{{{ #!NewsFlash = [wiki:News News] = * '''Jun 25, 2009'''[[BR]] '''LEMON project template'''[[BR]] This template allows you to easily set up your own LEMON based project. Click [ProjectTemplate here] for more details. * '''May 13, 2009'''[[BR]] '''LEMON 1.1 released'''[[BR]] This is a major release with tons of new features. Please visit the [source:NEWS@06f816565bef NEWS] file for more details on the changes. * '''May 5, 2009'''[[BR]] '''LEMON 1.0.4 released'''[[BR]] Bugfix release for version 1.0. Please visit the [source:NEWS@2c95c34b1e9e NEWS] file for more details on the changes. * '''Mar 27, 2009'''[[BR]] '''LEMON joins to the COIN-OR initiative'''[[BR]] COIN-OR (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research, http://www.coin-or.org) project is an initiative to spur the development of open-source software for the operations research community. * '''Mar 26, 2009'''[[BR]] '''LEMON 1.0.3 released'''[[BR]] This is the third bugfix release for version 1.0. Please visit the [source:NEWS@a441f68fc073 NEWS] file for more details on the changes. [wiki:News ... more news] }}} = Welcome to [http://www.coin-or.org/ COIN-OR]::LEMON = '''LEMON''' stands for '''L'''ibrary for '''E'''fficient '''M'''odeling and '''O'''ptimization in '''N'''etworks. It is a C++ template library aimed at combinatorial optimization tasks, especially those working with graphs and networks. '''LEMON''' is a member of the '''[http://www.coin-or.org/ COIN-OR initiative]''', a collection of [WikiPedia:Operations_Research OR] related [http://opensource.org/ open source] projects. You are free to use it in your commercial or non-commercial applications under very permissive [wiki:License license terms]. The project was launched by the [http://www.cs.elte.hu/egres/ Egerváry Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization (EGRES)] at the Operations Research Department of the Eötvös University, Budapest in 2003. Up to this point the developers of the library work at the [http://www.elte.hu/ Eötvös University, Budapest] and at the [http://portal.bme.hu/langs/en/default.aspx Budapest University of Technology and Economics]. == Starting Points == * [wiki:Documentation] -- Browse the documentation. * [wiki:LocalSite Local site] -- Some local information in Hungarian related to the LEMON team. * [wiki:TracStart Trac guide] -- Built-in documentation of Trac. * [https://lemon.cs.elte.hu/site The old webpage] -- Quite obsolete, but still contains some useful info about the 0.x series of LEMON. == Related Projects == * [http://lemon.cs.elte.hu/hg/glemon gLemon] * Perl-Lemon * [http://lime.cs.elte.hu/~alpar/hgwebdir.cgi/pylemon pyLemon] * !LemonRouting == Sponsors == [[Image(htdocs:etik.png,link=http://www.etik.hu/,alt='ETIK',height=80px)]] [[Image(htdocs:egres-logo.png,link=http://www.cs.elte.hu/egres/,alt='EGRES',height=80px)]] [[Image(htdocs:miklogo.png,link=http://www.mik.bme.hu/,alt='MIK',height=52px)]] [[Image(htdocs:ericsson-logo.png,link=http://ericsson.com/,alt='Ericsson',height=44px)]]