COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (545 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 545)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#546 Alpar Juttner theakhan spam Twins to have the same

Twins to have the same Nutra Tosterone heights well if you look at youknow all these chronic disease as he kinda go down to you know schizophrenia alcoholism youknow they you know somebody's diseases we developlater in life Center a lot based on our lifestyle choices onyou can see that the the likelihood if one twin has that thelikelihood of the other one having it is is not as great for some of theseother characteristics of for for I'm sorry each of these okay so the the of when he hit the wrong buttonHeather area okay way back add so each of these on the left this bars identical twinsthis bar on the right is fraternal twins and so you can see height wise if youhave identical twins they're much likely more likely to have the same height forsays you know for fraternal twins whichalmost kinda like brother and sister which have about 50 percent the same genes there's about a 50-50chance that they'll have the same height so you can see you wouldthink though with identical DNA that this would be ahundred percent that if one of them has you knowschizophrenia at the ..

#547 Alpar Juttner vstere3 spam The phone is that exercise a

The phone is that exercise affects the boneaccrual meaning the bone growth and bone development and the strength to the bone mostly whenwe're young there is about an eight-percent increaseannually and physically active children and adults can achieve modest butimportant changes in bone mineral density exercise as I mentioned can prevent theLos at the hip by about 1 percent so it caneffectively either slow or stop the rate have boneloss with aging and about point 85 percent so wetslightly less than one percent bone loss at the spine while the effects of exercise on bonedepends upon the type and this is a group have Nutra Tosterone studies that determine what is the best type ofexercise for bone density and we know that high-impact exercisesuch as jumping is effective at the hip and out that but not at the spine and high load resistance exercise means on going to the gym and using weightsusing machines or putting on a backpack with weighed inat and lying on your stomach in lifting your back to strengthen your back so high load resistance is affected atthe hip been out the spine and that if you combine the high-impactexercise like jumping are running and high load resistance exercise likeweight training it's ..

#548 Alpar Juttner fidajna spam year our Frenchalways use that

year our Frenchalways use that you would even make it to the above the stage with a hear your shows how much he knows da Vinci obviously you're training thisyear has been much different than previous years as the first time a in your a sorry to hear that you Testcore Pro get off the stage for nearly twoyears now obviously with injuries according to be last year but 'em what was themotivation to come but obviously you could rest on your laurels here to goout as well the greatest Olympic champion in history no question about that force and else%uh classic times you want everybody in this business what was the motivation to come back fora bit I'm I'm a lot my reasons actually you know a i sat back and watch a show last yearCorso watch film 12 seconds an hour you know I'm obviously miss competingbut you know the fan response nice to travel a lot I still actuallyput more time into on ..

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