= Install on Windows (from source, with CMAKE) = '''Currently, {{{adaptor_test}}} and {{{edge_set_test}}} will not compile with Visual Studio, so you must comment out (using {{{#}}}) the correcponding lines in [source:test/CMakeLists.txt@17d918051964 test/CMakeLists.txt]''' == Prerequisites == - You must have a C++ compiler. We assume here [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Visual_Studio Visual Studio 2008]. The freely available [http://www.microsoft.com/Express/ Express Edition] is fine. - You must also download and install [http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.6/cmake-2.6.2-win32-x86.exe CMake 2.6.2 (.exe installer)] or later. Optional tools: - To use the LP/MIP interface, you need [http://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/ GLPK]. We suggest to use the {{{.exe}}} installer provided by the [http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/glpk.htm GnuWin32/GLPK] project. - A local copy of the installer can be found here: [http://lemon.cs.elte.hu/pub/win32/deps/glpk-4.34-setup.exe glpk-4.34-setup.exe] - For HTML document generation, you need to install a recent version of {{{Doxygen}}} and {{{Ghostscript}}}. - If you want to keep track of the latest development of LEMON or even contribute to it, you need the [http://http://www.selenic.com/mercurial Mercurial] distributed version control system. We ''strongly'' recommend to use [http://tortoisehg.sourceforge.net/ TortoiseHg] which provides a simple installer for Mercurial, a nice GUI and also an integration to the MS-Windows Explorer. == Obtaining the Source == - Either download and extract the following {{{.zip}}} files. - [http://lemon.cs.elte.hu/hg/lemon-main/archive/r1.0.1.zip Latest stable release, version 1.0.1 (.zip)] - [http://lemon.cs.elte.hu/hg/lemon-main/archive/tip.zip Latest development snapshot (.zip)] - Or check out it with Mercurial. The development repository URL is - http://lemon.cs.elte.hu/hg/lemon-main == Configure the CMAKE == The compilation must be done in a separate folder. We suggest to create a subfolder called '''{{{build}}}''' in the root of the source code repository. Then start the CMake GUI and browse the source code and the build folders. It is even better to start the "Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt" from the start menu. Then, in the command prompt, step into the build folder and type {{{ cmake-gui .. }}} then it will usually set the right source and build folder. (But check it!) Now click on the "Configure" button. Here choose - either '''{{{Visual Studio 9 2008}}}''' to create project files and an {{{.sln}} file usable from the Visual Studio IDE. - or '''{{{NMake Makefiles}}}''' to create makefiles and compile from command line. In this case you ''must'' start {{{cmake-gui}}} from the "Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt" Now, you can review and modify several configure options (change to "Advanced" or "Grouped" view in order to see all of them). For example - '''{{{CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}}}''' tells where LEMON will finally be installed. - '''{{{CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}}}''' determines the build modes. The possible values are '''{{{Debug}}}''', '''{{{Release}}}''', '''{{{MinSizeRel}}}''' and '''{{{RelWithDebInfo}}}'''. - '''{{{CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS*}}}''' sets the compiler flags used by the different build modes. Then click again on "Configure" and finally on "Generate". The configuration is done == Build and install == === With NMake === - Start the "Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt". - Step into the build folder - To compile the source and build the library, type {{{ nmake }}} - For executing the self tests, run {{{ ctest }}} - To generate the HTML documentation (see the prerequisites above), type {{{ nmake html }}} - Finally, to install LEMON, type {{{ nmake install }}} === With IDE === Open the generated {{{LEMON.sln}}} file, then you will find several targets corresponding to the tasks of the previous section. They are - {{{ALL_BUILD}}} - {{{RUN_TESTS}}} - {{{HTML}}} - {{{INSTALL}}} Simply right click and choose "Build" for each of these target.