# ChangeLog for test in lemon
# Generated by Trac 1.2.3
# 03/16/25 18:25:10

Wed, 01 Oct 2008 10:44:16 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [293:47fbc814aa31]
	* demo/lgf_demo.cc (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_reader.h (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_writer.h (modified)
	* test/bfs_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dfs_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified)
	* test/heap_test.cc (modified)

	Change the parameter order in LGF reader and writer tools

Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:40:11 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [286:da414906fe21]
	* lemon/bfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/dfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/dijkstra.h (modified)
	* test/bfs_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dfs_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified)

	Improvements related to BFS/DFS/Dijkstra (ticket #96)
	 - Add ...

Fri, 26 Sep 2008 11:46:49 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [282:dc9e8d2c0df9]
	* lemon/core.h (modified)
	* test/graph_copy_test.cc (modified)

	Using from-to order in graph copying tools + doc improvements (ticket ...

Mon, 22 Sep 2008 13:33:23 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [278:931190050520]
	* lemon/bfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/path.h (modified)
	* lemon/dfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/dijkstra.h (modified)
	* test/bfs_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dfs_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified)

	Improve the function-type interface of bfs, dfs, and dijkstra (ticket ...

Mon, 22 Sep 2008 08:56:01 GMT "Balazs Dezso <deba@… [277:7abfb55f1ecc]
	* lemon/assert.h (modified)
	* test/error_test.cc (modified)

	Removing fixme an log assert handler from assertion system

Mon, 15 Sep 2008 20:28:32 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [263:be8a861d3bb7]
	* lemon/bits/array_map.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/map_extender.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/vector_map.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/digraph.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/graph_components.h (modified)
	* test/graph_test.h (modified)

	Make copy constr and op= of the default maps private (ticket #137)

Mon, 01 Sep 2008 20:00:40 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [257:8d76a7bf9961]
	* lemon/bfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/dfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/dijkstra.h (modified)
	* test/heap_test.cc (modified)

	Rename Def* to Set* in Bfs, Dfs, Dijkstra (ticket #134)
	 - DefXyzMap ...

Sat, 30 Aug 2008 20:19:43 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [253:dbe309b5e855]
	* lemon/dim2.h (modified)
	* lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified)
	* test/dim_test.cc (modified)

	Rename BoundingBox to Box (ticket #126)

Tue, 29 Jul 2008 12:41:55 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [242:dbe3fc9c875d]
	* test/dim_test.cc (modified)

	Improve test/dim_test.cc

Mon, 21 Jul 2008 14:30:28 GMT Balazs Dezso <deba@…> [228:b6732e0d38c5]
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/bfs_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dfs_test.cc (modified)
	* test/digraph_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_maps_test.h (deleted)
	* test/graph_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_test.h (modified)

	Reworking graph testing

	 - The graph tests check more graph ...

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 15:36:58 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [225:c5a40fc54f1a]
	* CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* cmake/FindGhostscript.cmake (added)
	* cmake/nsis/lemon.ico (added)
	* cmake/nsis/uninstall.ico (added)
	* configure.ac (modified)
	* demo/CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* doc/CMakeLists.txt (added)
	* lemon/CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* test/CMakeLists.txt (modified)

	CMake improvements.
	 - documentation generation with Doxygen
	 - ...

Fri, 18 Jul 2008 15:36:54 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [223:cfadfeef706f]
	* test/error_test.cc (modified)

	Fix compilation error when NDEBUG is defined.

Thu, 17 Jul 2008 15:39:53 GMT Balazs Dezso <deba@…> [222:f9a18c21dba8]
	* test/bfs_test.cc (modified)

	Fixing bfs test (Ticket #128)

Tue, 15 Jul 2008 11:15:39 GMT Balazs Dezso <deba@…> [220:a5d8c039f218]
	* demo/graph_to_eps_demo.cc (modified)
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/base.cc (modified)
	* lemon/bfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/base_extender.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/enable_if.h (added)
	* lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/invalid.h (deleted)
	* lemon/bits/traits.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/utility.h (deleted)
	* lemon/bits/vector_map.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/digraph.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/graph_components.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/heap.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/maps.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/path.h (modified)
	* lemon/core.h (added)
	* lemon/dfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/dijkstra.h (modified)
	* lemon/dim2.h (modified)
	* lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified)
	* lemon/graph_utils.h (deleted)
	* lemon/kruskal.h (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_reader.h (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_writer.h (modified)
	* lemon/list_graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/maps.h (modified)
	* lemon/path.h (modified)
	* lemon/smart_graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/unionfind.h (modified)
	* test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_copy_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_test.h (modified)
	* test/graph_utils_test.cc (modified)

	Reorganize header files (Ticket #97)

	In addition on some places the ...

Mon, 14 Jul 2008 07:15:23 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [212:1ae84dea7d09]
	* doc/Doxyfile.in (modified)
	* doc/lgf.dox (modified)
	* lemon/assert.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/path.h (modified)
	* lemon/error.h (modified)
	* lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified)
	* lemon/graph_utils.h (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_reader.h (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_writer.h (modified)
	* lemon/list_graph.h (modified)
	* test/heap_test.cc (modified)

	Fix the incorrect tab replacements of unify-sources.sh

Sun, 13 Jul 2008 19:09:47 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [210:81cfc04531e8]
	* doc/coding_style.dox (modified)
	* doc/groups.dox (modified)
	* lemon/arg_parser.cc (modified)
	* lemon/assert.h (modified)
	* lemon/bfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/maps.h (modified)
	* lemon/dfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/dijkstra.h (modified)
	* lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_reader.h (modified)
	* lemon/time_measure.h (modified)
	* test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_utils_test.cc (modified)
	* test/maps_test.cc (modified)

	Remove long lines (from all but one file)

Sun, 13 Jul 2008 18:51:02 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [209:765619b7cbb2]
	* demo/arg_parser_demo.cc (modified)
	* demo/graph_to_eps_demo.cc (modified)
	* demo/lgf_demo.cc (modified)
	* doc/coding_style.dox (modified)
	* doc/dirs.dox (modified)
	* doc/groups.dox (modified)
	* doc/lgf.dox (modified)
	* doc/license.dox (modified)
	* doc/mainpage.dox (modified)
	* doc/namespaces.dox (modified)
	* doc/template.h (modified)
	* lemon/arg_parser.cc (modified)
	* lemon/arg_parser.h (modified)
	* lemon/assert.h (modified)
	* lemon/base.cc (modified)
	* lemon/bfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/bin_heap.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/array_map.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/base_extender.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/bezier.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/default_map.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/invalid.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/map_extender.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/path_dump.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/traits.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/utility.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/vector_map.h (modified)
	* lemon/color.cc (modified)
	* lemon/color.h (modified)
	* lemon/concept_check.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/digraph.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/graph_components.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/heap.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/maps.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/path.h (modified)
	* lemon/counter.h (modified)
	* lemon/dfs.h (modified)
	* lemon/dijkstra.h (modified)
	* lemon/dim2.h (modified)
	* lemon/error.h (modified)
	* lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified)
	* lemon/graph_utils.h (modified)
	* lemon/kruskal.h (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_reader.h (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_writer.h (modified)
	* lemon/list_graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/maps.h (modified)
	* lemon/math.h (modified)
	* lemon/path.h (modified)
	* lemon/random.cc (modified)
	* lemon/random.h (modified)
	* lemon/smart_graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/time_measure.h (modified)
	* lemon/tolerance.h (modified)
	* lemon/unionfind.h (modified)
	* test/bfs_test.cc (modified)
	* test/counter_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dfs_test.cc (modified)
	* test/digraph_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dim_test.cc (modified)
	* test/error_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_copy_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_maps_test.h (modified)
	* test/graph_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_test.h (modified)
	* test/graph_utils_test.cc (modified)
	* test/heap_test.cc (modified)
	* test/kruskal_test.cc (modified)
	* test/maps_test.cc (modified)
	* test/path_test.cc (modified)
	* test/random_test.cc (modified)
	* test/test_tools.h (modified)
	* test/test_tools_fail.cc (modified)
	* test/test_tools_pass.cc (modified)
	* test/time_measure_test.cc (modified)
	* test/unionfind_test.cc (modified)

	Apply unify-sources.sh to the source tree

Sat, 12 Jul 2008 08:45:11 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [205:436fe75092b7]
	* test/heap_test.h (deleted)


Fri, 11 Jul 2008 13:01:49 GMT Balazs Dezso <deba@…> [203:215bfc30b14f]
	* lemon/concepts/heap.h (modified)
	* test/CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/heap_test.cc (modified)
	* test/heap_test.h (deleted)

	Cleaning of heap test and bug fix in heap concept check (ticket #100) ...

Thu, 10 Jul 2008 14:05:56 GMT Balazs Dezso <deba@…> [200:c0e2c043c060]
	* test/CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/graph_copy_test.cc (added)

	Porting graph_copy_test.cc from SVN 3498

Thu, 27 Mar 2008 15:27:23 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [184:716b220697a0]
	* lemon/bits/bezier.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/traits.h (modified)
	* lemon/dijkstra.h (modified)
	* lemon/graph_to_eps.h (modified)
	* lemon/list_graph.h (modified)
	* test/test_tools.h (modified)

	Fix gcc-4.3 compilation errors and warnings

Sun, 15 Jun 2008 20:05:23 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [171:02f4d5d9bfd7]
	* test/CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/bfs_test.cc (modified)
	* test/counter_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dfs_test.cc (modified)
	* test/digraph_test.cc (modified)
	* test/digraph_test.h (deleted)
	* test/dijkstra_test.cc (modified)
	* test/dim_test.cc (modified)
	* test/error_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_maps_test.h (added)
	* test/graph_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_test.h (added)
	* test/graph_utils_test.cc (modified)
	* test/graph_utils_test.h (deleted)
	* test/heap_test.cc (modified)
	* test/kruskal_test.cc (modified)
	* test/map_test.h (deleted)
	* test/random_test.cc (modified)
	* test/test_tools.h (modified)
	* test/time_measure_test.cc (modified)
	* test/unionfind_test.cc (modified)

	Improve and redesign test programs + unify their output (ticket #25) ...

Sun, 15 Jun 2008 20:03:33 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [170:91fb4372688f]
	* test/CMakeLists.txt (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/dijkstra_test.cc (added)

	Port dijkstra_test.cc from SVN -r3499

Sat, 14 Jun 2008 17:34:15 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [167:d57ae6f0a335]
	* lemon/kruskal.h (modified)
	* lemon/maps.h (modified)
	* test/maps_test.cc (modified)

	Rename StoreBoolMap to LoggerBoolMap (ticket #34).

Sun, 25 May 2008 23:35:59 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [159:c7d30f7810e5]
	* lemon/maps.h (modified)
	* test/maps_test.cc (modified)

	Change the implementation of StoreBoolMap + improve doc (ticket #36)

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:53:09 GMT Balazs Dezso <deba@…> [149:2f7ae34e1333]
	* lemon/list_graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/smart_graph.h (modified)
	* test/graph_test.cc (modified)

	Item validity checking for ListGraph and SmartGraph

Tue, 22 Apr 2008 20:39:57 GMT Akos Ladanyi <ladanyi@…> [146:4b42aa24ce12]
	* Makefile.am (modified)
	* benchmark/Makefile.am (modified)
	* demo/Makefile.am (modified)
	* doc/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* tools/Makefile.am (modified)

	Makefile cleanup (see ticket #87)

Tue, 22 Apr 2008 16:52:01 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [145:95d905b6e33d]
	* benchmark/Makefile (deleted)
	* demo/Makefile (deleted)
	* doc/Makefile (deleted)
	* lemon/Makefile (deleted)
	* test/Makefile (deleted)
	* tools/Makefile (deleted)


Sun, 13 Apr 2008 11:22:52 GMT Akos Ladanyi <ladanyi@…> [141:96f81c791f0c]
	* .hgignore (modified)
	* CMakeLists.txt (added)
	* benchmark/Makefile (deleted)
	* demo/CMakeLists.txt (added)
	* demo/Makefile (deleted)
	* doc/Makefile (deleted)
	* lemon/CMakeLists.txt (added)
	* lemon/Makefile (deleted)
	* test/CMakeLists.txt (added)
	* test/Makefile (deleted)
	* tools/Makefile (deleted)

	CMake based build system

Tue, 22 Apr 2008 13:04:00 GMT Balazs Dezso <deba@…> [139:701c529ba737]
	* lemon/bits/traits.h (modified)
	* lemon/graph_utils.h (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_reader.h (modified)
	* lemon/lgf_writer.h (modified)
	* lemon/smart_graph.h (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/graph_utils_test.cc (added)
	* test/graph_utils_test.h (added)

	Renamings in the graph_utils.h + graph_utils_test added

Thu, 17 Apr 2008 17:33:19 GMT "Balazs Dezso <deba@… [136:b82dc494bafc]
	* lemon/kruskal.h (modified)
	* test/maps_test.cc (modified)

	Icc compatibility fixes (ticket #84)

Tue, 08 Apr 2008 20:51:26 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [123:8899d1891a3c]
	* lemon/maps.h (modified)
	* test/maps_test.cc (modified)

	Small improvements in maps.h
	- Add a new version of constMap() ...

Sun, 30 Mar 2008 21:16:35 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [119:82a2639a05bb]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/counter.h (added)
	* lemon/time_measure.h (added)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/counter_test.cc (added)
	* test/time_measure_test.cc (added)

	Port time and counter utilities from svn -r3482
	The mingw support ...

Fri, 11 Apr 2008 14:20:54 GMT Balazs Dezso <deba@…> [118:407c08a0eae9]
	* lemon/assert.h (modified)
	* test/error_test.cc (modified)

	Exception related solutions removed and new LEMON_DEBUG macro

Wed, 26 Mar 2008 16:28:28 GMT Balazs Dezso <deba@…> [109:abddaa08b507]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/smart_graph.h (added)
	* test/graph_test.cc (modified)

	Porting SmartGraph from svn -r 3481

Tue, 25 Mar 2008 15:36:44 GMT Balazs Dezso <deba@…> [108:889d0c289d19]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/arg_parser.h (modified)
	* lemon/assert.h (copied)
	* lemon/error.h (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/error_test.cc (modified)

	Reworking assertions and moving to distinict file

Fri, 21 Mar 2008 22:25:40 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [107:31a2e6d28f61]
	* LICENSE (modified)
	* lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/array_map.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/base_extender.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/default_map.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/map_extender.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/traits.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/vector_map.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/digraph.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/graph_components.h (modified)
	* test/digraph_test.cc (modified)
	* test/digraph_test.h (modified)
	* test/graph_test.cc (modified)
	* test/map_test.h (modified)

	Happy New Year! (Update Copyright dates)

Thu, 20 Mar 2008 23:06:35 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [106:9ba2d265e191]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)


Thu, 20 Mar 2008 22:59:58 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [105:e4948ef6a4ca]
	* test/unionfind_test.cc (modified)

	Get rid of StdMap in unionfind_test.cc

Fri, 29 Feb 2008 11:01:39 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [103:b68a7e348e00]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/kruskal.h (added)
	* lemon/unionfind.h (added)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/kruskal_test.cc (added)
	* test/unionfind_test.cc (added)

	Port kruskal() and UnionFind from svn -r3468

	The class type ...

Thu, 20 Mar 2008 16:15:35 GMT Balazs Dezso <deba@…> [102:81563e019fa4]
	* lemon/random.h (modified)
	* test/random_test.cc (modified)

	Seeding random sequence

Thu, 07 Feb 2008 21:37:07 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [100:4f754b4cf82b]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/bfs.h (added)
	* lemon/bin_heap.h (added)
	* lemon/bits/path_dump.h (added)
	* lemon/concepts/heap.h (added)
	* lemon/dfs.h (added)
	* lemon/dijkstra.h (added)
	* lemon/graph_utils.h (added)
	* lemon/path.h (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/bfs_test.cc (added)
	* test/dfs_test.cc (added)
	* test/heap_test.cc (added)
	* test/heap_test.h (added)
	* test/test_tools.h (modified)

	Bfs/Dfs/Dijkstra and their deps ported from svn trung -r 3441.

Thu, 07 Feb 2008 21:28:39 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [99:dbaa96cc1013]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)


Thu, 24 Jan 2008 11:31:19 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [96:b55e501a90ee]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/path.h (added)
	* lemon/path.h (added)
	* lemon/path_utils.h (added)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/path_test.cc (added)

	Path related files ported from svn -r3435
	but ItemReader/Writer for ...

Tue, 18 Mar 2008 12:57:15 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [94:a4688e4138ec]
	* lemon/concepts/maps.h (modified)
	* test/maps_test.cc (modified)

	Fixes in the map concepts

	- Now Value type needn't be default ...

Fri, 14 Mar 2008 16:57:49 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [92:5d4decd1b870]
	* lemon/random.h (modified)
	* test/random_test.cc (modified)

	Poisson distribution added

Sat, 15 Mar 2008 22:39:41 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [82:bce6c8f93d10]
	* lemon/maps.h (modified)
	* test/maps_test.cc (modified)

	Add basic logical maps and doc improvements

	- Add the following new ...

Sat, 15 Mar 2008 20:07:24 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [80:15968e25ca08]
	* lemon/maps.h (modified)
	* test/maps_test.cc (modified)

	Overall clean-up in maps.h

	- Rename some map types:
	    * ...

Thu, 07 Feb 2008 21:23:23 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [67:9de02aa380de]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)


Thu, 07 Feb 2008 11:52:16 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [66:5f7a8570687d]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/error.h (added)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/error_test.cc (added)

	Port error.h from svn -r3438 + minor changes (error_test does not ...

Wed, 06 Feb 2008 10:52:58 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [65:bfbc57a51fbb]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)

	Merge (redo buggy merge ad7f593399b0)

Tue, 22 Jan 2008 00:02:32 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [58:5f1f539f912f]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)

	Missing header files added to Makefile.am

Sun, 20 Jan 2008 19:43:48 GMT Balazs Dezso <deba@…> [57:c1acf0018c0a]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h (added)
	* lemon/bits/array_map.h (added)
	* lemon/bits/base_extender.h (added)
	* lemon/bits/default_map.h (added)
	* lemon/bits/graph_extender.h (added)
	* lemon/bits/map_extender.h (added)
	* lemon/bits/traits.h (added)
	* lemon/bits/vector_map.h (added)
	* lemon/concepts/digraph.h (added)
	* lemon/concepts/graph.h (added)
	* lemon/concepts/graph_components.h (added)
	* lemon/list_graph.h (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/digraph_test.cc (added)
	* test/digraph_test.h (added)
	* test/graph_test.cc (added)
	* test/map_test.h (added)

	Port ListDigraph and ListGraph from svn -r 3433
	- port ...

Mon, 07 Jan 2008 13:16:06 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [39:0a01d811071f]
	* lemon/base.cc (modified)
	* lemon/bits/invalid.h (modified)
	* lemon/bits/utility.h (modified)
	* lemon/concept_check.h (modified)
	* lemon/concepts/maps.h (modified)
	* lemon/dim2.h (modified)
	* lemon/list_graph.h (modified)
	* lemon/maps.h (modified)
	* lemon/random.cc (modified)
	* lemon/random.h (modified)
	* lemon/tolerance.h (modified)
	* test/dim_test.cc (modified)
	* test/maps_test.cc (modified)
	* test/random_test.cc (modified)
	* test/test_tools.h (modified)
	* test/test_tools_fail.cc (modified)
	* test/test_tools_pass.cc (modified)

	Happy New Year (update the copyright headers)

Fri, 04 Jan 2008 20:45:55 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [32:ad7f593399b0]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)


Sat, 22 Dec 2007 12:35:00 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [25:751cd8f9bb1c]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/concept_check.h (added)
	* lemon/concepts/maps.h (added)
	* lemon/maps.h (added)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/maps_test.cc (added)

	Port general map related stuff from svn -r3424 + minor changes

	- Do ...

Wed, 02 Jan 2008 02:55:00 GMT Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…> [14:8685efdef52f]
	* test/dim_test.cc (modified)

	Translated Hungarian varible names, improved messages.

Fri, 21 Dec 2007 00:07:03 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [10:99e499ca560b]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/random.cc (added)
	* lemon/random.h (added)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/random_test.cc (added)

	Port random.h & Co. from svn -r3422 + some cleanups
	- gauss(double ...

Thu, 20 Dec 2007 16:11:56 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [8:a1b1d672f37a]
	* lemon/Makefile.am (modified)
	* lemon/dim2.h (added)
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/dim_test.cc (added)

	Port dim2.h from svn -r3422

Wed, 19 Dec 2007 11:33:49 GMT Alpar Juttner <alpar@…> [4:3f411aa35bd7]
	* test/Makefile.am (modified)
	* test/test_tools.h (added)
	* test/test_tools_fail.cc (added)
	* test/test_tools_pass.cc (added)

	Add test_tool_fail and test_tool_pass

	All graph related things was ...

Tue, 18 Dec 2007 09:56:09 GMT Akos Ladanyi <ladanyi@…> [1:51eaad3a817b]
	* Makefile.am (added)
	* benchmark/Makefile (added)
	* benchmark/Makefile.am (added)
	* configure.ac (added)
	* demo/Makefile (added)
	* demo/Makefile.am (added)
	* doc/Doxyfile.in (added)
	* doc/Makefile (added)
	* doc/Makefile.am (added)
	* lemon/Makefile (added)
	* lemon/Makefile.am (added)
	* lemon/config.h.in (added)
	* lemon/lemon.pc.in (added)
	* m4/lx_check_cplex.m4 (added)
	* m4/lx_check_glpk.m4 (added)
	* m4/lx_check_soplex.m4 (added)
	* test/Makefile (added)
	* test/Makefile.am (added)
	* tools/Makefile (added)
	* tools/Makefile.am (added)

	Autotools based build system.