COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (18 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#452 time_measure.h uses obsolete headears new Alpar Juttner minor LEMON 1.5 release core
#616 Current version 1.3.1 Incompatible with SoPlex-4.0.0 new Alpar Juttner major LEMON 1.4 release core
#620 Infinite loop in Nagamochi-Ibaraki with floating-point capacities new Alpar Juttner minor LEMON 1.4 release core
#621 Lemon and Boost: call of overloaded ‘ignore_unused_variable_warning(...)’ is ambiguous new Alpar Juttner major LEMON 1.4 release core
#626 Bug in CBC ProblemType determination new Alpar Juttner major LEMON 1.4 release core
#628 make find package failed new Alpar Juttner major LEMON 1.4 release core
#631 Lemon c++20 compatibility patch new Alpar Juttner major LEMON 1.4 release core
#633 Fixes fox gcc 9 new Alpar Juttner blocker LEMON 1.4 release core
#646 Bug in binomial heap with ties new Alpar Juttner major LEMON 1.4 release core
#650 MaxWeightedPerfectMatching fails for some graphs new Alpar Juttner major LEMON 1.4 release core
#656 migrate to github new Alpar Juttner major LEMON 1.4 release core
#668 Crash in lgf_reader_writer_test new Alpar Juttner major LEMON 1.4 release core
#669 Mailing lists no longer work new Alpar Juttner major LEMON 1.4 release core
#672 Bug in the Vf2 implementations new Alpar Juttner major LEMON 1.4 release core
#680 Fix C++17 compilation warnings regarding the use of the deprecated std::iterator. new Alpar Juttner critical LEMON 1.4 release core
#681 Bug in radix heap new Alpar Juttner major LEMON 1.4 release core
#682 Fix access of private members in Vf2 and Vf2++, and improve tests new Alpar Juttner major LEMON 1.4 release core
#625 lemon preflow algorithm init with flowmap failed because of excess < 0 reopened Alpar Juttner major LEMON 1.4 release core
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.