15 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Fix (and improve) error message in mip_test.cc (#317)
15 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Add a warning for List(Di)Graph::Snapshot (#311)
and extend tests for …
15 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Add a resize() function to HypercubeGraph? (#311)
just like the similar …
15 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Add reserve functions to ListGraph? and SmartGraph? (#311)
ListDigraph? …
15 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Merge #302
15 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Rename ValueIterator? to ValueIt? in graph maps (#302)
but keep …
15 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Extend maps_test.cc (#302)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Improvements for graph maps (#302)
- Add a count() function to …
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Bug fix in PairingHeap::pop() (#301)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Add fourary, k-ary, pairing and binomial heaps (#301)
These structures …
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Add negativeCycle() function to BellmanFord? (#51)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Add a detailed test file for BellmanFord? (#51)
15 years |
Alpar Juttner |
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Improvements for iterable maps (#73)
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Port iterable maps from SVN 3509 (#73)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Test file + doc improvements (#307)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Fix the implementation and doc of CrossRefMap? (#302)
- Handle …
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Port remaining heaps from SVN -r 3509 (#50)
- FibHeap?
- RadixHeap?
16 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
Minor CMake improvements
* Use the empty ELSE(), ENDIF(), ENDMACRO(), …
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Avoid Intel C++ Compiler warnings
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Extend min cost flow test file + check dual costs (#291)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Add a test file for the connectivity functions (#285)
The Euler tools …
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Less map copying in NetworkSimplex? (#234)
- The graph is copied in …
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Support negative costs and bounds in NetworkSimplex? (#270)
* The …
16 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
Remove superfluous HAVE_CONFIG_H (#278)
16 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
Merge and extend the fix of #275
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Modify the interface of MinCostArborescence? + improvements (#267)
- …
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Modify the interface of Suurballe (#266, #181)
- Move the parameters …
16 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
FindCOIN for CMake (#256)
16 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
FindCPLEX for CMake (#256)
16 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
FindGLPK improvements (#256)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Exploit the changes of #190 in MCF test file (#234, #190)
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Merge and fix
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Slightly modify the interface of Circulation and Preflow (#266)
in …
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Support >= and <= constraints in NetworkSimplex? (#219, #234)
By …
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Separate types for flow and cost values in NetworkSimplex? (#234)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Support multiple run() calls in NetworkSimplex? (#234)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Rework the interface of NetworkSimplex? (#234)
The parameters of the …
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Port NetworkSimplex? from SVN -r3520 (#234)
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Fix in HaoOrlin? (#264)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Improvements and fixes for the minimum cut algorithms (#264)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Rename max_matching.h to matching.h (#265)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Extend and modify the interface of matching algorithms (#265)
- …
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Improvements for the Euler tools and the test file (#264)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Imporvements for the matching algorithms (#264)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Improve test files for some algorithms (#263)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Exploit that the standard maps are reference maps (#190)
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Force cplex checking (#260)
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
DescriptorMap?->RangeIdMap?, InvertableMap?->CrossRefMap? (#160)
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Add CBC support (#204)
16 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
Add 'demo' make target for building the demo programs
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Improve timer and counter tests (#253)
- Do not print the output of …
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Fix lp related errors and warnings (#241 and #242)
16 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
Make it possible to use LEMON as a CMake subproject (#240)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Doc improvements in GomoryHu? (#66)
And make init() and start() private …
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Remane GomoryHuTree? to GomoryHu? (#66)
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Cut iterators for GomoryHuTree? + doc cleanup + bug fixes (#66)
16 years |
tapolcai |
Porting Gomory-Hu algorithm (#66)
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Fix newSolver()/cloneSolver() API in LP tools + doc improvements …
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Automatic GLPK env deallocation (#213)
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Fix GLPK tests (#213)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Avoid warnings in test/euler_test.h (#65)
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
16 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
Test for euler.h (#65)
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Fixes for MSVC 2008 in grap_adaptors.h and edge_set.h (#194)
Several …
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Suppress or fix VS2008 warnings + turn off faulty tests using CMAKE (#208)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Slightly simplify adaptors_test.cc
16 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
Install lemon/config.h (#274)
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Port MinCostArborescence? algorithm from SVN #3509
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Backport [e6ae4999cf22] from main (Suppress or fix VS2008 warnings) (#208)
16 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
Fix CMAKE build without GLPK
16 years |
Akos Ladanyi |
Build GLPK dependent parts with CMake too
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
ArcSet? and EdgeSet? ports from SVN 3489 (ticket #67)
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Rename graph_adaptor_test.cc to adaptors_test.cc (#67)
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Rename Residual to ResidualDigraph? (#67)
The new name is more …
16 years |
Peter Kovacs |
Greatly extend and improve the test file for adaptors (#67)
- Add …
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Rename Lp*/Mip* to *Lp/*Mip
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Remove lp_ prefix from the solver's header name
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Bypass warnings with gcc 4.3
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Thorough redesign of the LP/MIP interface (#44)
- Redesigned class …
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Port LP and MIP solvers from SVN -r3509 (#44)
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Update to 2009 plus whitespace unification
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Rename counterSort to stableRadixSort
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Doc improvements and source unification in radix_sort (#72)
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Porting radix sorts from SVN #3509
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Happy New Year again
- update the copyright headers + run the source …
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Update test/CMakeLists.txt and test/Makefile.am
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Inline the test input files into the source code
16 years |
Alpar Juttner |
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Reorganication of graph adaptors and doc improvements (#67)
- Moving …
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Improvements in graph adaptors (#67)
Remove DigraphAdaptor? and …
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Port graph adaptors from svn -r3498 (#67)
16 years |
Balazs Dezso |
Simple test for HaoOrlin? algorithm class (#58)