COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Version 13 (modified by Peter Kovacs, 17 years ago) (diff)


Commit Policies

  • When you start implementing a new feature, bug fix etc, always do it on the top of the main repository, not on the top of your last local commit.
  • Read and follow the Coding Style conventions.
    • For newly created or ported files you probably want to run the script to maintain the standard Lemon copyright header.
  • Be very careful not to add unnecessary files (but to add everything that is necessary)
  • Do not add generated files into the repository.
  • Do not add test files except very small ones.
  • If new files added, adjust the build environment config files, as well
    • the in the related directory for autotool
    • the CMakeLists.txt in the related directory for CMake
  • Before you commit revise your changes (e.g. with hg status and hg diff). Be sure
    • not to do whitespace changes. (Emacs' ediff, or kdiff3 will help you in getting rid of them.)
    • not to make reordering of declarations unless it is really necessary. If you must, do it in a separate changeset.
  • Make sure that make check passes without any compilation warning for each commit with g++-4.3.
    • When files are renamed or new ones added also check the changset with make distcheck
  • At each point, changes should be "clean", i.e. to be self-contained, and not include any changesets that were false starts.
    • If you are working on a more substantial new feature or improvement, you probably want to commit frequently in order to make it possible the revert the changes that turn to be a bad idea later. Feel free to do that, but before you share your changes with others, you should clean your repository by removing the unwanted commits and concatenating those actually belong together. Here is a nice description how to do that:
  • When you add a new algorithm or data structure:
    • Take the hassle to write a complete doxygen documentation as well.
    • Place the documentation into an appropriate doxygen module.
    • Also provide an exhaustive test case, whenever it makes sense.
  • When you port files from the SVN repository:
    1. Run the scripts/rename-graphs and the scripts/ script for all the files you would like to port.
    2. Check the renamings (e.g. source() and target() should be manually renamed to u() and v() for undirected graphs).
    3. Also port the related test files, if there are any.
      • Run the rename and unify scripts for the test files, too.
      • Print something to the output only if it really seems necessary. Do not print a message saying all test passed at the end of the output. (See #25 for details.)
    4. Add all necessary files to the repository.
    5. Check the documentation comments in the source codes.
      • Use \tparam commands for template parameter documentation. (See #29 for details.)
      • Remove \author commands. (See #39 for details.)
      • Remove \todo commands and create a trac ticket about them.
      • Check the usage of Lemon/LEMON. (See #103 for details.)
    6. Make sure that make check and make distcheck passes without any compilation warning.
    7. Run make html and check the generated documentation of the new tools.

Commit Metainfo

User (author) identifier

Use your real name and email address in the following form.

Winston Churchill <>

Use the same string for all of your commits.

Commit log

  • The first line must be a self containing short but meaningful summary of the changeset. It should be no longer than 70 character.
    • If a changeset relates to a ticket, please always indicate the corresponding ticket id at the end of the first line of the log message, like (ticket #76) or just (#76).
  • Then comes a longer description of the changes, if necessary. Do not list the changed files, but instead detail the nature of the changes.

Uploading Patch to Trac

  • When you upload a patch created from a changeset, please include its hash-id into the file-name. At least specify it in the attachment comment.
  • Unfortunately Trac do not send notification on new attachments, thus please also write a separate short comment referring (see below) the changeset.
  • When referring to a patch in the ticket, please use the hash-id instead of the file-name. (In the usual way, like [8ceb318224b1]). If you do so, it will be immediately visible whether or not the changeset you are talking about is already in the main branch.