== BSc/MSc Theses based on LEMON == - Péter Kovács. ''Hatékony algoritmusok a minimális költségű folyam feladatra'', [attachment:Peter_Kovacs_msc_thesis.pdf MSc Thesis, 2007. (In Hungarian)] - Dorián Batha. ''Kupac adatszerkezetek implementálása és összehasonlítása'', [attachment:Dorian_Batha_bsc_thesis.pdf BSc Thesis, 2008. (In Hungarian)] - Zoltán Bójás. ''Többtermékes folyam-algoritmusok'', [attachment:Zoltan_Bojas_msc_thesis.pdf MSc Thesis, 2009. (In Hungarian)] - Gábor Varga. ''Heurisztikus algoritmusok az utazóügynök feladatra'', [attachment:Gabor_Varga_bsc_thesis.pdf BSc Thesis, 2010. (In Hungarian)] - Frantisek Csajka. ''Binary storage of graphs and related data'', [attachment:Frantisek_Csajka_bsc_thesis.pdf BSc Thesis, 2010.] == Papers == - Alpár Jüttner, Jie Zhang. ''”Light-mesh” time division multiplexing for CWDM/DWDM networks'', 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2009. [attachment:lightmesh.pdf Extended abstract] and [attachment:LightMesh-ICTON2009.pdf the presentation]. - Balázs Dezső, Alpár Jüttner, Péter Kovács. ''Column Generation Method for an Agent Scheduling Problem'', Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, to appear. [attachment:colgen-agent-schedule-final.pdf Full paper].