COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (136 matches)


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Results (101 - 136 of 136)

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Owner: Balazs Dezso (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#201 Delaunay triangulation new enhancement major core
#310 Bounding box for Bezier-curves new enhancement major core
#351 Port the LP utilities new task major LEMON 1.5 release core
#352 Tolerance in GomoryHu new enhancement major core
#363 Implementing a planar graph type new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#384 Adaptor class for complementary graph new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#407 Extend new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#425 API for giving back the state of Random new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#151 Possible improvement in the function-type implementation of BFS/DFS/Dijkstra new enhancement minor core
#224 Static graph maps new enhancement minor LEMON 1.5 release core

Owner: Peter Kovacs (24 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#3 ListGraph should store/update the number of edges and nodes assigned enhancement major LEMON 1.4 release core
#37 operator= for RangeMap and SparseMap assigned enhancement major core
#98 Read-Write LoggerBoolMap assigned enhancement major core
#152 Using processed map in Dijkstra::processed() new enhancement major core
#191 Benchmark questions related to Preflow new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#216 Member in Circulation to transform the solution to a basic one assigned enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#217 Subroutine in Preflow alg. to make the solution cycle-less assigned enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#218 Path decomposition subroutine in Preflow. assigned enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#221 Primal Network Simplex algorithm with given starting solution assigned enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#244 Support min. cost max. flow in MCF classes assigned enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#247 DegMap new enhancement major core
#249 Bidirectional Bfs and Dijkstra assigned enhancement major core
#252 Smaller iterator classes for some graph structures assigned enhancement major LEMON 1.4 release core
#261 Support floating-point data in min-cost flow algorithms reopened enhancement major LEMON 1.4 release core
#292 Checker functions for min cost flow assigned enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#296 Multicommodity flow algorithms assigned task major core
#318 Document MapIt, ConstMapIt and ItemIt classes of standard maps new enhancement major LEMON 1.4 release documentation
#328 Heuristic MinCostFlow and MinCostMaxFlow assigned enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#361 Tolerance support in BellmanFord assigned enhancement major core
#375 Both lower and upper supply bounds in Network simplex assigned enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#376 A star (A*) algorithm assigned enhancement major core
#676 تنزيل متجر Play - تنزيل متجر play للموبايل سامسونج 2023 - 2022 مجانا new defect major LEMON 1.5 release web page
#123 dim2::Point default constructor assigned enhancement minor core
#183 Improve doc of Elevator assigned enhancement minor core

Owner: Akos Ladanyi (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#63 Port metaheuristics assigned task major core
#343 Support arbitrary precision integers and rationals in LEMON assigned enhancement major core
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.