanyi <ladanyi@…> [141:96f81c791f0c]
	* .hgignore (modified)
	* CMakeLists.txt (added)
	* benchmark/Makefile (deleted)
	* demo/CMakeLists.txt (added)
	* demo/Makefile (deleted)
	* doc/Makefile (deleted)
	* lemon/CMakeLists.txt (added)
	* lemon/Makefile (deleted)
	* test/CMakeLists.txt (added)
	* test/Makefile (deleted)
	* tools/Makefile (deleted)

	CMake based build system

Tue, 18 Dec 2007 09:56:09 GMT Akos Ladanyi <ladanyi@…> [1:51eaad3a817b]
	* Makefile.am (added)
	* benchmark/Makefile (added)
	* benchmark/Makefile.am (added)
	* configure.ac (added)
	* demo/Makefile (added)
	* demo/Makefile.am (added)
	* doc/Doxyfile.in (added)
	* doc/Makefile (added)
	* doc/Makefile.am (added)
	* lemon/Makefile (added)
	* lemon/Makefile.am (added)
	* lemon/config.h.in (added)
	* lemon/lemon.pc.in (added)
	* m4/lx_check_cplex.m4 (added)
	* m4/lx_check_glpk.m4 (added)
	* m4/lx_check_soplex.m4 (added)
	* test/Makefile (added)
	* test/Makefile.am (added)
	* tools/Makefile (added)
	* tools/Makefile.am (added)

	Autotools based build system.