COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library



16:18 Ticket #609 (Missing break statement in closed by Alpar Juttner
fixed: The bugfix has been merged to the main branch, as well as into 1.3.
16:18 Ticket #608 (Numerical issue in Preflow with floating-point data) closed by Alpar Juttner
fixed: The bugfix has been merged to the main branch, as well as into 1.3.
16:17 Ticket #602 (Platform independent pseudo random sequences) closed by Alpar Juttner
done: Changesets [db1d342a1087] and [04f57dad1b07] are pushed to the main branch.
16:09 Changeset in lemon [1391:411819b8702c]1.3 by Alpar Juttner <alpar@…>
Merge bugfix #608 to branch 1.3
16:09 Changeset in lemon [1390:f0f15d07bf51]1.3 by Alpar Juttner <alpar@…>
Merge bugfix #609 to branch 1.3
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.