COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library



16:23 Changeset in lemon-0.x [51:41133bd4ed94] by marci
15:56 Changeset in lemon-0.x [50:e125f12784e2] by jacint
* empty log message *
15:55 Changeset in lemon-0.x [49:f00a4f7e2149] by marci
marci_graph_demo in new concept
15:54 Changeset in lemon-0.x [48:55fa34646895] by marci
marci_graph_demo, iterator_bfs_dfs_demo
15:53 Changeset in lemon-0.x [47:cbdb54e46d96] by jacint
Moved to /jacint
15:52 Changeset in lemon-0.x [46:0f1aacd7867b] by marci
marci_list_graph.hh in the new upper-cased concept
15:51 Changeset in lemon-0.x [45:8fe92d6829e8] by marci
iterator style bfs, dfs
15:50 Changeset in lemon-0.x [44:e3a220fc6155] by marci
some informations on the upper-cased new graph concept
15:49 Changeset in lemon-0.x [43:8ff5dc7d18eb] by marci
marci_max_flow.hh in the new concept
15:48 Changeset in lemon-0.x [42:3ee2187d6342] by marci
marci_bfs.hh in the new, upper-case concept, and som further improvements


18:47 Changeset in lemon-0.x [41:67f73b15855d] by Mihaly Barasz
bin_heap.hh: erase metodus empty szebben :)


22:36 Changeset in lemon-0.x [40:ffaa9448964c] by Mihaly Barasz
Jacint conflict-janak kijavitasa
22:23 Changeset in lemon-0.x [39:28b0d751d29f] by Mihaly Barasz
Alap leiras a BinHeap? -rol BinHeap::state() befejezese
20:17 Changeset in lemon-0.x [38:edea2e1dc6ef] by Mihaly Barasz
-MM sajnos mashogy mukodik meg a 3.0 alatt -ansi -pedantic …
20:16 Changeset in lemon-0.x [37:e0e41f9e2be5] by Mihaly Barasz
Generikus binaris kupac implementacio. Alap demo file mukodesenek …
17:23 Changeset in lemon-0.x [36:7d539ea6ad26] by athos
preflow_push.hh: Preflow-push valtozat by athos A tesztfile: …


12:17 Changeset in lemon-0.x [35:65dca0f43fba] by Alpar Juttner


19:33 Changeset in lemon-0.x [34:2b607665c9e2] by Mihaly Barasz
Okos makefile depend szabalyok egyszeru -> valami esetek …


23:26 Changeset in lemon-0.x [33:f505c414feb9] by jacint
Primitive Dijkstra with stl priority queue. is for …
23:22 Changeset in lemon-0.x [32:82f6987d6d2e] by jacint
A new version is coming.


18:04 Changeset in lemon-0.x [31:d93bef0c4ed3] by marci


15:51 Changeset in lemon-0.x [30:10a3f2e0928c] by jacint
is_valid changed to valid
09:39 Changeset in lemon-0.x [29:c7ac1a6fb05c] by Alpar Juttner
09:38 Changeset in lemon-0.x [28:e2e97c3aa219] by Alpar Juttner
@insertcopying is kikommentezve.
09:37 Changeset in lemon-0.x [27:318e79d80819] by Alpar Juttner
a @copying-gal baj van -> kikommentezve!
09:36 Changeset in lemon-0.x [26:383e95b237c4] by Alpar Juttner
a @tie nem megy a neumannon
09:28 Changeset in lemon-0.x [25:cd635fee7452] by Alpar Juttner


22:28 Changeset in lemon-0.x [24:d7321cdf5664] by jacint
makefile for the flow algorithms by jacint
22:27 Changeset in lemon-0.x [23:a72cac00e274] by jacint
Test for the flow algorithms
22:27 Changeset in lemon-0.x [22:0286c68fc680] by jacint
A reverse bfs
22:27 Changeset in lemon-0.x [21:181b37336b29] by jacint
A max flow algorithm counting only the max flow value
22:22 Changeset in lemon-0.x [20:bf088f14b87a] by jacint
A max flow algorithm
18:39 Changeset in lemon-0.x [19:3151a1026db9] by marci
* empty log message *
12:21 Changeset in lemon-0.x [18:7c88989ea45b] by Alpar Juttner
A documentation proposal using texinfo.


12:22 Changeset in lemon-0.x [17:8b29d935f1a6] by marci
12:21 Changeset in lemon-0.x [16:dd19ef4d7ba4] by marci
* empty log message *
12:20 Changeset in lemon-0.x [15:e41c71268807] by marci
new method for making invalid iterators: make_invalid()


12:50 Changeset in lemon-0.x [14:99014d576aed] by marci
reimplemented max_flow algorithm class with bfs_iterator1
12:49 Changeset in lemon-0.x [13:d33813af6e50] by marci
b_node bug correction
12:49 Changeset in lemon-0.x [12:0810e3fc64a4] by marci
12:48 Changeset in lemon-0.x [11:33a84426c221] by marci


15:57 Changeset in lemon-0.x [10:436df3c980d1] by marci
property vectorokhoz korabban is letezo fill constructorok …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.